Truth or Dare with My... Mom? Ch. 06


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"I love you too, baby," she said gently before wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me lovingly. We kissed and made out for some time before I thought I'd better go get back at the carpet again. Mom reluctantly pulled herself off me and we got out, drying one another off before heading inside. Mom flopped down on the chesterfield with a glass of wine and checked her messages while I resumed my cleaning duties, also checking my phone.

"Janet's sending me some pics of the big celebration thing," mom mentioned from her reclining position behind me. "Dayum, look at all the people. Some of 'em are celebrities, too."

"Like, real celebrities?" I asked, still working away.

"Pause for a sec and you tell me," mom offered, turning her phone around.

I came over and reclined against the chesterfield while swiping through the pictures Janet was sending as mom held her phone.

Holy shit, one of the world's most famous hip-hop and rap artists?

"Where is this party happening, mom?" I asked incredulously. I saw several musicians who had been knighted and belonged to some of the greatest bands ever.

"On the Bridle Path," she answered while I kept scrolling. "Verrrry wealthy family. Ooh, there's our PM and his wife."

"Shit, yeah," I said, shaking my head. "Is that Janet mugging with Becky and that Nanu chick?"

"Yep," mom said, nodding. "She was telling me about a lot of these people last night while we were in the tub. The black gal is a famous animator, the redhead's a famous human rights activist... that blonde woman over there is a countess from England... oh, there's a few more nobles from England too..."

It was hard to get my head around. Maybe I shouldn't have been surprised Janet knew these people. She came across as so powerful herself.

"And there's the woman who's taking over as head of that family, and that's her husband, her son, and her younger sister, the two who're trying to get married," she said, pointing at another pic Janet seemed to have taken.

"I never would've guessed that Janet was chummy with a Nazi eugenics program," I quipped, only half meaning it as a quip. The two women were incredible to look at. Frankly, they made Becky look like goldfish food. The one being celebrated, the older sister, had shining bronze hair and unreal golden eyes. The younger sister had long golden blonde hair and dancing sapphire blue eyes. Both sisters had huge tits, it was obvious, even under their clothes.

As gorgeous as the women were, the two men were impressive, one of them terrifying. The dad was an absolute giant, a head and shoulders taller than almost everyone else who wasn't his son, and clearly very muscular under an expensive suit. They were both blond and had laser-blue eyes that seemed to notice everything.

"Is that a Scottish bagpipe and drum band?" I wondered, looking at another pic.

"Guess so," mom answered. "The last pic was from almost half an hour ago, so I was guessing Janet got busy. Can't imagine why. Anything on your phone, baby?"

"Just the guys, and Claudia," I answered, handing my phone to her. Mom took it and flipped through Claudia's messages, giggling.

"I really hope you find a way to get her to come and dance on the stripper pole," she said, handing my phone back to me now. "And you need to film it so I can watch."

"I have no idea how to make this happen yet, mom, but if I do, I promise to film it," I assured her as I got back to work. I was pleased to see that the stain was a lot lighter than it had been earlier. "I think I'm winning here, mom."

"Ooh, really?" she said eagerly, getting off the chesterfield and crawling over to join me. I couldn't help but notice that she was looking over my shoulder, her tits pressing into my back. "Wow, you're right, Aaron. Good job!"

"Maybe another hour if I'm lucky," I mused, still dabbing intently with my Q-tips. I must've killed off two containers by now, I hope they weren't bad for the environment.

"Ohhh, my devoted boy," mom cooed, putting her arms around me and hugging me from behind, her tits now squashed into my back. She kissed my cheek and jawline. "I've... gotta... reward you... somehow... for being so dutiful..."

"Pretty sure you'll think of something, mom," I chuckled, letting her kiss and fondle me for being so dutiful. I knew mom's big ambition was to get me laid by a bunch of girls at once as a belated birthday present. Yes, I wanted her to be there for it, to be a part of it, but realistically there was no way to make that happen, since ninety-nine percent of anyone out there, even liberally minded girls, would likely be squicked out by me having a sexual bond with my mother.

And the middle of an orgy didn't seem like the best time to find out. Maybe I'd let mom handle the details. It was her ambition, after all.

"I think we've done enough with the carpet for today, baby," she said finally, but still molesting me. "We'll take a look later to see how it is, but I agree, it's looking a million times better already. I guess we let it dry now."

I nodded and let mom pull me to my feet. She made a show of putting in real effort and groaning loudly.

"Gnnnnnfffffffff... my little boy is so heavy now," she seemed to lament. "What's a tiny mommy to do?"

"Let him carry her, I guess," I said simply as I scooped her up into my arms, carrying her. She squeaked and giggled, kicking her feet cutely as I moved into the kitchen, setting her down on the edge of the big dining table. I was standing between her legs, and mom looked back at him, giving me a naughty look and biting her lip almost expectantly.

"Are you going to do bad things to me?" she asked in a little voice, her eyes glinting. "I'm so little and helpless, after all..."

She laughed as I pushed her onto her back, but she gasped and moaned as soon as my mouth latched on to her pussy.



Mom and I had put a new stain on the wood of the large dining table, so we were letting that set in while we ate dinner at the smaller one. Junky lasagna, garlic bread, and salad, accompanied by Tuscan red mom had picked out. Had to admit, it worked well. She was eating gleefully. Now that mom and I had this understanding, she made no bones about eating the way she wanted to in front of me.

"After all," she'd said earlier in the week, "I'm just gonna fuck it off anyway, right?"

I had absolutely no intentions of disagreeing with her, bet.

Mom managed to drop gooey cheese on her tits and I, dutiful son that I am, came around and sucked it off. Mom cradled my head and cooed while I did it, her eyes closed. I might've developed a hardon while sucking on her tits, not to mention fingering her pussy, so she reciprocated by sliding her mouth back and forth along my dick before I returned to my seat.

"Mmmm, so what's tonight's activity, my love?" she asked as she noshed on a piece of garlic bread. We didn't mind eating while talking, as long as food particles weren't flying out of our mouths. That'd be rude. But since I'd seen mom's pussy and ass gaping, talking while chewing wasn't exactly an offence, right?

I pondered the question while sipping my wine. "Well, we could watch more videos, I suppose, or create some."

"Both ideas sound good," she said, nodding.

"Buuuuut I think the videos should all be the results of dares," I continued. "We've kinda gotten out of the habit of the game, only remembering it on occasion, after all."

Mom nodded again. We owed Truth or Dare a lot.

"So why don't we turn tonight into a big, long game of Truth or Dare," I suggested. "Been a while, and I'm sure there's plenty more to find out about you."

"Well, as long as you never tell anyone this stuff," she said quietly with a blush. "I've already had the police here once this weekend, after all."

"Spicy," I laughed. "Can't wait to hear. Hopefully I have a few things that'll make you giggle. I doubt I'll scandalize you."

"And the scandalous stuff you're going to get up to, I hope I'm around for, or that it was orchestrated by me," mom added with a wink. We finished dinner and then had some tartufo for dessert. Cleaning up went smoothly, with mom and I only occasionally interrupting the process by molesting one another at the sink. We even managed to avoid fucking, although I might have knelt behind her and licked her pussy, and she might have blown me a little.

We went up to the bedroom and retrieved everything we could conceive of using. Mom brought out lube, edible lube, massage oil, several sets of lingerie and kinky garments, and the mould of Aunt Tracy.

I brought out two boxes of her toys. Her eyes widened.

"What are you planning to do to me?" she asked, still gaping.

"Iono yet," I said with a shrug and a smirk. "Just best to be prepared. Why don't you go down and get all the booze ready and I'll start bringin' all this stuff to the living room?"

"I'm gonna need even more booze than I thought..." she muttered, turning and leaving her bedroom. I gathered up all the cameras and video cameras, and also get my Tengu toy from my room. When all was said and done, mom's bed was mostly covered in the stuff we were going to use.

What a night this'd be.

"Jeeee-zus..." mom sighed as I arrived downstairs with the third armload of stuff from the bedroom. "I am such a complete deviant. Even if I wasn't fucking my own son, this haul would condemn me."

"As long as you chose the right types of booze to keep us going," I said cheerfully as I turned around to get the last of the accoutrements we'd decided on. When I came back, mom was setting out bottles of beer, wine, cognac, and scotch. The bottle of wine I'd kayoed dad with took center stage on the table. Mom picked up her phone, pointed the camera at herself, and began recording, still naked.

"This is Julie Zane, coming to you from Perversion Central," she announced. "Aaron and I have decided to get shitfaced and play Truth or Dare for the rest of the night, nothing held back. Pretty sure this entire house is gonna get a damn good workout tonight..."

She turned the camera around to face me now. "Say hi, baby."

"Hi, baby," I quipped with a grin, waving my fingers at the camera and wiggling my erection back and forth."

"A-ny-way..." mom said dryly, continuing her narrative, turning the camera now to face the table with all the booze. "We'll be getting fucked up tonight, as you can see. Aaron will no doubt fuck me with a few of these bottles before bedtime..."

She turned now and began panning across the depravity lined up on the floor. "Annnd there's all the toys we're somehow planning to use tonight before we fucking shrivel up and blow away like dust..."

Mom was right, looking at it now. It was a pretty intimidating array of naughty toys and sexy outfits.

"But first things first," she said, turning the camera back on herself. We've gotta set up the cameras and program them, and that way we can hopefully record just about everything tonight. Then it's a few stiff drinks and Truth or Dare begins."

Mom stopped recording and put down her phone now, setting up a drink for us while I started setting up and configuring the video recorders. I synced them all with our universal remote on some spare channels, and now I could have them begin recording from their angle with the push of a button. Soon, they were all positioned where I wanted them, and I turned back to mom, grinning.

Mom smiled back and gave me a glass of wine. It had come from the bottle I smashed dad's face with.

"We'll save the rest for a final toast, baby," she said softly, moving in close, standing right in front of me. "A lovely beginning, and a perfect ending, to our night, and to having him out of our lives forever."

"I'll drink to that," I said readily, clinking my glass against hers before we both tilted them back and drained the wine. We put our glasses down on the table and instantly wrapped our arms around one another, bodies squashing together as we kissed feverishly. Mom's pussy was so wet, and my cock was throbbing between us. I wanted to be inside her so bad...

We almost fell back onto the chesterfield, still swallowing one another's tongues. I'd had the presence of mind earlier to begin recording with one of the video cameras, which was no doubt catching all this action. We were groping and fondling one another as we squirmed around, hearts pounding, hips thrusting. I wasn't inside her just yet, but I would wait until she gave me the go-ahead.

"Mmmmp, truth or dare, Aaron," she mumbled through our kiss somehow, despite my tongue being lodged in her throat.

"Truth..." I said almost automatically. I didn't want mom to dare me to fuck her just yet.

Mom broke our kiss and looked up at me, breathing heavily. "When was... the very first time you ever peeked on mommy to try and see her naked?"

I had to think about that. "It was... maybe twelve years ago, and you and your friend Midge Turner were in the backyard, sunbathing. You were both naked and I stared from my room for as long as I could get away with it. I was supposed to be taking a nap."

Mom smiled and giggled. "I remember that day. Your father was away for the weekend, and Midge came over. We fucked and fucked and fucked every chance we could, when you were asleep or at some activity."

"Wish I'd understood what you were like back then, I'd've spied more often," I said with a grin, making her giggle and squeeze my butt cheeks. "Truth'r dare?"

"Mmm, truth."

"What's the most number of toy's you've had in you at once?" I asked.

Mom thought for a moment. "Ummmmm, four. Two in my pussy, one in my ass, and one in my mouth. One time I tried two in my ass and one in my cunt, I nearly passed out."

My phone buzzed nearby. Mom looked over at it. "Answer it. Don't go dark, in case anyone is checking on you."

I was still lying on top of her when I reached over and checked the message. It was Claudia.

"Still getting blood outta your rug, Rambo?" she asked with a wink.

"You should show her what you're doing, baby," mom said, her eyes glinting now. "Let's swap places. You're gonna record yourself fucking your mystery girlfriend..."

I nodded and we hurriedly swapped places on the chesterfield, with me on my back and mom straddling me. Obviously I'd keep her face out of the equation, probably her tits too, any part of her that might look a little too mature to be a teen girlfriend. Mom groaned loudly as she sank down onto me, taking my cock deep inside her greedy pussy.

"Start with your face," she panted as she rode up and down, lost in pleasure. "Then carefully turn around to show her what you're doing to me"

I nodded and pointed my camera at my face, smiling for Claudia, maybe a bit of a smug grin. Slowly, I panned the camera around, slowly moving down my chest until I showed a pair of sexy thighs straddling me, hips churning up and down, a glistening shaved pussy swallowing my cock rhythmically and repeatedly. Mom was groaning loud enough to be heard on the video, and she made sure she rode up high enough that almost my whole cock was visible before sinking back down on me.

I filmed her fucking me for maybe ten seconds, showing me pushing up as she came down, matching her pumps with my thrusts. Mom grunted and panted and moaned, but not theatrically, she just made sure what she was genuinely feeling was being heard in my recording.

"Nah, moved on to better activities," I captioned the video, showing it to mom to make sure it met her approval and then sent it off. We kept fucking for over a full minute before my phone pinged. Mom almost snatched it out of my hands to look at what Claudia said in reply. I didn't mind, this was mom's game after all.

She cackled in delight, and I could feel it in the way her pussy muscles squeezed. She gave me my phone back so that I could read the comment.

"HOLY SHIT! YOU'RE FUCKING HER RIGHT NOW?!" Claudia exclaimed in all caps.

"As advertised," I answered while mom rode me lustily, firing it off. She'd no doubt reply momentarily.

"Where's your mom?" she asked. "Does she know you're fucking your girlfriend? Are you in your house?"

"She's riding me on my chesterfield, and mom is occupied," I answered, still not quite telling a lie. "She doesn't mind anyway."

"Your mom's a million times cooler than my parents," she seemed to lament. "Does she know she's missing an amazing show?"

I showed mom the message with a wry smile and she giggled, her hands resting on my chest. She winked at me. I went back to messaging.

"Lol, the notion of your mom or dad watching you fuck wouldn't squick you out?" I asked.

"Well, my parents yeah," Claudia replied. "But they're neurotic and repressed, not to mention outta shape and overweight. I mean, I think I've seen your mom at school, she's was kinda hot, right? Why waste a sexy audience?"

"Lol, I doubt you want her to get a show before you do," I said, chuckling as I keyed in my response. "I'm gonna get back to work here, I'll talk to you when I'm done."

"Nice dick, by the way," she said. "Totes jealous."

I put my phone down and went got around to groping mom's tits, making her shudder and moan shamelessly, grinding down on me. She came pretty quickly, and I grunted and came soon after, making her moan deliciously. I peaked a little earlier in the evening that I meant to, but there'd be time to regenerate. Mom flopped down on me, shivering and sighing in pleasure.

"Mmmmm, that's my good boy," she purred, kissing my chest. "Making mommy the happiest woman alive and all those other little sluts jealous."

"That's how I'm happy, mom," I said back, caressing her soft form and squeezing her butt cheeks. I was still inside her, pulsing gently, and we could both feel it. "She apparently thinks it would be cool if you saw me fucking my mystery girlfriend."

"Maybe I should try and seduce Claudia," mom mused once she was done giggling, lying still while she thought about the prospect. "Y'know, run into her, get her all riled, fuck her, and let you 'find us', so to speak."

"I mean, it can't hurt to try," I said finally. "Okay, it might hurt to try, we don't know how she'll react, even if she's one of the bigger pervs in the school. Incest is a line some people can't cross. But if anyone can change her mind, it's you. She's seen you at school and thinks you're kinda hot, to quote her."

"Wouldn't be the first teen girl I've seduced and fucked," mom quipped, winking at me. "Now, truth or dare?"

I stretched as best I could without dislodging her. "Uh, gimme a truth right now, so I can recover."

"Hm, okay," mom said, making a show of thinking and tapping her cheek with her finger while she did. "What's the closest you've ever come to a gay experience?"

I sighed and thought. Thankfully, the choices were limited. "This one was involuntary... when I was in grade ten, we were in a locker room getting changed after Phys Ed class. I'd taken off my shorts and was pulling my shirt over my head, so I couldn't see Pete Hunt creep up. He was naked and be pressed his junk against mine. Everyone roared with laughter as he took off, but I managed to sac-tap him good in revenge. He was wheezing and waddling into the showers."

Mom was snickering now. "Jesus, I couldn't even begin to count the number of times that's happened to me. Difference is, I rarely minded, boy or girl."

I shrugged, my arms resting behind my head now. "I mean, I allowed a girl to put a finger up my ass once, she even tried ATM. Didn't do anything for me, so I've never done it again."

"Hope you showered first, unless she was a dirty girl," mom giggled. "And then I hope you didn't kiss her. Go ahead, baby."