Twist of the Knife! Novelette


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Then she stood and looked down at me with a lusty smile as she grabbed my hand and brought it to her dripping wet cunt cruelly chiding, "Slide your fingers in. I want you to feel how tight it is, one last time..., Hubby!" I slid two fingers into her hot cunt and felt her shudder as her eyes fluttered, but then a very serious evil look crossed her face as Sandra stared down at me growling, "Now, this is your last chance to decide, Hubby. Do you want Eric to fuck me?" I nodded as I fingered her cunt, then she grabbed my wrist and held my hand still as she stared deep into my eyes asking, "Are you sure, Hubby?"

"Yes, Dear."

My wife pulled my hand from her pussy with a loving smile, then spun on her stilettos and strutted back to Eric saying, "Now, mommy has made you a real man, and I expect you to fuck me like a real man! Not like my wimpy husband who would rather just sit there with his little dick in his hand watching while a real man fucks his wife!"

Sandra took a wide stance in front of Eric as he ran his hand up the inside of her thigh saying, "Oh..., I'm going to fuck you alright! But not just yet," as he plunged three fingers deep into her cunt, angling hard against her G-spot and rapidly finger fucking her hard. She threw her head back making machine gun like little squeaks as Eric relentlessly pounded her cunt until she began to squirt on his hand. Then he yanked his fingers out, grabbed her by the hips and tossed onto the couch like a rag-doll. My wife was giggling with delight at Eric's manly display as he grabbed the back of her knees, lifting her legs high and wide and dove on her dripping wet cunt.

Eric hungrily lapped up her flowing juices as he worked his tongue deep in her canale then began aggressively sucking and licking her clit. Sandra pulled her knees back against her tits, and he pierced his tongue deep into her ass. She let out a giggly squeal and grabbed his hair as she began grinding against his tongue, playfully chiding, "Oh...! You nasty boy! Oh, yes, that's it, fuck mommy's ass with your tongue!" Eric kept deeply probing, and her giggly squeals quickly turned into whimpering moans of pleasure as Lori looked over at me with that eyes half closed deep look of lust on her face and silently mouthed, "I love you!"

Eric pulled his tongue out of her ass and sat back on his knees as Sandra turned back to see him slowly stroking his big cock while he playfully ran his fingers over her pussy lips and teased around the opening of her canal. Then he suddenly shoved three fingers deep into her cunt and began wildly finger fucking her as he pulled up hard against her G-spot. She gripped the cushions as her body arched and writhed with the overwhelming sensation of his rapidly-pounding hand, and making those same machine gun style little squeaky squeals as Eric relentlessly pounded her cunt.

My wife started squirting and was about to cum when Eric suddenly yanked his fingers out, leaving her shaking on the razor's edge and grinned at her as he slowly stroked his big cock. Sandra's evil grin bloomed as she came back from the edge, taunting him with a lusty mocking dare, "Are you going to fuck me like a real man, or a little boy?"

Eric gave my wife an evil grin of his own as moved closer and teased the opening of her hot cunt with his big cock saying, "Oh, I'm gonna fuck you like a real man alright!" Then he turned to me grinning, "And when I'm done wrecking your wife's tight little married pussy, she won't be able to feel your little dick, and she won't want it anyway!"

She gasped loudly as Eric pushed the head of his big cock into her cunt, and her eyes rolled back in her head with a long shuddering moan as he slowly pushed in deeper. She let out a high-pitched whimper when he grabbed the back of her knees and slammed his last few inches home, then held his huge cock buried in her cunt as he leaned over my wife and looked deep into her eyes.

Lori gazed into his eyes as she curled her fingers into his hair, demandingly growling, "FUCK ME!"

Eric put his left foot on the floor for a better angle and began a steady rhythm of slowly pulling out and slamming his big cock home as my wife pulled him into a passionate frantic kiss. She was moaning into his mouth with a high-pitched whimper each time Eric slammed home when I looked down to see my limp cock in my hand as a wave of nausea overtook me and bile quickly rose in my throat. I tried to get up and make it to the half-bath, off the dining room, before I threw up. But my head was spinning, and my legs felt like lead as I staggered and caught myself against the wall.

Eric picked up the pace, and my wife started screaming, "Fuck me, fuck me harder!" between wailing moans as I staggered along the wall trying to get to the bathroom. The waves of nausea began to pass only to be replaced by sharp twisting pains deep in my stomach as I made it to the bathroom and braced myself against the doorway, listening to Eric's relentless pounding and my wife's passionate moaning whimpers.

I staggered into the bathroom and grabbed the vanity to hold myself up as I shook and convulsed with each stabbing pain. Lori's whimpering moans started getting that familiar catch, and I realized the stabbing pains were coming with each high-pitch chirp my wife made as Eric slammed his big cock deep into her cunt. It was like a hot knife twisting deep in my guts with each thrust and slap of their thighs as my wife's moans became almost silent. Lori was about to cum on Eric's huge cock, and his grunts deepened as he slowed and slammed harder, sending each twisting pain deeper.

I was doubled over the vanity from the burning twisting pain in my guts when I heard my wife's primal screaming moans as she started cumming on his big cock while Eric filled her married cunt, grunting and growling as he shoved and twisted the knife in deeper with his final vicious thrusts! My knees started to buckle with the sharp stabbing pains and I gripped the vanity to hold myself up as the stabbing pains subsided, only to be replaced by a burning pool of blood in my guts!

I was shaking from the burning pain when I heard Sandra holler with a giggly tone in her voice, "Oh, Hubby, did you have a little accident? Did your little pee-pee go off when I came on Eric's big cock?" she asked as they started playfully laughing. I locked my elbows as my knees tried to buckle again, and then out of nowhere Houseboy chimed in, 'Come on, quit being a little bitch! You've been wanting this for years, now go get your creampie before it all runs out of her stretched sloppy cunt!'

I raised my head and looked in the mirror to see Houseboy staring back at me as my wife called out again asking, "Hubby, where are you?" with a hint of concern in her voice.

"I'm outta here. I don't need to see this part!" Eric said obviously ready to go, "But I do hope we can do this again soon, and I won't be leaving until the weekend after next, so I'll see you at the club. Oh yeah, and don't wear panties!" he playfully chided.

"I wouldn't think of it, Lover! Lori replied.

I stared at Houseboy in the mirror, and a wave of anger passed through me as the burning pool of blood in my guts went cold and turned to stone.

I heard my wife say, "Goodbye, lover boy!" Then I heard the front door shut as Lori called out asking, "Baby, where are you. Are you okay?" She paused for an answer, but I just stared at that stupid son of a bitch in the mirror feeling no more pain as I shook with rage, knowing she wouldn't think to look for me in here as I heard her call out again, "Clint, where are you? Talk to me!" with true concern in her voice.

Then the rage overcame me, and I fitfully spat, "You stupid mother fucker!" in low growling fury as I stared at Houseboy in the mirror.

I heard my wife quickly coming in my direction with fear in her voice asking, "Baby, what's wrong? Why are you in here?" She stepped into the bathroom to see my angry twisted face as I stared into the mirror fitfully muttering profanities at Houseboy.

Lori threw her arms around my waist, frantically pleading, "NO...! Oh God no please, Clint, talk to me! Why didn't you say something? Please talk to me, baby!" She was panic-stricken and scared, not understanding that my anger wasn't directed at her or Eric.

I stared in the mirror wanting to kill Houseboy with every fiber of my being as I managed to calmly tell my wife, "It's okay, honey, I'm not mad at you or Eric. You didn't do anything wrong!"

Then Houseboy spoke up again, 'Hey, don't look at me. You wanted it! You better take a good look in the mirror, before you blame me!'

I started at Houseboy with a burning rage welling in me as my wife fell to her knees and buried her face in my side wailing, "Please, forgive me..., PLEASE! OH, GOD! Why didn't you say the words? Why didn't you say, TINKER-BELL? Why, baby, why?" Lori collapsed to the floor, tightly gripping my legs and balling as I punched Houseboy in the face with every ounce of rage in my body. The mirror shattered and blood sprayed from my hand, and I don't remember much after that, except the terrified screams of my loving wife!

I love her so much, but now I know, it was just a dream!

Fall 2016. Give me a sec...Okay... Well, that's the first time I've actually told anyone what happened that night. My middle and ring fingers are still numb, but the doctor said I was lucky I didn't completely sever the tendons. Yeah, I'm a lucky guy all right! I actually do feel better, and I really miss my wife. Maybe I'll be able to talk to her next time she comes to see me. We'll see, one thing I know for sure! If it's the last thing I ever do, I'M GONNA KILL THAT SON OF A BITCH!


Alternate ending.

Author note. Lori has been trying to hold things together since 'that night.' Her husband is broken and hasn't been able to face her for almost six months, her daughter won't speak to her, and her friends have all turned their backs on her. Feeling worthless and lost Lori finally goes off the rails in her own special way!

If you have enjoyed the story and feel invested in the loving couple that took things too far, and are hoping for redemption or a 'Happy ending,' please DO NOT READ THIS! It will irreconcilably change and damage that image. However, If you lean towards the dark side and don't feel the need for reconciliation, enjoy!

Lori's breakdown!

...Lori collapsed to the floor, tightly gripping my legs and balling as I punched Houseboy in the face with every ounce of rage in my body. The mirror shattered and blood sprayed from my hand, and I don't remember much after that, except the terrified screams of my loving wife!

I love her so much, but now I know, it was just a dream!

Fall 2016. Well, that's the first time I've actually told anyone what happened that night. Hell, I haven't even been able to talk about 'that night' with the staff psychologists, and I'm not sure I ever will. You see, just a few minutes ago, as the early morning twilight was invading the darkness of my room, I glanced over at the letter my wife left for me when she made her weekly visit a few days ago. It's been lying, unopened, beside my bed on the little nightstand that's bolted to the wall for my safety!

I hadn't read it yet, because they've all been pretty much the same since she started leaving them for me, more than five months ago. Lori always starts her letters by telling me she misses me and hopes I will come home soon. Then she tells me how the kids are doing, even-though Jane won't speak to her, and she tries to dance around it, but I get the impression that our friends have pretty much disowned us.

Then, about two months ago, Lori wrote to me saying the bills were piling up and she had started working at her father's hardware store again, trying to make ends meet. She tries to be stoic by telling me not to worry and just concentrate on getting better, and she always ends her letters by telling me she loves me more than anything in the world! Then she begs me to forgive her, and forgive myself.

I was feeling better about things after finally getting what happened 'that night' off my chest, and I was thinking, I might be able to see my wife next time she comes to visit so I decided it would be nice to read her letter because I always picture her beautiful face and hear her soft sweet voice when I read them. I opened the letter and noticed right off that it was written in her big beautiful scrawling cursive. I guess that should have been my first clue that something had changed because In all her previous letters her writing had been reserved, and sometimes almost illegibly jagged with tear smears on the pages.

This letter started out the same as usual, but by the end, well let's just say, there were no tear smears on this letter, and I have a lot of thinking to do before her next visit. I'm not sure how to put into words what Lori said, and for now, I still have a lot of time on my hands, so I may as well just read it to you.

"I really miss you, baby, and I hope you come home soon. I'm a little worried about Robbie, he just started a service call at some automotive factory in Czechia near Prague. He assured me he's fine and everyone there is treating him well and says he will be home by Thanksgiving. Robbie sends his love and hopes you will be home for Thanksgiving because he can't imagine spending it without you, and neither can I, baby!

Jane still won't talk to me, but at least she replies to my emails by sending her love to you, and she hopes you will be home for Thanksgiving too, but if not, Jane says she won't be coming home.

I was surprised when Kristen and Rick came into the hardware store last week. They were cordial, but I could tell they really only came in to grab a few things that weren't worth driving to the big box store for.

I do have good news! I will be able to keep up with the bills until you come home and go back to work. You know my Mom and Dad have been very understanding, and even offered to help out beyond what Dad's paying me to work at the hardware store, but you know I don't like taking their charity, and now I won't have to.

I was really hoping you would see me last time I came to visit because I wanted to tell you the 'good news' in person, but if your reading this that means you still can't face me, and I understand. I don't want you to feel like I'm keeping anything from you, baby, so I will just have to tell you the good news in this letter, and hope you will see me next week!

I took in a roommate two weeks ago, and he's paying me 750 dollars a month for room and board. Yes, I said he, but don't worry, baby, it's just Eric. This is his final semester, and when gets his degree he will be moving back to the farm. He said he already has a job lined up with a large animal, mobile veterinary service.

Eric told me that when he got back in town, a little over two weeks ago, it brought everything back and he was feeling guilty, so he called to see how we were doing. I hadn't talked with Eric since he called the day after to see if you had enjoyed your 'creampie.' He had no idea what had happened, and I was such a blubbering mess all Eric could do was say how sorry he was. But when Eric called me this time, it was so nice to hear a friendly voice, we just started talking like old friends, you know, like we used to at the club before all this started.

We started talking about everything, and we got to talking about how tough things have been for me since you've been away. Eric mentioned that his grant would cover up to 750 dollars a month for room and board. Well, one thing led to another, and we agreed it would really help me out and he wouldn't mind the extra driving.

The next day Eric came by, and we started hashing out the details of his room and board. I asked which room he would like, Robby's or Jane's, but then I thought about it and suggested that he might be more comfortable sleeping in Jane's room, down the hall, because Robbie's bed is against the same wall as our bed and I do get a little noisy with my toys! Eric said he was sorry that 'you' weren't ready that night! Then he pointed out that it had been more than five months, and he knows I'm a woman with needs! Let's just say, Eric and I thoroughly hammered out all the details of his room and board while we checked out each room so he could decide which one he would be most comfortable in. Eventually, Eric decided he would be most comfortable in the master bedroom!

Eric is such a sweetie! It was a beautiful sunny day last Saturday, and I was looking out at the bright fall leaves as I was doing the breakfast dishes naked while Eric stood behind me snuseling my neck and playing with my tits as he poked at the small of my back with his perpetual hard-on. I told him how much I really missed going for our long drives on the back roads in Tinker-bell this summer, baby. Eric went out to the pole barn and got Tinker-bell ready to go, then he took me for a nice long color tour on the back roads that afternoon.

Eric really had a lot of fun running Tinker-bell through the gears, and I had a lot of fun running his big shifter through the gears. But It was a little too cold for one of my spaghetti strap dresses, so Eric had to reach under my sweater to play with my nipples, and don't worry baby, we didn't get any cum on Tinker-bell's seats. Eric came deep in my throat, and I sucked every last drop out of his huge cock before I took it out of my mouth! We had a wonderful drive, and I couldn't help but notice how bright the red, yellow and orange maple leaves are this year!

It turns out Eric is a really good mechanic, just like you, baby, and when we got home from our color tour he winterized Tinker-bell for you. Then we washed and waxed her and lovingly covering her up for the winter. It's nice to have a real man around the house again, and we were having such a fun day, Eric decided to take me out dancing that night. He told me to thank you for saving my little black and silver club dress, and he had me wear it to the club with my beautiful ankle chain and your favorite stilettos, but Eric said I was a real Hot Wife now, so no bra or panties!

We had a great time dancing all night with a bunch of his horn-dog buddies, and don't worry baby, Eric told them he was the only one allowed to fuck me, but he didn't mind if they played with my tits and fingered my cunt! Of course, they kept pulling my zipper down, so I finally just left it down to my belly button for them. God, I have never been so horny with all those hands working me over as we danced, and at some point, while we were all dancing in the middle of everybody, his buddies crowded around me as one of them went down and 'ate me out' until I came right there on the dance floor, It was amazing!

Is your little pee pee getting hard yet, baby? If not keep reading, it will! Because we were having such a great time dancing, when it got close to closing time, I told Eric I didn't want the fun to stop. Eric just grinned and pointed at my heels under the table. I knew what he wanted me to do so I pulled out a chair, and I put on one hell of a show for the hole bar as I slowly buckled each strap!

When the cheering finally died down Eric led me off the dance floor followed by four of his horn-dog buddies, and we all went into the men's room. Then Eric bent me over and started fucking me hard as he told me to suck off his buddies. I even sucked off a couple of random strangers that just happened to walk in, and they were all fucking my mouth with complete abandon and blowing their loads balls deep in my throat while Eric was pounding my cunt.

I got so turned on sucking-off all those hard young cocks that when the last guy started cumming balls deep in my throat while Eric was pounding me senseless and filling my hot cunt full of cum, I came so hard I almost passed out! Then Eric took me under his arm and proudly walked me through the club with cum dripping off my chin onto my tits while his huge load ran down my legs. I guess you were right, baby, your wife is a club slut!