XX Marks The Spot


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"I quit before I could be fired. Today I heard that he married Ms. Rubenesque, and she quit her legal job to be his trophy wife."

I was appalled. "Oh, Lila. How devious and unfair!" I took her hand. "There's absolutely nothing wrong with your figure. He was probably just looking to hurt you any way he could. And if he's that shallow..."

"I know, I know." Lila shook her head. "It still bugs me."

We were on our way back to the hotel. The sky was gray with clouds. It looked like rain might be on the way.

The afternoon conference was interesting, so time passed quickly. There was a cocktail hour after the last session, which Lila and I felt obligated to attend. Had to do some shmoozing and networking, after all. We went to our room to change. I opted for a business cocktail dress with flounced sleeves. Lila dressed in a pale pink informal jacket and pants, with a blue-gray long-sleeved mock turtleneck. She looked fabulous.

I was waylaid by a guy who seemed to be angling to get me alone. Maybe he was harmless but since he wasn't talking shop or proffering info on a job, I thought I'd better give him the brush-off. He was a nice-looking guy but there were so many reasons not to get too friendly with him, not least what my underwear concealed.

Naturally, I had had some sexual experiences. I am attracted to women, mostly, but since men hit on me a lot, I tried sex with guys a couple times after a very lengthy conversation about my intersex status. I think they were mostly "wannafucks" who found me exotic. They were really into penetrating my mouth or ass but didn't seem to want to return the favor. I guess they though that would turn them gay. Gimme a break.

I dated one lesbian and she was game for some bedroom action but once she saw my hard cock she got weirded out. As for straight women, they were not usually interested even though I explained that I'm technically male. I did have an affair of some length with a straight female lover but I was just a walk on the wild side for her and she went right back to her boyfriend.

I looked around and spotted Lila talking to the same woman who had sat with her in the morning session. Lila had a pained look and when she saw me, she raised her eyebrows in a "help" signal. I moseyed over and greeted them.

"How's it going, Lila?" I asked. Lila smiled (with her mouth, not her eyes) and introduced me to her former co-worker, Ginnie. We chatted for the requisite minimum of time and then Ginnie moved away to chat up someone more important looking.

"Thanks, Anne. Ginnie is quite a gossip and she was giving me the lowdown on people I hope never to see again. Let's get out of here."

We went to our room and changed from heels to walking shoes, then headed through the lobby. I went to the front desk and asked what bars or clubs there were nearby. The clerk recommended the Boystown area, which I thought was funny seeing as we were two women. He mentioned a couple of bar names and said the taxi driver could take us to the area.

Once we got to Boystown and looked around, I realized that the desk clerk must have assumed we're a lesbian couple because this was obviously a gay neighborhood, judging by the same-sex couples strolling along hand in hand.

"Before we go any further, I need some food," said Lila.

I was hungry, too, having just had that bowl of soup and then a couple of canapés at the cocktail hour. We walked up the block and spotted an attractive vegan restaurant across the street. Thinking it would make a nice change, we went over and looked at the menu posted in the window. Just about everything looked good to me, and Lila agreed this was worth a try.

We ended up both ordering the special, a nut loaf with coconut milk curry sauce, along with some steamed vegetables. I asked Lila if she was up for drinks at one of the nearby clubs.

"Are you kidding? I love gay bars. The men leave you alone and even the most aggressive women can take 'No' for an answer." Lila paused, and then said, "Just, no leather bars."

I guffawed. "I don't think we could even get into one of those. Not without a change of wardrobe."

I paid the bill and got a paper receipt, since this was partly covered by our per diem. Then we headed out to look around. The air had gotten more humid during the evening, so I was glad I had worn the light dress. Lila took off her jacket and carried it.

There seemed to be a couple of clubs on every block so we just picked one and went in. It was early in the evening, not quite 10:00, so there wasn't much happening. There was a bar, a few tables (all occupied) and a counter with bar stools which ran in a horseshoe shape overlooking a large dance floor. We went to the bar, got drinks and sat on stools at the counter. The piped-in jazz playing was at a moderate volume, so Lila and I could chat without yelling.

I asked Lila if she had recovered her equilibrium after the reminder of her unfortunate affair.

"I'm okay now," she said with a smile. "I just didn't like being reminded of that jerk. Actually, he was only one in a string of jerks.

"Don't get me wrong, I have dated some nice guys. Things just never seemed to work out long-term. I have to confess that I seem to be really picky, don't know why. If it wasn't hating the scratchy feeling of being kissed by a guy with beard stubble, it was mansplaining. The guy was either too indifferent or too clingy. Et cetera.

"Also, I didn't get much positive reinforcement about my body. I'm sensitive about how thin I am, and it didn't help that guys were trying to get me to plump up. One boyfriend even tried to talk me into getting a boob job. And I don't mean a modest one; he would have been pleased if I'd had DD silicone."

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't contradict her on the many faults with the male gender. I was even technically part of the male gender. So I put my arm around her and squeezed her shoulder.

"I'd say we're due for another round of drinks," I said. "My turn to buy."

I ordered at the bar and picked up the drinks. When I returned to the place we were sitting, Lila had wiped away the tears I hadn't even noticed falling.

Just then, the lights on the dance floor flashed on, and the DJ in the booth hit play on "Acid Tracks" by Phuture. I laughed and yelled in Lila's ear, "Begin at the beginning!"

The place was starting to fill up and people migrated to the dance floor, alone or with a partner. We watched as one Black man in a muscle shirt began jacking his arms.

The DJ segued into "Get On The Dance Floor" and I couldn't resist. I grabbed Lila's hand and led her down the steps to the dance floor. As we danced, Lila's worried look vanished and was replace with a grin. She looked at me and gave me two thumbs up.

The songs moved from old school to some contemporary hits and back. Lila and I danced until we were sweaty. Then "Hrs & Hrs" by Muni Long came on.

The languorous down-tempo song caught me by surprise after the pounding beats. Lila and I wrapped our arms around each other as much to catch our breath as from desire, but our continued embrace and gentle swaying was anything but accidental.

As we danced, I rested my head on Lila's shoulder. My face was close enough to her that I could smell her scent. I wanted to kiss her neck, but it was too soon for that.

As the song came to an end, we ceased moving and held each other, motionless. Then I stepped back and looked into Lila's eyes. I saw longing there.

Suddenly a techno track dropped and the spell was broken. We made our way off the dance floor and back to our bar stools where, miraculously, our drinks and Lila's jacket were where we left them. The ice was melted, in more ways than one.

We pushed our way through the crowd and out the door, to be greeted by hard rain. Having no rain gear, we were forced to run out to the street to hail a taxi which, thankfully, just happened to be letting out a customer.

When we got to our hotel, there was another scramble through the rain. We were thoroughly soaked as we got to our room. It was nice to be back to a room that was dry and, more importantly, quiet. The small table lamp on the bureau that we'd left on was softly glowing.

We shook ourselves off. "My poor suit!" Lila exclaimed as she dropped her jacket on the floor. We both began disrobing from our rain-soaked garments. I pulled my dress over my head and draped it across a straight chair, then unhooked my bra and dropped it, leaving me in only the famous men's briefs. I wear retro hose and garters instead of pantyhose, but I had pulled those off before we headed to Boystown.

Grabbing a towel from the bathroom, I began drying my hair. As I did so, I wandered over to the window and looked out at the nocturnal Chicago skyline, blurred by the pelting rain running in rivulets down the window.

I heard a voice right behind me saying, "Giving the voyeurs a fun time, are we?" Lila was looking out over my shoulder. I felt arms enfolding me as Lila embraced me from behind. Her warm naked body pressed against me and I could feel her nipples against my shoulder blades.

Time stood still. The moment was perfect: the memory of our slow dance, our dash through the rain, and now the promise of new love.

I turned and put my hands on Lila's shoulders, then tilted my head and met her lips with mine. I breathed her in as our tongues entwined. My nipples brushed her nipples as I stood on my tiptoes to reach her mouth.

After another long, deep kiss, I lowered my head to Lila's collarbone, then lowered it more so my mouth could find her nipple. I kissed her left nipple lightly, then gently licked it. Lila sighed as I took her nipple in my mouth and sucked it in. With a slow, pulsing rhythm, I pulled at her nipple with my lips. My hand reached for her other breast, found it, and grasped it with my fingers. I kneaded her right breast as I nursed her left breast. Then I moved to her left nipple and loved it with my mouth. Lila moaned.

I took Lila's hand and turned toward the bed. Reaching for the lamp, I snapped off the light. Now only the faint light from the buildings shone into our room like urban moonlight. I led her to the bed and pulled her down onto it. I slipped off my underpants and lay down beside her.

Lila lay on her back, gazing up at me as I hovered over her on the bed. She was like a madonna, her expression peaceful and loving. The rippling light from the raindrops on the window illuminated her eyes as they looked into mine.

My cock was erect but I didn't want Lila to feel that just yet, so I lay on my stomach beside her, covering her face with small kisses. Lila reached with both hands and brushed my hair away from my face. Then she pulled me to her and gave me a hard passionate kiss.

My hand touched her breasts lightly, then traveled down to her belly. As Lila caressed my breast, my hand moved to her pubis, encountered the fine strands of her pubic hair. My fingers reached lower to touch her vulva. My middle finger explored the folds of her labia and found wetness there. Curling my finger, I parted her labia and slid my hand down to her vagina.

Lila's breathing became deeper and more rapid as my hand pressed against her pussy and one finger entered her. I bent and took one of her nipples in my mouth, then began sucking in time with the caresses my finger was giving her womanhood. When she seemed on the edge of orgasm I slowed my movements and leaned up to give her another kiss.

I put my hand on her inner thigh and moved her legs apart. She readily acquiesced and spread her legs so that I could move into position between them. I kissed Lila's navel and belly, gradually lowering my head until I was running my nose through her pubic hair. I lay flat on my belly on the bed and cupped her ass cheeks with my hands. Lila bent her knees and rested her feet on the bed.

I slipped my hands under her ass and raised her torso slightly. Then I nudged her clit with my nose and curled my tongue against her vulva, giving it little licks. Pressing my face further into her cunt, I sucked once at her clit. Lila gasped with arousal.

My cock was hard, pressed to the bedsheet by my belly. I could feel lubricant pearling on the tip of my cock. I raised my body so that I was on my knees with my mouth pressed against Lila's pussy, and took her thighs in my hands. I pressed her legs to raise them in the air and held them there while I increased the tempo and strength of my tonguing her slit.

I let go of her legs and Lila began thrusting her pelvis toward me in time with my slurping her pussy. Our tempo increased and Lila was moaning loudly. My senses were completely immersed in pleasuring Lila. Suddenly, she gave a cry of ecstasy and grabbed my head, stopping my motion as waves of orgasm overcame her.

I knelt on my bent knees as Lila came down from her climax. I was breathless, too, from the intensity of our lovemaking. Lila's body gradually relaxed and her breathing slowed.

I pushed up from my kneeling position to hover over her body, then lowered my face to kiss her. Lila parted my lips with her tongue and held my head in her hands, battering my lips with passionate kisses.

She whispered, "Oh, Anne. My wonderful lover."

My body lay on hers. She wrapped her legs around my thighs. My cock rubbed against her pussy. Lila reached down and grasped my hardness, pressed her pelvis up and massaged my cock with her vulva. I pressed my cock to her waiting slit and eased myself into her.

We were still for a moment in that position. Then we moved our pelvises together in another slow dance. My cock was deep inside Lila now. My breasts covered hers. I eased my cock out to the entrance to Lila's pussy, then back to the depths of her.

Lila grasped one of my breasts and found it with her mouth. She licked my nipple and then began sucking it. The sight of my tit in Lila's mouth and the feel of my cock in her pussy was incredibly erotic.

I began thrusting in earnest now, faster, faster. Soon the bed was rocking as I pounded into her. Lila's mouth fell from my tit as she grabbed my ass cheeks. My breasts undulated over her body as I felt my climax coming.

I screamed a feral howl as I came as I'd never come before. Lila's cries mixed with mine as we peaked together.

My cock was still deep inside Lila's cunt as I collapsed onto her sweaty torso. Our breasts were pressed together as we embraced passionately. We breathed in unison as our orgasms subsided, and I could feel Lila's throbbing heart. Lila sighed in satisfaction. I covered her neck in kisses.

I awoke at dawn with my head on Lila's chest. My arm and leg were draped over her naked body. I rolled onto my back next to her. I felt Lila's body shift and I looked over to see her eyes opening. Then they opened wider and she turned to look at me.

"It wasn't a dream. It really happened!" she exclaimed.

"Yes, and I hope you're as glad as I am," I said. I propped my head on my hand to look at her.

"Oh, yes. Yes, yes. Here, I'll show you."

She flung herself over me and kissed me enthusiastically. I was thrilled. I had been apprehensive that she would regret what had happened.

We exchanged deep kisses and caresses. Lila's hands were all over my body. She massaged my breasts and belly. Her leg slid over my body and she pressed her cunt into my hip.

Lila's hand found my cock and stroked it into erection. She slid her fingers up and down the shaft while her mouth enveloped one of my nipples. The feel of her sucking my tit and playing with my cock was exquisite.

She began kissing my belly, moving lower toward my cock. Then my cock was in her mouth while she gently squeezed the nipple she had been sucking.

Lila's mouth moved down the shaft of my cock and I discovered she had one more secret to reveal: Her lack of gag response meant that she could take my entire penis down her throat. I had never had anyone do this for me before. It was incredibly erotic and arousing.

Her head bobbed as she took my cock in her mouth down to the hilt and back to the tip. She played with the crown of my cock, sucking lightly with her lips and swirling her tongue around it. Then she plunged it deep into her throat. She was squeezing my nipple, twisting it to a degree just short of painful. The combination of sensations drove me wild.

Now Lila sucked my cock rapidly. It was all I could do to not thrust my cock hard into Lila's mouth but I didn't want to gag her. It wasn't really necessary because I could feel my orgasm coming.

I screamed as I ejaculated deep in Lila's throat. Lila held my cock all the way in her mouth, swallowing my semen.

Lila rested her head on my belly. She spoke to me softly.

"Now I know what was wrong with all those men I dated," she said.

"What's that?"

"They weren't you."

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cageysea9725cageysea972512 days ago

The penis and testicles is believable, but with the testicles the natural breasts are not.

A writer would know this because a writer would have done the little bit of research it would take to learn even a modicum about intersex physiology and biology.

You actually did a disservice to intersex people by writing this in such a manner that makes it seems that interested is simple and straightforward, a few simple oddities physically.

When writing about a disability, especially a socially maligned disability, one needs, at the very least to be respectful of a person's humanity, know a little bit about it.

You, obviously, didn't care enough to be respectful.

Martin594Martin59429 days ago

Interesting topic. This story is a good read. Could Anne get pregnant? Should have been a question asked before.

CharletteCharletteabout 1 month ago

Oh that was a fun read.

A bit predictable, but I read a lot on this site.

It was good writing.

Not full of ugly terms and completely believable.

There could be another chapter, but why ?

I would leave it as they lived happily ever after.

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