Trapped Together


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"I told you over and over," I explained, slightly exasperated. "You're gorgeous. You're in a swimsuit. That turns me on and then you were grinding yourself against my dick. I kept trying to get you to stop."

"Guys can cum just from that?" Stacy asked.

That was a curious response. "Guys can cum from much less, in the right circumstances," I replied, "Haven't you ever fooled around with guys who probably came well before you were ready."

Stacy's eyes went a little wide at the question. There was a moment of silence, filled only by the soft instrumental music playing in the pod before she responded, "I've done some stuff, but a guy has never cum that quick before."

"Never?" I asked, honestly incredulous.

"Well..." another pause. "Okay, I haven't done a ton of stuff, but I guess maybe once it was quick. But he need more than just me bumping up against him."

"You WERE more than bumping up against me," I responded. "You were rubbing against me for at least five minutes altogether, I know a lot of guys can only make it three or four when they're having sex."

There was another long pause, with me just looking into her weirdly pink eyes while the light pulsed and the music played softly.

"I've never had sex," she finally responded. I was dumbstruck. I didn't know what to say. "It's embarrassing, and now you're judging me for it," Stacy said a little heatedly, closing her eyes.

"No, no, no," I tied to insist. "I am totally not judging you. That's great, it really is. If that's your choice then good for you, I swear. Sex is a big thing and you have to do what feels right."

Another silent pause.

"You don't think it's weird?" she asked.

"No," I said emphatically, "I swear. I think it's cool if that's your choice."

"You sure it's not weird?" she asked.

"Okay, okay," I responded, "Me cumming in a healing chamber because we're trapped in it together and you are rubbing your ass against me IS a little weird. You being a virgin is not."

That got a little laugh from Stacy. She opened her eyes and studied me carefully, like she was weighing me. Then she finally responded, "Well, I don't know if it's totally my choice."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well in college," she began, speaking very slowly and tentatively, "I had some friends who were still virgins and their first experiences weren't great. Sometimes their second and third weren't great either. And I thought, I don't want to just lose my virginity to some bad experience, you know. I want to try to make sure it's a good one. And then after college, I was still a virgin and I didn't want to throw that away. There were some guys I would have gone all the way with, but it didn't happen. And suddenly, I'm almost 25 years old and I'm still a virgin."

"That's fine, I like that," I told her. "You want to make your first time special, and I think that's great. My first couple of times were awkward, so I can understand."

Stacy smiled a little, "It's not like staying a virgin is a big deal to me, I'm just going to wait until I feel like it's right to try it."

"I'm just impressed with your restraint," I said to her, "Honestly there's been more than one time where I had no intention of having sex with someone, but then one thing led to another and then in the heat of the moment we end up doing it."

Stacy laughed a short, little laugh "Well that's never been a problem for me," she said.

"What do you mean?"

"Well... I've been with some really great guys, but none of them have ever... you know..." Stacy hesitated. "Is this a weird conversation for us to be having in a healing pod?"

I laughed, "Not at all, especially considering you already got me off. Besides, what else are we going to do until the hour is up? So what have you never done with guys?"

Stacy began speaking again immediately, but then hesitated, saying, "None of them have..."

"What?" I asked.

"None of them have... ever made me cum," she finished quietly but firmly.

"Never?!" I exclaimed, disbelieving.

"Never," she stated, then continued evenly, "I haven't done a ton of stuff, but no guy has ever gotten me to orgasm."

"Have you ever gotten yourself to orgasm, I mean by yourself," I clarified.

"Oh, all the time," she said. "I don't know if it's me or the guys I've been with, but normally I'm not even close."

It was my turn to laugh a little, which provoked a, "What's so funny?" from Stacy.

"Getting girls to cum is my specialty," I said.

"Oh please," Stacy responded with her own laugh, "That's a terrible line."

"No, I'm serious," I responded with conviction. "I love getting a girl to cum. I don't know what it is, but it really turns me on. So I've gotten pretty good at it."

"You're just trying to get me to fool around with you," Stacy replied, a look of definite skepticism on her face.

"No, I swear," I said, "I'm just telling you. I would frankly love to be the first guy to get you off, but if nothing else, maybe I can help you figure out how to make it more enjoyable next time."

"How?" Stacy asked, still skeptical.

"Well, has a guy ever gone down on you?" I asked.

"No," she responded quickly.

"Is it because you don't like that?" I asked.

"No guy has ever offered... or maybe wanted to," she replied.

"Really?" I said, "That's almost criminal behavior."

"Well what does that have to do with me?" she asked.

"I haven't been with a ton of women. Okay, I've had sex with six, lifetime. Just fooled around with another six or so. They, plus female friends I've talked to, all tell me that oral sex is the best and most sure fire way to get a woman to orgasm."

"Huh," Stacy responded.

"Do you cum better from playing with your clit or putting something inside of you?" I asked.

"I don't think we should keep talking about this," Stacy said softly.

"Okay, if you want to switch topics, that's fine. But I'm just trying to help you," I said. Then I added, "why do you want to stop talking about, tell me honestly?"

Stacy didn't say anything, just looked down at the bottom of the pod, then looked back up at me.

"What?" I prompted her.

"This conversation has got me... I don't know," she began, "thinking bad things."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Turned on, okay," she spat out quickly. "The conversation is turning me on a little."

"Really?" I asked.

"I mean you're not a bad looking guy yourself, you know. And you're asking about what turns me on and talking about helping me cum. I mean you're talking about my clit!" she blurted out. "And now I keep thinking how you came just a couple minutes ago from rubbing against me, it's got me thinking bad things."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Like I want to let you try to help me," she said softly.

I reached out and gently rested my hand on the side of her hip. "Stacy, we don't have to talk about anything you don't want to talk about, and we most certainly don't have to do anything you don't WANT to do," I started. "But I would love to help you if you let me."

Another silent pause, the instrumental music playing softly. "What do you think can help?" she asked.

I slid my hand down Stacy's hip, running over the smooth skin of her muscular thigh. She wasn't bulging with muscles, but with her legs bare I could feel the bundle of power there beneath her flesh.

As my hand slid wetly up and down over Stacy's thigh, I said, "Let me try something. If at any point you don't like it, we can stop, okay?"

Stacy's eyes were fixed on mine in the dim light of the chamber. "What do you want me to do?"

"Spread your legs apart a little for me," I asked her softly.

She tried to spread her legs, but being on her side in the water made it a little difficult, so she had to turn on her back. Her eyes were fixed on the ceiling as she said, "If you try anything bad or tell anyone about this, I will strangle you."

"I promise, I won't," I said, as my hand slid around to her inner thigh and began running up and down the smooth inside of her leg. "I'm just going to try some things to see if you like them, and I'll stop any time you want me to."

"I can't believe I'm doing this," she muttered under her breath.

"Just let your body relax, float in the water, and enjoy the relaxation pod," I told her. "And as I try some things, tell me if it feels good or doesn't feel good, okay?"

"Okay," she responded, though I noted that her legs were only slightly spread.

Floating partly on my side there in the pod, in the middle of the spa, speaking soothing words softly to Stacy, I kind of felt like a dirty masseuse.

My fingers trailed lightly up one thigh, briefly over the joining of her legs were I could both see through the swimsuit and feel her sex, and then down the other thigh. My fingers slid back up that slippery, smooth inner thigh, over the bump of her sex, and back down her other thigh. With the wetness of her swimsuit material, my finger tip dragged a little as it crossed over e mound of her sex. Maybe I was BEING a dirty masseuse.

The next time my finger slid up Stacy's wet, slippery thigh, they lingered over her soft sex mound. With her legs spread and just the thin covering of her swimsuit bottom, I could feel the bulge of her pussy lips. I pressed my fingers gently into the soft, giving flesh, and ran my finger tips up and down her pussy lips. Stacy's body didn't appear to react at all. She just floated in the water, eyes appearing to be focused on the top of the pod in the dim, pink lights.

I deftly grasped the very bottom of Stacy's swimsuit and pulled it to the side with two of my fingers, while my remaining fingers rested on her bare, wet outer pussy lips. Stacy made no move to stop me. And when I paused there, with my fingers just touching the softer outer parts of her exposed womanhood, she lifted her head slightly to look at me as if to ask why I was stopping.

We said nothing to each other, and made no noise. The only sounds were the instrumental music playing softly and the barely audible noise of my fingers sliding up and down over the exposed outer folds of Stacy's sex. When I dipped my ring and pointer finger under Stacy's outer pussy lips, I could feel her taut body tense next to me in the water. But when I continued to run my finger slowly and gently up and down the underside of Stacy's feminine folds, her head dropped back down and her body relaxed again.

I used my two fingers to slowly coax Stacy's outer lips apart and spread wide the opening to her sex. I could feel the heat coming from her pussy, and feel a slickness that had nothing to do with the water we were floating in. My ring finger joined my other two probing digits, and it slid over the top of Stacy's pussy and brushed against the hard little button that I knew would be there. Stacy continued to float motionless in the water, but I could feel her tense again, and when the fat tip of my ring finger returned again to brush lightly over the top of her clit, she gasped.

My finger was soon tracing light circles around the tiny bump of Stacy's clit. She sucked in air, and then let it out in a little laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked softly as my finger continued to circle around and around the edge's of Stacy's most sensitive spot.

"I guess some guys do know where it is," she responded with a smile that I could make out easily in the dim light.

"Like I said, criminal behavior not to," I mused quietly as my probing finger pushed just a little more forcefully against the sides of Stacy's clit.

I swirled that one digit around and around Stacy's clit, watching her sexy, athletic body tense a little more in the water. Her arm and leg muscles started standing out a little more visibly, even in dim light, as I teased and brushed just the edges of her clit. Then every once in a while, randomly after a circle or two, I would brush my finger downward over the top of Stacy's clit, slip to the other side of her sensitive nub, and then start circling her clit in the opposite direction. Stacy's body tensed even more, shuddering slightly every time my finger slipped wetly over her most sensitive spot. Even in the dim light, the full outline of her perky little breasts was visible, tightly encased in her swimsuit. Those firm mounds of tit flesh began to move up and down more rapidly on her chest as her breathing increased, and I could clearly see the hard tips of her little nipples poking out through the thin fabric of her suit.

"You still good," I asked as my finger began to slide more rapidly around and over Stacy's hard little clit.

"Yes," Stacy quickly agreed, and then in a breathless voice continued, "You sure know how to tease."

"Oh, you don't like teasing?" I asked, switching to flicking rapidly upward over Stacy's clit with the tip my finger. Her back arched in the water, thrusting out her wet breasts proudly, and she moaned as I flicked my finger gently over her sensitive, wet nub. "You just want to get right to the best part, don't you?" I asked.

"Oh," was all Stacy was able to moan in reply.

I was soon alternating between flicking my finger over her clit a few times and then rubbing forcefully around the sensitive edges of her little bump. I kept her wet, feminine lips spread apart wide as I pressed deeply with my middle finger into her flesh, rubbing her excited little button with the tip of my ever probing digit. Stacy moaned loud and long in response.

"You think you might be able to cum from this?" I asked as my finger again rapidly flicked upward over her clit four or five times.

"Yes," she panted, her back still arched deeply in the water, her hard nipples now proudly and prominently jutting upwards into the thin fabric of her swimsuit.

"I thought you said no guy had ever gotten you off before," I teased, and Stacy moaned softly in response. My finger tip pressed flatly and forcefully over Stacy's clit, and I began rubbing back and forth and then up and down, tracing random patterns over her excited little button as fast as I could wiggle my finger. I began pressing directly into the hard little bump of her sensitive spot. My finger was practically vibrating over her wet, sensitive, aroused nub.

"Oh God," she moaned almost involuntarily, leaning her head up to look down at my finger diddling furiously over her sweet spot.

"Am I going to be the first person to make you cum?" I teased as my fingers rubbed furiously back and forth over her exposed nub. I kept a steady but quick pressure on her vibrating clit.

"Yes!" Stacy replied, "The first."

"Don't you want to cum for me?" I asked as my finger buzzed between her legs, sending little droplets of spray around her bare thighs from the fluid we were floating in.

"Oh God, yes!" Stacy replied, her breathing going so quick she was nearly panting. Her eyes were locked onto my finger, flying back and forth over her pussy.

"Then cum for me," I told her softly, my finger still vibrating furiously but steadily over her sensitive clit. "Cum for me Stacy."

When I said her name, her eyes turned to me. Then they shut tightly as she said, "Oh God, YES!"

And then the hatch door to the pod flew open. I was immediately nearly blinded by the light, even though the door didn't open all the way. The outside light of the spa was just so much more intense than the inner dim light of the pod that the sensation was like being overwhelmed by a flood light. I froze, but Stacy reacted with a frenzy of motion. Her legs kicked from being startled, splashing me with warm water from the pool of warm liquid we were floating in. One hand flew up to shield her eyes from the bright light while the other desperately tried to slide her swimsuit bottom back into place. When she found my fingers in the way of readjusting her bottom, she frantically slapped my hand away until I removed it from between her legs.

We then floated there for a moment, letting our eyes adjust to the new brightness of the light. I noted absently that the music in the pod had stopped, and the only sound now was the water swishing back and forth gently in the pod.

Finally I said, "You were so close, let's finish."

"No," Stacy replied in a whisper, "Someone might have come into the spa while we were stuck in here." The hand that had been between her legs rose up and covered her breasts as if she were naked and shielding herself from view.

Cautiously, Stacy poked her head out of the pod. The spa was big, so there was no way to tell from inside the pod, inside one of the rooms, whether we were alone. But there was no noise and nothing inside the healing chamber room moved.

Stacy cautiously lifted herself out of the healing chamber, gingerly and quietly placing her foot on the steps next to us, like she was a dripping wet cat burglar sneaking through a house. I watched as the water cascaded down her body and ran down her smooth, muscular legs in little rivers.

"I thought you locked the front door," I told her.

"Yeah, but one of the other employees may have come back," she whispered as she walked on her tip toes to the door of the room. "And I don't want them to find me in one of the healing chambers with someone else in the same pod."

Stacy slowly opened the door to the room, peered cautiously out through the doorway. The lights were still on in the spa, and there was no noise. "Hello?" she called out. Then after pausing to wait for a response, she called, "Hello?" again.

Satisfied that no one else was in the spa, Stacy tiptoed back to the pod and motioned for me to get out of the liquid. As I carefully stood and then began to step out of the pod, I said, "We don't have to just leave."

"I'm so happy not to be floating in water with your cum in it anymore," Stacy explained, still motioning for me to come towards her. "Let's go to the showers and wash ourselves off in case any of your crap got on us." Then she reached out and took hold of my hand.

Stacy led me gently by the hand through a back door in the healing chamber room, and still holding my hand she guided me through another set of doors just a few steps away that said "Women's showers." If she hadn't been holding my hand the whole time, I might have thought we were indeed just going to shower off. But with her fingers wrapped gently around mine, I wondered and hoped.

The showers were lined with nice, brown marble, each of six doorways leading to a small private room that included its own glass lined shower. The lighting was softer and slightly dimmer than the healing chamber room, but still bright compared to the inside of a pod. Stacy led me quickly into one of the shower rooms, closing the door and locking it behind us. Once inside, she finally let go of my hand and stepped quickly into the glass shower, turning on the water.

As the strong spray from two shower heads began to rain down on Stacy, she turned back to me and said, "Well get in here if you want."

I didn't need any further invitation. I walked into the shower and stood to one side, with Stacy facing me on the other, the spray from the two nozzles falling between us. Stacy went straight to a big bottle marked "body soap," pumped out an ample amount on her hand, and quickly went to washing her entire body. I was confused. I thought maybe we were going to fool around more, but Stacy seemed intent on scrubbing herself from her forehead down to her toes. And even though she was using ample amounts of the soap, she kept her swimsuit on. So I followed suit and did the same as Stacy, taking ample amounts of body soap and scrubbing myself over my clothes. Stacy shot me quick little smiles while we cleaned ourselves, and I thought I caught her once or twice maybe checking out my body. But when she needed to clean a part of herself under her swimsuit, she would turn to the side and carefully wash there to make sure I couldn't see. When she soaped up her breasts, she turned almost entirely away from me, and looked over her shoulder as if to make sure I wasn't peeking.
