When Worlds Collide


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I pushed him away, rolling over to stretch my hands up to the lip of the bonnet.

"I want to be ravaged."

I gripped it in each corner as though I'd been tied down and rubbed my tits against the hot bonnet as I spread my feet.

"Fuck me."

Andy pushed his cock inside me as his hands rode over my thighs and up my spine.


That's good."

Gentle in and out movements, sliding smoothly on the slick coating of my juices.

"Uhhh." I gasped.

"God you're hot tonight. Possessed."

"It's the weather. It makes me want to fuck."

The weather certainly helped, but my head was full of Simon. And full of Diane, imagining her being Andy's conquest. And far too much alcohol.

Harder, deeper, faster. I could hear him grunting behind me like an animal on heat. My pussy burned as he pummelled me. Our flesh slapped, echoing out into the night air.

"Harder." I begged.

"Fuck me."

I wasn't usually this vocal but tonight I wanted to cry out. To claim my freedom and release the wild animal that had so long been caged away.

"Fuck me hard with that big cock."

He was. I was being bounced against his car like a pliant toy.


Fuck yes."

A fire burned in my groin, spreading out, filling my belly with a pressure and heat that grew with each thrust.

"Oh god yes.


Do me.

Make me cum."

All I wanted to do was cry out. To tell the world I was fucking. And how much I was enjoying it.

"Oh God yes.

I'm going to cum."

Andy was panting and groaning with the exertion. His cock throbbed inside me.

"I'm cuming."

It was a sudden release of joy that flooded my bloodstream.

"I'm cuming." I cried out again, loud and uncaring as I gripped the car tightly.


The wave of ecstasy rode over me, sending my already alcohol fuzzed head into a spin and my knees collapsed against the grill. Andy's cock left me as I dipped down and I spun around quickly, falling to my knees to service him before he lost his moment. I sunk his cock to the back of my throat, gagging on it. In a frenzy of need I almost devoured him.

He came in my mouth almost instantly.

"Fuck." He cried out with no more care than I'd shown.

Warm creamy cum coated my tongue and teeth, it's sharp flavour attacking my taste buds as it swirled around my mouth. Then it slid into my throat until I swallowed. My lips drawing every last drop from him before wiping his crown clean of his stuff.


I released him with a gasp and snatched breaths, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Fuck that was good." Andy stumbled back.

Clambering to my feet I stumbled before righting myself.

"I think I drank too much."

I giggled, stretching my arms out to let the light breeze blow over my naked body. It felt so delightfully cooling as I stared up at the sky.

"Wouldn't you just love to be naked all the time? To live in the wilds and just fuck like animals whenever and whoever you wanted?"

"I'm sure someone has kidnapped my Julia and replaced her with a look-a-like. You've been nuts these past few weeks."

Andy was dressing but I had no intention of doing so. I was loving the feeling of being free.

"I think it's Simon and Diane. Knowing them is bringing the best out in me."

I began spinning around like a demented devil worshipper. Faster and faster with my arms outstretched. A naked nymph reflecting the moonlight from my bare skin.

I stopped suddenly and turned pale.

"Oh God. I think I'm going to throw up."

"How do you think it went the other night?"

Once again we were sat outside on the bench away from our colleagues for tea break.

"Really good. I enjoyed it. I think Andy did as well."

"Did you fuck when you got home?"

I glanced at Simon slightly amused at his never ending ability to talk about sex as though we were discussing housework or shopping.

"My God. Straight in there aren't you." I laughed.

"I like to know."

"We didn't get home. I let him fuck me on the bonnet of his car down by the canal."

Now it was Simon's turn to look surprised. He was more used to me stuttering or clamping up when asked what I did with Andy. Usually it was an exercise in carefully peeling away my layers of defence. I didn't care anymore. I had two lovers and I was intent on sharing Andy with Simons wife so that he could feel the pleasure I felt. What was there to hide or feel embarrassed about?

"Just don't let me drink so much next time."

"Hmph. You were pretty sozzled."

"I don't remember much after the sex but Andy tells me I wouldn't get dressed and had to sneak me up to the flat naked."

Simon was near wetting himself at that admission.

"So how about you and Diane? Did you do it after we left?"

I turned the tables.

"Yeah. On the floor in the living room. Diane was hot. Hungry for your boyfriend."

I looked ahead into the darkness nodding slowly.

"I want her to have him." I said firmly and confidently.

"Then I'll tell her to go see him and make it clear she's interested. Next time you ask if he wants to he'll say yes. I guarantee it."

I nodded again. Determined it would happen. One way or another, it had to.

"I met your friends wife today."

"Who?" I felt my heart skip.


I didn't dare turn around incase I betrayed my involvement. I couldn't have Andy knowing I was involved in setting it up. Everything had to happen naturally. As if by accident, until he couldn't deny his need.

"Yeah. She came in the shop.

We had a coffee in my break at Nero's. Hope you don't mind."

"Of course not.

I'm glad you like her."

"She's quite fun. We should see more of them."

Now I turned and faced him.

"Really? Thought they were too old for you?"

"Changed my mind. They're a good laugh."

"She's hot isn't she."

I pulled on the edges of his top keeping my eyes turned down.

"I hadn't noticed."

My eyes snapped upwards to his face.

"Oh what bollocks."

I started laughing as I put my arms around his neck and kissed him.

"You can admit it. I'm not jealous of someone twice my age."

I kissed him again before staring into his eyes while I teased him.

"Those long legs. Dark hair. And tits. Wow. Her tits. Even I noticed how they moved under her top the other night."

I didn't take my eyes off him as he processed how to respond. I could feel the pain of his dilemma.

"Well yeah. Okay. She is hot. For her age.

He's not bad either."

That was my test. I didn't shy away.

"No. He's not." I admitted looking purposefully thoughtful.

"I could do him.

Wonder if he's up for a bit of wife swapping?"


He exclaimed faux shock. No jealousy. Just relief that he didn't need to feel guilty. Exactly what I wanted from him.

"Never thought about keys in the bowl."

"You don't need a bowl when the swap only has two couples participating." I laughed.

"No. 'Spose not."

I toyed with his top again, avoiding his eyes.

"Would you do it?" I asked.

"What, swap partners?"


Aren't you curious what it'd be like to go with someone different? We get to fuck someone else for a night then come back to each other. Curiosity satisfied."

"So you'd go with Simon?"

"That's how swapping works. You sleep with the wife and... I sleep with the husband."

He looked nervous.

"If... everyone agreed... I might."

That came out so tentatively. As though frightened to show his true thoughts. But it was out and he knew it.

He started laughing.

"Like that's going to happen."

Now he was sliding back into his comfort zone. All a joke. Could never happen.

I smirked uncontrollably.


There's something I haven't told you about Simon and Diane."

"What?" A seriousness crept over his face.

"Their relationship isn't like most. It's a bit... unconventional."


"What you'd call... an open relationship."

"As in. They sleep around?"

"I wouldn't put it quite like that. They're a bit more picky.

Simon says seeing other people makes them even stronger as a couple."

Andy looked a little like a rabbit caught in the headlights. No longer sure what he was supposed to be saying.

"And... You want us to... wife swap or something?"

"It could be fun.

But only if you agree."

I pushed the onus firmly onto him.

"It has to be a joint decision."

Again he hesitated. I worried he might go ballistic.

"A joint decision where you've already decided?"

"I'm just saying I'm okay with it if you are."

"You'd really do that? Sleep with Simon?"

"Would you sleep with Diane?

You just said you would if we all agreed."


I wasn't expecting this."

"It's just an idea. We should talk about it."


Why would we do that?"

I was worried I'd gone to far but I was in too deep to back out.

"I'm just thinking ahead.

What if we stay together for the rest of our lives and never know what it's like to sleep with someone else. Sooner or later one of us might be tempted to find out what we're missing. One of us going behind the others back. Cheating."

I felt a tinge of guilt that I already had.

"Wouldn't it be better to find out together?

Everything out in the open. No secrets.

It'd be a sort of experiment. Or training exercise."

"Fuck." He said again.

But not a 'No'.

It was now or never. My next words could open a door to a whole new world. Or end my relationship with Andy.

"Shall I arrange something?" I pushed.

His eyes were searching my face for clues on how to answer.

"But that means you'd be shagging him. Another guy."

"And you'd be shagging her. Another woman.

We'd be equals in what we're doing. No secrets. No jealousy. And then after we would still come home together."

He looked lost. As though it was a trap.

"Just one night." I added staring at him all doe eyed.


If you want to."

I threw my arms around him and jumped up wrapping my legs around his waist. In my thinking the more he found me turned on by the idea, the more comfortable with it he would be. Was there a man who wouldn't fuck another woman if he was given willing permission by his girl?

I was the one supposably going against type. Girls are the possessive ones. The loyal ones. Well I'd already binned that idea. That was one thing he could never know.

"It'll be fun." I said excitedly.

"But I want to know all the details. I'll tell you as well. Total honesty."

"You want to talk about it after?"

He still seemed taken aback by the idea. But the seed was planted, and growing. Just like his cock. I could feel it through his chinos.


And then we can fuck each other's brains out even better than we do now."

"Fucking hell.

Okay. If that's what you want."

"You can't get jealous." I emphasised.

"It's just sex. An experience like bungee jumping or water skiing."

"And you won't get jealous?"

Still the nervousness that I was testing him before launching into a tirade of abuse because he wanted to fuck Diane.

"No. I know what I'm suggesting. I'm cool with it."

He looked deep in thought for a moment, before finally answering.


She is kinda hot.

I'll do it."

"Good. I'll sort something out when I'm in work. Maybe for next week."

I kissed him again. Quickly.


While you're feeling horny. Take me. Here over the worktop. Right now. I'll show you how good it's going to be in future."


It was another warm day. A long hot summer that never seemed to end. There would be the occasional shower, just enough to please my gardening neighbours, but always the sun and heat returned.

The weather was to my advantage when I decided what to wear. It needed to be something comfortable that didn't leave unsightly pressure marks on my skin and was easy for Simon to remove.

I settled on a long flowing skirt, flat shoes and a loose summery top. I purposefully gave the underwear a miss. It'd keep me fresh in the heat and be easier when the inevitable happened. God I was tingling with excitement.

I was certain Andy was to, but he acted nonchalantly, as though we were just going to the pub. I'd expected him to be nervous. I was, even though I'd already secretly taken the plunge. But it seemed Andy accepted that I wasn't going to change my mind and react badly and was just going with the flow, letting his animal instinct free.

We'd hardly spoken about it since he'd agreed. Only to confirm I was setting it up. Andy had responded as though I was talking about another dinner date with our new friends rather than... well... what would I call it? Wife swapping as Andy had? I didn't have a better term.

Even the drive there was a surreal experience. Chatting normally about work and what we needed buy at the shops. The only awkwardness was when we stepped out of the car and headed up the path. We were silent and I sensed we were both waiting for the other to back out.

When Simon opened the door to us there was no doubting what we were walking into. Diane greeted Andy with a lingering kiss and he didn't flinch once, instead responding keenly.

For my part, I let Simon wrap his arms around me and muzzle my neck for a moment.

All the doubt and fear was gone.

"Good to see you. It's gonna be a great night."

Simon said stepping back, letting go of me.

"We should have a drink first.


"That'd be great." I said glancing around their home while making a note to drink less on this visit. It looked as perfect as the first time we'd been here. Like a show home.

"Andy. Why don't you sit with Diane." He said indicating the sofa.

He handed glasses out and poured a red wine.

Diane looked ravaging. Just shorts and a T shirt in the heat. Definitely braless. I watched as she curled up on the sofa, wrapping her long legs under herself.

"It's warm today." She said echoing my thoughts.

Andy looked a little hesitant as he took a seat, but I saw his eyes flicker over those legs.


I flicked my skirt around.

"This outfit's nice and cool though."

"It looks nice. Comfortable."

I took a seat in the opposing sofa and Simon joined me, openly putting an arm around my shoulder. His fingers played with my hair.

We chatted nonsense for a bit, each of us using any excuse for a touch, the brush of a hand or a squeeze of a leg. And of course we downed the wine for confidence, me quickly forgetting the price I'd paid the last time.

It did seem a little strange discussing weather and other mundane issues when we all knew why we were there. But the chat turned slowly with a few rude jokes and comments about it being ideal weather for ice lollies.

Diane was the first to cross what would normally have been red lines.

She brazenly run her finger along Andy's lips.

"Is he a good kisser?" She asked me.

"I think so.

We do it a lot so he's had plenty of practice. "

Andy looked nonplussed as we discussed his skills.

"What's he like with his tongue?" She queried pushing a digit into his mouth.

Andy sucked it, his eyes flitting from Diane to me and back again.

I grinned, though it wasn't so much his skills on my mouth that crossed my mind.

"Go ahead. Find out." I encouraged.

Diane leaned over and they kissed. A long lingering smooch. Andy responded with a natural ease. I knew from experience the exact moment his tongue passed her lips. I quivered with delight at seeing it. And even more when Simons fingers found the bare flesh of my belly, slowly drawing circles.

"They look good together." He whispered.

"They do."

It's strange to say it but I was getting off watching my boyfriend snog another woman. This was my doing. My work at convincing Andy to give himself to another. It hardly occurred to me that it might be an excuse to legitimise my own actions.

"Wow." Andy said finally breaking the embrace with a quick glance in my direction.

"So are there any rules?" He asked.

"Only honesty." Diane said.

"Say what you like and what you don't like. And hide nothing from Julia."

She leaned closer to him, rubbing his thigh as if to reassure him. I knew just how hard his cock would be getting. Instinctively I put my hand onto Simon, just inches from his. I so wanted it.

Then in one fluid movement Diane moved, straddling Andy. I watched mesmerised as they continued kissing, a much more frenzied affair this time with her hands rubbing all over his body. Andy's now openly caressed her smooth bare thighs before disappearing under her top.

I felt such a rush of excitement. It was like watching my own personal porn movie and it was making me hornier but the second. I was wriggling in my seat as my pussy began to cry out for some attention of its own.

"You like watching don't you."

Simons whisper brought me back to him just as his hand slid under my top and found a bare tit.


"Does it turn you on?"

"Yes." I replied rubbing his bulge with fervour.

Every sense came alive. The thrill of being caressed by Simon. The excitement of knowing Andy could see us. The feel of Simon's cock when without a care I released it from his clothing.

Then there was the familiar sounds of Andy in arousal, tiny grunts and snatched breaths. But for the first time it wasn't at my hand. I couldn't see fully, but I could tell she was masturbating him by the movement of her arms. My own hand also started it's travel up and down the gorgeous shaft I held. Christ. Were we going to do it here? In view of one another?

Fingers pulled my face around and Simon put his lips to mine. My mouth opened and accepted his tongue in to engage my own in a dance.

"Shall I take Andy to the spare room?"

When I looked round Diane was topless. Her tits were just divine with neat deeply coloured nipples that seemed to point straight at me. I'm not one that had any latent same sex desires, but I could appreciate a great set of tits when I saw them.

"Yes. We'll be fine here." Simon said, not taking his attention from my own mounds.

This was it. I watched as Diane stood and took my boyfriend by the hand, leading him away into her parlour with his cock protruding from his fly. The whole thought of what was happening just made me wetter and I turned my full attention to Simon for relief.

"I so want you."

I fell to the floor to take his cock in my mouth. Long, deep strokes, each ending with my lips and tongue teasing his crown before going down again. He kicked his trousers away without once disturbing my actions and spread his thighs wide open.

"Oh that's wonderful.

It feels great in your mouth."

His approval left my pussy dripping with desire and I pressed my fingers down inside the band of my skirt to bring temporary relief to the growing ache.

His cock tasted divine. Warm flesh with the hint of saline from the silky seepage that covered my lips. My top came away and hands caressed my tits equally, moving in mirror images of one another, across the tops of them, then down underneath.

All the while I could only think that Diane would be doing the same with Andy and the thought just made me hotter.


Fingers run circles around my areola with the softness of feathers and my nipples swelled until they hurt. He squeezed them and it was as though they were connected directly to my pussy.


I plunged two fingers in to my wet silky hole, shuddering with the overwhelming feeling of want. My juices ran like a flood, coating my hand.


Simon put his hands to my arms and guided me round to sit on the sofa. He rolled back my skirt revealing my legs a few inches at a time, kissing the flesh as it was exposed. My eyes followed each movement, my heat rising with every roll of my skirt until finally he lifted my feet over his shoulders and revealed my bare pussy.


I begged, rubbing it, spreading wetness around my vulva. I could smell myself and lifted my hand to my lips, licking my own juices from my fingers to excite him.
