Trapped Together


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I gave Stacy a hard look, trying to tell if she was messing with me, but her light blue eyes just stared right back at me. The message in them was pretty clear: "What are you waiting for, idiot?"

So I peeled off my shirt and tossed it on a little bench that ran along the wall of the room. Then I added my jeans to the pile. From the top step I stuck my right foot in the water, and it felt kind of warm and good.

"This still seems like a trap. How do I know you didn't put something in the water that will dye my skin green? " I asked Stacy, hesitating at the entrance of the pod.

With an loud, exasperated sigh, Stacy crossed her arms over her front, gripped the bottom of her white work shirt, and pulled the polo over the top of her head. I had to admit that I was very confused for a brief moment, until I realized she was wearing something underneath. When she began unbuttoning her shorts and pulled those down over her long, muscular legs, I realized she was wearing a black one piece swimsuit under her clothes.

Stacy stalked past me up the steps as I asked, "Why are you wearing a swimsuit?" but she was too busy stepping into the pod. She eased herself into the water in a sitting position, then slid her legs down the length of the pod so she was essentially floating in the water with her head resting against the back of the pod. My mind short circuited for a moment, because her athletic body looked amazing in her tight swimsuit, the wet, black fabric clinging to her body, showing off the swell of her perky breasts and even the outline of her abs. The curve that ran in from her ribs to her waist, back out to the swell of her thigh, and then traced over her hips to her toned legs was sexy and distracting.

"You see!" she yelled at me, bringing my attention back up to her fiercely angry blue eyes. "I paid $25 for you to try this and you're being a baby about getting in the tank."

I stepped into the pod and sat down on my butt next to her, "Okay, okay, okay," I said, trying to calm her down. The water did feel nice and warm, not too hot like the Jacuzzi but a soothing kind of warm. "I wasn't sure how big this thing was going to be on the inside and... I'm kind of afraid of small, enclosed spaces," I explained.

Stacy studied me with her angry, blue eyes until her exasperated face relaxed and I could tell that she knew I was telling the truth. "Look how big this thing is," Stacy explained, a hint of impatience still in her voice. She spread her arms out a little to her side to emphasize the width of the inside of the pod.

"Okay, you're right," I said lying down next to her as I pulled the hatch door closed on the pod, "now show me where that help button is located..."

"NO WAIT!" Stacy yelled, pushing her hand against the closing hatch just as the door clicked shut.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE you just did that!" she yelled at me, her voice weirdly echoing off the top of the pod and being muffled by the water around us. The pink glow diminished slightly on the inside, and then began pulsing slowly as soothing instrumental music began to play.

"What?!" I asked, now somewhat alarmed, despite the soothing music.

"You IDIOT," Stacy said with a sigh, pushing hard against the closed hatch and then sinking down to float in the water with a heavy sigh.

"Please don't tell me we're trapped in here," I asked, trying to keep the panic out of my voice. I looked around the dimly lit pod with the pulsating light and couldn't even see where the seams were for the door.

"We're trapped in here," she responded, the irritation clear in her voice.

"WHAT?!" I almost exploded.

"Not forever," she said softly, trying to calm me down a little while still sounding irritated. "It will run for the hour cycle that I programmed."

The news that we weren't trapped forever calmed me down a little, but being stuck in there for an hour wasn't good news. "Why can't we open it from the inside? What about that bell thing?"

Stacy sighed again, then said, "The first generations of these chambers didn't have any interface on the inside. The point was supposed to be surrendering to the serenity. But then they realized there could be emergencies, and I heard some people were freaked out and wanted to get out. So they built the little emergency button into the inside of the pod. But there's still no way to open the door from the inside, the button just rings a chime on the outside. You still need someone on the outside to open it."

"Well that seems like a terrible oversight!" I yelled, feeling a little like the walls were closing in and very much disliking the answer.

"Alright, calm down," Stacy tried to order me. I think she could sense the panic in my voice. "Yelling isn't helping anything. Switch places with me."

Despite her prior insistence that the pod was wide, we were floating shoulder to shoulder and our outer shoulders were pressed up against the side of the pod. Switching places was not an easy task, between the tight space, the water mixture that made our bodies extra buoyant, and the inability to lift our heads or legs very far without bumping against the top of the pod.

At first, Stacy tried to turn her body to the side to sort of roll over me, but the pod wasn't tall enough and I couldn't sink down into the water mixture to allow her over. So after a couple seconds of awkwardly bumping into each other, including one point where I clearly felt the swell of her firm breast pressed against my arm through her slippery swimsuit top, I finally slid my left arm under Stacy's body. Grabbing onto her side, I was able to pull her body over me, the wet swimsuit material that covered her back sliding over my skin as we mostly switched sides in the pod.

Our maneuver wasn't perfect, somehow our legs got tangled so her smooth, toned left leg ended up going over my thigh while my bulky right leg ended up under her round, firm butt and between her legs. But Stacy didn't appear to care about the slightly awkward positioning. She immediately began feeling with her fingertips along the side of the sealed "healing chamber," a couple of inches above the water. I could just make out in the dim and weirdly pulsating pink light that she had found something because her fingers slid into a straight line against the side of the tank.

She didn't explain to me what she was doing or what she intended, which is why I laughed when she pushed hard against the side of the pod without any warning. I laughed because, instead of pushing out the hatch, Stacy just managed to push herself down further into the water. Clearly the liquid was meant to be deep enough so you couldn't feel the bottom while you were floating in the mixture, and Stacy sunk down to her chin before she gave up pushing on the perfectly smooth wall of the chamber.

"Okay, fuck, that was stupid," Stacy scolded herself. "I need leverage." She floated in silence for a moment and then said, "Scoot over here and slide under me."

"What? Why?" I asked.

"I can sit in your lap, with you resting on the bottom of this thing, and brace myself against you while I try to jar this door open," she explained quickly.

"Why can't you just tuck your legs under yourself, brace your shins against the bottom of the pod, and push up?" I asked.

"Because this space is too small for me to pull my legs under me. I might get stuck, AND I have to try to find the latch at the seam, and to do that I need to be able to see the seam and line up my fingers," Stacy explained quickly.

"Why can't I brace my arm under you, against the side of the pod, and push you up?" I asked.

"Because you'll just sink into the water and the side of the pod is too slippery for you to hold," she said sounding very irritated. "Or do you just want to be stuck in here together for an hour?!"

"Not if you're going to be pissed at me the whole time," I said quietly.

Stacy took a deep breath, clearly calming herself, and then said, "I'm not pissed at you. You made an understandable mistake." She continued talking very slowly, "But these chambers aren't meant for two people at a time and I have no idea if we might damage this thing both being in here, so why don't we just try my idea and see if I can get us out."

I gently grasped Stacy with my right hand and pulled my mid section under her. Her idea did seem to be working a little. With her weight on top of mine, my butt sank to the bottom, and as she pushed lightly against the top of the pod, she pushed back against me and I was able to brace my hands against the bottom and prevent us from sinking.

Unfortunately, my new problem became Stacy sitting in my lap. The second she slid herself into my lap, I became instantly aware that there was only the thin layer of my swim trunks and the thin layer of her swimsuit between my cock and her round, very toned ass. Of course we somehow settled into a position where the length of my dick rested along the crack of her ass, with our clothes still in between. But I could swear that I could feel her well defined ass muscles with both the skin of my thigh and the length of my dick. Worst of all, as she pushed firmly but cautiously against the closed hatch, her efforts made her round ass rise and fall in my lap. My cock was rubbing back and forth long the crack of Stacy's ass.

I hadn't masturbated in a couple of days, and I was becoming painfully aware that Stacy's ass slid down against my crotch when she pushed on the door, and then slid back up when she eased off of her pushing. Stacy seemed generally oblivious, telling me, "It's kind of working, I can feel the hatch moving just a little."

I tried to spare myself from embarrassment by asking, "Can we maybe try another position?"

"Why?" Stacy asked, never ceasing her gently pushing against the seam of the hatch. Her hands were sliding further towards the top of the pod as she probed for weaknesses in the door. "Am I pushing against you too hard? Or are you getting uncomfortable about the tightness of the space again.

"No," I said as her round ass slid up and down, up and down, over my increasingly interested cock. The added lubrication of the warm mineral water and the slipperiness of her tight swimsuit were also not helping me. "I just don't know if this is a good idea."

"I think it might work," Stacy responded, barely paying attention to me. She would push at one place, ease up when the hatch barely moved, and then slide her hands an inch further down the seam and push again. But her movements were pushing her fantastic ass, which I now remembered admiring earlier, up and down, up and down over my growing cock. The liquid in the pod was a little thicker than water, and provided perfect lubrication as I could feel the fabric of my trunks slip up and down over my growing pole.

"I think we should stop," I said again after maybe another minute of Stacy's pushing. She might as well have been grinding her firm cheeks against my groin.

"Huh?" Stacy said, clearly barely aware I was there. "Why? I think I found the corner and there seems to be a little more give here."

Then there was a pause in Stacy's movements, and I wondered if she had found the latch she had been talking about. But instead she said, "Is it because you're hard again?"

I was mortified with embarrassment, but the way she had phrased the question confused me. "Again?" I asked.

"Like in the Jacuzzi," she stated. "You're hard again aren't you."

"I'm really sorry," I said honestly, "but this is not my fault."

Stacy turned her head over her shoulder so she could talk more directly to me while still essentially sitting in my lap in the water. "You're not some kind of sex fiend who can't control himself and is going to try to assault me in here, are you?"

"NO!" I said a little too loudly in the confined, echoing space of the chamber. I lowered my voice a little to continue, "I'm not some sex fiend just because this happened. A gorgeous girl in a swimsuit is sitting on top of my lap in the water and practically grinding her ass against me. This is what happens naturally."

"You're still trying to insist that I'm gorgeous?" she asked with doubt in her voice.

"THAT'S what you take away from what I said?" I asked, being careful not to shout again.

"I'm not grinding against you," Stacy retorted, sounding offended.

"When you push, you slide down against my lap. When you let go, you float back up a little, still sitting in my lap. That's why I said we should try a different position," I explained, a little exasperation in my own voice.

"If you can try to control your urges and not flip out about me bracing myself against your midsection, I think I can get us out of here," she instructed me in a tone that did not invite debate. She made the whole thing sound clinical, ignoring that a pretty girl with an athletic body was covered in slippery fluids, wearing a swimsuit, and sitting in my lap. "Do you think you can control yourself until then?"

I sighed and responded, "I don't think this is a great idea, especially if you're going to get offended that my body reacts naturally to the stimulation you are directly applying to it."

"Fine, I'm not offended," Stacy responded. "I understand. Now sit still and let me see if I can push this open."

With that, Stacy immediately pressed hard against the hatch and I admit that I could see a tiny little bit of light flow in along the line of the hatch seam. Stacy pushed and probed, and her round, slippery ass slid up and down, up and down, over my cock. There was not much more I could do now, so I just did my best to keep my arms at my side so I could brace my hands against the bottom of the pod while the firmness of Stacy's toned bottom rubbed up and down over my full erect and slippery cock.

Stacy had indeed found a corner, as the light coming in showed the right angle of the corner of the hatch. But the latch was clearly down near the middle, because that part of the hatch didn't budge. So Stacy began pushing hard against the hatch top, I'm guessing to try to more clearly see where the latch was located. That made my predicament even worse. Pushing firmly with both her arms, Stacy round butt pressed hard against my cock. Now her ass cheeks would slide down firmly over the length of my stiff pole, like a wet hand was firmly pressing down the length of my slippery, excited cock skin. On top of that, the water started sloshing back and forth in the pod with Stacy's motions, and I got a very weird and definitely pleasurable sensation from the slightly thick liquid flowing back and forth over the side of my cock as Stacy's ass moved up and down.

I thought to myself that Stacy smooth ass cheeks slipping up and then pushing down over the length of my pole was starting to feel very pleasurable, and I might as well enjoy it. But then my body was enjoying it too much. I started to try to think of something that would take my mind off of my excited erection, but all I could think were dirty thoughts. I almost thought I could feel the smooth fabric of Stacy's swimsuit with my sensitive cock skin as she slid her ass down my cock again. That made me think about the fact that there were only a few millimeters of fabric between my dick and Stacy's taut little ass. Then I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that she was barely wearing anything, with most of her skin exposed as she slid back and forth over my cock.

I was far too turned on by all of this. "Stacy, stop," I asked quietly.

She was now pushing frantically as she felt along the seam, trying to keep the hatch a little separated from the pod wall. That made her ass slide up and down a little faster, my thick, aroused pole slipping up and down right along the crack of her ass.

"I think I can find the latch," she responded with a grunt, focusing her efforts on trying to push the hatch open.

My cock was starting the tingle, the liquid sloshing back and forth beneath my trunks providing a slight sucking and then slight blowing sensation on my manhood.

"Please stop," I asked quietly, thinking to myself that this wasn't really happening. There's no way that just these sensations could actually be enough for me.

"Just calm down for a second," Stacy replied. She seemed to have found the area where the latch was located, but couldn't get the hatch to budge at all there. So she pushed harder, and faster, more insistently. And she rose and fell in my lap harder, her ass sliding wetly along my cock faster. My solid pole pressing deeper into the crevice between her ass cheeks as she pushed hard.

"Oh God," I moaned quietly, "Please stop."

"STOP... BEING... A... BABY!" Stacy grunted, using each word to punctuate a hard shove against the door. And each word pressing her round ass cheeks against my excited manhood. And sliding my cock through the crevices of her firm ass. And pressing slippery fabric against my sensitive skin.

My body was electric, and I could feel the loss of control coming. I decided all I could do was try to hide it, so I braced myself. Stacy shoved hard against the top of the pod and pressed her slippery bottom firm against me as I felt the sparks of orgasm erupt through my body. The crescendo was quick and intense, immediately overpowering me in an explosion of rapture. Absently, I could feel my cock twitching in my shorts, but my mind was focused on the bliss and pleasure spreading out through my groin, burning through my body, and tickling my toes.

I couldn't stop both of my legs from shaking slightly, or my toes from curling. The sudden intensity of the orgasm was too sharp, too strong. As soon as I came back to my senses, I realized that Stacy was no longer pushing against the door to the pod.

"What was that?" she asked, still sitting my lap, but no longer pressed against me as the buoyancy of her body floated her in the liquid.

"What?" I asked, partly trying to stall for time, partly dazed as my head cleared from my orgasm.

"What just happened?" Stacy asked quietly.

"What do you mean?" I asked in response.

"Your legs were just shaking," she explained slowly, "And you grunted or something, a little."

"I did?" I replied, and as the silence between us dragged on and my mind searched for an answer I said, "Um..."

"Did you just cum?" Stacy asked.

How the hell would she know? But all that came out of my mouth was, "Um..."

"Please tell me you DID NOT just cum. You were hard from feeling me, and then you grunted, and your legs shook. Please tell me you did not just have an orgasm from that!" she demanded.


"EEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!" Stacy screamed in the pod, and then she was frantically pulling herself over my body and sliding back to her original side of the pod. Water splashed over my chest as she threw her body so her back was up against the other side wall of the pod.

"Stacy, calm down," I tried in a calm voice.

"You came!" she yelled accusingly, trying to shrink against the side wall of the pod. "I'm floating in your cum!!"

"Stop splashing!" I finally yelled. "Listen to me. The cum is mostly in my shorts, and if we move as little as possible it will stay there. But if you keep moving around and splashing water, the water is going to move around and the cum is going to spread around."

"Oh my God," Stacy said softly. "I can't believe it, you did cum."

I lowered my left shoulder and turned my head a little, so even though we were still floating in the liquid, Stacy and I were slightly turned onto our sides facing each other. In the pulsing pink light, Stacy's blue eyes looked pink. Her whole face and her hair looked pink. But I could tell clearly that there was a very nervous look in her eyes.

"I practically begged you to stop moving," I said firmly in my defense, "I told you what it was doing to me."

"I can't believe that actually made you cum," Stacy responded quietly, then added "Please don't move around too much, try to keep that stuff in your pants if you can. How did you cum from so little?"
