The χχχ Sorority Pt. 07


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"Mmmmh… Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be able to go again soon!"

Now what? My buyers were clearly taking a pause not to cum too early, with what they had paid for me. Yeah, about that: how much had they indeed spent? I hoped a ton. I hoped more than for Kaya!

A hand hit my thighs just before some fingers started penetrating me. Reflexively, I spread my legs, wondering what was next. But nothing was next: the guy just wanted to finger-bang me. So I lay down and let him. Was this a reward? Or were they just enjoying playing with my body? It didn't matter: I just wanted more.

"There should be a bunch of toys here, if you want to give your cocks some rest. You can play with me anyway you want for tonight!"

Talk about getting in trouble… When I came, the finger jumped in my mouth, so that I could taste myself on it. But then it stayed there, gagging me. That's when a vibration hit my clit, driving me crazy with an overload of stimulation. My body tried to jerk away, but soon many hands grabbed my arms and my legs to prevent me from escaping the devilish contraption. No matter how much I struggled and thrashed I kept cumming and hating and loving it at the same time. I howled feeling the vibration of my own voice in my chest, but they had no mercy. I thought I would soon faint, when they decided that they had their fun.

That's when the world shook. No, just the mattress. Boy, was I out of it! Somebody picked me up bodily, while a pair of hands spread my legs. Someone's skin under me… I was straddling one of them. No legs in front of me… I was facing him. He spread my labia and pushed his dick into my exhausted pussy, making me collapse on him.

"How can I possibly ride him cowgirl-style?" I thought, outright sobbing.

Another tremor. Warmth behind my back. Wait, were they trying… A cock was pushing its way into my asshole. My ring was now smaller after the pause, so I struggled with it at first, but their lube and my attempts at relaxing managed to do the trick without too much discomfort. Someone pulled my hair and a warm rod hit my cheeks: another dick for my mouth. It was really happening! A rush of adrenaline gave me the strength to begin the motion. All my holes filled, servicing these strangers who'd paid for me! I came again – had I even ever stopped? – but still I soldiered on, somehow.

Just when I'd found my rhythm, however, the penis in my mouth suddenly retreated and so did the one in my ass, while the mattress shook. What was happening? Something warm and light hit my face. A facial. Anal guy maybe? Anyhow, I obediently opened my mouth and caught the last part of his milk and when he was spent, his dick invaded it, where it stayed until I'd cleaned it good. That's when the other two exploded.

I found myself rolling on the bed and two squishy things stroked my lips: their cocks, drenched in their sperm and my juices. My tongue cleaned them all, and then I sucked them for good measure. I also managed to scoop some semen trickling from my holes and lick it from my fingers too: the reputation of my sorority must be upheld!

Left alone like the cum rag that I was, it was hard to believe that it was over. That's because it wasn't. After a while, someone grabbed my armpits and dragged me. All of a sudden my head and my shoulder had no support anymore. My arms flailed in vain to cushion my fall, but the man stopped, and I found myself with my head hanging upside down: the edge of the bed. I must've opened my mouth for my surprise and something entered it: another, smaller, softer cock. It had to be the fast shooter! There was no time to start sucking him, because he just violently pushed in, until I felt his balls hitting my nose. While I gagged and spluttered, he kept ramming his member deep in my throat, to the point that I could feel something hitting my neck. It took all my self-control not to puke. He mercilessly facefucked me, making a mess of me, with copious ropes of saliva exploding from my mouth, dangling from my nose and my face, until he was a little harder. Then he pulled out and climbed the bed, where he banged me missionary-style. At that point I was just a limp thing and I couldn't help him in any way. I just spread my legs obediently and let him have his fun with my pussy. It took him some time to cum. Perhaps I came too: it was hard to tell when I wasn't climaxing now. Then he disappeared, as the bed shook under me. Something wet hit my nose: he wanted to be cleaned. His cock sloppily tried to enter my awaiting mouth, failing a couple of times and adding sperm to the saliva, snot and tears covering my face.

Then nothing. Nothing for a long time. It must be over. So I stayed there, on the bed, motionless, panting, feeling content in a way I'd never felt after sex: I'd taken a huge risk and not only survived, but enjoyed it too. My mind was filled with words like "cum dumpster", "whore", "cum rag", "fuck toy" that people used to describe girls like me. But lying on that bed it became clear as day that I wasn't any of those things: I'd played all of those roles that night, as scary and thrilling as it was, but now it was over. I'd had my fill of fun, and I was ready to go back to my usual life as a college student the day after. What I really was, the right word to describe me, was "slut", a girl who enjoys a gangbang and doesn't deny herself that kind of pleasure. Billie was right: the Halloween auction had really been a transformative experience!

Someone tampered with my ears and all of a sudden my sound landscape became much bigger than my own body. And then there was light again.

"Wake up, little one," said a nice feminine voice. Even though the blindfold was gone, I didn't recognize her. She was just a blurry silhouette for my eyes, still used to utter darkness.

"Look who's here!"

As I groggily sat on the bed, my gaze moved to the door. Two dark figures against a rectangle of pure light… They came in, both blurs, but one I recognized without a doubt: "Jo!"

I jumped on my feet and we hugged. Her face was a mess, covered in her own saliva and jizz too. I didn't care and kissed her immediately. She mumbled something, but words were unnecessary: she was exhausted, but generally fine, and she'd had fun. I could tell because I knew her body like my own. Yet, even though everything had gone well, we needed each other more than ever. We'd explored the darkest sides of our sexuality, we'd shed our feelings and our humanity to become our bodies. We'd been lot #4 and lot #7, mere sexual objects for our buyers to toy with. Their touch had been greedy, lustful, and violent. But we weren't objects. As our libido had been finally quenched, we needed to regain our humanity. Only a touch that was loving and caring could bring us back and make us whole again. Her touch. Just like Morgan had predicted, she was my shield, because no matter how protected I might've felt thanks to my guardian or the sorority, only in Jo's arms I felt safe: she was my chosen family now, my sister. In a journey as crazy as the one we'd embarked on, one needs a companion: she was mine and I was hers.

When our hug broke, I felt myself again. Our guardians handed us towels to clean up – I never even considered asking for clothes – and led us to the common room, now almost empty. There we found Kaya who legit ran towards us.

"How was it? Are you ok?"

"It was such a rush! So hot…" Jo commented, leaning with her chin on my shoulder. I just grinned.

Predictably Kaya and I started make comparisons: she's had four buyers too, and had raised 1100 $, whereas I'd made only 1000 $, but she hadn't fucked three of them at once. In our discussion we conveniently ignored that we hadn't been the most popular items by far. Molly, for example, with five buyers had reached 1700 $ and was presently applying a balm on her ruined asshole sitting on an armchair with a groggy smile on her face. Jo went to her to recount her experience, while we looked for Billie and Violet. We found them outside, smoking weed on a bench. Billie was a mess, with her disheveled hair and ruined makeup, but she was such a hot mess… Like only Billie could be! When she gave me her trademark naughty smile, she'd honestly never looked sexier. Violet, on the other hand, was red all over, with streaks crossing her butt, covered in dried cum and spit, and you could tell she had cried.

"Shit, what happened to you?" Kaya immediately asked, taking her face between her hands, protective as usual.

"Deliciously terrible things, little one. Don't worry, I'm a huge masochist, I loved it" she replied calmly, sounding for once like an adult.

"Come on, I'll clean you up. Tonight you sleep with me."

"Yes mom," Violet replied mockingly getting up, but it was obviously a way to hide how moved she was by that offer.

"Violet misses her big, she graduated last year," Billie explained, after they'd gone back to the house. "I'm happy she's found a little she gets along with."

"Well, aren't you going to ask how I feel?" I replied indignantly.

She lazily brought her spliff to her lips and as a thick cloud of smoke escaped her mouth, she whispered confidently looking me in the eye: "Like a real slut and loving it!"

"You are a terrible big sister, you know that?" I still replied, suffocating a smile and snatching the spliff from her hand to smoke it myself.

"Come on, sit, tell me all about it!" she conceded, lighting another for herself. So I went on and told her everything. With her help I reconstructed a lot of details of what had happened exactly: guardians kept the secret by a well respected tradition and even asking them to break it was a big social foul in our small community.

"But yours told me you were the best she'd ever seen! I'm so very proud of you!" Billie said at the end, making me legitimately blush. "Now, don't you have a feeling like you're forgetting something?"

I was?



Shit, Sebastian!

"Wait, how do you even…"

"Violet told me you were up to no good and I checked your room. Now, your problem is that we kick out our guests before we let the auction items out of their rooms, to give our sisters time to recover and some privacy for the after-party. So your window to get your friend out has closed half an hour ago. To make matters worse, the guests have been counted as they exited the house."

Fuck! Hold on, why was she so calm? "But you saved my ass, didn't you?"

"Yes, I counterfeited the headcount just before the auction. Tomorrow morning you are getting your friend out inside one of the big boxes with our sound equipment that I put in your room. Use the gloryhole passage, though."

"Thanks, you are not such a terrible big sister after all!" I said, kissing her on the cheek.

"Yeah, you don't appreciate me enough," she replied shaking her head, as she let out a big cloud of smoke over our heads, joining mine. "Now, to bed, little one! And remember that you owe Violet. Don't mess with her, she's crazy!"

Right… But I knew exactly what she would've appreciated as her payment. So I went back to the common room and found Jo by herself.

"Molly is going to stay with her lovers tonight," she explained. "This whole thing is very complicated for her. She's alright, though!"

"Oh, ok. I have some news…. Apparently we have an unexpected guest!"

Some time later, Sebastian was woken up by the sound of our door opening. His squinting eyes studied us for a while, as they adjusted to the light, and I bet they were glad they did: we were a vision of naked beauty, after crashing Kaya and Letitia's room to take a shower and recollect ourselves.

"Finally! Let me out!" he hissed.

"See, Jo, this is our guest. He's going to have to sleep with us, because it's too late to smuggle him out," I explained, as we entered, without deigning him of my attention, like we had planned.

"Oh, it's ok, sis, I don't mind, as long as he doesn't interfere with our routines."

"Wait, what do you mean with 'smuggle'?" Sebastian asked, but we ignored him again and started to make out with fervor.

"I love you, and you made me feel safe tonight," I whispered to my roommie when our lips finally parted: even though it wasn't our homework anymore, every night we told each other something nice, like Morgan had instructed us.

"Ditto!" she cheerfully replied, kissing me again.

This cute display of sapphic love hadn't gone unnoticed: Sebastian's cock was now trying to escape his onesie as if it wanted to see the show too. So I decided to help him.

"Now, you are our guest, Sebastian, and you have to behave! We sleep naked in this household! Help me, Jo."

He was at a loss, still trying to figure out what was happening, so he let us untie one limb at a time to disrobe him. He was less happy when we asked him to pee in a bottle, even though we went to our bathroom to give him privacy.

"You know, the more I think about it, the more I'm sure that you tied me up just to have me all for yourself!" he provoked me in vain, as I knelt beside him with Jo.

"He's going to have to sleep between us…" Jo commented pensive. "He's cute, but is he comfortable? Are you a good pillow, Mr Fox?" she mused and then stretched herself over him, letting her pencil eraser-shaped turgid nipples caress his skin, as her hands explored his body. He shivered in response to her touch. So she upped the ante and her middle finger trailed his engorged penis, making him gasp. "It's a pity we can't fuck him, I'm sure I'd enjoy it!" she went on, nestling on his left side, her head on his shoulder, her gaze still fixed at his erect sex as her fingers barely brushed against it. I did the same on the right.

"That's what I've been trying to get Wren to understand, but she can't admit she wants to have sex with me!" he intervened.

"Sorry sis, no can do: he's a fox while we are chicks, we can't trust him!" I replied.

"Are you really sure?" Jo mumbled, making small circles with her middle finger on his glans, purple with excitement.

"Ugh, fine," I conceded. Sebastian actually shook at my words. Oh, I was going to enjoy this so much! Jo got up and began to slowly licking his shaft, moaning in pleasure, while I started to kiss his neck. He had a nice smell. Perhaps he had a nice taste too, so I licked him, while my hand rubbed his chest, now going up and down fast.

"Foxes do have their charm," I whispered, just when Jo began to suck him. Then I licked my finger and sneaked it between his legs. As I massaged his anus and started to dare penetrate him a little, I admired Jolene's talent: after a night like that, she was still blowing him with impressive skill.

"Oh, yeah, this is awesome…" Sebastian moaned. "Wanna join, Wren?"

I moaned seductively – and cruelly, but he didn't know yet – and began to play with his lobes with my tongue.

"Maybe… If you are good…"

But he wasn't good, he'd tried to crash our exclusive party, so I let Jolene perform her magic on him, bringing him closer and closer to climax. He begged for my intervention a few times in vain.

"I'm getting a little tired…" Jo suddenly complained when we felt like he was about to cum.

"Me too," I agreed, retracting my finger and resting again on his shoulder.

"He's very close though," Jo mused, still distractedly jacking him off.

"Come on, don't leave me hanging like this!" he complained.

"But you are very tired, Jo, and we shouldn't have even considered fucking him…" I insisted.

"I'm about to cum, come on!" he pleaded, but Jolene left his member fall on his belly and began to ever so slightly caress him with her triple-pierced tongue.

"No, come on! Suck it, please!"

Unfortunately, it was too late. Jo's expert teasing brought him over the edge and jizz started to come out his peehole.

"Shit," he moaned, writhing under my roommie's torture. He looked so disheartened that for a moment I thought I saw him shed a mourning tear for his ruined orgasm. I had to restrain myself from cackling like Violet. Hey, maybe she was rubbing off on me!

"Mmmh, yummy!" whispered Jo by herself when it was finally over: she lapped away all the cum she could scoop and swallowed it. Then, she just climbed back and rested her head on his shoulder. "Night night, Mr Fox!" she mumbled.

Before Sebastian could complain again – and he had a lot to be grumpy about – I muffled him with my hand hissing "Let her sleep!"

We stayed silent until my roommie fell into a deep slumber. Then I leaned on my elbow, so that I could face him. "Look, you can now tell you've slept with not one, but two χχχ sisters, after seeing them naked and that they made you cum, which is better than anyone of those guys can tell," I mocked him, as I caressed his chest.

"Fuck you," he hissed curtly. His lips were again dangerously close to mine…

"No need, I got plenty of men to fuck me! Oh, by the way this was for Violet."


"Not important."

"You are a cruel woman."

"And you an interesting man," I whispered, just before kissing him. Originally it was supposed to be an innocent kiss on the lips because I kinda felt guilty now, then I opted to make out with him a little, but we ended up exploring each other for along while.

"I'm not sure if this is proof that you are cruel or the opposite," he commented after.

"Oh, tonight I realized I'm a complicated woman. I love being in control and toy with you," I whispered, tickling his sex with a chuckle, "and yet tonight I relinquished all my control and turned myself into a toy. To those boys I'm an easy girl, and yet I'm clearly… So. Fucking. Difficult!"

"It should be obvious by now that I like a challenge," he shrugged.

I didn't know how to answer. I was all out of snarky replies. Perhaps some truth was in order.

"Have you had fun tonight?" I asked earnestly.

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now."

With a smile, I rested my head again on his shoulder.

"Wren… I hate to ask, but I'm a little worried: if I managed to crash this kind of party just for kicks… Isn't it possible that somebody with more nefarious intentions can too? There's a lot of people who don't like this sorority…"




Thanks for reading my work! Please, find a minute to comment it, even (and especially) if you didn't like it. I'm always eager to improve my writing and... Well, get some satisfaction out of it!

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TD23TD232 months ago

An amazing series, too bad about the cliffhanger and that there are no more parts - but I just wanted to say it was an awesome read and really made me feel good! Excellent work! I hope you come back someday :)

gbdfagbdfa11 months ago

I'd like to see Wren and Jo sub to Ava and Morgan and then have Wren and Jo dom Kaya and Violet. Another idea is to have Wren and Kaya play their edging game from Part 5 in front of the sorority and the loser in denial for christmas break. And use that as a way to have the new pledges dom Violet.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Why don't you move a little quick and let her fall in love with Sebastian and get her in a dilemma between the Sorority and her love for Sebastian. In the end marking her as his slut, yet also performing her duties to the Sorority with his permission. Making her the biggest slut with fake tits, injected lips and the most slutty tattoos and clothing :)

bushyTrailbushyTrailabout 1 year agoAuthor

I've started writing it, but I'm not happy with it and at the moment I'm not feeling particularly inspired... Any suggestion is welcome, though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

will we see part 8 soon?

bobunobubobunobuover 1 year ago

Very nice. Looking forward to the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I wanted Sabastian to win the bid for wren but again I didn't, what you did here was far better than my imagination came up with. great job. We know before the story is over he will receive her treats so we all can sit back and wait. I hope in upcoming chapter we see more of the other girls mentality come out as to what they want or don't want to do. hopefully more will see them nude at school. and more nights like this party.


nakedguyatxnakedguyatxover 1 year ago

What a great concept. Super hot.

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