The Taboo Transformation Ch. 02


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"You think so?" Aunt Jane's tone was skeptical. "Maybe, by the time he runs for office. But I wouldn't bet on that. So what is it?"

"I love him. Not just the sex. But him. All of him. His mind, his body, his humor, his vulnerability." Her lips turned upwards in a fond smile. "He has no idea how wonderful he is. Sure," she said, raising a hand to forestall Lily's heated rejoinder, "He knows he's smart. And a decent athlete. But how often have we told him what a fucking fantastic person he is?"

Her glare swept around the room. "Well, I am. I love him. And if I can't marry him, I'm going to make damn sure he knows how much he matters to me. So back off," she stated, looking her sister dead in the eye. "I know you want him. Well, too damn bad. I got there first. If you are very, very good, I might mention to him that you want to fuck him, too. I might even be persuaded to share, if I was sure you have his best interests at heart. But for now, you better keep your distance, or you'll have to answer to me."

She stopped, suddenly afraid that she'd gone too far.

"I understand," Lillian said leadenly. She stood up, not looking at either of them. "I'll be upstairs. And I won't be down to dinner, so don't bother sending anyone up to ask after me. Good night."


"Shit." Colleen stared at the doorway through which her half-sister had just disappeared. She looked back to her aunt worriedly. "Did I step on her too hard?"

Jane gave a back-and-forth motion of her hand "Probably just about right, if what I saw when I came in was any indication. I thought you were going to clean her clock, to be honest. And someone had to set some boundaries."

"So how long have you known?"

Jane raised her eyebrows. "When did you two become lovers? Tuesday night?"

Colleen nodded.

"The next morning, then." She smirked suddenly. "It wasn't too hard to figure out. You and Zach would barely look at each other, for fear of giving things away. And Lillian was looking daggers at both of you."

Colleen sighed, and reminded herself, for the thousandth time, that her aunt was a genius. "And you're okay with it?"

Jane shrugged. "Would it change anything if I wasn't?"

She raised her chin pugnaciously. "No."

"Then I hardly see the sense of getting worked up about it. Kids are going to fuck. Wait," she said, shaking her head. "I said that wrong. Adults are going to fuck. And nothing I do or say about it is going to change things. All I can say is, be careful. And be good to each other." Jane rose and walked over to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Colleen closed her eyes as she felt the warm press of Jane's newly-enlarged breasts on her shoulder.

A clearing throat snapped her attention up, and she saw Zach looking on, a bemused expression on his face.

"What did I miss?" he asked. "And how is it my fault?"

"Nothing's your fault," Colleen said, smiling up at him impishly. "This time." She stood and hugged him close, drawing him down for a long, sensuous, lover's kiss. When he tried to pull away, she only grasped him tighter. "She knows," she said quietly, whispering into his ear.

"Aunt Jane?" His eyes were wide with apprehension.

"Yes. I know. Relax," she said with a smile. "I'm not going to go into a screaming fit. You've dealt with bigger changes than this. And so have I," she grinned, glancing down at her bust. She hugged her nephew, giving him a kiss of her own. Colleen's eyes narrowed suspiciously as the hug went on much longer than was strictly necessary. And even more when Jane's lips wandered from Zach's cheek to the corner of his mouth.

Finally, Jane released him and smiled at them both. "Well. What are we going to do tonight?"


Supper was quiet that evening. Colleen was emotionally wrung-out from the confrontation with Lillian. Zach, for his part, took his cue from her, only becoming excited when he talked about a meeting he had set up with the local head of the Democratic Party. Something about helping to organize students on-campus when he got back to the University of Wisconsin in the fall, Jane gathered, listening with only half an ear.

She sighed as she pushed back her plate. Colleen looked at her as she spooned more food onto her own. "Not hungry tonight, Aunt Jane?"

She shook her head. "No. Thank goodness." She looked down into her cleavage, still unable to fully accept the tremendous change to her body. "I think I'm about done up here." She cupped a breast in her hand, the weight filling her palm. "Which I am profoundly grateful for. Over the past few days, I felt like I was just a machine designed to turn food into boobs."

"Well, they look great on you," Colleen said supportively, and Zach nodded agreement.

"Thanks, dear," she said. "I do wish Lillian had come down for the meal, though. With both of your metabolisms running at full tilt, you need all the food you can get."

"Did you mean what you said, Aunt Jane?" Colleen asked. When Jane raised her eyebrows inquisitively, she continued. "About her going through a kind of second puberty?"

Jane nodded slowly. "Yes. It's not something I ever took into account, when I was doing my research. But maybe I should have. Normally, it's the production of estrogen which leads to the development of our secondary sex characteristics. My treatment was intended to sidestep all that. But what if the growth of the breasts themselves triggered a flood of hormones into the body? That might account for the increased sex drive. And the mood swings.

"I wish I had more equipment here," she fretted. "Give me blood samples from the three of us and my lab, and I could answer your questions within a couple of hours. But if I showed up at Darwin there would be all sorts of awkward questions. So I think it's best if we try to deal with this on our own.

"Just tread lightly around your sister, okay? And I'll advise her to do the same with you." She paused, then plunged forward. "How about you? Have you found yourself getting angry for no reason lately?"

"Well, no," Colleen said slowly. She lowered her gaze. "But I'm glad you got home when you did this afternoon. I was ready to pound her. Not just a shoving match, but a full-on beatdown." She scraped her fork distractedly across her plate. "I could have hurt her, Aunt Jane. Bad. I never want to do that again. To lose control that way. I haven't felt so pissed off since I was fifteen and that bitch Clarice Stafford was telling all the boys at school that I would be an easy lay because I didn't have tits and I 'had to work extra hard' to make up for it."

Zach sniggered, then turned it into an unconvincing cough as Colleen turned to glare at him.

"Well, we knew something unexpected might happen," Jane sighed. "At least I have another week before I have to go back to work. And you two have another month or so to get used to things before you go back to school."

She stood up. "I'll clear off the table. Why don't you two go downstairs and fuck two or three times, then go to bed?"

"Aw, Aunt Jane, do we have to?" Zach asked in a nasal whine, drawing a giggle from his sister. "Girls are icky and they have cooties."

"Yes, Zach," she said sternly, taking the bait. "I want you to go down there and fuck your sister. And I don't want to see you back up here until tomorrow morning, or no TV for a week! Do you understand me, young man?"

"Yes," he muttered, doing his best to look like a sullen young teen, rather than a handsome young man. Jane's heart skipped a beat as she looked at the pair. Young, strong, smart and beautiful, with their whole lives ahead of them.

Would you be proud of them, Elizabeth, she thought as they dashed downstairs. I think so. Would you be happy with how I raised them? With the young man and woman that they are? Would you approve of what we've done to improve our bodies? Or would you think it was a cheat, somehow?

No answer was forthcoming. But Jane didn't really expect one. Suddenly alone, she began to clear the table.


Later that night, Jane stepped out of the shower, contemplating the shortcomings of vibrators.

With Jeff gone to Alabama, her love life had been thrown into neutral, slowly coasting along on the built-up momentum it had gathered during those few days when they had been lovers. Her own fingers and toys were no replacement for the hands of a skilled partner, and Jeff was all that and more. She had found her gaze roaming as the days passed, until she had been on the verge of propositioning a shy-looking teenager in the fiction section of the library earlier in the day. The thought of dragging him into a private corner and taking away some of that shyness had been oddly arousing.

Luckily, now that the kids knew about the reason for the changes in her body and her libido (and, in two cases, were experiencing those same changes themselves) she had to be far less circumspect when her sexual hunger drove her upstairs to work off some of the excess stress. Her vibrator and dildo had received more than their share of work over the last few days. But now that the major part of her bodily changes were behind her, Jane looked forward to a relatively serene future.

Not the same as before, though, she thought, eying her reflection in the mirror, a trifle smugly. Never that. I sure as hell don't want my sex drive going back to what it was like three weeks ago. But I don't want to be a slave to my unnatural lust, either. Her lips curled in a grin as the melodramatic phrase echoed through her head.

She turned off the bathroom light and stepped through the doorway into her bedroom. Spreading the window curtains wide, she looked up and down the quiet street from her second-floor vantage point. There was little traffic in the residential neighborhood after sunset, and the houses were quiet, the yellow glow of lamplight leaking around shuttered windows and into the street. How many of those houses, Jane thought, had secrets like her own?

More than most people would guess. But being a doctor means you have to take off your blinders and see the world for how it truly is, not how the morally pure would like for it to be. And right now I couldn't give two cents for what the rest of the world thinks. I'm happy.

Smiling, she lay down on the bed and spread the towel open, letting the cool breeze from the window play across her skin. Disdaining the need for artificial aids, she gathered her breasts in her hands, softly kneading the new-sprung mounds of flesh. Over the past few days, their sensitivity had astonished her. Just a few simple strokes with her hands brought her nipples achingly erect. Their growth had halted at a more-than-respectable 36-D, almost perfectly matching the size of the sample's donor, Valentina Belmonte. Thankfully, however, her breasts did not match Valentina's brown skin or dark nipples, which would have given her a decidedly two-toned look. Instead, her skin had retained its customary light tan, with rose-colored nipples which seemed determined to announce her state of arousal to anyone who cared to look.

Success, she thought dreamily, her fingers tweaking those same nipples slightly. Success beyond what I dreamed was possible. Once I go public, me and my beautiful nieces showing the whole world what we have achieved, those short-sighted fools at Darwin will be sorry they tried to thwart me. Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

She snickered to herself as the maniacal laughter rolled through her head, reminiscent of a hundred cheesy late-night horror movies. Then she frowned, her thoughts sidetracked by thoughts of Coleen and Lillian.

It was a damn good thing she had arrived home when she did, she thought, remembering the naked fury on Colleen's face, her right fist raised, poised to strike like a cobra. The argument over Zach would have been hilarious if it had not been poised to spin so completely out of control.

And the look on Lily's face at the end, when Colleen had staked out her claim to Zach so thoroughly that there was nothing she could do but bow her head and accept defeat, tore at her heart.

That memory chilled the fires of her ardor, and she sighed, sitting up. Lily had not come downstairs all night. Jane had sat alone, reading and watching a documentary about the Spanish-American War, of all things, until she grew bored and tired enough to go to bed. She shook her head. Lillian needed her help. And it wasn't a good idea for her to skip a meal, not with her metabolism making demands on her body which couldn't be met without a huge daily caloric intake.

Ten minutes later, she was knocking on her niece's door.

"Go away," came the words, muffled by the wood.

"It's Aunt Jane, Lillian. I'd like to talk to you."


She sighed, then lowered her voice an octave. "Lillian Athena Richardson, if you don't let me in I shall blow your door right down your hole and out through the hill."

A long pause followed, broken at last by a watery giggle and the sound of footsteps. With a snick, the deadbolt was thrown back and the door opened a crack, revealing a slice of Lillian's face. Her eyes were red and raw with weeping, her face mottled and tear-stained.

"It's a damn good thing you know so many 'Lord of the Rings' quotes, Aunt Jane. Because you're the only member of my family I even feel close to being on speaking terms with right now."

"Can I come in?" she asked, ignoring the rest of the comment.

"Why not?" Lillian grunted, opening the door wide. As Jane entered, she slouched back to her bed, sitting down with a firm thump.

"I thought you might like something to eat," Jane said, ignoring her attitude. Considering all that had gone on today, she thought she could tolerate a little rudeness. She held out a bowl of ice cream out temptingly. Rocky road was covered with chocolate flavoring, whipped cream, walnuts, and maraschino cherries. Even from ten feet away, she could hear the gurgle of Lillian's stomach, but her niece made no move to take the bowl.

"I brought hot chocolate, too." She waved her mug.

"Not interested."

"It's got marshmallows." She almost sang the last word, and took a slurping sip.

"I don't want to take your hot chocolate."

"I've got another one outside."

"Then gimme," Lillian said, grabbing the bowl and mug and sitting back down on the bed. She spooned the ice cream into her mouth ravenously. Jane slipped back out the door, returning with the mug she had set on a hallway table. She stood, propped against the wall, sipping slowly, watching her youngest niece as she practically inhaled the food.

"Ow." Lillian set aside the empty bowl and leaned back against the headboard, her eyes closed. She pinched the bridge of her nose with her fingers.

"Brain freeze?"

"Yeah." She shook her head. "Serves me right for snorking it down like a pig at a trough."

"Feeling better?"

"Some. Still pissed at Colleen, though. And Zach, too, if I'm going to be fair. Which I don't feel much like being, right now." The eyes she raised to Jane were bleak. "Does it ever stop hurting, Aunt Jane?"

She opened her mouth to give an encouraging reply, then closed it again. What this kid needs is a good kick in the pants. She raised her eyebrows sardonically. "Lily, if there was a prize given out for sheer teenage melodrama, I think you would have won it by now. How about you give up the woe-is-me routine and start acting like an adult?"

Lillian stared at her, mouth wide open. "But..."

"But nothing. You're not the first person to miss out on a man they wanted. And you won't be the last. Stop moping about what you don't have, and start being grateful for what you do. You're attractive, intelligent, healthy, and living in one of the greatest countries in the world. And, to top it all off, you've got more money and opportunities than most people your age will ever have.

"And you're whining because your older sister won't let you screw your brother? Boo-hoo. Life isn't fair, Lillian. I bet there are a lot of people in Guatemala or the Ukraine who would trade places with you in a flash.

"So deal with it."

Lillian opened her mouth angrily, then closed it. After a few seconds, she began to shake her head ruefully.

"Okay, Aunt Jane. I'll stop bitching about it. But I still think it's bullshit. He's my twin. Isn't that the way all the dirtiest fantasies go? If screwing your brother is wrong, how much wronger would it be to screw your twin brother?"

"Pretty wrong," Jane agreed, thankful that Lillian had seemed to break out of her funk at last. She cast a look around the room. Magazines, clothes, and other detritus were scattered around the floor, seemingly at random. "I have to say the bedroom is looking good," she said sarcastically. "You could really spruce it up with some napalm and a flamethrower."

Lillian blushed, blood rising to color her dark skin. "I had a...little bit of a temper tantrum after I came up here this afternoon. I'm not usually this messy. You know that."

"Really? I didn't hear anything."

"That's because I was careful not to throw anything that would break."

Jane laughed, "Oh, you're your mother's daughter, all right. So organized that even when you're completely furious you're making logical decisions. She was the same way. I remember," she said, reminiscing, "one night when I was about twelve or thirteen. She had scored her first real modeling gig. Not some local thing, but national. And this sleazeball photographer tried to put the moves on her. Wanted naked pictures he could whack off to. Said he'd put a good word in for her if she agreed to pose for him."

"What did she do?" Lillian frowned. "And why didn't she tell Grandma and Grandpa Richardson?"

"Oh, she did, never fear about that. Your grandmother was sure it was all some sort of terrible mistake. You know how she always tries to see the best in everyone." Lillian nodded fondly. "Your grandfather, on the other hand, was halfway out the door with his shotgun before Beth could slow him down. He had plans on ventilating the perverted SOB."

"So what did they do?" Lillian leaned forward eagerly, and Jane smiled as some of the knotted tension left her pose, the story serving to distract her from her frustrated anger.

"Well, they sat and talked it over. I woke up and sat on the back stairs and listened as they went over it. And the next day Beth sneaked a couple of production assistants into her dressing room before the photographer showed up and hid them in her closet. When that disgusting troll showed up and went into his spiel, she had two witnesses." She smiled in grim satisfaction. "Last I heard, he was working as a parking-lot attendant in Fargo."

Lillian shuddered in horror. "A fate worse than death."

A comfortable silence fell over the room. "I still don't understand, though," Lillian said quietly, after a time. "I thought you'd be mad when you found out that Zach and Colleen were sleeping together."

"Well, as far as I can tell, they aren't doing much sleeping," she said, and Lillian smiled wanly at the feeble joke. "Look, Lily," she said, sitting on the corner of the desk, "when you've lived as long as I have, and studied the things I have, you'll find out that people are going to do what they want most of the time. Rules and laws and moral taboos are just the guide-rails we use to keep our society functioning. But some of them we've outgrown over time. Slavery used to be a completely accepted economic practice. Now we find the very idea morally repugnant. Meanwhile, gender roles have changed. Two hundred years ago I might not have been allowed to own this house. A hundred years ago, I wouldn't have been allowed to vote. Now, if I was dumb enough to want to, I could run for president."

Lillian's delicate brows pinched down in a frown. "So, what? You're saying that what Colleen and Zach are doing might be accepted some day?"