Two Free Tickets


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"And where are you going?"

Ardwin blinked, idly stroking Derek's prick as he considered his response. "I'm going tooooooo..." Stroke, stroke, stroke. "I'm gonnaaaaaa..." Pump, pump, pump. "Gonna..." A suggestion popped into his head, and he smiled as his head tilted to the side, his eyes glazing over. "I'm gonna ride a dick!" Stroke, stroke, stroke. There was a sound a lot like laughter coming from...

Ardwin looked behind him. His eyes ran over the faces of the audience, completely unseeing. The sound was coming from... Somewhere back there. Ardwin didn't mind. He turned back to the dick he'd been sucking and wrapped his mouth back around it.

"That's right. Soooo hot..."

"So fucking hot..."

Ardwin was aware of two separate voices, but he wasn't quite sure which was Derek's and which was... There was another man, but the memory of his was so distant and dreamy that Ardwin' couldn't hold the picture of him in his mind. He closes his eyes and lets the voices - both of them belonging in some way to Derek and in some way to some strange, mystical man - guide him on.

"Soooo horny..."

"God, you're sucking like a pro... Nngh~!"

"Can't stop sucking faster... And faster..."

"Mmf, that tongue, oh my god, such a, nf, fuckin' hot little... Gonna make me..."

"Careful, Ardwin, if you're too eager, you're going to get a mouthful before you can even bend over for it."

"O-oh my God, Ardwin, you've gotta bend over and let me fuck your ass, you look so cute in that dress-" Derek's hand ran through Ardwin's hair. "So goddamn cute when you're... Hypnotized..."

A sudden, silly anger flared in Ardwin, and his head popped off Derek's dick. "I'm not hypnotized!"

There was more laughter from back there, and then there was a snap, and Ardwin went away again. When he came back, he and Derek were standing face-to-face. Derek looked down on him; Ardwin looked up into Derek's eyes. Ardwin's dick was raising up the front of his sundress, rubbing against Derek's. One of Derek's hands was tipping Ardwin's chin up, the other was slathered in lube and rubbing it on both of their dicks.

Derek spoke to him. "You're not what, hm?"

Ardwin blinked. "I... I don't remember?"

Derek giggled and kissed Ardwin's forehead. "That's right. Gosh, I didn't know you'd look so cute all hypnotized! So cute, and confused, and..."

Ardwin shook his head. "Nuh! Nuh-uh. Nng... Nuh-uh." He looked down, watching Derek stroke. Stroke, stroke, stroke... Ardwin shook his head. "You're hypnotized." As he said it, he knew it was true, but knowing it brought on all sorts of confusion. Where was he?

"Boys," someone said from far away, "I think things could be a bit more red-hot than this, hmm?"

Ardwin and Derek both bit their lips as the trigger stormed its way through their minds. Both humped at the other one's cock at once, frotting and humming out muted moans of pleasure. Ardwin realized moments later that Derek was murmuring in his ear. "...But you can't cum because..."

Ardwin huffed, and Derek kept rubbing their cocks together, more insistently than before. "Der- Derek, what are you say-"

Derek wasn't stopping. "...Not even going to want to stop just as soon as I say..."

There was one more word whispered into Ardwin's ear, and then it was like Ardwin's whole world exploded into colors. He still didn't remember where he had been before, but when he heard that word... Everything changed.

The audience got to see Ardwin's face fill with pure, happy wonder. Anthony touched Derek's forehead, and Derek fell asleep on his feet. His hands fell away from Ardwin, and Anthony took Ardwin's arm and pulled him to the front of the stage. Ardwin stumbled after the hypnotist, walking as though he'd just been suddenly dazed, but wearing the biggest smile on his face. "See, ladies and gentlemen? Can you see how good it feels to let go, and let hypnosis take you? Look at our star, here." Anthony tipped Ardwin's face up so that his incredulous eyes were better visible.

"Of course, many of you and your neighbors know something about how nice it feels now, yes?" There were some knowing giggles from the audience - but a closer look at that audience would have revealed that there were several men out there who had slipped into a trance while Anthony had taken Ardwin and Derek down into their current states. They had smiles on their faces and tents in their pants. Some of them, it was clear, had missed out on the bit where the two boys on stage had been told not to cum.

"Ardwin, give the audience a curtsy, please." Ardwin obliged, taking the hem of his skirt in his fingers and bending his knees, putting one bare foot in front of the other on stage. All the while, his eyes stayed turned towards the ceiling, apparently seeing something incredible there that nobody else could. "Very good. How do you feel, Ardwin?"

Ardwin sighed into the mic. "Incredible," he breathed. A thick dollop of pre dripped from the head of his dick down onto the stage.

"What do you see, hm? You look so happy right now."

"I see..." He had to pause to find the words. "It's... Rainbows, and clouds at sunset, and... Uhm... It feels like it's raining, but... Well, about to rain, but the sun is out, except I'm floating in the sky with birds all around and it's all... Uhm..."

"Beautiful, beautiful." Ardwin nooded. "Truly amazing. And you really want someone to fuck your ass, is that right?"

"Oh, yes," Ardwin said, his voice dripping with need.


"Derek," Ardwin almost whined.


"He's so... So..." Ardwin sounded articulate despite the trance, but seemed to be having a hard time piecing his fragmented thoughts and memories together. "His cock just looks so... Uhm... So right? And he, uh..."

As Ardwin stumbled over his words, the hypnotist took one of Ardwin's hands, pushed aside his dress, and wrapped his fingers around his cock. "It's fat, and juicy, and... Well, I liked looking at it..." He started to stroke all on his own, without instruction from Anthony.

"Mmhm." Anthony took the fingers of Ardwin's other hand and guided them up to his nipple. Anthony pinched the fingers together a bit, and Ardwin took over from there. "But you aren't gay, Ardwin?"

"Oh, no sir," Ardwin said, still smiling, stroking himself and rolling his nipple through his dress between his finger and thumb.

"But you really want him to fuck your ass, because he has a fat cock and... Because you're hypnotized, Ardwin? Is that right?"

"Yeah," Ardwin sighed.

Ardwin was left alone for a moment to stare at whatever wonderful fantasy was playing in his head while the hypnotist retrieved Derek. Anthony whispered something into Derek's ear, and then clapped his hands, and Derek woke back up. "Hey... Hey, Ardwin," Derek said, rubbing his eyes and blinking. "How'd you get over there? Come... Come back, we have to... I gotta fuck you right now!" Derek was stroking his cock again before he'd even finished waking up from his short trance. "So fuckin' hot, 'n, nngh..."

Ardwin spun towards the sound of Derek's voice and wandered back across the stage towards him. Derek caught his dizzied partner and pulled him close and kissed him hard on the lips. Holding the kiss, he walked a few steps backwards towards the chair he'd been in earlier and sat down, pulling Ardwin down onto his thigh. "Tell me how bad you wanna ride my dick, Ardwin," Derek said, wrapping his hands around Ardwin's sides.

"Oh, Derek," Ardwin said, his voice hardly coming through his hot, heavy breaths. "I... I do wanna, I do... I gotta, I gotta do it to cum, and I gotta, please... Gotta let you fuck me so I can, please..."

"Mmhm~!" Derek gave Ardwin a little bite on the skin of his neck and then pulled back. "And if I cum in your ass you're gonna blow a big load all~ over the stage, aren't you?"

Ardwin couldn't take anymore waiting - he planted his feet on the stage and lifted his skirt with one hand. Holding Derek's thigh with the other hand, he moved his ass back over Derek's dick until he felt it, still lubed, spreading his cheeks. Derek grabbed Ardwin's hips and guided him down onto it.

The sounds the two of them made harmonized for a second as Derek entered Ardwin. For Ardwin, the whole theater had slid away into sparkles and flashes of color that grabbed a hold of him and didn't let go. "O-oh fuck, Derek," Ardwin muttered, shuddering. He rocked up onto his toes, and holding Derek's thigh for leverage, slowly started to ride the cock in him. It was slow going - he mostly was content to enjoy the feeling of it filling him up, but having been so conditioned, he felt a need to make Derek cum just as much as he needed to enjoy it himself.

Fortunately for Ardwin, Derek didn't seem too hard to please. "God, Ardwin, you're so, so fucking tight, nng~!" Derek leaned forward a little and pressed his cheek against Ardwin's back, still keeping Ardwin's hips steady with his hands. "Red-hot," he muttered. "Red-hot... Red-hot... Red..."

Ardwin's eyes rolled up into his head, and his eyelids fluttered shut. "Derek, you, ngh, gotta stop," he whined, "I'm gonna, ah~, gonna fuckin', explode, or, or..."

"So fucking red-hot," Derek continued, unabated. He started to pull Ardwin's hips harder, putting more of his cock into Ardwin. Ardwin didn't seem capable of resisting - or willing to. If anything, he welcomed the feeling of filling up, and any pain from riding it the way Derek wanted him to ride it was washed out by all the pretty colors filling up his head. "Red - nngh - red fuckin', nnh, hot," Derek grunted.

Ardwin became dimly aware that his tongue had fallen out of his mouth and he couldn't even protest anymore. He knew he was going to cum - it had been drilled into his head the whole time he'd been up on stage, almost - but Derek had to cum first, and so he was anticipating that even more than his own orgasm. He couldn't predict it; all he could do was imagine that hot load spurting out into him, filling him up, leaking out of him all wet and sticky down onto the stage...

And then he wasn't just imagining anymore; it was happening to him. Derek had pulled him down, hilting his cock in Ardwin's ass, and he was grunting as his orgasm into Ardwin made him twitch all over. Ardwin hardly had time to process it before he felt himself exploding out onto the stage, a thick and long rope of cum flying out of his cock and down to the floor. The chair was dripping Derek's cum, which was already dripping out from Ardwin's ass before Ardwin had even finished cumming. That did take a while, though - the whole show's worth of edging at the hands of the hypnotist bubbled up and spilled out of him in one big, creamy load of semen on the stage.

When Ardwin was finished cumming and left panting, he felt Derek's fingers in his hair. But... Derek's fingers were on his hips. It was someone else. They were alone, though - there couldn't be fingers in his hair. "A round of applause, everyone!" The audience obliged, cheering for Ardwin and Derek. "A fine performance from these two, wouldn't you agree?"

Ardwin's eyes fluttered open and he looked around. Who was speaking? Who was cheering? All the colors and the clouds and the lights were fading, but he still couldn't see, not really. Where was he?

"Well, now that they've had their fun, what do you say we get them back in their seats so we can all get on with our nights?" The gloved fingers ran their way through and out of Ardwin's hair, and then snapped, and then Ardwin fell back onto Derek, and Derek slumped forward onto Ardwin. "Now, boys, I have just a few more words for you, so I want you to listen closely, please..."


Ardwin woke up in his seat in the front row. The last thing he remembered, he had been following a bird through a forest, but... He looked around him. The audience was clapping, and the man on stage was taking a bow. Derek turned in his seat towards Ardwin, and asked, "Dude, did we just... Did we get hypnotized?"

Ardwin furrowed his brow. "I mean... I don't think so. He just talked about something boring and... Did you fall asleep, too?"

Derek looked up at the hypnotist. "I... I guess so. I mean, that's not really hypnosis, is it?"

"Nah," Ardwin said, shaking his head. "It's just like being bored and hearing a lullaby. Falling asleep to one of those isn't hypnosis, right?"

Derek shrugged as the crowd continued to clap around them. "I know, but... Doesn't it just seem weird that he wouldn't wake us up? Not for the whole show?"

Ardwin watched the hypnotist leave the stage as the lights came back on. "Eh, I'm sure we didn't miss much. I mean, the clapping woke us up. Did he not get any applause for, like, the whole thing?" Ardwin grinned, and Derek giggled.

"True, true. Oh well. It was refreshing, you gotta admit." Derek stretched for a moment in his seat before standing up and sliding his coat on. Ardwin thought some people were looking at him funny. Maybe they hadn't fallen asleep and thought it had been rude. Oh well. He didn't know them, right?

"I don't know. I'm kinda tired, still. Like... I don't know." Ardwin was too embarrassed to say what parts of him were sore. "Let's get outta here before the traffic gets too bad, huh?" He stood up and put his jacket on as well.

On the way out, one of the ushers by the door raised his eyebrows at them. "Hey there, boys! Are you two gonna buy the DVD recording of the show?"

Jeez, did everyone see them sleep through the thing? "I... I think we'll pass, thanks."

"Well, they'll be available online, if you change your mind. I think you'll find them well worth it," he said with a wink.

Ardwin huffed, and Derek rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, alright, we'll check it out," Derek said, walking out of the theater.

Ardwin followed close behind him. The air outside was cold, but Ardwin's head was still swimming too much to pay the breeze any mind. He climbed into Derek's car, and they drove off. Inside it was warm and comfortable, and Ardwin took off his jacket and threw it into the back. They talked for a while, but it was late, and Ardwin fell asleep on the way to his place. Derek, not having much to talk to Ardwin about other than boring work stuff, let him nap until they got there. When he woke Ardwin up, Ardwin thanked Derek for the ticket, they shared a joke and a laugh about how awkward they were, falling asleep in the front row, and then they parted ways for the evening. Ardwin never noticed the messes that had stained his shirt that night, and they washed out in the laundry without a trace.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Very Hot

I just loved this story. I loved the way you rendered the hypnosis and how you took your time to show us who these guys are/were and let us watch their minds falter and wills crumble. Please more male/male stories in a similar vein!

Rwa4768Rwa4768about 6 years ago

Great story, it had me hooked the whole way through.

akaeceakaeceabout 6 years agoAuthor

I'm not quite sure I take your meaning, coyote. Are you saying you would have preferred if it wasn't gay, or if the gay stuff was a surprise? Either way, I appreciate you giving the story a read!

coyote11085coyote11085about 6 years ago

This could have been a good story if you didntale all the gay shit happen

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
They really need to

Do away with the category system and have the tags be the only cataloging in place. I really don't want to find out later that the story is so and so.

akaeceakaeceover 6 years agoAuthor

Since I don't bother with a disclaimer about "hypnosis can't really do this" or whatever like some other authors do, I'll just say that it's not my view that any hypnosis stuff really works anything like this. Stage hypnosis is more a minor phenomenon of social pressure than something where you can actually make two unwilling guys bone down on stage. So, as long as I'm going to the realm of fantasy, I'm not too concerned with the common knowledge rules about how it is supposed to work. (The fantasy here is that guy having the power to put the whole room of people under like that in the first place - that there exists some hypnosis so powerful and irresistible that the whole theater of people was affected by it in some way.) That's just how I tend to treat this fetish - I'm glad you thought it was a good story anyhow!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
A pretty good story, even if gay doesnt do anything for me.

That being said, theres no way EVERYONE would have been hypnotized to accept it and having had hypnosis attempted on me, honestly, it doesnt work quite like that.

akaeceakaeceover 6 years agoAuthor

Thank you! I know there's not much M/M stuff in the mind control category here, so I figured I'd upload this one. Glad to see it's still appreciated.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

This is the first hypnosis story I’ve read on here, but I suspect it will remain the best!

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