Willing Victim Ch. 02


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Despite your obvious desire you remained perfectly still above me. Unsure what other weapon, what other power, I had beyond my body I gave myself up to my instincts and fought to raise my hips even further this time. I felt you slide into me slowly, until you filled me completely. I felt your muscles tense as you valiantly tried to stay still once you had entered me. Knowing that if I didn't get you to move, to participate, that all would be lost I began to draw my body back down, sliding your shaft almost completely out of me. When not even an inch of skin remained within me, I thrust upwards with all my force, impaling myself, feeling the ties cut into my stomach.

"Don't." Your voice was full of concern as you pushed me down and examined my stomach.

"I'm not made of glass, you won't hurt me." My voice held a false bravado as I tried to convince you to have sex with me once again, despite the lingering protests of my body.

"Are you sure?" Your voice was hesitant but hopeful. I could almost feel your eagerness to be inside me.

"I'm sure."

You eased the barest hint of yourself into me, stopping completely when only the tip of the shaft had parted my womanhood. "Are you sure that doesn't hurt?"

Barely able to feel you inside of me I nodded my head, and quietly murmured, "Yes."

Easily convinced, you growled deep in your throat, grabbed me by my shoulders and thrust fully into me with bruising strength. Moaning in a mixture of pleasure and pain I suddenly wondered if maybe playing with your exquisite fire wasn't such a brilliant idea after all as you thrust into me over and over again.

Despite the ties restricting my movements, once my body got used to your hard thrusts, our bodies began to beat against each other in perfect harmony. My lips kissed the hollow of your neck as you buried your head in the pillow. Slowly but surely the tempo and ferocity increased even more until I was being hammered into the bed, unable to move due to the savageness of your thrusts.

"Damn...you...for...making...me...feel!" Each word was emphasised with a brutal thrust, while your hands pushed into my shoulders, holding my down forcefully despite my ties. As you thrust harder and harder the pain began to block out all the pleasure I had been experiencing.

"Ahhhh...please...this hurts..." My words were broken sobs, barely audible over the harsh slap of your body against mine and your primal groans of pleasure.

With animalistic ferocity you thrust into me over and over again until I was sure the only reason I was still wet was because I must have begun to bleed again. Gone was the passionate man from the last two nights, who despite everything was able to seduce me. Instead, I could swear I was beneath a raging monster. As the pain began to fade, I realised that I was finally blessedly slipping away from reality, away from this nightmare, and into unconsciousness due to the pain.

"You think you can make me want you? You think I'll fucking regret this? Just shut up!" "SHUT UP!...PLEASE!" The desperation in your voice was enforced as your hand smashed across the side of my face, splitting my lip open and forcing me back to harsh reality.

Whether it was the violence of you hitting me, or whether you were already nearing release, I felt your body begin shudder slightly. Slowing your pounding rhythm only slightly, you bent your head to my lips and kissed me hard, tasting my blood. As your tongue plunged into my mouth your seed erupted within me, burning my body where you had so callously ripped it open. Thanking the gods that I had taken a contraceptive needle a few weeks ago, I let myself float on a wave of pain.

As the orgasm finished washing over you, your kiss slowly became more gentle. Moaning slightly you began to draw out of me. When I whimpered in pain, I saw you look for the first time at where our bodies met. Gasping in surprise you just gawked at the blood that coated the both of us for what seemed like hours.

"Oh god, I am so sorry, You said you'd be okay. I never meant to... "

"...hurt me?" My voice oozed derision and tears streamed down my face as I finished your sentence for you.

At some point as you shredded my body with your own, I had come to realise that not only were you not ordering pizza, you also weren't my knight in shining armour after all. As that reality had violently been pounded home I had passed the point of weakness and was now simply in pain, tired, and bitchy, or so I thought. But, as you leaned close to kiss my lip where you had split it, I couldn't stop myself from wincing in fear. Closing your eyes as if I had hurt you and not visa versa, you continued to murmur apologies that I refused to accept.

"Let's go have a shower." Your voice held a mixture of both authority and sadness as you began to untie my bindings.

Once the last tie was removed I tried to stand, only to whimper once more in pain as the returning circulation caused my limbs to burn in agony. Murmuring something under your breath, probably another meaningless apology, you effortlessly picked me up in your arms and carried me to the bathroom. Flexing my muscles as much as possible, I suddenly remembered a scene from the movie Kill Bill. Hell, if Uma Thurman could get her whole body to move while drugged, I could get over a little case of pins and needles. With determination, I began to flex all of my muscles as you carried me.

Knowing that I needed to escape, I pretended to co-operate as you adjusted the water temperature for the shower. Holding me tightly against you, I let you support most of my weight as we showered, pretending that my muscles were still numb, which was only partially true. I tried to focus on the pretty pink colour of the water as what I swore must be acid ate at my torn flesh. Once all the blood was gone, you laid me in the bottom of the tub and proceeded to wash away the rest of the evidence.

After we had both dried off, you walked me to the kitchen, sat me on a chair, and began rummaging through the fridge. Throughout all of this, I was silent as a zombie, allowing myself to be led around while I waited for the perfect moment to escape. You kept making excuses to tenderly touch me, pushing a hair out of my face, tenderly caressing my cheek, letting your arm brush against mine as you walked across the kitchen.

"Um...I've gotta go to the bathroom, I'll be right back. Okay?" Your voice sounded almost afraid to leave me, not because you feared I'd run away, but because some almost lost male protective urge had suddenly reared its tardy little head.

Knowing this would probably be my only chance to escape, and knowing that the only way out of the house was past the bathroom, I waited until you entered the bathroom, praying you would close the door behind you. My bad luck held as I watched you leave the door wide open.

Still intent on trying, I tiptoed towards the bathroom as quickly and quietly as possible. Unable to think how I could pass by you unseen I made the rash decision to make a break for it. Darting past the bathroom door, my still wobbly feet stumbled on the hardwood floors as I moved towards my freedom. I heard you curse loudly before the sound of the blood beating in my body drowned out all other noises. Every bone in my bruised body screamed in protest as I slammed into the door, undoing the locks as quickly as possible.

I had the door partially flung open before I felt your body crash into mine, slamming me against the far wall just past the door. Feeling my head ricochet off the wall and my breath heaving as the adrenaline coursed through my body, I fought to escape you, to try to get out the door. Holding me with both hands, you kicked my last chance at freedom closed with the back of your foot as you easily held me captive. As I realised that my only option at escape had failed, I stopped fighting you completely.

" You shouldn't have done that." All the sorrow that had clouded your voice only moments ago had dissolved due to my futile escape attempt.

Grabbing me by the hair roughly you pushed me onto my knees beside the table at the front door. I almost began to laugh hysterically as I thought you wanted me to give you head. When you picked up the phone, completely ignoring me, I realised I was unfortunately mistaken. If you were planning on killing me, the least I could do was have a filling and tasty bite of your manhood for lunch first, especially since you weren't ordering pizza. This time I began to giggle hysterically as you spoke on the phone, completely forgetting to listen to what you were saying.

Disturbed by my laughter, you laid a hand on my head in what I knew to be a warning and continued on with your conversation. Gasping slightly for breath, I tried to remain quiet and listen, sitting at your feet like an obedient dog.

"What do you mean three days?! What am I supposed to do with her until then?...I... No...No...fine. Sounds good...yeah, I'll meet you then...Okay."

After you hung up the phone you looked down at me and spoke, "Just because I didn't want to hurt you doesn't mean I won't. Don't worry though, I have everything taken care of."

The sorrow that filled your voice made me shiver in fear, because I finally realised you thought you weren't doing anything wrong. You didn't realise that you had hurt me. Hating myself for being weak I fought to stop my tears from falling as I tried to compare the man who had tenderly embraced me last night with the monster I had met today. I wondered fleetingly if maybe you had split personalities as you gently took my arm and led me back to the kitchen.

"Here, let me get some ice for your head." Your voice made it sound as if you were the hero, while at the same time denying that you were in any way responsible for the growing lump.

Minutes passed by in silence as I held the ice against my head, and you leaned against the sink, looking at me with your disturbing concern. Suddenly you walked back up to me and took the ice away, putting it back in the freezer. Silently you held out your hand to me, clearly expecting me to take it. Instead, I stood up, very careful not to touch you. Slowly you dropped your arm and pointed towards the bedroom. I felt like I was in some B-rated silent film as I reluctantly walked back towards my room. Maintaining the silence, I let you push me onto the bed. When you began to try to retie me though, I couldn't help but fight, despite the futility of my resistance.

"Don't. It'll just be harder on you if you do." Your voice was once again soft, almost sweet sounding, and I could see the barest hint of your dimples in your sad smile.

Closing my eyes against my own uselessness, I let you tie me down. Once my arms and legs were tied down, I felt your hand gently skim against my stomach, where the tie had cut into my flesh earlier. Jumping slightly, I felt your lips delicately kiss across my flesh, trying to soothe me.

"I'm sorry...I'll be right back." Your words sounded hollow in my ears as your lips brushed against my stomach again before you left the room.

Returning with a jar of polysporin and aloe-vera healing lotion you sat gingerly on the side of the bed. After dipping your fingers in the salve, you carefully spread it across my stomach. Dipping your fingers deeply into the jar, you scooped out a generous handful of the soothing medicine.

"This may hurt a bit...I'll try to be gentle." Your words infuriated me with their apparent sincerity as you began to slather the jelly against the outside of my torn womanhood.

Taking another scoop of salve, this time your fingers gently probed my entrance, making my clench my muscles against the cold lotion and your unwanted touch. After covering there in salve, you took an even larger amount, this time scooping it up with only two fingers. Knowing what was coming, I still shied away from your touch, trying to escape you, as your fingers slowly plunged inside of me, filling my womanhood with the healing salve. Despite the fact that I was now covered, and filled, with the balm, you scooped up even more.

This time, when your fingers plunged inside of me, you began to caress me, running your hands against the walls of my femininity. Stroking me gently, you rubbed your hand against my body repetitively, stopping only to cover your fingers in more of the ointment every now and then.

"Don't." My words came out from between clenched teeth as I tried to ignore your touch.

Ignoring my words completely, you continued to pet me gently, rocking your hand back and forth, spreading the salve within me.

Clenching my eyes shut tightly, I tried to block out the pleasant feeling of your hand mixed the growing warmth of the jelly. Your hand began to massage me even more fervently, flicking and teasing my clitoris until my muscles clenched and I was forced to bite my lip to keep from crying out. Your hand mercilessly continued to rub against me for what seemed like eternity, showing no mercy, slowing coaxing me to my release. Against my will I felt my hips arch slightly against your hand, silently showing that my body had betrayed me again.

Unlike before though, this betrayal was worse, for now I knew for sure what sort of man you were (and I use the term man loosely). As you continued to stroke me, I felt your mouth plunge downwards as you took my breast within your mouth. After you had fully tasted one breast, you moved to the other one, teasing it expertly.

Unable to suppress it, a moan of frustrated pleasure escaped my lips. Flashing your misleading dimples you rewarded me, or should I say punished me, by moving up to my neck, once again favouring my erotic zone with your masterful tongue and teeth. I fought to maintain my sanity despite my arousal as your hand continued to force my climax. The only outward sign of my pleasure was the occasional moan you elicited or the slight quivering of my hips as I fought to remain utterly still.

"Does this hurt?" Your voice was velvet, whispering within my mind as your hand thrust into me over and over again.

Unable to lie, unable to speak, I shook my head no as I neared my release. I breathed in shock as I felt your hand completely withdraw from me. Moments later though, I sighed in mindless contentment as I was filled once more. Slowly you rocked within me, stopping ever time I was on the verge of orgasm, forcing me to cool down, before resuming your gentle strokes. Biting my lip, trying to hold back my need, after forever had come and gone and you still continued to fill me and withdraw, I finally felt my world explode. As I orgasmed, I felt you begin to tremble within me, only then realising that at some point you had replaced your hand with your masculinity. As the last aftershock of my pleasure rippled through me, I felt the proof of your satisfaction flowing into me, mixing with the jelly that now covered us both.

You withdrew slowly, covering me even more in your seed and the salve as you pulled out, then began to get dressed. After kissing me lightly across the forehead you strode purposefully towards the door.

"I'll be back later, I have something I have to go do." Your words echoed from the hallway, stunning me.

I had presumed you were just getting up to go to the bathroom or something. Still covered in your semen and tied to the bed I desperately cried out for you to wait, just as I heard the door slam shut. Sitting alone in the silence, I felt the semen and salve begin to dry against my skin, as I waited for your return with a mixture of eagerness and dread.

Unwilling to let myself be conquered by you and your violent mood swings I knew I had to try to break free before you returned and I succumbed to your touch again. Breathing deeply I tried to work myself out of the ties, hoping I could escape before it was too late.

+ + + + + + + + + + + +

Thank you for reading this story. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please take the time to vote, make constructive criticism, or give general feedback. Anything publicly posted or emailed to me would be extremely appreciated. I am in particular hoping for feedback regarding any weak areas of the story, as well as grammar and punctuation errors. I wrote this in a slightly frenzied mood, and even when I edited it I fear my objectivity was completely compromised...Thanks!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
This thing is hot!

Loved it, just too awesome!


msboy8msboy8about 19 years ago
Never Know What is Gonna Happen!

You ramp the suspence up nicely. Good Job. I love reading what you wrote.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

That was some of the best writing I have ever read on this site! I loved it! Keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Great Story!!

I really enjoyed the story! It had so many great elements to it! I can't wait to see what happens in the end...or even hopefully in the coming chapters! Keep up the great work!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago
love love love it

i love this story if only the guy wasnt so psychotic it would b nice if they got 2gether in the end but i would have her teach him a lesson first tie him up and tease his cock and not let him cum and slap him around its perfect poetic justice yay

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