The Zip Files Bk. 01: Zip Unzips Ch. 09


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Nevertheless, though the scenery off to the sides was lovely, the camera slowly kept zooming in until only Golden Boy and the Silver Fox were visible. At this, Molly rolled her eyes, and lifted up the remote.

"Sorry," she said to him. "I know they're like, 'your' people and all, but... this is fucking boring."

She swapped inputs, and brought up a clip she had found for them to watch instead. This proved to be a lesbian porn scene, in which a blonde was using her fingers to try to get a squirming redhead off. The camera slowly zoomed in, giving a better and better look.

"Besides," Molly cooed, tossing the remote down again, "this seems much more educational..."

Zip shook his head.

"No complaints from me," he said.

They sat back idly for a while, and watched the finger work going on.

"I think you're better than that," Molly said, as they watched the blonde use a thrusting finger, aided by a little tongue-work, to send the redhead up and over the edge - supposedly. To Zip the resulting 'orgasm' sounded distinctly fake. "I mean, this shit is one-hundred-percent for dudes," Molly continued, shaking her head - but not looking away. "But still - that bitch doesn't have a clue what she's doing."

"So I'm the pussy master?" Zip asked, smirking.

"I wouldn't go that far..." Molly said, squirming, as she watched the actress progress back to using her tongue. "But I think you've got an associates degree... fuck probably a bachelor's too, at least compared to the average San Caj High shithead."

Zack had not been Molly's only attempt to get down with the straight lifestyle before throwing in the towel, and knew from where she spoke on this point.

"Good enough to start," he said. Turning his head, he looked at her. "Thanks, Molly."

She shivered, still feeling a good sort of ache down between her thighs from the last time he'd made her squirt. "You really, really don't need to mention it..." she said.

They watched for a few more minutes. Or rather, Zip did. Having been handed his phone, she was amusing herself looking through Denise's last several pictures. In accordance with their dictates, one showed her presenting herself naked within her own kitchen; another in the park with her pants undone and wide open; and a third sitting in the teacher's lounge with her shirt entirely unbuttoned and held open to give a good look at her enormous bra. Amused, Molly opened the keyboard and, pretending to be Zip, typed in a few suggestions for new places she could pose. A few seconds later she got back a thumb's up flanked by a pair of kiss-symbols, and smirked. Then she gasped softly, and suddenly looked up.

"Oh by the way," she said, turning her head towards him. "I've heard several girls talking about Sally Safire over the last few days. I also have a feeling that little Wikipedia page of yours is getting a lot more traffic, all of a sudden. So a certain extremely booby teacher did her fucking job in more ways than one."

Zip nodded. "Good," he said.

And then they went back to watching porn.


Finally, late at night, Zip returned home from Molly's. Going back down into his basement lair he put down his bag, and then turned and looked up pensively.

Above him, upon the wall, lay the collection photos and pinned-up lingerie that documented each of his sessions within Denise. But even all of them combined didn't fill up one whole column. And there was a lot more empty wall space where that came from, still crying out to be filled...

Leaning down, he logged into his computer. He opened up a particular file, and made some selections. His photo-printer whirred as it started to run off a new print on thick, pilfered card-stock.

As it ran, Zip opened up his phone and checked the little app he had written. He had added a countdown clock on which was displayed the exact second when his current target was projected to reach the absolute peak of her cycle.

There were less than twenty four hours left.

The picture finished printing. Zip put away his phone. Pulling up a chair he climbed up and, with a few tacks, carefully started up a new column right next to Denise's. Then he climbed back down, and looked up.

Above him was the picture that had started it all. Erica Blake hanging halfway out of her clothes, her bra and panties exposed. He studied her spectacular contours for a few more seconds - knowing full well from his phone that her curvy hips had just entered ovulation, and were just hours away from reaching their most fertile and horny state possible. He knew the best time to strike, down to the hour.

He would almost certainly need it.

"This time tomorrow I'm either going to know what the inside of Erica Blake's pussy feels like... or I'm going to be expelled," he said.

He thought a few seconds longer.

"Or in jail," he thought.

He studied her sleek and athletic limbs for a few seconds.

"Or the hospital," he added.

He pondered her for a few more seconds, especially her big breasts, and the way her little thong swept down into his jeans, and his dick twitched.

"Worth it," he said.

And then he went to bed.

To be continued...

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MarkVSharpMarkVSharpabout 1 year agoAuthor

Hey all, apologies for taking a while to reply.  Real life continues to get in the way, unfortunately, and what time I did have I wanted to focus on writing.  Good news is, chapter 10 has been approved for publication and releases tomorrow.  This is actually the final chapter of book 1.  Plan is I will take a brief break from Zip to focus on a few Beachport stories, then come back to him around the early summer; targeting having Episode 2 started by June.  'Episode 3', which is a single-chapter work, will come out in July, probably while Episode 2 is still in progress.  Now onto comments.

@amfanon:  "I get the need for this chapter to set the stage for what is to come. Looking forward to seeing the payoff for Zip's ghost deception"

I mean the payoff is long-term; it's a recurring element that once embedded comes up repeatedly.  It's intended to let him use his powers more freely without getting detected by the powers that be.  And... (*significant, if vague spoilers*) in the long term it's not going to work.  At least one entity, possibly more, with reason to be interested in people like Zip is going to notice that something strange is happening in San Cajetan and come investigate.  Now, this deception may still help to delay that response, and may also muddy the waters so that it is harder for said entity, or entities, to figure out exactly what is happening and who is responsible.  But getting into more details than that is a far more serious spoiler so I'll leave it at that).

@MormonJack "Love it! Very clever cover. But one thing mystifies me: why wasn't he trying to learn how to "munch" on Molly with Denise there to guide him, especially as there were both getting tutored by Denise. What better way to figure out if you've got it than try it out on someone other than the teacher. And after watching what Zip was doing to Denise, I was more than a little surprised that Molly wasn't tempted to at least experiment.

Doesn't matter. It was fun, hot and well done. 5 stars and THANK YOU!"

Glad you liked it.  On him taking the opportunity - I thought about that, but this chapter already had one extended 'training montage' and I didn't want to put in a second.  Zip learning to eat pussy will get its own focus when he gets around to it.  .  Which, since he's kind of a shithead teenager, he will probably put off longer than he should, but is absolutely going to happen eventually.

On Molly experimenting - that's a trope I'm generally going to avoid, at least for her.  In part because, bluntly, one of her roles as a character is to serve as someone who Zip can talk to who he is not and never will be in a sexual relationship with, and therefore doesn't have any of the baggage that would come with that.  There is actually going to be something of a change in her sexuality eventually, but it's not getting into dudes; rather she's going to discover a predilection for an activity that could not be engaged in in the 'real world' at all and is only really possible in a fantasy setting.  But IIRC you have to wait until around Episode 4 for that to show up.

@AnonTheMouseKing "Keep up the good work, I can't wait to see Erica get put in her place.

Oh, and I wouldn't worry too much about the 'Molly and a guy' aspect. Human bodies will nearly always respond to physical stimulation, regardless of how the person in question feels about the person providing that stimulation. That's why sexual abuse has been a major element of a torturer's toolkit for millennia. And anecdotally, having briefly and somewhat awkwardly dated a self-identified lesbian in our teens, I can attest that this chapter (and what I remember of the first) is at least a reasonable approximation of reality. It was always much easier to get her off with a few fingers than to talk her into trying anything more serious. Oh and, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but, uh... I don't think too many readers tune in to your stories for the 'realism'..."

On the flexibility aspect - yeah, I'm aware.  I've known a couple of women in my time who self-described as lesbians but in practice were not exactly pure about that identity.  And obviously a lot of women will have a diverse array of relationships before fully coming out, which is one reason the concept of a 'gold star lesbian' is a thing.   But at the same time I figured some folks might be more particular about these labels, so I wanted to call it out in advance just in case.

On realism not being my highest virtue - oh, I am aware!  I've made some whole-hearted attacks against it in my time.  Nevertheless, there are some things I do care more about portraying accurately than others, and it happens that the idea I might be mis-representing a sexuality other than my own is one of the topics I'm comparatively sensitive to.  

@Mackon01 "This was really good, the interaction with his friend fleshed him out, and made him and her more interesting. I know that's not we are here for but it is still nice to have good characters."

Glad to hear you enjoyed it!  Yeah some of the interactions during this segment were among the most fun of book 1 for me to write, so I'm glad they came across that way.  As you say, it's always going to be a side element to the porn, but I am going to try to develop the characters of our principles at least a little bit as things move along; if only to help keep things fresh.

@Anonymous  "This story line has been entertaining so far. Glad to see Molly brought on board, even though it was likely from the first chapter. So far as realism goes... this is a story about villains/heroes with one power or another. I'm also wondering how the ghost story contibutes to Zach's conquests.

That being mentioned, a woman actually has a fertile window rather than just one day or a specific time. Obviously, a woman is most fertile on her ovulation day. The chance of pregnancy typically starts around 5 days prior and increases up to the ovulation day. However, most people trying to time intercourse to avoid pregnancy don't know that a man's semen can trigger ovulation, resulting in a pregancy outside a woman's fertile window.

Also, psychology does play a part which is why anticipation and foreplay are so important for women. It's not that a woman can't climax without it but the intercourse is much more enjoyable and the climax(es) is(/are) much bigger with it. Telling a woman early in the day that you want her that night makes her think about it all day..."

On the pregnancy details - oh, I'm aware!  Zip trying to target her 'absolute peak' is really more about him aiming to get at her when she's at her most horny (which tends to correlate with ovulation for the vast majority of women, in my, uh... personal experience).  Also keep in mind he's working off historical data, which anyone with experience of real-world cycles will tell you is an imperfect predictor, so targeting the 'peak day' is more about hitting the center of the probability distribution than anything. The idea he might knock her up as well is not something that concerns him too much, for better or worse, but not his objective per se.

That said, while we're on the topic, and since the subject of realism came up; it might be good to bring up a few other relevant facts to help set expectations.  As mentioned, this story is not strictly speaking realistic, but I am going to try to stay closer to reality in certain areas in order to help keep things grounded.  I've hinted before that the Zip stories maintain continuity, and that the consequences of Zip's actions carry forward into the future; I'll go ahead and say that pregnancy is absolutely one of those consequences (though by no means the only one).

So it should be noted that natural human reproduction is actually surprisingly inefficient.  Not every fertilized zygote is viable, not every viable zygote implants, etc.  The upshot of that is that in the 'real world' a reproductively healthy young woman who is not on any form of birth control and who is having plenty of unprotected sex with one or more viable fathers has about a 20% chance to get pregnant per ovulation.  Not odds you would want to bet your life on either way, but not actually that high.  If she carries on with the above-described behavior for an entire year, her chance of having become pregnant at least once by the end of that year is around 85%.  Again, pretty good odds - but still well short of certain.  So while if Zip carries on having unprotected sex with enough ladies he is absolutely going to knock some of them up, it also should not be assumed that every single woman he has sex with once, even under optimal conditions, translates immediately into another bun in an oven.

This of course assumes that his mutant status doesn't affect this at all, which it very well might, going either direction; but if it does then that's something even Zip himself is unaware of.  But since he fully intends to fuck around, it is something he will almost certainly find out.

On the emotional aspect:  that's a great point, and I agree.  We already saw this a bit in chapter 6, where Denise entered his basement already horny from having to wear a revealing dress all day and knowing that sex was imminent.  As it happens, this is not something Zip is going to be able to take advantage of with Erica; but in future instalments it is a tactic we will see him deploy regularly.

Thanks again to everyone for writing in, and my repeated apologies it took a while to reply. Hope you all enjoy the final chapter of book 1, and the remaining works in the series.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This story line has been entertaining so far. Glad to see Molly brought on board, even though it was likely from the first chapter. So far as realism goes... this is a story about villains/heroes with one power or another. I'm also wondering how the ghost story contibutes to Zach's conquests.

That being mentioned, a woman actually has a fertile window rather than just one day or a specific time. Obviously, a woman is most fertile on her ovulation day. The chance of pregnancy typically starts around 5 days prior and increases up to the ovulation day. However, most people trying to time intercourse to avoid pregnancy don't know that a man's semen can trigger ovulation, resulting in a pregancy outside a woman's fertile window.

Also, psychology does play a part which is why anticipation and foreplay are so important for women. It's not that a woman can't climax without it but the intercourse is much more enjoyable and the climax(es) is(/are) much bigger with it. Telling a woman early in the day that you want her that night makes her think about it all day...

Mackon01Mackon01about 1 year ago

This was really good, the interaction with his friend fleshed him out, and made him and her more interesting. I know that's not we are here for but it is still nice to have good characters.

AnonTheMouseKingAnonTheMouseKingabout 1 year ago

Keep up the good work, I can't wait to see Erica get put in her place.

Oh, and I wouldn't worry too much about the 'Molly and a guy' aspect. Human bodies will nearly always respond to physical stimulation, regardless of how the person in question feels about the person providing that stimulation. That's why sexual abuse has been a major element of a torturer's toolkit for millennia. And anecdotally, having briefly and somewhat awkwardly dated a self-identified lesbian in our teens, I can attest that this chapter (and what I remember of the first) is at least a reasonable approximation of reality. It was always much easier to get her off with a few fingers than to talk her into trying anything more serious. Oh and, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but, uh... I don't think too many readers tune in to your stories for the 'realism'...

MormonJackMormonJackabout 1 year ago

Love it! Very clever cover. But one thing mystifies me: why wasn't he trying to learn how to "munch" on Molly with Denise there to guide him, especially as there were both getting tutored by Denise. What better way to figure out if you've got it than try it out on someone other than the teacher. And after watching what Zip was doing to Denise, I was more than a little surprised that Molly wasn't tempted to at least experiment.

Doesn't matter. It was fun, hot and well done. 5 stars and THANK YOU!

amfanonamfanonabout 1 year ago

I get the need for this chapter to set the stage for what is to come. Looking forward to seeing the payoff for Zip's ghost deception.

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