When a Wolf Finds His Heart Pt. 02 of 03


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"She shouldn't feel scared. All she had to say was no and he was going to leave me." BiBi shook her head, this conversation was pointless.

Sergei smiled like he knew something that she just wasn't understanding and shook his head as he looked over at the old cabin that BiBi saw come into view.

"The pond is farther behind it." He told her and waved towards the east.

"I understand that Anya isn't a werewolf, that she might not understand werewolves completely, I don't understand them at all. But I didn't come here to break apart a couple, and that is exactly how this feels. I feel like the other woman, and that is what I am." BiBi said, her voice finally becoming a little clearer now.

"Anya knows she must adapt, but this is hard for her."

BiBi rolled her eyes, "Then let me leave. I don't want to be the guinea pig to see if Anya can handle another woman in this pack. I wanted Grigory. I never asked for her, or for any of you. Hell, I actually told him that I didn't want to be with him so many times."

"Will you tell me about your time with him? He has us blocked, and it's not helping, it's making things harder in the pack. If, after you tell me, after we speak, you are not willing to stay, to see if we can fix this, I will let you leave." He told her as BiBi began to smell water nearby.

Looking ahead of her, she saw the pond, and was quietly delighted that it was as beautiful as he had stated. It wasn't big. Smaller than the little lake that was by her grandmother's farm house. The banks looked lazy and there were shadows from the nearby trees flickering off the surface of the water as the sun beamed and sparkled. It was pretty, and soothing, and she stopped near one bank and wrapped her arms around herself as she looked at it.

Sergei stood beside her, quietly waiting to see if she would say anything, or if she would argue or stomp away. When BiBi didn't do anything, she felt the man beside her sit down on the bank, his legs stretched out beside him and the palms of his hands down on the ground to either side, and he sat squinting out in a similar direction that she was staring.

Grigory loved Anya and would never leave her. He wanted his pack, felt a deep bond with them. He had a daughter that she knew he would be desperate to find. He had absolutely no room left for a woman like her. A woman who would expect her lover, her companion, to be attentive to her needs, to put her first, to want her and her alone, and to expect that in return. BiBi was not the open relationship sort of person, she wasn't. She'd been cheated on in the past and it had hurt, and she felt like Grigory had cheated on Anya, and that she had put him in that position. She hated that thought, she would never want to do that to anyone, not Anya, not anyone.

She wasn't sure when she started crying, or when she started to softly, and brokenly, tell Sergei about her grandmother dying, about feeling alone, in despair that morning at the lake, how she'd jumped in, about how she'd seen Grigory in his wolf form, and how he had run after her. She told him about being with Grigory in bed that day, and about how she'd pulled a shotgun on the large man. She'd heard him chuckle when she'd spoken about him sitting naked on her porch and about how she'd bought him clothes and made him shower.

BiBi finally told him about their conversation right before entering the pack's territory and then she looked down at Sergei for the first time to see him staring up at her now, his eyes focused on her. They were still searching, but they were very focused on her, and she felt that he had actually heard her, that he understood why her heart was still not operating at full speed, and why her eyes burned and her throat felt twisted. He understood this feeling of being pulled in a million directions. And she bit her lower lip as she looked down at him, Sergei had felt very similar when Mr. Hughes had forced him to break his claim on Anya that first time. BiBi hadn't realized that she had started to cry again.

"BiBi, I'm going to shift into my wolf form. I do not want to scare you. But I need your scent and I'm not as strong in this shape." His words were dark, rumbling out from that canine part of him, and BiBi shivered, her eyes widening as he stood up and began tugging his clothes off, not bothered in the least when he stood in front of her completely naked a few moments later. His body was hard, muscled, more compact than Grigory, but still very powerful looking, and he was covered in scars. She could imagine what had given those to him.

When he shifted, she gasped and took a step away from him, she'd only seen Grigory that one time, and seeing it happen again made it very real to her that this was something extraordinary, something that she might have gone a lifetime without seeing had she not jumped into the lake that day.


Grigory came out of his stupor in a flurry of movement, a fierce growl, and when he stood, it wasn't on two human legs, but on his four wolf paws, looking to fight, still feeling the attack that had knocked him out some time earlier. His anger as he looked around him dissipated somewhat, but his breathing was fast, uneven as he realized he was in the bedroom that he shared with his pack. He wasn't alone. Aidan, Yegor, and Yakov all stood between him and the only two exits. He growled low at them, his head low as he looked between the two, trying to decide who he wanted to fight first. He had to get to her, he had to get to BiBi.

'She's with Sergei.' He heard Yakov at the same time he sensed that for himself, saw her standing by the pool, talking, moving her hands around her as she, as she told his alpha what had happened between them the last few days. His heart ached and he whimpered painfully as he caught back to the start, to Yakov taking her outside, of her asking to go home, of Sergei taking her for a walk, everything she'd said, her pain, he had caused it. He had not wanted to, but he had caused it.

'I want her.' He growled as he slowly approached Yakov near the French doors. The big wolf raised an eyebrow at him, he had a better chance with the other two, but he knew the fastest way was not through the house.

'Wait there.' Sergei's voice boomed in his head and Grigory shivered, anger heating him, he'd expected the command from his alpha, but he didn't like it. BiBi needed him.

'I can't hear Anya.' He looked at Yakov when he realized it, she wasn't asleep, he could tell, she was just...gone. Had she already broke so far from him?

'We're blocking her from you. What she did was wrong. Sergei had us take her to the basement to stay with the kids after he spoke with her.' Aidan was moving in towards him a little from the rear.

'I hurt her. I hurt them both.' He yelped a little as he sat down on his haunches.

'Anya knew better.' Yegor said gently, and Grigory sensed that the pack was angrier at Anya than him, and it made him growl, he didn't want Anya blamed for this. This was on him. He could not have expected her to react positively, not now. Not with Hannah...


'Is with Sergei. You know this.' Yakov frowned at him as he slowly shifted back into his human form and stayed seated on the floor.

"I need her."

"She needed you not to fuck Anya right in front of her." Yegor moved around him to sit on the back of the couch near them.

"I love her, Yegor." He looked over at his pack mate, tears in his eyes, and the intensity of his emotion was not lost in the response of any of them. For when he swarmed them with his memories of BiBi over the last few days, when he let them fully see the depth of his feeling for the dainty woman, all three of his pack mates growled in need, feeling that same heat that he felt for her, that same desire, that same pounding pain that he had yet to be able to calm through claiming her as his. Sergei felt it, too, he knew, but he stayed very still as BiBi spoke. Hearing her voice, knowing it shook and she was desperate to keep her tears in pulled at him painfully and he howled, finally dipping his head towards the floor when Yakov walked over and put his hand on Grigory's head.

They sat like that for a while as BiBi kept speaking to Sergei, and he was surprised at her honestly, but he also figured she'd had enough. He knew how badly he had acted, he knew that he had let Anya influence his decisions when Sergei had pushed him to be more cautious. He'd allowed himself to be misguided. And doing so had caused BiBi so very much pain.

But Sergei had hit him, figuring it was the easiest way to part the hold that Anya had on him. It had worked, and while he would rather have had what happened not happen, and he would have rather been able to go directly to BiBi, he knew that his alpha had been right. And he was right now to keep them apart. Blocking Anya, though, that was tough. It didn't feel right.

"I'm going to go speak with Anya." He told the others in the room with him and felt Sergei slowly lift the block until he could feel Anya in his head.

She hadn't noticed it quite at first, as she'd not been blocked from her children. She was down in the basement reading to the older litter and tensed only slightly when she felt the bond come back over her fully. He could feel her shiver and knew she was remorseful about what she'd done. She also knew that what she had done would be difficult for BiBi to forgive, and she whimpered his name in her mind when she realized he was there again, whimpered her apology.

Grigory took the time to get dressed, and had just stepped out of the bedroom without any of the pack males stopping him this time, and walked down to the basement to see that Anya was just finishing a chapter before she put the book down and asked the litter to go play outside in the back yard only. They weren't allowed in the woods yet alone. Anya was still cautious of the other packs in the area, and of there more immediate threat from the devil.

"I don't think you ate lunch." Anya said to him softly as she walked towards the staircase. He followed silently as they made their way up the stairs.

Yegor was already in the kitchen, getting out items to make sandwiches, and Yakov had disappeared outside. Aidan, he could sense, had gone to the basement where Dina, Penny, and the smaller litter were still playing on that floor. Grigory walked over to the island and sat down on a stool. His elbows rested on the countertop and he ran one hand through his hair.

"Sergei likes her, I can tell." Anya moved her green eyes to his cautiously, she had gone to the fridge and pulled out a salad that was in a container from it.

"You don't know her, Anya." His voice was chalky, grating in his throat, and he watched a tear fall from her eye.

"It had to be now? It had to be when our daughter is missing." Anya shook her head as she pulled several plates out of the dishwasher.

"Anya, it is not something I can control." He knew BiBi was nearing the end of her memories with Sergei now, and felt his attention pulled a little from Anya, as hers was from him. Sergei had made a decision to scent her.

He heard Sergei tell BiBi what he was going to do, and watched through his alpha's eyes as the man pulled his clothes off and changed into his wolf form. It scared BiBi, as he figured it would. Despite how accepting she had tried to be of all of the things that he had said to her, there was still a part of BiBi that wanted to doubt him, that wanted to believe that he really was human, after all. Seeing his alpha change into his large, black furred wolf form, well, that put all of her hopes and dreams to rest. It really did mean that everything that he had told her about the pack, about the bond, about belonging to Anya, it meant all that would be true, and he could tell how hurt she was as she stepped back from Sergei, as she cowered from his true self. It hurt just as much to realize that cowering away from Sergei felt a hell of a lot like her cowering away from him.

"Grigory. Calm. You know what he will do." Yegor grumbled from his side as he unstacked the plates that Anya had taken out and set about making sandwiches for all of the adults. They had fed the children earlier, thankfully.

He closed his eyes as his alpha stepped forward cautiously. His tail was down, as was his head, he hadn't wanted to scare her, or cause her to panic, but to properly scent her, to properly introduce herself to the pack through their alpha, which was their way, he needed to do this. But Grigory knew that BiBi wouldn't quite be ready for such an event.

He watched as she stumbled a little and would have fallen into the pond if Sergei hadn't moved forward, giving her his coat to grab onto with her soft hands and he righted her and moved backwards from the pond, her with him this time. She looked at him, her eyes practically level with his as he stood proud, large, before her. BiBi was scared, she was shaking. She'd never been nose to nose with a werewolf before.

"Can she handle us?" Anya frowned, she would be focused on this just as he.

'Anya.' Yakov chastised from downstairs.

The brunette frowned and walked over to get some tongs to scoop salad onto the plates. Grigory ignored it, he was focused on BiBi, and how Sergei had pushed his nose into her hand and guided it to pet his coat. She was shaking, hesitant, but she moved a little to his side as she smoothed her hands over his head and neck, feeling his hot flesh, the shiver that went across his fur as she slid her smooth hands against him. She didn't go too far down the barrel of his chest, and Grigory knew that her skin was blushed as she kept trying to remind herself that she was petting a wolf, but there was a man within that large body, as well. And to pet a man...well, that was an erotic thing.

Eventually, Sergei tipped his head down low to the ground and moved his nose under the hem of her skirt, which made BiBi widen her chocolate eyes and drop her mouth open in surprise. But she stayed where she was, letting the big wolf slowly lift the skirt and shift it so that he could move his head beneath it. Grigory got his first whiff of her exotic scent and felt his cock stiffen, as he knew the cocks of every male pack member in the house swelled, and he growled a little, her pussy would belong to him first.

"I fucking can't stand this." Anya whimpered from beside Yegor, who put his hands on her waist and lowered his mouth to her neck to suckle on her hard, grinding his hips into hers as they all stayed focused on what their alpha was doing.

Sergei pushed his nose against BiBi's upper pelvis and maneuvered her to finally sit on the ground, which she did nervously. Grigory could tell she was slightly aroused, unsure of what Sergei would do. He had said he would scent her, but he knew the woman had no idea what that would mean. She whimpered when he shoved the skirt up to bunch at her waist and his tongue moved down to run over the yellow panties that she wore. Grigory groaned out a needy sound as he felt it, too, as he smelled the arousal that was starting deep within her hot core.

He knew that Yegor was kissing Anya, lessening the effect that the rest of them were feeling as Sergei slowly licked around the edges of BiBi's panties. When he looped his long tongue over the edge of one side of the panties and tugged on them, Grigory could practically feel the fluid coat her pussy lips and the way BiBi whimpered and fought her need to pull the panties back in place. She didn't, however, she was putting her trust in Sergei, trust that he'd long cultivated in others. It made Grigory proud that she was strong enough to do this, he had known she could be, but worried she might choose not to. Especially after the entrance that he had given her.

"Grigory." Anya whimpered his name, which made Yegor stiffen and growl, his hands moving to her face to force her back into a kiss, turning her so that she had to focus on him fully.

Grigory felt the canine whimper leave him as he felt Anya's pain at her alpha, her husband, her closest bonded mate lick the naked pussy of the woman that Grigory had brought here. Just as he felt sadness to put Anya through this, he felt frustration in the touch of his alpha on BiBi, knew she shook in arousal, fear, confusion, and her pussy began to heat up, her scent increasing, her need apparent, and his alpha licked more fiercely a second time, and then a third.

Grigory stood up and growled when his alpha pushed his tongue through the lips of her pussy and shoved his tongue deep inside. He heard BiBi's mix of a cry out of desire and fear, and he took a step towards the door before Sergei's very firm command stayed his feet.

Sergei's tongue made a path in and out of the girl for several minutes before she reached a gargled climax that made her spasm and quake against his alpha. He also felt her hands grip tight the fur on Sergei's head, just behind his big ears as the large wolf licked up her juices until she lay on the ground gently shivering and the big wolf moved up behind her, shifting back into the form of a man by the time he had settled behind her and moved his right arm over her to rest her back against his body.

The pack had her scent now, and despite the fact that Anya had still not agreed to let him claim her, nor had Sergei, all of the males of the pack would see her differently, they would be aroused by her, influenced by her moods, and they would want to please her. Grigory frowned, he wanted to be the one to please her. Him. He alone.

"I really don't like this feeling." Anya whimpered as Yegor finally released her and she turned back to the task of getting lunch ready for them.

"I didn't mean for this to happen." Grigory said more sternly than was necessary, "But what you did when I came in the house was unnecessary. You could tell that I still love you. You knew that connection was still there."

"Grigory." Yegor sighed.

"I can't-Grigory. I can't handle this sometimes. When I make promises, I keep them." Anya spat back at him before turning and digging through a pantry drawer for a new jar of salad dressing.

"I have kept every promise I've ever made this pack." He growled at her.

"You left. You left after you promised to stay." She shot back.

"You told me to claim Vesper." His voice was loud, and the window in the kitchen shook a little.

Anya frowned at him, knowing now what that had done to Grigory, knowing how that had torn him up inside, the way he had felt slighted, rejected by her for choosing him. For forcing him to do something without really consulting him about it in the start. He could see all of that in the way she looked at him, in the way her thoughts focused on all of it as she thought on her reply.

"I'm sorry."

He'd known she was about to say it, but he didn't quiet expect it really. Anya could be stubborn, he knew that. She'd held a grudge against Mr. Hughes for a very long time. A grudge that was thankfully, finally, lifted. And the tension between her and Domino was gone. The female vampire had even been to see them after Hannah disappeared. She'd been concerned. She'd reached out to try to help and Anya had accepted.

"I know." He said softly, "But she won't. She won't understand."

Grigory felt his body tighten as BiBi stood with Sergei and the two began the slow return to the house. Sergei was talking now, telling their story. Their story with Anya, with what she'd done to Grigory. What had happened with Hannah. It hurt to hear it even though he could see it all now through their memories, but it still hurt. He was sitting in the dining room with a plate of food before him and a plate beside him of more normal human portions, and an empty chair in front of that plate. Yegor had tried to put it down the table, to give BiBi some space from him, but he had refused. BiBi would sit at his side.