The Strange Case of Marie


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"Sorry." I said calming.

I could see the look on her face. She needed comforting. I put my hand out for her to come to me. I couldn't bring myself to sit on that sofa right now and I didn't want her to think I was rejecting her.

Louise rushed over and sat across my lap. I held her tightly, easing my fingers through her hair to straighten and tidy it.

"It's happened."

Anger still simmered inside me but I kept it in check not wanting Louise to think it was aimed at her.

"We've both done something stupid. But at least yours was just a kiss." I said rationalising it.

So what had she done with Kay? Nothing a lot of girls our age didn't do all the time as a tease. It meant nothing.

"We just stay away from her and her creepy daughter and everything will be fine." I said.

Louise snuggled tighter to me.

"I'm sorry. I should have listened to you but I was curious. You shagged her and I thought I'd understand it better."

"There's nothing to understand. I was single. I just did what single guys do when it's offered."

I stayed the rest of the day and the night with Louise. Nothing happened between us. We spoke some more about it in between trying to have a normal evening and I reassured her. Then when she finally fell asleep I lay on the sofa, trying not to think of it as the scene of a crime and waited for my tiredness to take me.

The next morning Louise acted as if Kay didn't exist. I could see she was forcing herself to move on. It was just a kiss I reminded myself. It could have been so much worse if she hadn't come to her senses in time.

When I eventually left around lunchtime I drove straight to Kay's.

"Stay away from Louise." I snapped as soon as she answered the door.

"Louise invited me in for coffee. It was only polite to give her a little thank you kiss."

"Why would you do that?"

"She was sweet. I wanted to taste her. It was like honey."

Kay licked her lips. I saw what she was doing. She was trying to aggravate me.

"Fuck you."

The sick smile left her face and piercing eyes glared at me.

"You messed with my daughter. And me. Seems only fair I sample your friend with benefits."

She almost spat the words.

"And boy. Are they two nice benefits she's carrying up top."

I snapped back.

"Your daughter made the first move. Every move came from your side."

I felt the weakness in that argument as I said it. I'd chased Marie from the outset. Truth was, I'd brought this on myself. On us.

"Oh it's sides now, is it? Your side. My side..."

"Damn right, it's sides when you involve Louise.

Stay away from her. And stay away from me.

The same goes for your creepy arse daughter."

Kay's face held that sickly smile again as I turned away and stomped angrily back to my car. I couldn't help but feel it carried a malevolent threat.

"Can't wait to sample her other lips."

I bit my tongue and kept walking. She was trying to rile me. I knew that.

Not long ago I'd looked at Marie and seen a sweet young thing with perfect skin and big puppy dog eyes. A package waiting to be unwrapped and savoured.

Now she looked like an extra from the Village of the Damned. Even her speech had the sound of a Stepford wife.

I could see her from where I sat. My office was like a goldfish bowl. All glass frontage looking out into the Control Room. The Hub. A communal area where Route Planners, Accounts and all the others that operated a logistics hub mixed.

Every now and then a driver would come in. They wore the company uniform. Smart-looking drivers compared to most transport companies, but still the odd ones out in an office of suits and ties.

Every time I looked up I could see the back of Marie's head across the way. Her blonde hair with its natural reddish highlights waved around as she worked. If she went for a drink I saw her legs in those brightly coloured short skirts. That was how I'd noticed her in the first place. Now I was seeing something even more out of place than the drivers. Marie was a Midwich Cuckoo.

Six months Marie had been there. Distracting me more and more as I'd drifted farther from Louise. A promise of new territory that if I was honest, had helped weakened my resolve to fix our problems.

Then after the breakup, she'd become my obsession. My target. For weeks all I'd thought about was burying my cock in her.

Now I hated that I had to look at her. And the thought that her mother had tried to seduce... What was Louise? My ex? My friend? My fuck buddy? Truthfully, I didn't know the answer. What was clear was that I still had feelings for her. Feelings that went beyond the sex.

I found myself reevaluating my relationship with Louise now that the anger of our breakup and the distraction of Marie had passed. And I found myself regretting a lot of decisions.

Was there a way back? I was in Louise's bed. And she'd stopped talking as though I was only there to pleasure her. Perhaps there were mutual feelings I could work with.

Take it slowly I told myself. Let Louise come to me.

I turned my head and saw Julia looking at me and a niggling doubt invaded my thoughts that I quickly brushed away. My emotions were already on a rollercoaster ride. I couldn't cope with any more confusion.


Louise looked much better this time. More her usual self.

"Come in." I said stepping back from the door.

She slipped past me and headed straight for my living room. Our living room as it had been not so long ago.

"You want coffee?"

She turned and stepped towards me.

"Fuck coffee.

I need a fix.

I need you."

Louise tugged at my belt with urgency. In moments she had my trousers and boxers at my knees and her mouth was around my cock.

"Oh, Christ.

The curtains are still open." I protested glancing at the windows.

"I don't care."

I buckled as a hand cupped my balls, using the nearby sideboard for support. My cock was growing in her mouth as her tongue worked itself around it.


She didn't let up until I was hard.


I love it when it grows in my mouth."

She engulfed me again.

"Oh fuck that's good."

With another glance at the window, I decided the neighbours were welcome to watch. If Louise didn't care then neither did I.

I pulled her top over her head and stared down at her tits sitting comfortably in her bra. Two creamy-coloured melons sitting in their hammocks. I could just make out the upper curves of her areola where erect nipples held the flimsy material away from her flesh. Such a beautiful and arousing sight. I think my cock got even harder.

My hand went to her head, just against the side of her face to better sense the urgency of her blowing me again.


She was devouring me. As though her 'fix' was about proving she wasn't batting for the other side. A cleansing of her thoughts and desires.

"You need to stop or I'll cum."

Her hands gripped my arse firmly and she kept going, riding my full length with even greater vigour, until I was pressed into the back of her throat, then back up to the crown. I took that as a license and let myself go.


I thrust my hips, immediately ejaculating onto her tongue. Louise pulled me in tight, holding me against her face until she gagged with another burst of my cum, this time right into her throat. Then I was released and she stood up.

I was still weak as she pulled her clothes away and stood against the sideboard naked except for her bra.

"Use your fingers. Like you used to."

I remembered those times. Just like now. Sucked dry with a blowjob so that I only had my hands or mouth to satisfy her. She was electing for hands today.

I pulled my trousers up to be more comfortable and stepped closer. Putting a hand to her belly to rub small circles over it. Enlarging on each pass until I brushed over the top of her vulva.

"Oh, baby." She swooned.

I held her closer and kissed the top of her tit as I run my finger along her slit, increasing the pressure each time until her flesh parted.

"You're so beautiful."

Louise gave a quiver and her knees went together as she stood pigeon-toed supporting herself against me. Warm, comfortable thighs held my hand in place.!


I felt her warmth and wetness. I felt her tightness clamping around my digit as I worked it deeper. She flushed. Her face and chest turned crimson.

I unclipped her bra and slipped the straps from her shoulders and as the garment fell to her waist I moved to suck her nipple.


Her juices trickled down my finger and I heard the soft sucking sounds of more squeezed out by my slow finger fuck.

"Oh, that's so good." She swooned.

Her nipple was hard in between my lips. A hot little bud that sprung back to position each time I flicked it with my tongue.

This was why we'd gotten together as a couple. Why I'd so wanted to live with her. Her body, our sex. For five years it'd carried us through numerous arguments about other things. Each disagreement buried by the sinking of my cock in her pussy or arse.


She was shaking uncontrollably. Her hand held against my chest to feel the beat of my heart. I worked her faster and deeper.


Louise bucked and arched her back. Cuming on my finger. Her tits bounced with each quake raging through her body.

"Fuck yes. I'm cuming. I'm so fucking cuming."

She writhed in ecstasy and I slipped my hand away, up onto her belly. I straightened up as she seemed to bend forward giving little shudders as the aftershocks of her orgasm raced through her.

I was hard again and my hands went to her hips, guiding her.

"Turn around."

She turned, laying her chest on the furniture and I was presented with her perfectly rounded arse. I could see her pussy, all wet and swollen. And the tiny dark star that sat just above it.

"Put it in my arse.

I like it so much when you do that."

"I like it when I do that." I added.

I kicked my trousers away and held my cock at her hole. I spat on it to add some lubrication. Then I pressed, a gentle pressure against her tight little ring, watching as it expanded around my crown. Then her muscle gave up its resistance and it went into her.

"Aw fuck."

Louise wriggled about before settling and pushing back, slowly impaling herself.


I stood still and let her rock back and forth, fucking herself with my cock as though it were a dildo. Only this one was far from lifeless. Every movement by Louise was an all-encompassing rage of sensations for me

"Oh, that's so good." She purred.

"I love having your cock inside me. In my arse."

Louise was rather obsessed with having more than just her pussy filled. And it was something I was more than happy to indulge her in. Someone before me had introduced her to this little pleasure. But it'd been Louise who'd in turn initiated me. Like most guys, I'd tried my luck with other girls. None of them had been obliging. But Louise, she saw it as a delight to be enjoyed often.

Again a flash of Julia entered my head. Of how she'd so readily offered up the same delight for me. Then the thought was gone. Washed away by my eyes savouring the look of Louise's smooth arse cheeks. A peach that glided back and forth along my shaft. Each thrust coupled with a deep breath and gentle hum of delight.

"Fuck me. Fuck me hard Julian. Like you used to."

I hammered into her. My head filled only with a primal instinct. I was disconnected from rational thought and raw passion controlled me.

Louise had let go, just becoming a willing slave to my animalistic urge.

"Aw fucking hell." She cried out in her submission.

It hurt her. I knew that. She'd said as much. But she enjoyed the pain. A burning ring around a feeling of euphoria she'd once described it as.

"Uh. Uh. Uh."

I forced her to grunt like an animal with each deep thrust.


With a shudder and tightening of her muscles, she came. Stronger than usual. Her violent jolts were enough to bring me to the edge.

In one smooth unified movement, I pulled out of her arse and slipped into her pussy, fucking her as hard as I could.


I amazed myself that I managed to squeeze more jiz from my balls. But somehow I did. Her wetness and my cum turned her hole into a slippery warm blanket of velvet. Louise came a third time.

"Oh yes."

A calmer quiver this time but her groans told me it was deeply pleasurable for her. And finally, her thirst seem quenched.

"Fuck. That was good."

She lifted herself and turned towards me, kissing me on the lips with a passion that'd been missing in the last few months of our relationship.

"Can I have that coffee now?"

I grinned. She could have anything she wanted when she was this hot.

"Coffee coming up."

When I came back carrying two hot mugs, Louise had sat on the sofa with a leg wrapped under her. She hadn't bothered to dress but had at least pulled the curtain across to protect our privacy. I could see her watching me, taking delight in having me look at her body.

"You'd be throwing me out about now if we were at your flat." I said.

"You gonna throw me out?"

My eyes dropped unashamedly to look at those tits.


You can stay a while.

I miss having you around." I admitted.

I avoided her gaze afraid of saying any more for fear of it being the wrong thing.

"That's new." She grinned.

It was. Piss off, go to work were the comments I remember when we lived with me. Now she seemed keen for us to be together.

"The last time we fucked before you moved out you told me to sod off and take up golf right after." I laughed.

"Yeah, well, you were a dick most of the time. I'm sure you still are. But I miss it. Especially your...dick."

I stared into her eyes. They smiled as deeply as her lips.

"Shall we go away for a few days?

Somewhere nice?"

I didn't know where that came from and for a moment I worried I might have stepped over a red line. Louise continued smiling and I waited for the kickback.

"That'd be nice.

I can take some emergency leave from work."

An excitement raced through me that I hadn't felt since the first time I'd booked a hotel for a night of passion with her, a few months after we'd first started dating.

That hotel room was still fresh in my mind. It was where I'd first fucked her for real. We'd been mad for each other. On the bed, against the wall, in the shower. I'd walked with a limp when we checked out.

"I'll arrange something for next week. The boss owes me a favour." I said.

"It'll be like old times."

Her eyes burned into me just as they used to.

"Yeah. Perhaps we can recapture them again." I said.


She looked as hopeful as I felt. For the first time in a long while, I sensed we might still have a future.


The doorbell saved me from exposing my thoughts. I blinked in frustration.

"I'll get rid of them."

The door was shoved back almost knocking me from my feet as soon as I released the catch.

"She's here isn't she."

"What the fuck...?"

Marie barged past me and marched into the living room to be met by screams from Louise.


She shouted as Louise ran for the stairs.

"Get out." I shouted as I glanced up at Louise's bare arse vanishing around the top of the landing.

A few steps and I was in the living room reaching to physically take hold of the intruder and throw her out.

Marie had other ideas. She undid her coat and it fell to the floor. She was naked except for her shoes. I stopped in my tracks. Dumbfounded by what was happening.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"Showing you what you're missing."

"Get the fuck out."

Louise was back. She'd covered herself in a big baggy jumper that reached halfway to her knees. She stared in shock at Marie.

"We could be so happy. All of us if you like."

She was looking straight at Louise.

"I don't mind.

Mum said she enjoyed you. I could too."

I looked at Louise. A picture of horror on her face at being reminded of her drunken encounter with mummy.

"Fuck you." She launched herself.

Marie screamed as her hair was gripped and she found herself falling to the floor, dragged by it toward the doorway.

"Get the fuck out of our house."

Even I was taken aback by the ferocity of Louise's attack. A kicking screaming naked girl was dragged past me with every intent on removing her. Oblivious to her nakedness, Louise opened the door and shoved her out. I only just managed to throw her coat after her before the door slammed shut.

Louise was trembling with anger as I wrapped my arms around her. Outside Marie was still screaming abuse. Next came banging on the door and for a moment I thought her fist would come through the small glass panel. Then it went silent.

"I think she's gone." I said more in hope than belief.

Louse calmed and stepped back from me.

"I hope so. I'll kill her if she comes near us again."

I didn't doubt that might be a risk seeing her anger a few moments earlier.

Louise ventured towards the curtain and lifted it back.


We both jumped back. Marie stood there, just inches from the glass. Silent and naked. Staring with an intensity Alfred Hitchcock would have been proud of capturing. A moment later she was gone.

"Christ. That was creepy." Louise said catching her breath.

"I told you they were weird. The pair of them."

I closed the distance to the window and looked out. There was no sign of the girl. She'd vanished.

"Where'd she go?"

Louise was next to me equally mystified.

"No idea. I'm beginning to think they might be witches." She said only half joking.

"Book that week away. I need to be somewhere I feel safe for a while."

That night Louise was keen to show me her talents outshone anything Marie might have done for me.

We watched a movie and ordered Chinese for the evening. After eating and downing a bottle of wine we were both absorbed by even more basic instincts.

Louise was giggling as she slowly performed a striptease for me in our living room to the sound of Beyoncé singing Single Ladies. The line 'If you liked it then you should have put a ring in it' wasn't lost on me. And it was only the sight of her two amazing features that stopped me from focusing on the once again rising spectre of marriage and children.

"You're crazy." I called out as the panties hit the floor exactly on time with the end of the song.

She put her arms out and took a bow, her tits swinging down like two firm balloons. Then she stood up and let me feast my eyes on her perfect, naked body. Louise had absolutely no inhibitions. In another life, she could have been a model for Playboy. She certainly had the tits for it.

"Would Master like me to help him with that big cock?" She smirked as her eyes dropped to my groin.

"Master would very much like you to help him with his big cock."

Instantly I was pushing my trousers away, kicking them across the room.

Louise came and sat next to me, lifting my legs over her lap so that my cock stuck up between her thighs in easy reach of her hand.

I couldn't deny Marie had given excellent service to my cock with her handjobs. But I was being reminded that Louise was just as capable. Even more so when she was on form as she was now.

Fingers drifted back and forth along my shaft with a featherlight touch, brushing around my crown. Slow and purposeful leaving my cock so hard it hurt.

She gripped me with her thighs and I had the urge to pump.

"Aw. Fuck." I gasped.

She released me, tucking her feet under herself to kneel on the sofa as her fingers tickled my balls, rolling them around.

I lifted a leg over her head and placed it along the backrest so that she had complete and unrestricted access. I lay back to enjoy the feeling of being pleasured.

"You like your balls played with don't you." She said sensuously.
