When Worlds Collide


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"Oh fuck."

Simon's face was between my thighs, kissing and licking. Sucking on my labia. His tongue drew lines up my slit and my back arched sharply.

"So good."

For a moment Andy was forgotten. Only the caress of lips and tongue on my most sensitive flesh mattered.


I relaxed, letting him expertly eat me out as I stared up at the seventies stippled Artex ceiling. Simon took his time to tease and excite my nub while I just let myself absorb the sensation.

I was carried away on a wave of euphoria. I felt like a queen from the Ancient world. A Cleopatra serviced by her Mark Anthony.

"I'm gonna cum." I muttered as I felt my body sliding to the edge of what it could take.

He stopped, leaving me teetering.

"Not yet."


I was panting, my eyes open and flitting about, feeling denied and lost in time and space.

"Do you want to see the others."

I jolted back to the present.

"We can't." I exclaimed in shock.

"Just a peek.

Diane won't mind. We often watch one another."

That he'd never said before. The thought would have horrified me even a few hours ago. Now, horny as hell and with a drink inside me I could only think how close they'd been to actually doing it on the sofa opposite. I was desperate to see.

"Show me."

He let my legs down and pulled me to my feet.

"Come with me."

We went through a small passage to their hidden downstairs bedroom. The door was open as we approached and I couldn't help but think this was planned. I went forward and stood in the doorway, absorbing the sight that met me.

It was both fascinating and disturbing to watch my boyfriend. So many times I'd seen that look of concentration, of rising joy, as I'd stroked or sucked him. Or when I rode him while looking down on his face. But this time it wasn't me that straddled his naked body with his cock sunk in my pussy. It was Diane.

Her lithe body sat across his groin as she rolled her butt cheeks gently back and forth along his hips, working his cock. Andy's hands cupped and squeezed her tits, rolling the pliable mounds against her chest as she rocked.

She gave gentle moans with each change of direction as his hard shaft rubbed against the nerves inside her tunnel. Both enjoying the fresh new experience.

Every ripple over their flesh or twitch of a muscle was visible in such detail that no porn video could ever match.

"Fuck." I gasped.

I tipped my head sideways until I could just see her pussy, a neatly trimmed strip of dark pubic hair pointing like an arrow to where Andy's cock penetrated her.

Diane didn't lose rhythm as her head turned to see me and Simon stood in the doorway. She just grinned.

Andy noticed and his head turned quickly. There was a look of shock in his eyes when he saw me watching. I smiled my approval and leaned back into Simon's arms, enjoying the feel of his hand as it cupped my tit.

Diane placed a finger gently on Andy's face and pulled his attention back to her by increasing the lengths of her ride. Andy was gone from me for the moment. Now only Diane had his concentration as together they travelled on their primal journey.


Simon rolled my nipple between his finger and thumb then squeezed it until it hurt.


"Does it makes you horny?" He asked in a whisper.

"Yes." My voice shook with excitement.

Andy glanced again. This time less concerned at my presence. Grasping that whatever it was we were involved in, it was as equals. He turned again to Diane as she raised her tempo and became absorbed. I felt a strange sensation of victory.

"Bend over and hold the door frame." Simon's voice commanded softly.

I did as he said. An automaton intent only on serving Simon's lust to equally satisfy my own needs. My skirt was pulled down leaving me naked and fingers toyed with my presented pussy.


A hand traced lines up my thigh, over my hip and the small of my back. Then up between my shoulder blades. I was on fire.

"I need to fuck." I whispered.

"I need it now."

His cock just eased into me and he began a gentle fucking action. Ahead of me Diane was lifting herself with each stroke. I could see clearly the full length of that cock I knew so well, right up to where just the crown was sunk in this woman's pussy. The she came down again and I saw it vanish into her.

"Oh God.


Simon answered my call. Firm long thrusts that filled me over and over.

"Uh. Uh. Uh."

I held the doorframe firmly to keep me steady as I stared forward at Diane riding my boyfriend with an ever increasing urgency. His hands squeezed her tits as he watched her bouncing over him. I could hear their hurried breaths and found my own rhythm matching theirs. Occasionally she let her eyes drift towards me and we momentarily connected in our joint lust. Each time she smiled. It just lifted me ever higher.

I'm not sure who came first, my head was fuzzed by the event. But as I experienced my high I realised my own cry's were joined by a chorus of grunts and shouts of "yes".

I saw Andy looking at me as I caught my breath. Seeing me bent forward gasping, with my tits hanging and another man's meat still inside me. Then Diane had his attention again with a grip of his balls, refusing to let his cock die after just one fuck.

"Let's leave them to it now."

Hands guided me up and reluctantly I left the show and went back to the main room to continue with my own pleasure. As Simon lay me down and began to caress my body once more Andy was forgotten.

I was still naked on the sofa when I woke. Nothing seemed familiar in those first moments. I was in a spooning position with some unseen man. Not Andy. A slightly larger, more coarse body wrapped around me. My heart skipped a beat and for a second a panic gripped me.

Then I remembered everything. Every glorious moment of the evening before. I lifted myself free of Simon careful not to wake him and sat on the edge.


I looked up as Diane came into the room still looking amazing despite her activities. She only had the T shirt on which hardly covered her butt and pussy. With a buzz of naughty excitement I mimicked her with my own top. A top that definitely didn't reach to cover anything.

It felt good to be free, and to know the two men in my life would catch glimpses of my pussy. And Diane. My own curiosity certainly kept my eyes flitting downwards when she wasn't looking. I'd never seen a naked pussy other than on film. In real life it suddenly took on a whole new attraction. Especially when I thought about Andy's cock entering it. An image now indelibly imprinted on my mind.

And to be fair, a pussy was a lot more attractive than a cock.

"Come and sit in the garden."

"Okay. I'll get my skirt." I looked around. Wherever it was. I didn't know.

"You don't need that. We're not overlooked. It's very private."

I accepted her word and followed, watching the tautness of naked bum as she walked.

"It's lovely outside and the sun catches the back of the house in the morning."

She threw open French doors and bounced outside without a care. I followed, slightly more hesitantly, double checking that no houses overlooked us.

I was as good as naked and I was outside. I can't describe how it felt. Even better than at the canal. It was daylight, in someone's garden, not hidden away in the dark, far from any people.

Diane sat herself in one of the rattan chairs and crossed her long legs. I couldn't help but stare.

I wondered how it was she looked so fresh while I felt sticky in sweat and dried body fluids.

"How was Simon?"

I took a seat knowing she had a clear view of my pussy. I didn't care I wanted her to see, loving the thrill of my new found exhibitionism. Perhaps not so new I realised. I'd taunted it so often by standing naked at my window. And especially that day we'd done it with my head out.

"He was... good."

I went bright red with the realisation I was being asked to tell her what it was like banging her husband.

"No, that's not true. He was fucking wonderful." I admitted honestly.

I glance back at the French doors to be certain the others, Andy in particular hadn't risen yet. I wanted to share, but only with her.

"It was the best sex I've ever had." I said grinning enthusiastically.

"Especially when we, you know.."



Diane smiled knowingly.

"It's always great with someone you don't fully know. There's always that little touch or sound that's new and different. And to see others doing it at the same time is.... Well. About as fucking hot as you can get."

She smiled. So confident in her attitude to sex.

"That's so true.

Was Andy okay?"


Andy has lots of stamina. The luxury of youth. He just kept coming back for more."

"Yeah. He's like that.

Was he... what you expected?"

"Oh yeah. That and more. I did teach him a new trick. I'm sure he'll want to share with you later. I'll let it be a surprise though."

I wondered what that might be.

"Sorry. I can't say the same with Simon. I only know what I know. I'm not super experienced. Andy's been the only one. Until Simon."

She smiled.

"Simon likes you. A lot. I think it's the red hair that does it for him. Well, that and he enjoyed teasing you every night at work until... you came round to our way of thinking."

"I know."


"Hey handsome." She looked up with obvious excitement.

Andy stepped out blinking in the sunlight. I saw Diane uncross her legs and a hand slid onto her sex at the sight of him.

"Wow. It's hot already."

"Think that's you lover boy."

Simon appeared slapping Andy on the shoulder as he made a bee line to kiss Diane and then me.

Both of the guys had dressed properly. Well, at least in trousers and shirts. Both were barefoot.

"I'll make us coffee." Simon said going back inside as though everything was perfectly normal. Perhaps it was for him and Diane. For me, this, the whole night, was an adventure I wanted to hold onto for just a while longer.

Andy's eyes flitted from me to Diane and back again before electing to sit on the long matching sofa. The noncommittal choice that avoided choosing between us.

"Great night." He said looking at me for confirmation.

"It was." I replied warmly.

I wondered again what new trick Diane had taught him.

"I'm still a little tired. Don't think I got much sleep." I added.

"Neither did Andy." Diane smirked.

"Do you guys go at it like that?"

I coloured slightly before answering.

"Yeah. When we have time."

"We only get evenings together mostly." Andy added.

"Days off though. They're usually... active."

"Good. I'm pleased for you.

Never let a quickie become the norm. I mean there's a time and a place for a quickie, but fucking needs dedication whenever you can.

I can spend a whole day pleasing Simon. Not many people can say that after twenty years."

Christ. Diane was as open as Simon. Andy didn't seem to care. It may have taken me time to get him around to this idea but now he was here he didn't seem to have any reservations.


Simon was back with a tray which he put on the table before handing each of us a mug.

"Thank you.

Your garden's as lovely as your house."

I was looking around now. Seeing the trees and shrubs in full summer bloom. Most of them were mature, the trees reaching up at least as high as the house and putting a curtain of green around the sides where the neighbouring houses might just have been offered a view otherwise. I guessed most of them had been planted when the house was new over forty years ago.

"We spend a lot of time out here." Simon said.

"Especially in the summer." Diane added.

"I can get a perfect tan."

"All over." Andy added from intimate knowledge.

Yeah. He was right. No tan lines.

"I'd need to spend my wages on sun cream." I laughed.

"Pale nipples burn easiest."

Simon smirked sending me into yet another blush.

"Why don't you show Julia around." Diane said.

"Yes. Come and see the garden."

Simon held his hand out to me.


I took it and let him pull me up. The grass was burning under my bare feet as he led me on to it and deeper into the landscaping.

"Are we well hidden." I asked as we moved away from the house suddenly conscious of my most private parts being on display. My friends seeing me fine, that was a thrill. But I had no real wish to entertain the neighbours.

"Yes. Only the house to the left has windows that look out this way and the trees block them. We can do what we want and no one will see us."

He turned to me, taking my hands to look at my face.

"You were wonderful last night."

"Thank you. So were you."

I blushed.

"And seeing you this morning in the sunlight. Seeing your legs..." He glanced down at my bare flesh and I reddened even further as he openly stared at my pussy. Strange as it was to feel that way with a lover, it did seem kinda naughty out here.

"Just makes me want you all the more."

Simon held me, kissing me passionately, pushing his tongue into my mouth. His hands finding their way under my top.

"Stop. Not here we can't."

"Why not? No one can see us."

"What if someone's in their garden? They'll hear us. And Andy..."

I glanced back to the patio to see Diane had already joined him on the garden sofa. Planned again I realised.

"Worry less and enjoy more."

In one smooth movement my top was gone and I found myself stood in the open as naked as the day I was born. I looked about nervously, again checking for the tops of houses over the fence. The skyline was clear.

"No one can see you. I promise."He said.

"Have you ever fucked outside?"

"Only in a car and that once by the canal I told you about. And we did it against the wall behind a club once. But no. Not out in the open like this. Not in daylight."

I rubbed my nub to ease the growing ache as he took off his trousers and shirt. His cock bounced free before it was pressed against my belly as he held me again.

Slowly we dropped to the grass and I lay back while he opened my legs and massaged my pussy with his mouth and lips.

Only a few weeks ago I'd watched the young couple across the road flirting in their garden. They'd had to retreat inside behind the safety of curtains. Not so for me.

I turned my head away from the sun and opened my eyes. Diane was sat in Andy's lap, facing away from him. His hands firmly holding her tits as she slowly rode him while they both watched us.


I needed that same sense of being filled.

"Fuck me. Please."

Simon left a trail of tiny kisses over my belly, then up over both tits before finding my neck. I groaned with delight. His cock slid easily into my sopping pussy and I lifted my legs to hook behind him.

"Fuck me hard."

He did. Thrusting into me with aggressive grunts. Hard and fast. I was lost to the need, but still my eyes stayed on the others. We were each giving the other couple a live porn show better than anything Google could provide.

Diane was bouncing with determination and I could almost reach out and touch Andy's hard cock where it penetrated her hole.

"Uh. Uh."

I focused on her tits, bouncing against her chest with each movement. I really did want to touch them in that moment.

I came with a scream I regretted instantly.

"Fuck. I'm cuming. Yes."

The thought that other gardens sided us. That someone could have heard even if they couldn't see sent a wave of terror through me that mixed with the ecstasy already riding my spine.

"Uh. Uhh."

I came again before the first orgasm had even started to subside.

"Fuck." This time more of a squeak.

Simon pulled out and scrambled to kneel over me, pumping his cock while I watched. His cum pumped in spurts over my tits. Once, twice, a third time.

"Ummm." He grunted before falling back onto the grass.


I looked back towards the patio while my fingers idly spread his seed over my flesh. Diane had finished and the two of them were sat separately in the chairs still enjoying the show. She made a fake clapping action, laughing.

I closed my eyes and turned my face up towards the sun. Laying there letting it warm my skin. I could already feel my nipples and the soft flesh of my pussy beginning to burn. But it was bliss all the same.


It was late morning when we kissed goodbye and made for home.

"What did we just do?" Andy asked as soon as we got in the car.

I sat in silence. Not sure how to answer him at first. His face was blank. Would this be the moment he spoilt everything?

"Are we... still together?" He asked.

I turned my head and took his hand reassuringly.


It was just a bit of fun." I said echoing the words Simon has said to me so often.

"Just sex. Not emotion."

He looked deep in thought. A man suffering culture shock and analysing the words for some concept he could understand.


Doesn't mean we don't still love each other."

He was trying to convince himself. Deep down I knew that. I just wasn't listening.

"Of course it doesn't.

It's just another... aspect. Something else we can share."

"So... you want to do it again?"

"Andy. Let's agree.

You can do whatever you want with Diane, whenever you want. Just so long as you tell me. And I will with Simon. Then we can discuss it, swap notes and fuck each other's brains out."

"And you're okay with that?"

"Fuck yeah.

Now drive. I'm feeling horny again."

So that was it. I had a license to fuck Simon freely and openly. And in return Andy had the same with Diane. Hunky Dory in my book.

By the time we got to my flat it was as if we had a need to reclaim each other sexually.

I'm not sure who initiated it but we didn't make it past the living room before we were tearing each others clothes off.

I licked his chest, smelling Diane's perfume mixed with stale sweat. When his cock was in my mouth I knew her dried juices still coated it. It just served to heighten my desire.

"Let's go to the bedroom." I said leading him by a hand around his cock as though he were my sex slave.

Losing the remainder of my clothes I climbed into the bed feeling like a Queen. No. A whore. A call girl. That's exactly what I wanted to be right now. Still coated in my own sweat and dried cum I wanted to be as dirty as I felt.

I knelt over onto all fours with my arse and pussy presented.

"Fuck me like never before."

I wiggled my butt provocatively.

"Like never before?

I can do that."

I felt the mattress bouncing as he clambered on behind me, his hands caressing my butt cheeks and teasing around my wet sex.

"Ooh." I felt so hot.

The moment Andy's cock tentatively approached my arse I knew Diane had indeed taught him something new and he truly would fuck me like he'd never before. I still couldn't let on that Simon had already introduced me to this experience, but I pressed back against his crown to reassure him he wouldn't be rejected.

"Use something for lube." I whispered remembering the pain from my first time.

"Hand lotion?" He muttered rummaging in the bedside drawer.

"Yeah. That'll do."

It felt cold as he squirted the lotion around my hole. He fingered it around my muscle, tentatively pushing against it, and spread it along his cock.

"Put it in." I whispered, wriggling my butt again.

He pressed, increasing pressure as his crown spread my opening and eased its way in.


This time cock slid in comfortably with just a slight sensation of stretching. But still with that great feeling of being filled.

"Fuck. That's good." I gasped the words.

Andy found a gentle rhythm to fucking my arse as I held myself on all fours letting the feeling wash over me. Somehow it felt even more intense than normal fucking. I experienced an even greater feeling of closeness to Andy.