Why’d You Ever Have to Say Goodbye


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"I don't think I can do anything." I mumbled.

"I didn't ask you to, I just want you to come to bed. We can just cuddle. Naked cuddles." She smiled. I looked down, she was smiling there too, her labia parting below the trimmed strip of dark hair. She had grown the hair back after we had shaved each other, both of us deciding kitty looked better with hair as, for me, it suited her natural look. Lisa opened her legs a bit wider and she glistened. She reached out a hand and I took it and she led me to the bedroom and stripped me before we cuddled up together, the darkness now in full retreat. "Kitty got her cream, she is very happy." she mumbled later as we drifted away.

We had a quick day trip to see her parents a couple of months before the big trip, Lisa explaining that her dad and the ex were very close, so not to worry if he seemed off and, if it went badly, we'd just go sightseeing. That day had gone well, all four of us walking along the sea front and getting lunch. Despite that, the prospect of spending a couple of days there scared me, but Lisa talked with her mum to sort some things out and the time flew and so we packed our stuff and I was spending the night in Lisa's old room, sharing her bed. We were too nervous to do anything, but the night was long and in the small hours I slid into her as she bit her lip to stay quiet. "We should have brought condoms." Lisa whispered, "Easier to manage the mess."

"Yes, nothing says I didn't shag your daughter in her old bedroom like a used condom floating in the toilet." I said and we both tried not to laugh.

"Ok, then pull out and cum in my mouth." she whispered. It almost worked, but I was too close when Lisa had her orgasm and my first spurt hit her face as she sat up and then bent down, streaking across her mouth and the laughter was stifled by her mouth going around me to take the rest. I don't think I have ever cum in someone's mouth as they laughed and it set me off giggling. Lisa swallowed and then looked up and I struggled to laugh silently as a creamy smear of semen went from her forehead and down her nose. "Well, my first facial." she said, trying just as hard not to laugh.

"You look very very hot." I said as I knelt and held her.

"Take a photo." she sniggered, so I did and she looked at it and smiled. "Happy Christmas." she said quietly and I kissed her lips, then ran my tongue up her nose as she sighed in my arms. The next night our timing was better and Lisa opened her mouth as I was about to cum, then tilted her head back. It was too late for me to stop, but she didn't move as the first two streams landed on her face and then she took me into my mouth as I finished. We kissed, her lips sticky with sperm and I licked the semen from her right eyelid as I slid a finger into her, licking her face clean and continuing the kisses until she orgasmed on my finger, her cries going into my lungs. In the morning we packed and headed home, the ordeal not being too bad, her mother liked me and her father didn't try and kill me, so I counted that as a win. There was even a separate vegetarian meal every time for us and Lisa insisted she would eat that too. We cuddled up on the train, "I cannot wait for you to cum inside me." Lisa whispered and once we were safe at her flat I did just that.

We spent the new year on the bench, wrapped in big coats and watching fireworks light up the West London sky. We walked back hand in hand and then Lisa insisted we see the New Year in with a bang.

Chapter 11:

"Why'd you ever have to say goodbye." Lisa said quietly as she settled down on the bench next to me. The weather was still undecided, the usual warmth of May fighting the rain, but on the first Friday it was clear, but windy.

Her hand hit the wood with a clunk and I looked down at the ring, remembering when we bought it. Lisa had said she didn't want to get married again, happy with us as we were. On our eight month anniversary I did the walk of shame naked, but it was only down the hall to my room, Lisa now with me as Steve had moved out to be with his girlfriend. She had felt bad about leaving her nice flat, but we would still pop around to see the landlady for tea now and then.

She had admitted defeat on the bet long before June had come. "Bored yet?" she would often giggle as I lifted my head from between her legs, her wetness soaking my mouth.

"Never'" was always the answer.

She was adamant there should be a prize and one that didn't involve banishment of any sexual activity, so had booked a holiday the week after our first anniversary and we went off to San Sebastian. We walked around, ate great food and lounged on the beach, which seemed to be the main activity until it was time to watch the sun set in the sea. Lisa felt happier in a bikini being away from home, but got worried when she saw some topless girls. "You dare look." she laughed and my eyes went to her breasts instead.

"Yours are better." and we both looked at them, then at the girls, then back.

"I might actually agree with you, for once." she laughed and her eyes sparkled into mine. "I couldn't though... I mean..." I smiled at her. "Would you be upset?"

"Why? jeez, you have an amazing body. Plus, I am the one that gets to touch them." Lisa giggled and we looked at her breasts again, then shook her head.

The next day we set out early to avoid the heat as we walked around, then went to the beach, walking along in the shallow water and I saw several eyes turn to look at her and I glowed inside. Further along the beach it was quieter, the area slightly shielded from the public walkway. Lisa stopped and suggested we turn back and I was confused, then looked and realised most of the women here were topless. As we stood, two ran past and splashed into the water and Lisa watched and then looked around. "It's quieter here though, shall we stay. As long as you don't look at too many boobs." she laughed. We put our stuff down and then waded into the cool water to combat the heat of the day. We kissed and cuddled as the surf washed over us, both giggling if a larger wave got our hair wet. Some more people ran into the water, some topless, some not, but none as beautiful as her, so I told her that.

"You're just saying that so you can see my tits." she laughed, "Unless you're bored of them." I kissed her as the salt water broke against us.

"Never." I said and looked down.

"Want to see them now?" she whispered and we both looked around.

"Always." I said and kissed her lips softly, "Always always."

Lisa looked into my eyes and blushed a little, then looked around. She reached down and pulled the top up and then over her head.

"Ta daaaaaaaa." she giggled and lifted her arms and jumping up enough to reveal her breasts fully. She tied the top half around the side of her bikini bottom and we swam for a while before heading back to the beach. I held her hand and squeezed it as she hesitated, the water still high enough for the swell of the ocean to cover her breasts and she crouched a bit as she scanned the sand ahead. No one cared, they may have looked, but more than half of the women were topless. Lisa stood and pulled my hand as she strode through the waves and onto the shore. We showered again at the hotel, having already rinsed the dried salt from our skin on the beach showers and we noticed the colour difference on Lisa's breasts was almost gone, the tan line faint. "Need to do it again tomorrow." she laughed and she did.

We would walk around the old town most evening, the sounds and smells of the little bars echoing down the narrow streets. We had found a couple of places we liked and would eat there, sometimes wandering between several to act like locals. A small shop was tucked away, selling pieces from local artists as well as odds and ends. Lisa found a ring and I saw her trying it on and smile. I sidled up to her and she pulled it off and laughed. "It's got a nice design." she said and held it up to show the engravings on it. I held it and then took her right hand and slipped it onto the third finger and she shivered.

"It fits perfectly." I said and she gave me that awkward smile as her eyes shone. We walked out of the store hand in hand, the ring nudging against my finger as Lisa kept tapping it on me.

"If I post a photo of this people will think I got married." she laughed as she held up her hand.

"It's the wrong hand." I said.

"It's the thought." she added and her smile was wider than a mile. "I don't want to do that again, it's pointless... also... signing divorce papers is enough to deter anyone. Yeah, you failed and now sign this to prove it. No thanks."

"You didn't fail." I replied.

"It feels like it when you have to sign." she said and a sadness swept over her.

"I guess it is easier to just walk away, so to speak. It must make it a bit more... unpleasant... having to sign away the love."

"Yeah, even if you still like each other, that can really take a while to get over." she sighed. "Ray and I didn't speak for ages after that." She stared off for a bit, then her eyes shone again. "He remarried, did I tell you?" I shook my head as her eyes wandered around, flitting back to me now and then. "They have a kid. He always wanted children, I never did, so I guess he's happy now." Her eyes dulled.

I reached out and took her left hand as she still held the right one in the air. "Nothing on paper." I said as she looked at the ring and her hand then stroked my cheek, the metal tingling as it ran down. "But we know." I added.

Lisa took the ring off and handed it to me and then held out her left hand. "See if it fits." she said quietly and I slipped it on. "As perfectly as you do to me." she whispered. I pulled the hand to my lips and kissed the finger. Lisa twisted the ring and pulled it off, then handed it to me again and I put it on the right hand. "Now we know, it's no one else's concern." she said and her eyes were wet, "The thing that matters is I love you."

"And I love you." I said as we held hands over the table, only moving them when our food arrived. We walked and looked at the ocean afterwards, then went back to the hotel to wrap tight together, as we had done every night.

"Do you want children?" Lisa whispered as the Basque night quietened and we recovered.

"No, bad enough there is one of me." I replied.

"Well, I am glad there is one of you. Sometimes I think they should clone you, share the magic around." Lisa giggled and then she looked into my eyes. "I'm glad we found each other." She held up her right hand and the metal caught what light there was in the room. "No paper, but we know." she said and we drifted away together.

I stared at the ring as it glinted on the bench now and wanted to reach for it, to hold her, to feel her, but we were too far apart, there was no going back.

We had settled together, still enjoying each other. We had spent every night together, since the first one, except for one time just before she moved into my place when Lisa needed a very early start to head for a conference and I had left her so she could rest. I sent a message to say I was home and she called me right away. "I miss you." she whispered, "She misses you" she added and I let out a little groan thinking of her perfect pussy.

"I miss her, I miss you."

"I am naked. Such a waste as you're not here." She whispered. "You should be naked too." and soon I was.

"How is she?" I asked and I heard a soft moan.

"Wet." She said and there was a louder moan, "Very wet, I was thinking of you, how you touch me."

"What, when I put my finger inside you?" There was a groan. "How I stroke up your soft labia to your hard clit?" The moan got louder. "How my wet finger dances over the tip of your clit?"

"Jesus, fuck yes. Tell me how you want to touch me, baby." Lisa moaned, "Because I want to hold your lovely cock and squeeze it." My hand went down and did just that. "Does he miss me?"

"Yes, he is crying a little." I mumbled as my hand moved up and down and pre-cum ran out of me.

"Tell me, baby, tell me what to do." I whispered to her and listened, the wet sound of her finger audible as she stroked from her hole to her clitoris, dipping a finger inside now and then. "She is so tight, how do you get your lovely cock in there?" she giggled amid groans.

"She is a perfect, we fit so easily." I whispered

"You fill her so deliciously." she mumbled and then the high pitched gasps started as I told her how I wanted to stroke over her clitoris faster, my own hand moving quickly now. Lisa cried out and the the phone was dropped, I was close and I heard her scrambling to pick it up as I was gasping. "Oh baby, cum for me." she whispered and I gripped my phone tight and groaned loudly.

We talked softly as we recovered. "We could have done that on video." she laughed, but we agreed it was sexier this way.

We had experimented a little, I had carried out my promise to tie Lisa to the bed, naked and spread-eagled and we had even tried it with her face down and I had taken both holes that way, but we missed the feel of being wrapped up, legs and arms tangled. Lisa had also tied me and I almost broke the straps, desperate to hold her beautiful breasts. We decided the leaving arms or legs free was much better than totally bound.

We had blindfolded each other at times, enjoying the feel and not knowing where the touch would be next, but I loved her eyes and looking into them when I was inside her. Lacy underwear was worn, although mostly for very short periods as I scrambled to remove it. I would still call her kitty perfect and she would ask if I was sure before I would kiss and lick her. Lisa wore stockings and a dress, the hem just covering the tops on one occasion and I entered her as soon as we had returned home, her hands against the front door as I lifted up the dress and penetrated her from behind.

We would sit on the balcony in the summer, the night quiet and ours alone. Bugs buzzed around the streetlamp close by, but nothing else moved. We sat in t-shirts and only that most times. Once Lisa looked at me and asked, "What is your favourite part of me?" and I looked her up and down, for effect mainly. The shirt had ridden up and the soft curve of her vulva showed as her torso dipped between her legs.

"I can narrow it down to two." I said and she laughed.

"Yeah, let me guess... well, I can guess one anyway." and she looked at me, trying to look upset. "Go on, tell me, surprise me."

"Your eyes or your lips, it's too close to call." I said and watched as her eyes widened as did her mouth.


"Yup, those two get me every time, did right from the start."

"SERIOUSLY?" she leaned forward as she said it, her eyes still wide.

"Yes. The first time... your eyes got me, I couldn't work out the colour, still can't." I giggled. "Then your lips, oh man, they just..." and I stopped speaking as my mind froze while I looked at her lips again. "It is as if your face leads to your lips and eyes."

"Well, my wonky nose leads most places." Lisa laughed.

"I love your nose too, but your eyes and lips... ooooooh." I said and shivered.

"You were staring at me for ages that first evening, I couldn't work out what you were looking at."

"Your lips. I wanted to kiss them, they just looked so wonderful and then you started to smile and I was gone."

"Yeah, I was smiling as some hot guy was staring at me." She laughed. "Well, I REALLY didn't expect those as the answer." she said quietly. "I was expecting something..."

"That went in?" I chuckled.

"Yeah, or stood out." she added.

"I didn't notice those..." and I glanced down at her breasts, "Until the next day. I didn't really notice anything apart from your face and how stunningly beautiful you were." Lisa blushed as I said it.

"What, with this nose?" she laughed "And this odd thing here." She pointed under her nose. "It's so sharp, you could cut cheddar with it." I stared at her and wondered where that had come from.

"Cut cheddar?" I said, chuckling slightly.

"Well, any hard cheese really, it's pretty severe." She laughed and ran her fingers down the ridges to her lips.

"I think you have a fabulous philtrum." I said and she stared at me.

"You what now?" she blinked, "It's called what?"

"Philtrum. With a P, H."

"How do you know that? Who knows that?" she laughed and I raised my hand. "Sheesh, not only do you know what it's called, but you like my... philtrum?"

"Yup, I love it." I said and stared at it and then reached out and ran a finger up it and Lisa shivered.

"I think that may be a world first, someone telling another they love their philtrum." Lisa said and smiled so beautifully.

"I need to look closer." I said and she moved and I put my face next to hers. "Perfect." I said and she shook her head gently. Then I moved forward and stuck my tongue out and flicked it up the ridge and licked over the tip of her nose.

"Oh, OH!" Lisa giggled. "Oh, Jeez, that certainly is the first time anyone has licked my philtrum... and, this is important, AND, the first time kitty has... well, ya know... to my philtrum being licked." Lisa blushed a little. "Also, I have never said philtrum so much before."

"That's because you didn't know what it was called."

"Shut up being so logical and lick it again." she laughed, so I did. "Oh my, yup, she did it again."

"Prove it." I said and stared into Lisa's eyes and they blazed in the starlight. She smiled so sweetly and shifted forward on the chair and turned to face me as her legs widened, one hand lifting the bottom of the t-shirt to show me the bottom of her vulva. I slid a hand up her right leg as it shivered and then I stroked over the soft flesh as it curved, a finger dipping down to feel the firm, wet skin of her inner labia as they parted easily. I moved the finger in the wet folds and then pushed and Lisa groaned into the night air.

"See." she whispered as the finger moved inside her and the gasped a little as I curled it. "Philtrum licking gets me hot." she giggled and then whimpered as I bent the finger and began to stroke along the front wall of her tight pussy.

"Someone might see." I whispered as Lisa moved a bit closer and I moved my thumb up between her lips, opening them with a soft wet sound and then rested the tip on the hardening point of her clitoris.

"They won't see your hand." she groaned as the finger and thumb rubbed her from inside and out. "Anyway, who fucking cares." she chuckled, "I am so turned on now,"

"You might wake the neighbours." I added and Lisa laughed and put a hand to her mouth. "Pretend we are at your parents' place, be quiet."

"I may have to bite on your shoulder to stay quiet." she laughed.

"Well worth it." I said and pressed the finger and thumb together again and Lisa's head went forward to rest on my shoulder and her heavy breath whirled around my neck.

"We're being watched." Lisa gasped, her breathing now fast and the occasional high sound escaped her clenched teeth. I saw her lift a hand and wave.

"Ok, act casual," I said as I continued to stroke the finger inside her tight body as the thumb went in circles over the tip of her clitoris. "What do they look like, do you recognise them?"

"Red hair, pointy ears." she said, her giggle lost in a groan. "One of the regulars. Sitting looking up at us."

"I can't wave, my hands are.... well..." and I saw her wave again.

"Did it for you." she chuckled and then her head went back before jerking forward and she opened her mouth on my shoulder and the long groan vibrated on me. The chair juddered as Lisa's hips twitched and her teeth gripped onto me, sliding from my skin to bite down on my t-shirt as I squeezed the finger and thumb tight, the tips of both moving up and down rapidly until her grip was tight on the finger and her juice flooded over it. "Oh fucking god." she mumbled as she bit into the t-shirt and the chair jerked backwards and forwards, the metal legs scraping on the concrete, the noise harsh in the still night and then everything went still.