The Struggle Ch. 05a


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He searched for the champagne section. Last weekend drinking was not encouraged, yet some bottles of champagne were taken out and he noticed that they needed a restock; only some six bottles left. He took two of them upstairs and went to the kitchen. He put one of the bottles in a bucket and surrounded it with chips of ice. Then he took it to the living room, where he expected to find them all. There was nobody. The curtains were closed, the fireplace had been lit and some candles were burning. A few lights on the wall were shining and the room was cozy. Still, nobody there.

Then he heard them coming, he heard a shriek and some giggles. The woman who shrieked must be Michelle, Helena and Marion had probably teased her about something.

When the door opened, Rob had no idea what to expect, he certainly figured out they were up to something but this...

Marion stepped inside the living room first, followed by Helena and Michelle. The latter had a red face, no doubt she was the one who gave the shriek. They were all wearing negligees, all three in black and all three see-through. Marion wore over the knee red leather boots with pointed heels, red leather shorts and a red leather bra. On her arms she wore long gloves.

Helena wore a black satin merry widow corset with six garters attached to her black nylons with seam. He saw the seam when she passed him and sat next to him on the couch. She wore tremendously high heels, he wondered how she could walk on them. Finally Michelle, who wore a black waist cincher, black nylons and no panties. Her pubic mouth was clearly visible, it was very red. Rob figured out the laughter now, they must have used lipstick on her vagina to let it appear more appealing.

"You are all perverts," he said half-seriously.

"Why do you think we are married?" Helena admitted with a laugh. "Please, go and change into somewhat more appropriate attire to match our outfits. We will go slow and easy tonight. Maybe you could use a blue pill?"

It was very obvious: this would become an evening with a lot of teasing, fucking and climaxing. Rob felt his dick harden in his pants. He liked the idea. He was surprised at how smoothly Michelle fitted in their household, Helena as well as Marion clearly thought highly of her. Being here tonight dressed the same as his wives, meant that they fully trusted and accepted her. The thought crossed his mind that this was another lesson for him, that they trusted Michelle, so he should do the same. These were indeed shrewd women.

He left the room and headed towards his room, while thinking what he would wear. He decided to wear the same as they did. It promised to be a long evening and night.

As he returned to the living room, they had placed the table on which they sometimes ate, in the middle of the room. Nothing else was changed and innocently they sat around the fireplace. Although it was a genuine fireplace and had real flames, it was safe to sit there as Helena had made sure it was covered by a front panel through which the fire could be seen. They all looked at him, anxious to see what he had chosen to wear and he didn't disappoint them. He thought he would wear something that gave a more aggressive look and had chosen a leather waist girdle and leather armguards. His panties were satin, and to the leather garters were the inevitable nylons attached. Small leather belts went upwards, crossing at his chest; went over his shoulders and came together at the back and were attached to the waist cincher again. Over his shoulders a long cape was fastened, made out of satin. The inside of the cape was blood red, while the outside was black as the night. He had ordered it at a shop which sold clothes for Halloween and was in fact some sort of a count Dracula cape, he liked the fabric and style and couldn't resist. Tonight was a good occasion to show it to the ladies.

On his feet he wore female high heeled long boots, though with the outfit he wore it didn't gave the impression of being female, on the contrary. They almost looked like the boots German officers wore during WWII, and that was exactly why he had chosen to wear these. Tonight he would be the dominant partner or at least, not to be in a submissive role.

They all looked surprised at his outfit when he walked towards them. This they didn't expect. He sat himself between Helena and Michelle, facing Marion, who looked in awe at him. He smiled back.

"Do you want some wine?" Helena asked. "You look - different," she continued. "I had no idea that you had these clothes. Do you have something to say to us by wearing these clothes?"

"I would like some wine, yes and I do want to make a statement with these clothes: I am not submissive tonight. I think I made that clear."

"You certainly do," murmured Marion.

"Hmmm. And I was planning to let you perform certain tasks," Michelle said a bit disappointed. "I was thinking of letting you serve us, while doing some other 'tasks' as well."

"Ohh. I am not lazy. I will be your servant to perform certain 'tasks', but I refuse to be bossed. I want to spend this evening relaxed and without second thoughts. And I knew almost certainly that you had other things in mind, so I prepared myself."

Helena nodded, she knew him pretty well. "It's all right dear. But remember, you always could safeword out of anything you would feel uncomfortable with. And even if you are comfortable with it, but you don't want to play, you can say so. It takes two to tango."

"Thanks for the reminder. But I wasn't aware that we were 'scening' - thus I am not using a safeword. But if I have to I'm sure I will use it. And at the same time I want to say that I am not available 24/7. You should understand that, all of you. Michelle, I warned Marion and Helena: when I feel I have enough of it, and I am talking about the BDSM lifestyle, I'm out. You can phone or email me or whatever with 'trust', but it will be on my terms! Only if I am in for it!

And since Helena and I are married, I have something to say about this building too: I think I will not even close the playroom, but rather will dismantle it.

Helena and Marion were shocked, Rob had never spoke so clearly about this before and Helena knew she could object to him, but it would cause another crisis and she opted for not saying anything. Not now.

Marion thought differently. "Rob, I don't want to get into a discussion with you right now, but I think you spoke a bit without thinking. Maybe you feel bad about something, I don't know. But I do know, we have had great times in that playroom, and you can't throw that away just because your mood is getting you down."

Rob stared at her, straight faced; and decided to let it pass.

Michelle broke the silence what had fallen and said "Mmm, I would like to drink something warm before we take champagne. Coffee or something?"

"Sure. Good idea." Helena stood up, fastened the silken cord around her waist and went to the kitchen. Rob followed her.

"There was no need to be so rude, honey."

"I'm not sorry Helena. I want you all to know how bad I feel sometimes. I rather say it now straightforward, so you can deal with it - so you are all warned. You know my temper, I know it's not something to be proud off, but I can't help myself and when I'm at the boiling point, bad things can happen."

"You made your point again, no 24/7, I will discuss it with Marion. It is not really an issue. I never even thought about it. What came over you to start this argument?"

"Because Michelle wanted me join her game whenever she gave the command 'trust' - you know - the starting word to scene. When she told me about that word, I was too confused to really understand the consequences. In reality, should I go along, it means she can start a game whenever it suits her. I won't play that game, not with her, not with you or Marion either."

"I see your point. I agree. Simple solution - you just say politely 'no' if it isn't convenient, or you are not in the right mood. You don't have to explain, just tell her - or me should I ask - 'no'. Easy solution."

Rob nodded. He was reassured.

Together they made four cappuccinos. Helena knew their taste and soon they were ready. Rob carried the tray with four large cups to the living room and put them on the low table that had been placed in front of the fireplace.

When they entered Marion and Michelle were talking about the wedding last weekend and soon they were laughing and joking again. Rob's bad mood disappeared and he loosened up in the company of these lovely women.

Suddenly he felt the hand of Helena grab his member and she softly squeezed it.

"Is little Robby in for a game with his friends?" she asked teasingly. She kissed him on his cheek and whispered softly into his ear. "I want to fuck you this evening. I will rape you while you are fucking Michelle or Marion. And after that I want to feel your dick inside me. Will you take the little blue pill I gave you?"

Rob nodded. His dick started to swell under the grip of Helena's experienced fingers.

"Stand up!" she ordered. Then she shoved his panties from his buttocks and his dick stood proudly erect, already some precum was showing.

"Who wants dibs?" she asked, looking at Marion and Michelle.

"He is your man, Marion," Michelle immediately answered. "You are just married," she grinned. "I bet you are as horny as hell, and could not wait for Rob to return. Were you not wondering what I would do with him?"

"Not really. Helena told me about your pact."

"What pact?" Rob immediately asked.

"Only sex when I or Marion are present," Helena explained.

Rob seemed relieved by her explanation. He must get rid of his suspicion, he thought to himself.

Marion looked at the table - and changed her mind. "Let's go upstairs. Rob, move your arse. Follow me!"

A bit surprised Rob followed Marion, who went ahead. She climbed the stairs and headed for the corridor, that led to their bedrooms. Suddenly she stopped and opened one of the large guestrooms. "In here," she ordered him.

Surprised Rob entered the large bedroom. To him it seems nothing was out of order compared to the other bedrooms, except for the bed, that was larger than normal. With ease three or more people could sleep in this huge bed. The rest of the room was ordinary: a large cupboard, thick carpets on the floor, a large mirror on the wall and a make-up table next to the window (behind the closed curtains).

"On the bed, Rob. Face up, spread your legs and arms. You know the drill." Marion was still in command.

"Make sure your head is on the pillow - shove your ass to here," she pointed to halfway down the bed.

When Rob lay in position, Marion was satisfied. "Comfy?" she asked.

"I guess so, but why this position?"

"One moment," Marion said.

When Rob was tied and secured, he couldn't move his body at all; but his arms and legs had some freedom, because they all feared cramps which could be a huge game spoiler. Marion reached under the bed and fetched a control box with a few buttons on it. She pressed one, and a soft noise sounded. Immediately Rob saw the ceiling change: panels shoved aside and large mirrors on the ceiling appeared. Rob could see himself lying on the bed, his stockinged legs, his waist-cincher, his face - the leather restraints. All was clearly visible. Helena and Michelle were standing next to the door, looking at him with amused faces. Then Marion pushed another button and large lights were directed onto him.

"You aren't make a recording of me, are you?" He asked, suddenly fearing for his privacy.

"Good idea, but no. We just want to expose your nakedness, and ours, to get rid of any false shame. This was an idea of Cathy's. The easiest way to get used to seeing other people - and in particular other men - is to see yourself, with everything exposed."

"Hmm," was all what Rob commented. "I'm not interested in seeing other men!"

"I know - still, you know, soon you will meet men at Michelle's place - although you will not be playing with them, I don't want you to be embarrassed when you are naked too."

Rob just muttered into himself.

"This bed has been specially made for sex games. We could have placed it in the playroom, but thought it was more appropriate near our bedroom. As you can see it's large enough for us all."

Helena and Michelle didn't say a word, but stood just smiling upon him. Rob felt vulnerable, exposed like this.

"I have one more device to show you," Marion rambled on, proud to show him 'their' inventions. She pushed another button and Rob then felt the restraints on his ankles change: a portion of the bed he was lying on lowered. His ass was now penetrable, Marion changed the restraints on his ankles, bowed his knees, fixed the restraints to a leather string near his arms and then he lay with his ass fully exposed.

"Finally," Helena spoke her first words in this room, since she entered it with Michelle. She opened the cupboard, and Rob could see the contents of it: various whips, clamps, weights, spreader bars, chains and all kinds of small stuff used in their playroom. This was a mini playroom, Rob realized, specially designed for a quick BDSM game.

"Nice. And I just said that I wouldn't be the sub. What are you going to do. I warn you - no pain-games - or I will use my safe word."

"No Rob. We just wanted to demonstrate our new easy-to-use mini-playroom. I thought you would like this. Nothing out of the ordinary - just some toys," Helena said.

She reached into the cupboard and took out a leather belt. She clasped it around her waist, made sure the two holes were in front of her and grabbed two dildos; a large one and a tinier one. On the tiny one she put a little lubrication and slid it into her cunt fixing it to the belt. The other one went through the hole from the inside of the belt outwards and then held in place. The black, life-like dildo stood proudly erect in front of her. This one she lubricated also and then she lubricated Rob's arse. She then carefully pushed the dildo into his anus, slowly, very slowly, and ignoring Rob's protests and when she was an inch in, she withdrew, put some more lubrication on it and entered his greasy arse again. In the meantime Marion climbed on the bed, swung her hips over Rob's face and smothered his on-going protests with her bald pussy, which she pushed on his mouth. Rob had to breathe through his nose, and sometimes Marion leaned forward to control his breath. Helena shoved her false dick in and out, each time a little further and finally the whole length of the dildo was inside him. He actually had eight inches of it buried inside. In and almost out, back in to the fullest and almost out again, Helena enjoyed herself fucking him. While Helena was fucking him now in earnest, Michelle had put some lubrication on her hands, and slowly caressed Rob's dick. It was rock-hard, but she just teased it. When she felt he was coming she stopped caressing it, took a cold wash-cloth - that had been laid in ice water with ice cubes - and the treatment with the washcloth immediately made his pending eruption disappear. Rob gave a shriek out of surprise - the feeling was so devastating that his horniness almost disappeared. Almost - but not totally. Rob thought he was going crazy. The sensations in his behind, together with the squeezing and caressing of his member, while not able to breathe well, made his body go wild.

Marion kept pressing her labia to his mouth and nose - prohibiting him from air - and when she pulled back, giving Rob some space, he swallowed air and then she came forwards again and repeated the process.

Helena pushed her dildo in and out of Rob's arse, and with each trust the small dildo moved inside her, while the large dildo when pushed forwards stimulated her clit. When she reached her orgasm, she sighed deeply and leaned against Marion, caressing Marion's breasts while her dildo still was buried inside Rob's arse and the spasms were racing through her body. She then recovered, and slowly withdrew the dildo out of his arse. Marion gave a nod to Michelle, who doubled her efforts to make Rob come and together with the breath regulation by Marion, he came immensely hard and spurted white hot drops of cum inside Michelle's slippery hands.

Marion stepped off the bed and Helena removed her dildo very slowly from Rob's arse and then released him from his restraints.

"Phew," Rob said, still breathing fast. He sighed a few times, getting air. "I never had a more frightening but also enormous climax. It's scary, the breath control, Marion, it gives me the shivers. Although I want to repeat it sometime it is also scaring me," he explained a few moments later, when he relaxed a bit and his heart-beat was normal again.

"Yes," Helena said, she was a bit worried that they had went too far, "it must be done with a lot of attention; and you, but we too, should not let us get carried away into this too much. It can be very dangerous, luckily Marion had some experience with her late husband."

"John loved this type of game Rob," Marion spoke softly. "But like Helena said, it can only be done with the greatest of carefulness, therefore I don't want to do this too often."

Marion lay down on the bed. "Make love to me, Rob. I know you can."

Rob's dick was still erect, due to the blue pill Helena had given him.

One after another he managed to give them an orgasm while fucking them, first Marion, then Michelle and finally Helena.

Although he tried to come too, he only managed to come twice, his dick was still erect, but he didn't have any juice left in him. Finally he lay exhausted next to Helena, whose cunt was licked by Marion; while Helena licked Michelle. The three women were insatiable.

Rob closed his eyes and a few moments later he fell in a deep sleep.

Helena noticed his soft snoring and covered him with satin sheets.

They decided to get some sleep too and the four of them were soon all in a relaxed slumber.

Not one of them even took the effort to disrobe, so they were all lying in their sex-clothes in the large bed. When Rob awoke in the middle of the night, he needed to pee urgently, then he saw the three sexy women lying next to him. He was surrounded by female flesh and when he came back from the toilet, he took his place again and Helena kissed him in his ear and whispered "I told you darling - I would fuck you."

Rob just kissed her back "Anytime dear, always a pleasure."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

What an amazing sex life, and any mans fantasy. I like Rob not being gay and a sissy , but he also needed to take advantage of his surroundings. Not many men have had encounters of this magnitude, with an array of fuckable hot babes, so do not hesitate and go back to vanilla !!

I've been fortunate enough to enjoy an array of hyper sexed and hot women ,while dressing up and it is so very sensual. Thanks :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Get more Scotland whiskey for Rob to enjoy.

I have an idea for Rob to take some of his money or Helena's money to invest in the whiskey that he got at the pub in Scotland. The pub owner said that they do not make enough to be profitable. Maybe with a investment by Rob, and him involved in sales for the whiskey product; it would give him something to do and not be bored.

You also stated that Helena had some other bottles beside wine and champagne in the wine cellar. Maybe Rob might find some of this Scotland whiskey in his own wine cellar. That would give him a drink to look forward to at home.

chinefoochinefooabout 11 years ago

Here are my few point of discorse clearly there is an underlying issue know only to the 4 woman, with an implication of divorce? seperation? clearly cathy is manipulating helena or vice versa, "last i remem" rob had enuf of cathy ! dont remem them making up, then michelle and the fact that rob clearly stated im not going to submit left the key ,yet later he is going to be attending a party and has to wear a collar, your email to me gave me a teeny clue but look at below and i think you can see where im drawing conclusions regaurding robs flipedness and the fact the woman dont care about him but thier agenda!

Rob went to his room to get some clothes, you never know what to expect he thought and soon headed off to meet Michelle.

In the meantime Helena explained to Cathy what he had said.

"I know this can be an issue, Helena," Cathy admitted. "If he cannot surrender, there will be a problem. I have thought about this too, but since he is pretty rational I thought to let it go. He is strong of

character and if I would have said anything, he would have thought that the shrink was talking to him, and not his friend. I was in a quandary about it, so I thought I wouldn't interfere."

"I see. You are probably right. I figure that we will know more this evening. Fingers crossed."

They smiled at each other, knowing part of their future together was in Michelle's hands.

He stood up and Helena handed him a towel. She watched his back and said "Hmm. To be honest I can hardly see that you have visited your Mistress. Did you have a good time?" she asked innocently.

"No. And I'm not going back, either.""Hmmm. We'll discuss that later. BTW,

"To be honest, I have the feeling that I will close the playroom and disable it. If his behavior continues like this, I will do it! Before he knows it, it will all be gone."

"Let me try some other things first, Helena," Michelle said. "I want him to stay a few days at my place. I will take him to a meeting and show him that he is safe with me, and I will make him understand that he can really trust me, no matter what."

Helena nodded. "Try what you can do, because otherwise..." her thoughts were clear.

chinefoochinefooabout 11 years ago

i have reread last few chapters of the series and in as much as you have given rob more balls, the games continue comming hoe when no one was to be there and cathy telling rob to go to michelle, but from there on i had to stop reading, he should have gone and stopped with michelle and said friends only anything beyond that not going to happen! cathy would have been tossed out, the premis for them to return was to have fun stopped at door and. This person in your story rob is no longer believable he lays down the law then crumbles as if he never said anything.. i waas really hoping that rob would hold true to his words, What he said to his "wives" said it all that should have been it! but he goes back????? and submits? its allmost like hes of 2 dif minds imo it killed it! great story and i like your story i would still give it a ten but imo cathy needs to go, and michelle needs to be told no! keep as a friend seek advice but not to submit,,

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

ITS CHINEFOO i dunno while i agree you gave rob a little backbone his charivter thruout the series is full of fear doubt, he is decieved at everyturn and given a a outward personallity of compliance not submission! when sent to michelle while others were talking the house key should have been returned and should have told her your my friend and nothing more and left! no apology! judst my opinion, the rest was a soft set up that he would walk into ~! realisticly any man with his personnality would have left after the first page ! at least for a while! i give this story a 5 only cause i cannot go any higher! i like your wrighting you draw a form of reality yet shroud it with a ficticious submission that in robs psych cannot be realisticly achieved! ! i do not mean this as an insult i hope to enlightin you to balance/ human nature, place your self in robs shoes thruout the series, and tell me as a person that this would have not ended at the struggle. i like your charicters cathy i would have as rob expelled from the group as well as michelle "play time mistress" one a manipulater other as a friend used. to manipulate. i realizwe the over all story but,, must allways keep in mine the woman hear but do not heed and bring others in and robs mentality in life would never allow this is a lesson that needs to be brutally expressed. but im not a wrighter,, and like i said a 5 cause i cannot give a 10, and its for continuity expession and staying with in context of original story ... but if must be know if rob was to be turned into a wimp which seems to be underlying theme with a struggle then i would have to give this a 2, but please continue wrighting i enjoy the read and shall go thru last 3 chapters again and see if i missed a important bit! THANKS AGAIN AND HOPE TO SEE MORE WORK!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
can not wait for next part of the story

I love these stories with Rob. And this one is even better with you giving Rob more backbone. I am glad that he will keep his own house even though you had him go to Scotland to get away from the women. I liked that part of the story, but expected that part to be longer for him to be alone and thinking of his future. Helena and Rob both say that they may shut down the playroom, but neither seem to be 100% ready to do so. They should get rid of it for Rob's sake and his relationship with the women. Especially since Rob has a strong personalty and is no sub but more of a dominant man who just happens to be a closet cross dresser. And when did the bedroom/playroom get built? It was not in the original plans for the remodel of the mansion and Rob knew nothing of it. Was it done before or after the wedding party? That bed only should have put into the main playroom. It is too dangerous to have upstairs to be discovered. Now that Kim is involved with Jenny; does that mean that they will not be so involved with Rob? And that Cathy is rethinking her plans, will she be not involved with Rob too? Less women will make his life a little easier. Just do not make Michelle be Rob's next wife. I am glad that Rob has make his feelings known to the women like that he is no longer a 24/7 sex toy for them or available for BDSM any time they want or will do everything they want. Rob needs to be able to get away from the women for one day a week to recharge his body. He is not as young as he used to be and needs the little blue pill for these women. With the stress of his life, the BDSM, the sex with these women and the blue pills; he is going to have a heart attack if he does not take care of himself. You had said that Helena wants Rob to dress up in women's clothes more often and in public. And Michelle wants Rob in women's clothes in public and at the BDSM meeting. But Rob does not want to do this and get caught. He all most got into the fight at the pub in drag and the women had to save him. It would look bad for Helena if Rob got caught in public and was recognized. I am not sure if you can get him made up and not look like a guy in women's clothes. You have never given us much in details of what Rob looks like except that he is strong. I hope you will continue the story even further than just the next part. It would make a good book with a few minor changes.

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