The Strange Case of Marie


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"Stay away from weirdos." She said.

"I'll try."

She took my hand and played with my fingers deep in thought.

"I was thinking.

If you're that desperate to get your sack emptied perhaps we could have a friends-with-benefits agreement.

Just until we find other people that is. Not weirdos."

I didn't even question it as an idea. Only whether she was serious.

"You'd consider that?"

She looked up at me.

"The other day was great. As we said. The sex was always amazing. Better than a Hitachi that's for certain. It's the rest of the stuff that wasn't.

Perhaps we should keep the great bit and just dump the rest." She smirked.

"I'm good with that."

She was still holding my hand as she made a decision.

"You shouldn't be driving after that wine anyway."

"I only had a glass."

"Best to be sure. Come back in."

I stepped clear of the door and she pushed it shut before putting her arms around my neck. We kissed with all the passion of our first kiss over five years ago.

Her hands were on my belt, tugging it until it unclasped. My fly went next and my trousers fell away.

"I so need this." She muttered.

She had my cock out, filling her hand.

I tore at her blouse, popping buttons to find bare flesh. My hand slid inside her bra and lifted a tit free so I could caress it. So heavy and firm in my hand.



That was it. Her quickening, ragged breathing told me she was as desperate as I was.

I hitched her skirt and slammed her against the wall. As a leg came up my side I gripped her thigh and lifted her.

Somehow I found my way past her panties and pushed my cock into a wet, welcoming pussy.

"Oh, baby."

I lifted her higher against the wall until she was sitting on my cock, rocking her hips as I looked up into her eyes. I fucked her hard, smashing her into the wall behind. Louise held on to me tight, gasping and grunting.

"Uh. Uh. Uhhh."

We came almost simultaneously. Both of us cried out as we lost rhythm. My fingers dug into her fleshy arse as I emptied my load into her.

We kissed again as we came down from our high and I let her feet sink slowly back to the floor before stepping away.

"I needed that." She said.

"It always makes me horny when I see you."


Louise straightened her clothes and stood up straight.

"Now you can go."

I saw the seriousness on her face. The return of reality.

"Just the sex then?"

"Yep. Just the sex. Then we part before we have a disagreement over anything."

"I thought you said I'd drunk too much."

"Like you said. It was just one glass."

I nodded with a resigned acceptance.


I fastened my trousers and tucked my shirt in.

"Ring me when you want it again."


I stepped through the door.

"You know history says it's going to be every day?" I said.

She smiled.

"We'll see.

But remember. History also says you're led by your cock. Welcome to being my little sex slave."

She closed the door still smiling and I realised she was right. My cock did control my thoughts.

I walked down the stairs feeling happy with myself. Then came the sense that I'd just entered another deal just to get myself off. At least this one wasn't weird. Was it?

I'd poked my cock into four women in a matter of days. And the only one where there had been any honesty was Julia. On both our parts.

Outside it was truly dark. I pushed the torch button on my phone to light the way to my car without tripping over the kerbs. It was only by luck that its light reflected off something metallic under the tyre. I bent down and looked closer. A nail propped against the rubber that would have pierced it as I backed out of the parking space. Strange. I flicked it away. Then with a nagging doubt, I checked the others. Each had the same.

"Fucking kids."

The run-flats would have got me home, but four tyres on a BMW was an expense I could do without. Close call.


"Look. I'm sorry if you think I led you on. But this just isn't for me.

One or the other, fine. But I'm not into this weird shit you've got going on between you and your mother."

Marie looked hurt. Not my intention. But it had to be done.

"I know there's someone else.

Is she better than me?

I can learn."

"It's not a case of being better. There's nothing wrong with you. Not with what you do, with me. Or how you look.

But your mum... what you do with her isn't natural. It isn't right. I can't be part of that."

Now she looked confused. How could she not understand that?

"But you liked it with my mother."

Fuck me, this was hard work.

"Tell the truth. It's because you're seeing someone else, aren't you?"

"I'm not seeing you. That's all you need to worry about." I snapped in annoyance with a glance up to check again that the office door was closed.

"You wanna fuck your own mother, that's fine. Weird as it sounds, it's not illegal. But it's not normal. Leave me out of it."

I walked out of my own office before anyone came by and heard my raised voice. As far as I was concerned it was done. I went to the kitchenette and made myself tea to give Marie time to get out.

It was going to be awkward for a while but it had to be done. And it was done. Now I had to decide what to do about Louise. In my head, I imagined us being back together, but was it what she wanted? Or did she truly intend to use me as a convenient fuck buddy? And which of the two possibilities did I want?

"Bob's right about her you know."

I was jolted out of my thoughts by Julia squeezing in behind me. Her hand brushed over my arse by design before she reached for the kettle.

"More than you know."

Julia poured herself a tea.

"I've seen the way she looks at you. It's creepy."

I so wanted to tell her what really went on but that was out of the question. I wasn't about to admit my part in their strangeness.

"I've told her I'm not interested."

Julia's eyes flicked over me and I sensed a deep consideration of what I'd just said.

"And Louise?"

I sighed.

"And there's another problem I don't know what to do about."

"You're problem is you're too good in bed for your own good. You've got all of us women worshipping your cock."

"Am I?"

"Well, you're better than Bob."

She gave me that mischievous grin before heading for her desk.

I went back to my office avoiding any glance in Marie's direction. I was aware she was back at her place. That was all I needed to know.

The rest of the week passed without incident and I felt happier that she'd taken it fairly well. Outwardly Marie showed no signs of anger towards me.

By the Friday we'd settled back into a professional relationship, as though nothing had happened between us and my thoughts turned back to a healthier source of sex.

"Where are you?"

I stood in the car park with my cell phone to my ear. In the distance I could see Marie walking to the bus stop now I wouldn't be giving her any more rides home.

"Just finishing up at the gym." Louise replied.

"Can I come round?" I asked hopefully.

"Er... I'm with a friend."

"Oh. Sorry."

"No. Not that sort of friend. A girlfriend. I've already asked her back for coffee."

There was a moment's hesitation.


You know what. Yes. Come round. You can meet her.

She's only stopping for a coffee."

Success. Be nice to the gym friend and wait for her to leave. Then hopefully I'd get some friends-with-benefits action. I needed a good workout of my own.

It was only a short drive to Louise's flat and I bounded up the flight of stairs with all the enthusiasm of a first date. I just hoped Louise was going to be accommodating.

She opened the door still dressed in her tight-fitting gym wear. No bad thing to be greeted with. She looked hot.

"I'll just make you a coffee. Go through.

I want you to meet Kay."

I saw her at the exact moment Louise uttered her name. My heart stopped and the room closed in around me as though I was looking down a tunnel.

"Hello." My nemesis said cheerfully.

"What are you doing here?"

"Me and Louise are gym partners. Hasn't she mentioned it?"

"Strangely, no."

Louise came back with the coffees and perched herself on the arm of the chair next to Kay"

For a moment she looked from one to the other in bewilderment.

"You two know each other?"

"Our paths have crossed." Kay smiled.

To my horror I see her hand go to Louise's leg. With anyone else a friendly gesture between two girls. With Kay, I saw manipulation. And potentially worse intentions.

"Well, that's great."

Louise was still ignorant of who she was sitting with.

"We met a few days ago when Kay joined the gym. We hit it off straight away.

We're going out Friday night. Meal and a club. Girls piss up night."

"I'm looking forward to it." Kay smiled.

I was frozen to the spot. I didn't want a scene.

"Well, that's nice." I responded with open sarcasm.

Kay's eyes seemed to pierce me. Emerald daggers reaching across the room.

"So how do you two know each other?" Louise asked still suspicious of the atmosphere between us.

"Oh, Julian works with a mutual acquaintance. We've... met a few times."

I could see the questioning on Louise's face, but the penny hadn't dropped.

"Anyhow. I should be going." Kay pushed herself up from the chair.

"I'm sure you two have lots to do and I need to get home for my daughter."

I looked on in horror as she gave Louise a peck on the cheek and headed towards the door. A few moments later I heard the unmistakable burble of a Volkswagen engine firing up. I'd passed it as I'd arrived, an orange one that belonged in the Beaulieu Motor Museum. Why wasn't I surprised it belonged to Kay?

Louise returned, instantly putting her arms around me.

"I'm all sweaty from the gym. But if you want to join me in the bath?"

I shrugged her away.


That's Kay."

As if that explained everything. Louise looked a little annoyed at being rejected.

"Well spotted. Was it me saying come and meet Kay that was the big clue?"

"You don't understand.

That's the woman who's doing her own daughter."

Louise went quiet.

"You mean the woman you shagged? With her daughter?"



She looked away trying to come to terms with what I was saying.

"Are you sure you've got it right? She's seems perfectly normal to me. Aside from her obsession with grandma's clothes and the car from Disney."

"Trust me. There's nothing normal about her."

She gave a half laugh.

"Can't believe I'm friends with the woman shagging my boyfriend."

"Ex." I reminded her.

She looked at me.

"Yeah. Sorry. Ex."

"And not any more. It happened once. It was a mistake. Her and her daughter. They're weird.

Question is, why is she suddenly your friend?"

"I don't know. Coincidence?"

"No. I don't think so.

Stay away from her, Louise. She's trouble."

"I'm not into weirdness. I don't fancy replacing you in some kind of three-way lesbian tryst."

"I bloody hope not. It'd be a waste of good pussy."

"And tits. Don't forget the tits."

I looked at those fantastic, firm swellings in the tight gym suit. Kay was all sweaty from her session but all I was seeing was curves.

"Oh, I'm not forgetting the tits."

She picked up her mug.

"Let's just... not dwell on Kay."

Louise swallowed the last of her coffee and moved to lighten the mood.

"I assume you didn't come round just for the admittedly excellently made er... "

She glanced down into the mug. "...instant coffee.

The offer of sharing a bath with your ex still stands if you're interested?"

This time I noticed the irritation around saying 'ex' and I let my temper ease.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea." I put my hand out and pulled her to me when she took it.

"Fuck Kay and her daughter."

She grinned.

"You already did that. Now it's all on me to prove I'm single-handedly better than two girls."

She was trying to make a joke of it and as mad as I felt I didn't want to respond angrily.

"Which way's the bathroom in this place?"

She smiled.

"Come with me."

I slapped her arse playfully as she turned towards the hall making her squeal. I followed after her.

"It's a bit tight in here." She said spinning the taps.

"Or cosy. Depending on how you look at it."

She turned back to me and pulled her top off before kissing me, her tongue searching out mine to partake in a swirling ballet. Yeah, she was sweaty, and the sweet taste and smell were so hot. Just holding her left me with a weak stomach and warm balls. And a cock that was fighting to escape confinement.

Louise unbuttoned my shirt and fingers glided over my chest before pushing it away from my shoulders.

Any residual anger I felt at Kay being there when I arrived was quickly extinguished by my rising emotional and physical arousal. The steaming water, Louise's body against mine and the pounding of my heart left me horny and trembling.

My trousers fell away next, just as I hooked her tight leggings to peel them from her hips. I brought a hand around to rub over the soft mound between her thighs.


Louise pulled away.

"Not yet. I'm too sweaty. All good things come to those who wait."

She smirked and finished undressing.

The bath was a tight fit. I found myself putting my feet onto the edges to fit around Louise. In turn, her knees were up with her feet tucked tightly against my balls. Her toes occasionally lifted to poke at them and my cock.

Despite the playfulness, I could see deep thought on her face. I wasn't surprised when she asked.

"Was Kay a good fuck?

Aside from the weirdness with her daughter."

I'd rather she hadn't gone back to that subject but I realised she was going to be curious. Sooner or later I was going to have to answer.

"Does it matter?"

"She's older. More experienced. Must count for something?"

"She wasn't as good as you."

She looked at me carefully. Questioning my sincerity. For a moment I felt the guilt. Not of sleeping with Kay. No. The guilt of my night with Julia. She had been an older woman with experience. And that had been good.

"And the daughter? What's her name?"


Look. We separated. Marie was... is pretty. I thought I was moving on and she seemed nice. Then things... just went a little crazy."

I watched as Louise cupped bath water and trickled it over her shoulders so that it run down across her tits.

"But was it fun?"

"I suppose. At the time."

I shifted, feeling uncomfortable. Both the questions and the tight little tub.

"Kay is very pretty. I assume Marie is as well?"

"Yeah. Very much like her mother. Only smaller tits."

She smirked.

"I thought you liked big tits."

I looked at hers.

"I like your tits."

Suddenly she looked serious.

"I need you to want me, Julian. Even if it's just about the sex now. I still need to know you fancy me more than anyone else."

I was done squeezing into the bath and stood up. Water cascading from my body.

"Louise. You're the only one occupying my thoughts now. You always have been truthfully."

I felt like a husband begging for forgiveness after an affair. In a way, I suppose I was. We were separated but still sharing each other's bed. I was the one who'd been with someone else. Several someone else's if I was truthful with myself. Louise hadn't.

I went to step out but a hand shot to my hip and stopped me. She was looking up as if to search my soul. Perhaps she was looking to see if I had one. The guilt that I was carrying made me wonder if it had deserted me and left the empty husk of a body behind. Then her eyes dropped to my cock. I was thankful when I realised it was hard.

"I hope that's all for me."

She leaned forward and closed her mouth around it before I could say anything else.

"Oh yes."

With a simple swirl of her tongue, I forgot about Kay and Marie. I just hoped Louise had as well. She let go.

"Okay. Get out and let's take this somewhere more comfortable. I can't do it in this tiny tub."

She was smiling as she slapped my arse and finally, I felt back in tune with the true reason I'd come around.

We dried ourselves quickly and ran into the bedroom, fighting to see who would get to whose package first. We ended up with me laying down her length. My cock went easily into her grateful mouth and I pushed my face into her pussy, fresh and sweet from the bath.

Thighs came up around the sides of my face and I wrapped my arms around them, My fingers comfortably reaching around to her sex.


I kissed the second most beautiful lips in the world. Second only to those around her mouth.

It was Saturday before I'd heard from Louise again. I'd gone to as soon as I'd seen her text fully expecting her to be calling in our friends-with-benefits agreement. A quick shower and half a can of body spray and I was on my way.

What greeted me wasn't a hot sexy girl. It was a subdued one. No revealing dress or enticing towel demanding I unwrap her. Instead, she was dressed in a baggy grey jogging suit and her hair was a mess. She looked hungover and as though she hadn't slept after a hard night partying.

"I have to tell you something."

My libido flattened, replaced with concern as I took her hand and led her to the sofa.

"What's wrong?"

"Your... two friends."

I knew instantly who she was talking about and I felt a dark cloud descend over me.

"I went out with Kay last night."

"Christ, Louise..."

I rolled my eyes in utter disbelief.

"I know. I know." She went on. "

But I thought I might understand her better. I thought getting to know her, she might tell me what they thought about you. And if... she is actually... doing her own daughter."

"For fuck sake Louise. I warned you. I told you to be careful."

She looked away. I saw it and knew something bad was coming.

"She kissed me and..."

"She did what?"

"I was drunk. Fucking out of it. I didn't know what I was doing until she was fondling my tits."

She buried her head in her hands.

"Oh god. I never intended it to happen."

I was dumbfounded. Louise was the last person I expected to kiss another woman. She was as straight as they come. I felt a stab of anger.

"I can't believe this."

I sat back trying to come to terms with it.

"When the fuck did you turn lesbian?"

"I didn't. I was pissed and she took advantage."

"And you couldn't say no?"


I don't know.

It just happened."

"How did it happen?"

"I told you. I was pissed. She just came on to me and I...

I don't even remember much about it. Only..."

Oh god. I don't even want to think about it. She had her tongue in my mouth and a hand inside my bra."

She shuddered with disgust.

"She did this on purpose. I told you not to go."

"I know. I should have listened."

"Don't ask me how, but she manipulates people. They both do. They manipulated me and now it's you. To punish me."

"I know. I know. I see it now.

God, I feel sick."

"How bad was it? I mean did you... did... fuck. What do girls do?"

"Fuck Julian. They fuck. Don't you ever watch porn?"

"Yeah, but I can't imagine you..."

She shook her head.

"I didn't go that far. I don't think I did a lot. It was just a kiss and her feeling me up. I was too drunk. She had my top off, that's it. I sobered up. She didn't touch me anywhere else.

It was all her. I didn't do anything."

"Where did this happen?"


"Here? In this flat?"

"Here on this sofa."

For a fleeting moment, I had a vision of Louise being eaten out by Kay right where I was sitting. I stood up and moved to the chair.

"I'm so sorry."

"You sure that's all it was? You didn't..."


Christ. I'd be slitting my wrists if I'd done anything like that. She just... I came to my senses and she left. That's all."
