Truth or Dare with My... Mom? Ch. 06


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Finally, mom began pushing herself up and finally got into a sitting position, her legs closed. Still shiny with sweat, her head was bowed and I could see she was breathing deeply. Probably two minutes had passed before she looked up at me and smiled tiredly. "So... how'd I do?"

"Apparently the dare broke your brain, because that's the dumbest question you've ever asked, mom," I laughed. "You were amazing. You didn't break your record, you fucking shattered it."

Mom smirked and nodded. "Let's see that little slut Claudia top that act..."

Yeah, not a chance.

Another deep sigh and she pulled her damp brown hair out of her face, smiling at me. "Give mommy just a few minutes and she'll be ready, honey."

"Shit, for real, mom?" I exclaimed, looking at her in amazement. What was my mom made of?

"Oh, I've had lots of marathon sessions much longer than this, been drunker, and some other things I'll admit to later," she said with a naughty purr in her voice. "Yes, totally broke my record for stuffing my cunt and ass, but I gave birth to you, remember. Just need a bit to recharge."

She blew a kiss at me and waved cutely. "Julie Zane, signing off."

Oh, right, I was filming her. I'd been so into what she was saying that I literally forgot I was looking at her through a lens. I stopped the recording and put the camera down, letting out a heavy sigh of my own. Mom looked down between my legs and giggled.

"Poor Little Aaron is certainly looking neglected," she cooed. "C'mere and let mommy give him kisses. I won't make you cum, I'm gonna want that stuff inside me..."

I stood up and came over to mom. She got on her knees, sitting back and resting her amazing butt on her heels. She took hold of my erection and bent forward enough to slide him into his mouth. I moaned instantly, feeling a relief I'd needed right through the filming session and didn't realize it.

"Mmmmm," she said, bobbing back and forth, her eyes closed as she indulged in one of her favourite activities, sucking cock. I knew she didn't intend to make me cum, but if she kept swirling her tongue around while my shaft the way she was, I was gonna pop in her mouth, no question. Still, the relief I was feeling was so gratifying. Little Aaron certainly loved the attention.

After about two minutes of amusing yourself, mom let go of my cock, which left her mouth with a wet pop, and she smiled up at me. "Mmmmmm, hung young boy, my favourite Asian food..."

I chuckled while she giggled at her own politically incorrect joke, and then looked up at me, stroking my erection. "Truth or dare, big boy?"

"Well, I wimped out the last two times and said truth, so I'm goin' dare," I announced confidently.

Mom pondered. "If you do something to cum, can you do it again tonight?"

"I may take a while, but you'll get another out of me," I reasoned.

"Awesome," she said now, grinning. "We're gonna have some fun with target practice..."

Mom got to her feet (a little gingerly, and squeaking a bit), and then wiggled over to one of the big comfy armchairs. "Bring over towels please, baby. Ones I didn't squirt on."

I selected the towels and then arranged them on the chair as mom instructed, covering the plush material. Mom than eased herself down onto the chair and settled in. Once she was in place, she spread her legs wide, hooking them over the arms of the chair and leaving herself completely exposed. She also slouched down farther, so that not only was her pussy fully exposed, but I could see her ass pucker. The cute little bud winked at me.

"So..." she said, beginning to explain. "We're gonna get you ready to cum, baby. Then, from whatever distance we decide is good, you're gonna shoot your load at me. Hitting different parts of me is worth different points. Get my face, fifty points. Get it directly in my open mouth, a hundred. Glaze one of my tits, fifty. Glaze both, a hundred. My stomach is twenty. Rando places like my rib cage or flanks are ten."

She gave me a sly smile. "Shoot it all over my pussy for a hundred, but I'll be holding it open with my fingers. Get it in the entrance and that's a thousand. Nail my ass knot and that's a thousand. We clear?"

I nodded. I was excited to try this with mom. I repositioned three of the cameras, one beside me and facing mom, and one next to her, recording what I did. A third was off to our sides, taking us both in. I looked at her now, pointing the way with my hardon. "Where should I stand?"

She gave a little shrug. "You tell me, hot stuff. How strong are your kegel muscles? How strong is your jizz shot?"

I thought about that and she smirked, using her teacher voice. "The semen is propelled through the rhythmic contractions of your pelvic striated muscles, as well as the bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus muscles in your dick, baby. Men can do kegels too, you know."

"Thanks, teach," I said dryly, stroking my erection and still thinking about the question. Like any other red-blooded young man, I'd tried shooting my cum, seeing how far it would fly. Even done that with some girls present, but never played target practice like this. I envisioned it and then stepped into where I thought was the right place.

"Now take a small step back, to help make this a challenge," she instructed.

I took a half step back. Mom nodded. "You may fire when ready, grizzly!"

I kept my eyes on mom as I resumed stroking my throbbing shaft. Once I was tending to my needs, she simply watched intently, caressing her boobs with one hand and sliding a finger between her wet pussylips, teasing me. Once in a while, she'd use two fingers to open the lips up, giving me a look at her wet inner pink.

I groaned as I jerked off, knowing that I wasn't going to last long, since the tingling was already building. The flush of warmth was coming on, and I kept concentrating, resisting the urge to shut my eyes. I wasn't gonna hit any targets if I did that, was I?

"That's it, baby," mom purred, reaching under her legs now and using the fingers of both hands to pull her lips wide and keep them there. "Cum for mommy, get that lovely cum all over her..."

I moaned helplessly and shuddered. With an act of supreme will, I kept my focus on my aiming as I felt the load rushing up my shaft. My cock spasmed and throbbed in my grip while I tried to aim it at mom's pussy. A pearly rope shot out and mom gasped as I spattered it across one of her tits. Shaking, I tried to aim lower, lashing her belly with my next shot.

I strained, pushing my dick down lower still, since I couldn't move closer, and choked out another spurt, and mom squealed in delight as the semen landed directly on her gaping pussy, where the hole was. Obviously it wouldn't just go in, but I'd hit the bullseye.

I sank to my knees, panting, since concentrating and aiming like that was absurdly hard work, seemingly. Mom eagerly clambered down, knelt in, and kissed me lovingly. I responded as best I could, but she did most of the kissing. No sooner had the kiss concluded than mom had spun around onto her back and was holding my cock and sucking the last of the cum out of me from below. She definitely had her priorities.

I sagged some more, just recovering while mom ate the cum I'd blasted on her and then wiped herself down with a towel. She sighed happily and beamed at me.

"My little marksman," she chirped. "So proud of my pervvy sniper."

"Remind me to never talk shit about snipers and how easy their job is," I breathed. Aiming an ejaculating dick is surprisingly difficult. Mom had sucked me dry and my erection was subsiding, at least for now. Mom'd no doubt have me back at full mast when she needed me. "Truth or dare, mom?"

"Truth," she said cheerfully, and a little drunkenly. She'd taken those gulps of cognac, so she was ahead of me in the getting blitzed department. I thought I'd better make it up. While I was thinking about the truth, I put the cognac bottle to my lips and swigged some back. Fuck, it burned! I exhaled heavily, my eyes wide, and mom giggled.

"Okay, um..." I said, collecting my thoughts, which were getting increasingly fuzzy. "Tell me something you want us to realistically do together."

"Oh, that's easy," mom said with a shrug, still kneeling there with her hands in her lap. "I'd spend an entire day doing the bonding thing we did last Saturday. You sucking on my breasts to try and feed so that I could feel those feelings again. I'd make slow love to you all day. We wouldn't even leave the bedroom except to use the bathroom or to get our food deliveries we ordered. Nothing but gentle mommy-baby time."

"Well, let's do that tomorrow then," I suggested. "It'll be Sunday, after all, we've got the whole day."

Mom's eyes lit up with excitement. "Really, Aaron? You'll give me the whole day?"

"Hey, I want it too," I replied, kneeling directly in front of her now, our knees touching. "I felt amazing doing that with you, so yeah, the whole day to bond with y-oullllt!"

Mom tackled me backward to the carpet and was sitting on top of me, leaning in to mash her mouth against mine, kissing me deeply and lovingly.

"My good boy..." she mumbled through the kiss. "Bestest boy..."

Her kisses tasted like cognac, but no doubt mine did as well. We made out for some minutes, mom grinding her body on me, our tongues tangling wetly. God, why would I ever want to be anywhere else?

She sat up finally and took the cognac bottle, pressing it to her lips and tilting it back to kill it off. We were going to be so fucked up by the time we made it to bed. She smiled down at me lopsidedly. "Truth'r dare, stud?"

"Dare," I said, trusting I was not too drunk yet. "Whatcha got for me, hot stuff?"

"Well," she said in a slow, sultry voice. Or maybe it was just a drunk one. "One of the things I bought this afternoon was a few cans of treacle..."


Boy, were we drunk. Getting upstairs was not easy. We were wheeze-laughing and leaning on one another, occasionally flopping against whatever stairs we were on at that moment. Luckily, we didn't go tumbling back down, either.

Mom was trying to crawl up when she shuddered and moaned, because I was below her on the stairs and I'd pulled her ass cheeks apart, proceeding to licking her pussy and her knot. She squirmed and gasped, reaching back to put her hand on the back of my head, her fingers in my hair.

"Gnnnnnn," she moaned, arching her back. "Fuck yes, baby... oh, mommy loves you so much..."

I was hard again, and I crawled up over her body, pinning her to the stairs. Before she was ready, I'd kept her legs parted with mine and pushed my dick inside her. Mom made a gasping and choking noise, shivering in pleasure at my welcome intrusion into her body.

"Yes, yes..." she panted, pushing and humping back against me as best she could. "Make mommy cum, baby... make her cum like a drunken slut for you..."

I did make her cum, although I wasn't ready to pop yet. Slowly, we managed to get going up the stairs again, pretty much crawling. I noticed she was still holding on to the wine bottle I'd knocked dad out with, and we'd drained it. I'd be fucking her in bed with it, provided we didn't simply pass out from all the alcohol.

I somehow remembered the little bag with the cans of treacle, and carried them up with me. We staggered down the hall together towards mom's room. Looks like the party was moving up here for the rest of the night. We'd simply left everything else downstairs in the living room. I'd pulled the blinds in the living room tight, and made sure the doors were all locked.

We spilled into the bathroom, laughing drunkenly with our arms around one another. We straightened up enough to make out for some seconds, kissing each other sloppily. Mom had tossed the wine bottle on the bed on the way by, and I'd brought in a can of treacle. She got in the shower and ran hot water to warm up the floor. When it was warm enough to lie on, she moved the jet away and was on her back, her legs spread. I was negotiating opening the can, which had one of those little finger-ring thingies you pulled back on.

Mom squeaked in excitement when she heard me peel the metal lid back, and I tossed the lid in the little waste basket beside the toilet. I managed to get in the shower and mom was clapping eagerly.

"Tilt my ass right in the air, baby," she almost hissed. "Get as much as you can in my cunt, but don't worry about getting it all over me, because that's what showers are for."

I knelt next to mom, and with her help, hoisted her hips so that her ass was in the air and she was pretty much lying on her shoulders. She giggled and spread her legs for me, then reached up and used her fingers to pull her pussylips apart again. Her inner pink gaped at me. I was rather fuzzy, but I concentrated on getting the treacle can directly over the little hole in the middle and slowly tipped it over, trickling some down and onto her pussy before it went in.

Mom giggled and squirmed. "Feels funny, it tickles... it treacles."

Mom was jiggling as she kept laughing at how damn funny she was. I kept pouring British molasses into her cunt. I took it slow, remembering that the idea was to 'fill her up'. I wasn't sure how I'd know I'd done that, but no doubt it would be obvious once it had been accomplished.

I think I was getting a boner, or had retained my earlier one. Honestly, I was too drunk at this point to tell. Before we'd come up, we'd kept drinking, we'd put on several more of mom's sexy outfits on her and filmed her wiggling and shimmying around in them, and we'd fucked her with more of the toys. Everything was still strewn around the living room, but cleanup could wait until tomorrow. Sunday was mommy-son bonding day.

"Ooh," mom purred, clearly responding to something happening inside her pussy. "That feels so different. I kinda remember it from that dare ages ago..."

I was going slowly enough that only a thin trickle of treacle was happening, but once in a while some would miss and was now dribbling down her stomach and waist, heading toward her lovely tits. I was looking forward to licking that up later.

"Go ahead and speed up the process a little, baby," she breathed. "Mommy's getting a little bit tired from being perched like this."

It made sense, since she almost rolled up on her shoulders, her pussy and ass straight up and her legs spread out to the sides to give me full access. I nodded and pushed two fingers of my free hand down into her hole and pushed it wider, making mom groan. Once I'd moved my hand out of the way as much as possible but kept my fingers in position, I brought the can closer and poured a little harder. I was still getting it inside her, but there was also more running in slow rivulets down her torso and over her tits and to her neck.

Her cunt seemed to be overflowing finally, not that I could be sure I was doing this exactly right. So I put down the can and slowly lowered mom's body a little, still keeping her ass and pussy facing up, but resting farther down on her spine. She sighed in relief.

Then she gasped and shuddered, groaning loudly because I did something even I didn't expect myself to do and clamped down on her pussy with my mouth, burying my tongue inside her. The smell and taste of molasses was overpowering, but I kept on going, licking and making mom writhe and gasp.

I swear I was about to suffocate, but mom spasmed and wailed finally, cumming hard. I licked and tongued her until she seemed almost comatose. Once she was not moving, I pulled my face back, thinking I must have looked very strange. My lower face was no doubt dripping black goop, which would normally be a strange thing to get out of a pussy.

Mom stirred and sighed, looking up at me through heavily lidded eyes and smiling dreamily.

"Take a pic of your face and my lower body," she said in a faint voice. "Show Claudia what you've been up to."

Mom clearly was amused by how my face looked, and trumping Claudia in the pervving department was a thing. I got up and wandered into the bedroom, keeping a hand under my chin so I didn't get treacle on the carpet, grabbed my phone, and went back to mom in the shower. She stayed still, but kept her legs spread enough that it was obvious she was oozing something.

I eventually lay perpendicular to her, the back of my head resting on one of her upper thighs. From above, I made sure the camera could see my face, still covered in treacle, and the goopy mess that was mom's hips, stomach, and pussy, the syrupy black stuff bubbling out of her. I smiled for the camera, accepting that I'd look ridiculous, and took the pic.

My caption was simple: 'Just finished sucking treacle out of her cunt.'

I showed mom and she giggled and gave me a tired thumbs-up before I fired it off. Then I sat up, putting my phone outside the shower stall, and tried to adjust, because my entire world still smelled and tasted like black molasses. Mom giggled, able to tell what I was experiencing. She held out her arms and I fell into them. We wrapped ourselves up in a deep kiss, tongues tangling as she shared the taste of treacle with me.

She broke the kiss, smiled at me and poked my nose. "Don't worry," she cooed. "The smell will hopefully be out of your nostrils and taste buds by breakfast. Hopefully."

"When are you gonna stop tasting like treacle, mom?" I asked with a smirk.

"Gawd, last time was three days, I think, even more," she seemed to lament. "But I was young and dumb, so I probably didn't clean myself up right. I'll be much more thorough tonight. Speaking of, help a drunk old lady up, will you?"

I chuckled and got to my feet before helping mom to hers. I kept her steady while she washed herself thoroughly, not molesting her because making sure she got clean and didn't smell like treacle for her kindergartners on Monday was what counted, I figured. She probably didn't want a bunch of children trying to sniff her panties and asking why she smelled like molasses. Questions would be asked.

Once she'd done her outer surface, she handed me the showerhead, the one where the head was a little attachment that was big enough to fit inside a girl.

"I'm gonna sit back against the wall and you're gonna shoot the jet inside me. Don't worry if mommy faints, she'll be fine."

I didn't want my mom smelling like barbecue sauce, so I would just take her word for it. Mom plunked down on her butt against the wall and spread her legs, keeping her knees akimbo to stay opened up. I knelt in front of her on all fours, and what for what felt like the umpteenth time today, mom spread her pussylips wide for me.

"I'm gonna have a wizard's sleeve thing goin' on down there before long," she quipped with a smirk. "Pretty soon I won't be able to wear short skirts or everyone'll hear my lips flapping in the breeze."

She was still giggling at herself while I shook my head and sighed. She stopped giggling and gasped as I gently but firmly pushed the nozzle head inside her.

"Y'ready?" I asked.

Mom nodded, squeezing her eyes shut and biting her lip.

I squeezed the trigger and mom shuddered and cried out while a jet of water crashed across her pussy's insides. I only let it shoot for a moment before stopping, and mom trembled, breathing heavily.


She nodded.

Another pull of the trigger and mom yelped, almost thrashing off the jet. I held it on a fraction of a second longer and then stopped it again. Mom was breathing even heavier now, her eyes almost spiralling in her head.

"Put some soap in me, baby," she panted. "Soap me up inside and then get it out with a few good blasts."

I took some cleanser and used my fingers to push it deep inside her battered pussy. I swirled my fingers around for a few moments, trying to be thorough about getting it all over her innards. Once I pulled my fingers out, I looked at her again. Mom nodded her assent.
