When Worlds Collide


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"Is that so."

He wiped the towel away with one tug.


You bas...."

Andy launched himself pinning me to the hard floor, his legs forcing mine apart to accommodate his hips.

"Fuck. You're hurting me." I protested.

"I've got this sudden urge to fuck you on your lady friends ceiling. Perhaps she'll hear what's she's missing in a good man."

"You haven't even had a shower yet." I protested.

He ground his pelvis into me, the material of his denims rubbing my pussy and clit just enough to excite me.

"Man sweat."

His hand was groping at my tit.

"Are you sure it's her that's missing out? You know what they say, only another girl truly knows where and how to touch a girl."

He had that smirk he had when he was drooling over porn.

"You fancy me doing a bit of girl on girl action then?"

"Told you. I don't mind if I can watch."

"I'm sure you don't."

I stopped struggling under his weight and hooked my legs over the small of his back as I put my arms around his neck. Andy took the hint and kissed me, pushing his tongue into my mouth, searching out my own.

"You smell amazing." He said pulling his face away from mine.

"Unlike some of us, I've just had a shower.

And if you're gonna do what I think you're gonna do I'll need another one."

He grinned.

"Of course I'm gonna do what you think I'm gonna do."

He buried his face in my tits and I let him play as my fingers stroked his back. My thoughts turned to Simon. Of how he'd fucked me on this very floor.

Andy finished abusing my tits and his hand began pushing his denims free of his groin. I felt his hard cock pushing at my pussy and I responded by grinding my hips against him. Just the thought of Simon left me desperate to have it.

"Put it in." I muttered under rising breaths.

"His fingers guided it home and he slipped inside me.


I let my head loll on the floor and waited for him to fuck me. Quick and fast. Perhaps he's soon be doing the same to Simons wife.

He kissed my neck as his hips began their relentless rock back and forth. His cock slid smoothly in and out of me and I let myself be taken in a soft delightful fuck.

"Don't stop. That's so nice."

His fingers found the point on my neck that sent tingles racing over my skin. His other caressed my thigh. I let the sensations wash over me, just delighting in the feeling of being gently fucked.

"Uhh. So good."

My breathing became heavier as his cock drove the heat in my pussy. A slow methodical rise until he lifted himself on his hands to hover over me. He upped his tempo. Fucking me with prejudice towards the inevitable moment when I almost bounced us off the floor.


My feet hit the hardwood with a slap and I thrust my groin upwards to take the full length of his shaft as I came.

"Uhhh God."

Andy felt my shudders and moved his attention to his own needs, pumping my hole as fast as he could until his seed filled me.

"Erh." He gasped.

"Fucking wonderful."

He relaxed and flopped over me to catch his breath. I turned my head and caught the distant muffled sounds of my neighbour getting it on a second time. I smiled at the thought that two of us were finding satisfaction tonight.

"Bet you were thinking about my neighbours just as you shot your load." I said.

"Don't be silly."

"What's silly about it? I don't mind if it excites you. It did me." I ventured.

Andy loosened up.

"Perhaps I was, a little. I said, Mary's okay for her age."

I turned my head and looked up into his eyes, smiling.

"See. You do like the idea of the older woman."

"It's a fun idea, for a fantasy. But I'd never cheat. You know that."

"What if I said I wanted you to."

He looked quizzical.

"Why would you do that?"

"Oh I don't know. The experience. The turn on.

Don't you think we could learn things that'd make sex even more fun?"

Andy lowered his head and gently kissed a nipple while I let my fingers play with his hair. I thought he was going to avoid my question but I think he was just trying to distract me as he thought through his words.

"You're turned on by the idea of me with someone else?"

"May be. A little." I said coyly.

"Are you suggesting... some kind of swinging?

Are you open to the idea...?"

He rolled off me and lay on the floor stretch out next to me.

"I might be. In the right circumstances.

Is that what you want?"

Searching eyes studied me. Trying to work out if it was a trap, or if I was serious.

I kissed him. He'd admitted he would. That was enough for now.

I glanced at his cock again. It was hard, pointing skyward. That told me all I needed to know. He was turned on by the idea. I just needed him to see how turned on I was by the idea.

I lifted myself and rolled onto him, sitting astride so that he could stare up at my tits. His cock found my hole again with only a little assistance.

"Now close your eyes and imagine I'm Mrs Monaghan or whatever her name was."

"Fuck that.

I'll go with lezzie Mary downstairs thanks."

"Don't call her that. But she'll do." I said starting to rock myself on his shaft.

I'd fuck him so hard Mary's ceiling lights would rattle for certain this time. I was lucky to see Mary's conquest the next morning. A tall blonde about my age. All legs and long hair. Just coincidence I chose that moment to lean on the windowsill and look out. Mary was with her, probably saying goodbye.

"Quick. Come and see who was playing with the strap on last night."

Andy was at my side in an instant. He saw them stood together straight away.

"Wow. Gotta approve of Mary's taste." He said.

"Not your usual hairy lezzies are they."

The only lesbians I'd ever come across were dumpy and butch, usually covered in tattoos. Mary and this girl were both good looking with great figures.

"They're more the kind you look at on your phone." I teased.

They seemed like just two women chatting. There was no inclination that this new girl had been ramming a strap-on into Mary just a few hours before.

"Makes you wonder how she got a kid."

"Perhaps she likes both." I suggested.

"Fancy that bit of girl on girl we mentioned?"

He asked, his hands squeezing my tits.

"I don't mind watching."

"Ha. You're okay me doing a girl but not another bloke."

"You can have the blonde. I'll take Mary." He laughed.

There was just a peck on the cheeks as the two girls parted. Mary heading back into the flats as the blonde lifted the strap of her bag over her shoulder and started walking up the street.

"That was disappointing."

"Probably don't want to get talked about." I offered.

"We're talking about them."

"I wonder if it's serious or if she's just a one off.

Oh my God." I remembered.

"I saw Mary the other day. She said she was out that night. I bet that's when she met this girl."

"Bet it was at the Pink Panthers Club."

"The where?"

"It's a club in town for gays and lesbians."

I looked at him grinning.

"How come you know all about it and I've never heard of it."

"I don't know all about it. I only know because a guy at work goes there."

"A gay guy at work? Anything you want to tell me?"

"Fuck off Julia. He's just a mate."


I was laughing now, pushing him back into the room.

"He's okay." Andy protested.

I gave him a shove making him fall back onto the bed.

"It's time you got ready for work." I said.

"But I'll be testing your cock for hardness when you finish. Just in case."

"You can be sure it only gets hard for you."

I was certain that was true. But Wednesday I intended to change all that. But for a woman.


Diane wasn't what I expected at all. She fitted Simons description alright. But he hadn't done her justice. Pretty hardly covered it.

Like her boyfriend she looked much younger than her age. Sophisticated with a mischievousness that seemed to play around her mouth and eyes. And her body. Smooth legs that seemed to go on forever in a skirt that should have been much too short for her age but suited her perfectly. Then there were her tits. Firm, high mounds that moved like gently flowing bags of fine sand under her top. I was fairly sure she was braless, in which case they defied gravity. I could only hope to look that good when I was her age.

I glanced at Andy. I could see the glow of excitement in his eyes. Now if ever he told me the thought of fucking her didn't excite him I'd know he was lying.

"Let me get you some drinks." Simon said leading us through into a conservatory that linked seamlessly to the kitchen.

"A beer okay? We can have wine with dinner."

"That's fine." Andy answered.

"Love your home."

It was a seventies open plan home. Very updated but still with that unmistakable touch. There was even a lava lamp in the living area as a reminder of its roots.

"You didn't buy this on a supermarket wage." I laughed.

"Actually we inherited it." Diane said.

I could see her assessing me as surely as I had her.

"My mother about ten years ago."


Her eyes were looking me over. I blushed knowing she was fully aware of everything I'd done with her husband.

"It's history now. But I grew up in this house and couldn't bare to let it go. A friend that's an architect drew up some plans and we modernised it."

"Did a lot of the work ourselves." Simon added handing out bottles from the fridge.

Dinner was a Chinese takeaway at their dining table. Simon manoeuvred it so that we sat one side and Andy sat next to Diane on the other. At one point his hand managed to find my leg while the other two were engrossed. I sat with a straight face avoiding blushing as he caressed my thigh through my Jeans. I pushed him away discretely when he attempted to go higher.

What did cross my mind was that the others could have managed the same unnoticed. I really, really wanted them to have, and my pussy dampened at the thought.

Diane was attentive to Andy and I found myself willing her on, watching every eye contact, brush of her hand on him. The touches of her hair as she spoke. Andy was easily absorbed.

One thing was clear. When we left here tonight I was going to fuck Andy into oblivion with all the thoughts and possibilities flashing through my mind.

After dinner we eventually moved into the living room. An open space set out as though it were a show home. A couple of sofas set opposing one another, a giant rug that covered most of the floor and a couple of choice pieces of furniture. I didn't even see a TV. Probably too busy with all their lovers to spend time watching soaps and game shows I thought.

"Sorry. I need to use the toilet."

I said looking about.

"Let me show you."

Simon was quick to jump in and guided me to the stairs.

Finding a bathroom in a house wasn't the hardest task and I was pretty sure there was a closer one downstairs. But I realised what he was doing. Leaving Diane to flirt with Andy unhindered for a few moments.

"It's this one." He said as he stopped to open a door along the landing.

What I didn't expect was for him to come in with me."

"What are you doing?"

"Letting Diane have free reign for a few minutes."

"Yeah. Well I need to pee."

"Go ahead. I don't mind."

"Fucking hell Simon. Are you mad? Andy will wonder what's going on."

"Andy will be too wrapped up with Diane to notice.

Five minutes and he'll be dreaming about her tonight."

"May be. But he doesn't know we've already done it. He can't know. And he will if he catches us in here."

"He won't."

"He'd better not. You promised."

"It'll be fine.

Now let me watch you pee."

The thought both horrified and excited me. For a moment I tried staring him down. But my rising desperation and fear that taking too long would raise suspicions made the decision for me.

"Fucking hell." I muttered.

I gave up, deciding it was better to get it over with quickly before Andy came looking for me.

"For fuck sake. You'll pay for this."

He just stood leaning against the door grinning at me with his arms folded as I pulled my jeans and panties down to sit. He didn't even blink as the tinkling sound echoed up around me. I went bright red and tried not to look at him as I knew he had a clear view of the stream exiting my pussy.

"I can't believe I'm doing this."

Even Andy had never seen me pee. Though I did him once when he was caught short in a country park last year. He was mad that I looked.

"Consider it as having your horizons stretched a little further."

I quickly dried myself with tissue and pulled my clothing straight.

"Let's get out before we get caught."

"You go down. I'll follow in a minute."

Thank Christ for that. The last thing I wanted to do was return nearly hand in hand.

I was pretty sure Andy's hand had been on Diane's bare leg as I walked back in on them. Anyone would think I was mad for wanting my boyfriend to be groping another woman but I actually got a thrill from the idea. That I had someone attractive enough to catch her attention. And of course it covered my own guilt.

"Did I miss anything?"

"Diane was just telling me about the holiday they have booked. Greece in August."

"Wow. Sounds great. We should book somewhere next year." I said.

"The budget might only stretch to Cornwall though."

Diane poured me another drink as Andy sensibly declined. He was driving us home.

"It can be as cheap to go abroad. You can eat and drink for less than at home.

And of course you get to sunbathe topless. No tan lines."

I saw Andy's eyes light up. Clearly her intention when she'd said it.

"I burn in the sun." I admitted.

"And come out in even more freckles."

"Freckles are cute."

I looked round to find Simon bouncing back into the room.

"They add personality. Makes your body more interesting."

I flushed red again, cursing him for even mentioning my body.

"You didn't grow up with the other kids taking the piss out of you." I countered.

"That's kids. Boys thinks they're freaky. But when they turn into men they think they're gorgeous on a girl."

"Do you just get them on your face." Diane asked.

I sipped my drink. I saw her eyes dip and I knew what she was doing. I went along.

"My shoulders as well. And down onto my tits."

I felt sure Simon had already told her that.

"They sort of fade out just above my nipples."

I was suddenly conscious of all three of them looking at the exposed flesh of my tits in the low cut dress. They were there faintly even now.

"You need to get out in the sun more." Andy grinned.

"And there's the evidence I'm right." Simon declared triumphantly.

"Even Andy likes freckles."

"He has to." I laughed.

"He has to look at them every day."

"Sun doesn't bother me." Diane offered.

"I tan easily. I just have to put cream on my nipples. They burn if I don't. And trust me. Burnt nipples are uncomfortable, especially when you have to put your clothes back on.

Fucks up your sex life as well. No one wants that on their holiday. How the fuck are you supposed to enjoy sex if you can't have your nipples squeezed."

I was laughing. Partly at the idea of burnt nipples being out of bounds and partly at the look on Andy's face. I don't think he expected an in-depth discussion about burnt nipples.

My fear of the conversation was gone and I was intent on tormenting Andy even further.

"Does having them sucked cool them down?"

"Ice cubes. That's what you need."

She smirked with a glance in Andy's direction.

"Though I'm sure you two know how to have fun with ice cubes any time."

I think the wine had gone to my head as I just got braver.

"Not just on nipples."

I was giggling uncontrollably.

"Ice lollies have their uses. The hot weather for... cooling other parts."

That was something Andy knew nothing about. Some things I'd kept private, until now."

Diane rolled back in her chair laughing.

"Oh yes. Fucking amazing in the summer when you're on your own."

"What. You girls use ice lollies as... dildos?"

Andy looked amazed. I was also willing to bet his cock was hard as iron thinking about it.

"Of course." Diane answered.

"Do you have any idea how hot it gets down there in the summer. Especially if... you're feeling hot in other ways."

She put her hand on his leg almost innocently as she rocked forward laughing. Andy didn't even flinch. I felt an instant surge of excitement. I so wanted them to fuck.

I turned my eyes to Simon and realised he was watching my reaction. He smiled approvingly as I grinned madly and downed another glass of wine.

By the time we left I was horny as hell and somewhat pissed. We didn't even make it home before I was directing Andy to a quiet spot down a lane by the canal.

His cock was in my hand well before he'd parked up. Already working him as he guided the car down the last few yards of secluded lane.

"You're so hard. I think Diane is partly responsible for that."

"She's certainly a fine looking woman but this is all you."

I wasn't so sure, especially as he'd already been damp and sticky when I released him. It felt lovely squelching in my fingers all the same.

"She had her hand on your leg all night."

"It wasn't all night." He protested.

"Well I don't mind which of us is responsible. So long as I can have it."

Andy killed the engine and turned to kiss me, his hand going straight to my tits. I tore my top off to give him unhindered access.

"I must admit I think she was flirting with me a bit."

He sounded proud of that as his mouth closed over a nipple, sucking hard.


Good. I like the idea my boyfriend is fanciable. Wouldn't want to think I had shit taste."

He moved across to my other tit giving it equal treatment.

"She's MILF material I'll give you that."

I worked his cock as I kicked my shoes away and started fumbling with the button and zip on my Jeans.

"So you would?"

"If I wasn't with you I might."

My denims slid down to my ankles, binding them together like some kind of bondage aid as Andy clambered over the consul to get on top of me. Our lips met and I slid down into the seat.

"Put the seat back." He said running his lips down neck.

I reached down searching out the levers.

"Mmm. That's nice."

He'd found my tits with his mouth, drawing wet circles around a nipple that cooled my skin as it evaporated.

I tugged at the lever but the angle was awkward and I couldn't get it to release the seat back.

"How does this thing work?" I asked fumbling with increasing frustration.

"Oh fuck it. Get out."

I had the door open and wriggled from under him.

"Wait. What if someone comes?"

He said shocked.

"They can watch, I don't care."

I clambered out, falling to the grass as my jeans tripped me. I must have looked a sight. A pale naked girl caught in the moonlight with my denims securing my feet together. I tugged at them, pulling them over my feet before standing up.

"That's better." I said ginning at Andy.

I felt tipsy.

"Come and get me."

Hot summer night air and the sound of water. I really didn't care if someone saw us as I leaned back against the bonnet of his car. I lifted a leg putting my foot on the grill surround and fingered myself.

"You can pretend I'm Diane."

I giggled.

Andy didn't answer, instead concentrating on removing his own trousers.

He stood in front of me for a moment watching as I played with myself. Alcohol swum through my brain and every care left me.


I so want it."

I swooned, staring at his hard cock.

Andy stepped forward and lay over me to suck on my tits like a suckling child. I put my leg down and gripped his cock between my thighs, rolling it between them. The damp stickiness coating my skin and cooling it as it evaporated.

Above us the sky was clear. Thousands of tiny pinprick lights shone down from a black blanket. Light older than the oldest stones around us. It felt primal. Me, the mate to the village hunter about to be taken under this ancient night sky.
