Valiant Valkyrie vs the Boarman 05


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"Who was the superior heroine?" she asked her.

Valkyrie shivered, her mouth trembling in shock right before its waiting, drooling destination. Then she swallowed.

"You were," she admitted.

"Spell it out," Bunny Brawler said, her voice suddenly sharp.

Valkyrie took a deep breath.

"Bunny Brawler," she whispered softly, "was in every way a superior superheroine to Valiant Valkyrie. Valiant Valkyrie... was barely fit to lick Bunny Brawler's boots."

Bunny Brawler nodded, looking as if an old wound had finally healed. Then she withdrew her hand. "You said it," she said. "Now act on it."

Valkyrie whimpered. But she had no choice. Raising her head up, she went ahead and showed that she finally knew her place, knew what the relative positions of her and Bunny Brawler should have been way back in the day - by working her tongue up in between the waiting lips of Bunny Brawler's moist pussy, and beginning to eat her out vigorously.

"Oh.... ahhhh!" Bunny Brawler sighed, her head rolling. The expression on her face was as if two decades of tension were being steadily massaged out of her. She exhaled softly, again, and shook her head. "You... you get defeated way more often than you let on," she purred, as she enjoyed Valkyrie's tongue-work. Her smirk broadened. "Either that, or... or you heroines get up to way more interesting things in your spare time than you ever told me about." Reaching down, she wrapped her hands around Valkyrie's bobbing head, and pulled her more firmly into place. "Maybe if you had brought me in to all your rug-munching parties... I would have stuck around, and.... and not been such a f-frustrated b-b-BITCH!" Bunny Brawler moaned.

Then, smashing Valkyrie hard up in between her thighs, Bunny Brawler stopped bothering with speech. Head rolling back, she demonstrated the efficacy of Valkyrie's ongoing apology with a series of coos, and sighs, and yelps of pleasure before her minion's camera - while Valkyrie's lips and tongue continued to do their slurping best to mend the relationship between them after so many years of discord and hatred - the best way they possibly could.

Bong continued filming. But Warden Bunny could not be absent for very long. Soon, her phone started to buzz. Bong grunted, and tilted it so she could see the multiple messages shooting up to partially obscure the screen.

Warden Bunny sighed. Then she stroked Valkyrie's slurping head. "Looks like my children need their mommy," she said. "So hurry it up - and don't pretend you don't know how!"

Valkyrie whimpered. But her tongue obeyed. Ceasing to lap and tease Bunny Brawler's labia, she slid back up to the now very sensitive and well-prepared clitoris and began to stroke it skillfully. Bunny Brawler shivered, and cooed - and then, nails digging in tight into Valkyrie's hair, with a yelp, she came. Valkyrie moaned, as her old rival's orgasmic fluids splattered across her face - and kept lapping. Fingers trembling with pleasure, Bunny Brawler gasped as she ground her pussy hard onto Valkyrie's tongue, shivering as the orgasm rolled through her. Then she relaxed.

Moaning softly, Valkyrie withdrew her head out from Bunny Brawler's legs, and sat on the ground, her eyes blinking slowly. She had not gotten a chance to clean any of the cum off her face - now a fresh layer of Bunny's lady-fluids had been added on top of it. Looking down at this, Bunny Brawler smirked.

"Okay," she said, hiking her skirt back down. "I think that leaves us just about even." She held out her hand, and retrieved her phone from Bong. Then she signaled to Bing. He came back in and handed Valkyrie her belt. The Queen of Valor put it back on, gasping with pleasure as she felt her mighty powers return once more - even if she remained naked. As she was savoring it, Bunny and her goons went back up the ramp, and then turned around.

"Here's the deal then," Warden Bunny said, from the dock, flanked by her guards. A little bit of Valkyrie's saliva was visible dripping down between her thighs, underneath her short pink skirt. "You have a few minutes to get lost. Then I report your 'escape.'"

"Got it," Valkyrie said. "Thanks, Bunny."

The Warden put a hand down to the front of her skirt, and stroked her crotch through it. "Don't mention it," she purred, shivering with residual pleasure from Valkyrie's final apology.

Under observation by the Warden and her goons to make sure she didn't double back or try anything else funny, Valkyrie started out towards her waiting car. But as she walked out across the long empty parking lot, she heard some noises above her. She turned her head, and gasped.

There, along the edge of the roof overlooking her, she saw three figures. The tallest one, his broad shoulders looming and his cape billowing against the night sky, was the Boarman. The other two were her friends - but they were clearly on their knees, facing away from her. She could see the backs of their heads, level with the Boarman's waist. Beneath that each beauty still had her gloved hands trembling in a pair of cuffs, just above their jutting round bottoms, which were in turn just visible squirming back and forth over the edge of the roof.

A chill ran through Valiant Valkyrie's body, as she suddenly realized that the Boarman had no doubt witnessed some, if not all, of her 'apology' to Bunny Brawler. But he was too high for her to leap up to, and in her current state she couldn't even contemplate trying to call him out from far below. So, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing her react, she did her best to pretend she hadn't even noticed him as she set out on the long walk, straight past his high perch, to reach her car. But it was hard - and, despite herself, her eyes kept darting up and taking little glimpses, over and over again, even as she tried not to.

The position of her friends, and of the Boarman, meant that whatever lay directly in front of them, between their faces and his waist, was completely blocked from her view - hidden by a combination of their heads and deep shadow. But, even from her vantage far below, Valiant Valkyrie could not help but notice the way their lovely heads seemed to bob delicately back and forth, and the faint wet slurping sounds that seemed to echo down to her from their position... and felt a shiver of preternatural dread run up her buxom bare flesh. Her mind repeatedly tried to imagine what it was that seemed to absorb them so... and she quickly shoved those insidious and unwanted thoughts aside as both traitorous, and unbecoming of a proud superheroine such as she.

Looming against the sky, the Boarman took a few seconds to watch Valkyrie's stunning naked body slowly saunter pneumatically towards him, far below. Then, turning his head down, he stroked his dark gloved hands over each of the gorgeous heads bobbing and roving, ever so slightly, at his waist, as they moaned and sighed.

"Alright, that's a good warm-up, girls," his voice rumbled - loud enough for Valkyrie, approaching three stories below, to still hear. "But now, it's high time you ladies really start learning your place - the only way superheroines like you truly can."

Taking a tight grip on each heroine's head he held them stationary before him, while he pulled back his own hips. Then he turned his waist towards Sun Idol.

"Ready, slut?" he asked her.

The side of her gorgeous face just barely lit up by the light, Sun Idol's eyes went wide as she divined his intent. "N-no!" she moaned, shivering in sudden and open panic. "Wait! It is... far too BI-GGLURRGH!"

Ignoring her, the Boarman suddenly used his grip on the back of her head, combined with a sudden thrust of his hips, to slam her in towards his waist. Still just barely in the light, Sun Idol's eyes spread out and blinked in pure wide panic - as some unseen but apparently utterly irresistible and dominating force overwhelmed her ability to speak, and reduced her to making nothing but loud, distressed, choking gurgles.

"I said," he repeated with a dark growl, "are you ready to learn your place - SLUT?!" Then, keeping his grip tight on her shivering head, he slammed his hips forward again and again. Another storm of chokes and gurgles exploded down from Sun Idol's shivering head. The mighty Japanese champion whimpered, and squirmed. Although in normal times she was bulletproof and could fly, due to the still-lingering effects of the gas the kneeling naked superheroine was unable to escape or resist whatever was being done to her in any way.

Which left her only one option. Suddenly, the panicked whimpers and desperate gurgles vanished - to be replaced by a series of sighs, and moans, and wet vigorous slurping. Her pretty head ceased struggling, and instead began once more bobbing back and forth vigorously beneath the Boarman's cupped head.

"Ah, yesss..." the Boarman groaned. His voice rumbled, with what was obviously deeply gratifying pleasure. "Finally, another errant superheroine figures out what her tongue is really for," he purred. At his waist, Sun Idol moaned - and continued bobbing her head, accompanied by more loud wet slurps.

To one side, Daring Diva's face, also barely lit by the light, blinked wide. The Boarman's other hand was still in her hair... but his grip seemed unnecessary. From the way her jaw hung open, the stunned beauty was already frozen in place just by the sheer disbelief that what she was seeing was actually happening. As she watched another couple of choked gurgles echoed forth - as if Sun Idol's throat, despite giving in utterly, was still struggling to deal with the task it was being set to. Daring Diva's jaw dropped open even lower, and shivered.

Meanwhile, down below, Valiant Valkyrie heard everything. Despite her attempt to keep her face set stern and forward, she could not help herself. Her eyes repeatedly darted up, desperately trying to see what little she could. A shiver ran up her flesh, and a blush appeared on her cheeks - but she still resolutely kept walking. Passing beneath their position, she sauntered onwards away from them.

Up high, the Boarman watched Valiant Valkyrie's departing swaying backside with nearly as much interest as he had her jiggling front, while he enjoyed Sun Idol for a few more seconds. Then, he suddenly pulled back. Sun Idol let out a stunned gurgle, sounding almost as shocked as when he'd pushed into her, and then was left wide-eyed and panting at his feet.

Paying her no mind, the Boarman turned to Daring Diva - whose head he still had gripped tightly in his other hand. "She learned her first lesson pretty well," he said, nodding towards the dazed ruin of what had once been her proud comrade. "Ready to try yours?"

Despite the fact that her chin was moist and her lipstick already smudged, Daring Diva's eyes were wide with shock at what he had just done to her colleague "C-can't we t-talk about this a bit, first?" she moaned, in near-panic.

"No," the Boarman said, and once more slammed his hips forward while yanking her gorgeous head to him. Moments later his head tilted back and he sighed with pleasure, as at his waist Daring Diva's distraught face could only quiver and gurgle as it too was slammed up into its wild-eyed place between his thighs.

Now strutting away from them Valiant Valkyrie gasped, to hear that - and still kept walking. However, mercifully, with each shivering step she now grew further away - and the sounds fainter. It was as if her buxom bottom was being chased away by the plaintive moans and gurgles of Daring Diva, washing out to swat at it. Then, soon, her choked struggles too were suddenly transformed into the sounds of moans, and sighs, and adoring obedient slurps - as she too gave in and accepted her 'lesson'.

At last the sounds started to fade entirely into the distance as she drew near to her car. At the same time she began hearing a new sound - a distant whine, growing faintly in the distance. It grew louder and louder. A dark fast-moving silhouette shaped vaguely like the Boarman's logo materialized out of the gloom over the city lights in front of her, and swooped in across the sky. It soared right over her head, just above rooftop level, settled in and briefly hovered over the hospital behind her. The engines whined louder for several seconds. Then it shot away again, and vanished back into the night.

In its wake, all was silence. At last, Valiant Valkyrie turned and looked back. Her friends, and their new mentor, were gone. Shivering and now alone once more, she turned back. She was now but a few strides shy of her car. She took a deep breath - and then, resuming her pace, finally strode right up to it.

And as she did so, her jaw dropped and her eyes went wide.

"Oh... fuck..." she whispered.

For now that she was both up close and free of distractions, she finally began to notice details she had missed before. Her car, already banged up by its incompetent tow job, had somehow become even more thoroughly damaged - or at least so she surmised, by the amount of fluids she saw leaking out from it. Darting forward, she came around the back to face the driver's side door, finally looking down onto the front - and her jaw dropped further.

There were several deep gashes in the hood, like some massive dragon had swiped its claws through it. She could see directly down into the engine - enough to see that several pistons had been sliced clean through. Coolant and other fluids were leaking everywhere. Her car was as dead as a beast that had been shot through its heart.

"What... what the FUCK?!" Valkyrie moaned, putting her hands to her head and staring at her now utterly destroyed supercar in horror.

"Oh, did I not mention that?" Warden Bunny cooed, still watching from the loading dock. "Yeah, Jiutian happened upon it while she was cutting up my guards, and had some fun 'breaking' her fallen enemy's 'steed'."

Valkyrie shook her head, tears streaming down from her eyes. "But... but that means I'm... stranded!" she moaned.

"Does that sound like my problem? I don't think that sounds like my problem," Warden Bunny cooed. She used her badge to open the loading dock door, gestured her goons through, and then stepped in herself.

"Bunny!" Valiant Valkyrie wailed, still standing stricken beside her dead vehicle. "You... you can't just leave me out here!"

"You say that," Bunny cooed. "And yet..." She stepped through the door, and let it start to swing close. At the last second, she stuck her hand back out, and waved. "Thanks for putting in all that sweet tongue-work, slut!" she cackled. Then she slipped her hand back through, and let the armored door close and lock behind her.

Valkyrie was left standing naked, helpless, and alone. Turning her head she gazed in horror at the skyline of the hostile, unfamiliar, and unforgiving city that loomed up ominously around her... and shivered in dread.

To be continued next time when the stranded Valkyrie, alone and without allies, encounters assistance from a highly unexpected source...

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MarkVSharpMarkVSharpabout 2 years agoAuthor

@ladala; yes, but probably not any time soon. I have a lot of other projects I want to get out first, even discounting the current extended storyline.

ladalaladalaabout 2 years ago

hi, just wanted to know if your are making a Valiant Valkyrie vs the Kaiju part 2, thanks

MarkVSharpMarkVSharpabout 2 years agoAuthor

Blargh! I have heard that actually, it's just not where my mind went initially. Sorry I stepped all over that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I actually meant a male sidekick with a tight ass, for once. The Boarman is pretty clearly based on Batman, and Dick Grayson's ass is the subject of a lot of jokes, up to and including it being so recognizable that someone instantly figures out who he is despite some sort of face obscuring technology, purely by looking at his ass.

It was basically a joke.

MarkVSharpMarkVSharpabout 2 years agoAuthor

@Shilton_Lineker: thanks, glad you are liking it more. Replying to a few specific items below:

“Not downgrading due to (particularly in earlier Parts) the author's kink not matching mine, although the fact that it was so prevalent in Part 2-3 is a little offputting (part of the reason why I didn't comment or rate those Parts). But then there was an author on this site who wrote some of the most banging (so to speak) sex scenes around but insisted on having spankings as part of the lead-in, because that was his signature thing.”

Given the second sentence, I’m guessing you are referring to spankings specifically as the kink you are not into? Yeah, I kind of only realized in retrospect how prevalent spankings and groping was in this piece. While it's certainly part of my repertoire, I don’t think I would usually consider it one of my primary kinks. It comes up so much here because of a couple of factors.

First, as you noted, this story has a very tight POV focus on Valkyrie. That is itself a choice made for a number of reasons, but most notably as a way to structure the exposition - basically we encounter the setting as Valkyrie does, whereas if I used multiple viewpoints I would need to dump even more info on the audience earlier. But this does have the side effect that we can’t jump away to a sex scene to ‘tide us over’ until Valkyrie herself gets involved in one.

The second factor, intersecting with the first, is that my usual instinct is to ‘save’ the leading heroine getting fucked until the climax of the story, more or less. This piece actually follows a fairly similar build-up to a lot of my other stories, overall, but stretched out quite a bit due to the length. Which means I have to find other things to do to her - which is why so much of the earlier portions of this story are focused on things like groping, humiliation, having her observe sexual acts happening to others and, yes, spanking.

Overall, this story is an experiment; in how to handle a longer work, among other things. I’m not going to make a heroine getting spanked a required intro for any of my stories, to address your earlier comment - although it will probably come up here and there. And if I ever do a story this long again, I don’t think I’ll make the same choices; I’ll probably either loosen up the POV and find other ways of structuring things, or figure out another way to layer in more in-focus sex scenes earlier.

That said, the aforementioned build-up phase for this piece is almost over at this point. In pretty short order we’re going to be moving into the final climactic confrontations between our principal antagonists (meaning the Boarman, the Dark Prizm, and Valkyrie); and with that the sexual content should keep ramping too. Although there will also still be another spanking or three; this story in retrospect is rather heavy with them.

A few other items:

“the criminal masterminds in your other stories (with one exception, and that primarily in the Literotica rewrite) kind of have been ciphers.”

That’s absolutely fair - and to a degree a deliberate choice, actually. My assumption is typically that the villain is going to be the primary ‘viewpoint character’ for a male reader, so I try to omit unnecessary background details and the like as I feel they might interfere with that. That said, I’m kind of curious now which of the previous villains you think is an exception. My guess would be Groxx from Zoo, who lays out his ideology pretty clearly, but I’m not certain about that.

On a similar note:

“ an event that was teased in Part 1 that long-time fans were really wanting to see, but apparently happened offscreen between then and Part 3, and even then it's only strongly hinted at.”

I’ll admit, again, I’m actually not certain which event you’re referring to here. The one that comes to mind is what gets revealed in the ultrasound room. If so, well… not to put too fine a point on it but I think your timeframe might be off in that case. Assuming comic-book-style shenanigans aren’t afoot, which to be fair I didn’t rule out. If it’s something else, I’d be curious what you’re referring to, actually.

And thanks for the head’s up on the typo. Those sorts are the most annoying, since automated checks tend to miss them easily. I’ll try to get it fixed but probably not right away, unfortunately, since my previous experience with revisions is that they clog up my queue for quite a while; so I’ll probably wait until a relatively quiet point after the entire series is out to go back and fix that kind of thing.

@Anonymous no1:

“Side note: does Boarman have a current/ex-sidekick with a mimetically tight ass?”

That’s a very good question. I assume you mean a lady sidekick, since he explicitly has both. I would probably go with Royal Flower for that; I didn’t get into her description much on her first appearance since it was already a quite busy scene. But she’s of a lithe build overall, plus her descriptions naturally tend to plant-based metaphors and ‘ass like a ripe peach’ is definitely a classic one. I can put in some language to that effect next time she appears. (Oh, and spoilers; Royal Flower appears again at least once).

@Anonymous no2: "I want to read the seduction and sex scene between Boarman and Jutian pls!!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏"

I will make a note of it! Sorry, that’s about all I can promise right now, my focus for the next ~6 weeks is just getting the remaining chapters out; the existing draft is complete but I am revising as I go and that tends to absorb a surprising amount of my time. We will get a tiny bit of description of what went down later on, but I don’t want to mislead you; it’s basically just a bit of dialog about what happened, not a detailed depiction. (Assuming that bit survives revisions; which is not 100% guaranteed, there are other bits of dialog I have ended up cutting if they hurt flow too much).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I want to read the seduction and sex scene between Boarman and Jutian pls!!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Really, this silly Valkyrie should just learn her place and listen to Boarman. I'm sure things will be much better.

Side note: does Boarman have a current/ex-sidekick with a mimetically tight ass?

Shilton_LinekerShilton_Linekerabout 2 years ago

Solid entry, kind of a return to form. Gets back to the immediacy of your other work - the first four entries seemed to dip too often into "telling, not showing". Which is understandable, considering you were establishing a whole new background, but it just seemed rushed.

I like the themes, and the characterization of the antihero - the criminal masterminds in your other stories (with one exception, and that primarily in the Literotica rewrite) kind of have been ciphers. Interesting to see what you pull off with him in future installments.

It also seems like the camera is focusing fairly tightly on the titular (heh) heroine (as opposed to e.g. the New Years' Eve story on DBC). An interesting stylistic choice, although we miss out on some things - I'm thinking in particular of an event that was teased in Part 1 that long-time fans were really wanting to see, but apparently happened offscreen between then and Part 3, and even then it's only strongly hinted at.

Not downgrading due to (particularly in earlier Parts) the author's kink not matching mine, although the fact that it was so prevalent in Part 2-3 is a little offputting (part of the reason why I didn't comment or rate those Parts). But then there was an author on this site who wrote some of the most banging (so to speak) sex scenes around but insisted on having spankings as part of the lead-in, because that was his signature thing.

Also, there's a typo on page 4 (it's in the DBC version too) - "the Boarman's cupped head" should read "hand"...

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