You are Definitely Going to Hell Ch. 04


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"Rob, I have given this much thought and consideration. I am a very driven woman. My career is my main focus. But once in a while I will need what you give me. It's like a release from all my tension. You give my life diversity and something to look forward to." Jin looks at me.

"That sounds more logical. I will be here for you Jin. I'm not sure how long we'll do this, but I'm here for you."

Jin cups my cheek, "That's all can ask." She leans in for a kiss. At first, I'm unsure what to do, but after a moment, my mind is made up, and I kiss her back. I bring my hands up and undo the buttons on her silk tunic.

Jin leans her forehead against mine as I reveal her naked shoulder. She closes her eyes, says something in Japanese, and then translates, "I've missed this so much."

Happy we had the talk out of the way, I peel her layers of clothing off. I stand back and look for a moment at this goddess lying on my bed naked. Striping off myself, I lay between her legs and let my lips take Jin to a different plain. I get a high-pitched squeak whenever I hit one of her erogenous zones, doing what Jill taught me a few years back. Once I get to her sopping pussy, I push my tongue in as far as possible to taste her creamy fluids that only Jin can give me. She raises her hips and gives another high pitched moan of pleasure.

I know we don't have much time today, so I insert my finger in search of her g-spot. Once I locate the raised area, my tongue is pushed in to replace it. Jin's eyes open wide when I suck and work the tip of my tongue over the area. Jin's fingers are running through my hair, pulling me into her pussy and holding me there as she thunders toward her first orgasm of the day.

Her whole body starts to shake, and I get deluged by her fluids as she climaxes hard. As the first wave calms a little, I climb up and slide myself in before she realizes what I am doing and tenses up. Although her pussy is still the tightest pussy I've ever fucked, I manage to get full penetration without causing Jin much discomfort.

Once I bottom out, I hold myself there. Jin is still breathing hard, and I can feel her pussy still pulsating from her orgasm. The sensation of me sliding in gave her a couple of aftershocks and made her emit a guttural moan. Jin smiles at me when her senses start to return to normal, but this is short-lived as I begin to move. I don't think I will last long because of her tightness, but I use every trick in the book to stop myself from cumming before her. She cums a little before me tipping me over the edge as her pussy seems to squeeze and suckle my cock simultaneously.

Once Jin has been temporarily satisfied, we get to work. Jin sets about putting up the backdrops. She clears a wall and uses wallpaper paste to stick both up. The lady came prepared. Both posters cover an entire wall and look incredible.

While Jin does that, I go through the program she bought along. At first I don't see anything wrong, but then spot a * that shouldn't be in a program. On it's own it doesn't do anything, but then when I search for the activation code, I find the sub program. If you look at the sub program at face value it looks normal, but every time a * is added to the transaction it duplicates it paying the money twice. Then the second payment is very cleverly paid into another part of the company. Because I don't have access to that, I can't see where it goes.

Happy I've got enough for Mr. Aikawa to look in the right, I watch Jin set her camera up by the window.

Jin then turns to me. "Time for RoJo to meet his public." She then stands me in front of each backdrop, getting me to pose for her pictures. It takes a while because we try different outfits.

The last picture she takes just as she flashes a boob at me. "That one's for me she states with a confident smile."

Jin takes a whole roll, and we take them to a specialist photograph developer to get the best quality negative possible.

Once Jin is happy she's got the shot she wants, we go out for some dinner and then spend the rest of the night slowly making love. This is the first time we have been able to spend an entire night together, and we take full advantage.

I must admit that the only women I'd had sex with enough to try different positions and experiment a little were Charlie and Liz. Liz is the most adventurous lover I have had, and she has taught me much. Her favourite position is with her lying on her front and me taking her from behind. My cock hits her g-spot head-on and doesn't fail to push her head first into multiple orgasms.

I got the same reaction from Jin, but Jin passed out as I came deep inside her for the third time of the day.

Jin left even more determined to make me her only lover and promised to see me sooner rather than later. She was overwhelmed with the limited preview I gave her of Mystical Forest Two, and she left, a very happy bunny.


As the days go by, Len spends less and less time with me, and I spend longer in The Cafe or checking the progress of the builders. Len's been caught by the love bug and spends his evening sitting at the bar in The Bony Prince Charlie talking to his girlfriend. I get the feeling he's keeping her away from our apartment. Not as though I would do anything with her, but pulling his chain over it is quite entertaining.

The girls in the typing class have settled down quickly and seem to only talk to me if needed. I tend to wear my anti glare glasses when I'm near a computer screen or typing on a typewriter, stops me getting headaches. This also seems to give me a weird look that seem to stop the girls from bothering me too much.

It's a Friday evening, the nights are drawing in, and it's getting a little cold. I am sitting, going through what is becoming a pig of a computer program to solve. I am on my third read-through when five girls walk in and park themselves closer than normal because someone is sitting at the end of my row.

They order their drinks and start to talk about their days. I turn off and focus on the printout in front of me. I glance up when the door opens and bangs.

A tall blond walks in, not looking too happy, "Hello, ladies. I thought I would find you in here." She says to the group. What strikes me about her is how cool she looks. You know these people that don't have to try; they are just so cool. Her hair is cut short on one side up to a parting, and the rest is long, swept over to the opposite side, and cut into a long bob. She has dark eyeliner and eye shadow that contrasts perfectly with an incredible pair of blue eyes. Her lips are the brightest red, setting off the entire look.

"Hi Maria," a couple of the girls say. Maria stays standing and takes her coat off. What appears in front of me is perfection on legs. I have had the pleasure to see some incredible bodies, but Maria seems like perfection. My eyes scan her from head to toe. Maria stands around five eight and is wearing two-inch heels accentuating the shape of her legs and thighs. She is wearing a tight tartan skirt that comes down to her knees and a tight-knitted jumper that hides nothing. Her breasts are sticking straight out and must be between a C and D. From my angle; it's hard to tell. As she turns to hang her coat up, I get to see the shapely rear. Let's say I must adjust how I am sitting to make myself more comfortable.

Her eyes scan her surroundings, and as she turns back, she catches me looking. I look down instantly, then curse my stupidity at my schoolboy error. By the time I look back, she is pulling a chair out and sitting down.

"So, what happened to your night out," one of the girls asks.

Maria rolls her eyes. "I don't want to talk about it," she says.

"But you will," one of the others says, making a couple of them laugh.

Maria breathes heavily and says, "All I want is to find someone who can make me orgasm?" She looks around at her friends. "I didn't even get a kiss tonight."

One of the girls' gasps. "Why not?"

"Because he thought it would be better to go out with his mates on his only night off."

At this very moment, I find what has been eluding me all this time. I smile just at the moment Maria looks in my direction. I glance up just as her expression changes from exasperation to anger.

"And what do you find so funny?" I'm not sure what to say after this sudden onslaught. "Finding my love life or lack of it, funny, are you?" If this were a cartoon, steam would come from her ears. What is making matters worse is that I've still got my original smirk on my face. Maria has not finished as I become the target of all her anger. "Don't tell me you're one of these computer nerds who play video games instead of getting a real girlfriend. I bet you're a mummy's boy away from home for the first time. You haven't got much money and are lonely, so you come to this cafe for company. You've only ever had sex with your left and right hand and the family dog. You think this is the year you will lose your cherry and wank ten times a day, dreaming of the day. After all, you think you know all there is to know about sex because you read Escort magazine's problem page and have watched a worn-out copy of a porn film one hundred times." She takes a breath, "So please tell me your great pearl of wisdom." Most of the other girls are caught off guard by Maria's onslaught. I hear a nervous giggle from a couple, but my eyes are on Maria.

My smile has gone, and I have regained my composure. My first thought is why me? Women always have a go at me. I must add that I have my tinted glasses, baggy sweatshirt, and beanie to keep out the cold today, so I'm not looking my best.

I place a page mark in my computer printout and put it on the table. I take my glasses off and fold them, placing them on top of the printout and I begin.

"For your information, you only got four out of ten in your psycho-analysis of me, and that's a generous four." I take a deep breath to calm my anger, and by the look on Maria's face, she thought I would have run out crying by now. "As for your other question," I continue. "The reason you're not getting much satisfaction in your sex life is probably everything to do with the type of guys you go for." I take another breath to give myself a little time to think about what I'm going to say. "I'm told by a very good friend that there are five ways to please a woman. Most men manage two out of the five to at least make their partner climax, but it sounds like you go with men that can't even do that. I guess the type of men a beautiful girl like yourself goes for is either rich or athletic, possibly both. The problem is they tend to be selfish between the sheets and only want to satisfy themselves." I am scanning each girl in turn who is looking at me like an alien. My eyes then return to Maria's. "I'm sure a lady as confident and accomplished as you can do much better."

One of the girls stands. "Come on, Maria, let's go," she says.

"Hang on, Tracy," Maria says, holding up her hand. "So, Mr. 'I know all about how to satisfy a girl', what are the five things your friend told you?" All the girls stand ready to leave, but Maria holds her ground with her hands on her hips, waiting for my answer. Tracey hands Maria her coat. I'm not sure why some women get so defensive around me.

"Okay, seeing as you asked so nicely," I say sarcastically. "The first two are the way a man kisses and touches you. He needs to press the right buttons before he can proceed. Then comes the all-important timing and what he can do with his mouth. Finally, when he gets past the first four, it's what he can do with his cock. There's no point in just sticking it in and hoping for the best. Does that answer your question, Maria?" I say before picking my glasses up as forcefully as possible and then my computer printout. After all, I hadn't circled the error in red yet.

I hear the door slam open, and when I glance up, Maria is looking back at me through the window with a 'fuck, I didn't expect that' look, before disappearing.

"What was that all about," Dee asks as she clears the table.

"I'm not sure, but someone got out on the wrong side of the bed today." I shake my head and go back to my work, thinking nothing more of it.

It's just before seven when I finally get up. I need to get upstairs because Charlie often rings Friday evenings at seven. I pay for my coffee and food and make my way out the door. I need to pay more attention to where I'm walking and jump when I come face to face with Maria. "Shit, you made me jump," I say. "Come back for round two, have you?"

"No," Maria says very firmly. "I've come back to apologize. Maybe we can talk while we walk towards your place?"

"That might be a little difficult. I'm already home," I say, pointing at the door we are standing outside. "Maybe you can come up for a beer or something?"

"Isn't that meant to be coffee?"

"Not when I just walked out of a coffee shop," I say.

Maria's eyes go wide at her stupidity. She laughs nervously, "Whatever's good for you," she says.

I open the door and step back to let her in. I'm very interested to see what she has to say now. We don't say much as I follow her up the stairs. Maria's rear is at my eye level, and even though she has a coat on, I'm still getting a great view. I'm sure she's putting an extra swing there.

Maria looks back when she reaches the first landing. "Are you enjoying the view back there," she says with a smile.

I grin back. "It's a rock and hard place scenario. I either go first and don't look like a gentleman or be the gentleman and then try not to watch your ass swing side to side."

Maria laughs, "I can see your point. So which one is your door?"

"The next floor," I say. "It's the only door on the level."

I open the door and let her in. "Wow, this is much nicer than my room."

I shut the door behind me. "Make yourself comfortable while I get this off and put this away," I say, pointing to my bag. "I'm also expecting a phone call around seven," I add as I walk toward my bedroom door.

As I put my bag on the desk, Maria starts her apology. "I would like to begin by apologizing," she says through the door. I don't answer and remove my hat and sweatshirt. I had already removed my glasses while walking up the stairs. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. I wouldn't normally..." Maria trails off as I walk back in, wearing my jeans and t-shirt. Maria's mouth is open, and she's just looking at me.

I sit next to her and say, "You were saying?"

This snaps her out of her daze. "Yes, I was saying how it was very out of character for me to have a go at someone." She looks at me with her big blue, sad eyes. I smile and wonder if that often gets her out of any trouble. After a moment of silence, she adds, "Anyway, sorry."

"I'm sure I'll survive," I say.

Maria smiles and then says, "Just out of interest, what four did I get right?"

"Ah, well, that's something you will have to work out for yourself. So what's your story, Maria?"

I'm saved by the phone ringing. "Edinburgh, Robert speaking."

Someone coughs and then, "hi Rob, I'm sure you knew it was me," Charlie croaks.

"Hey Charlie, yes of course I knew it was you. You don't sound very healthy. Are you alright?"

"No, I've got a cold and it's gone to my chest. I had a temperature of a hundred and three this morning." Maria stands and points to the door. I shake my head and she sits back down.

"Shit Charlie, you should be in bed. Charlie, call me next week sometime, when you feel better."

"Is that okay? I miss you being near me."

"Yeah, we had a good summer, but you need to get yourself better."

"Okay Rob, will it be okay if I call you Tuesday night?"

"Sure, Tuesday is fine. Now back to bed." I hang up, so she's not prolonging her exposure to the cold.

"Girlfriend?" Maria asks.

"No, ex girlfriend. It's complicated." I take a deep breath. "Right, where was we?"

"You was about to see if you could psychoanalyse me."

"Great, I'm not great at reading people." I say trying to get out of it.

Maria's having fun. "Why don't you see how accurate you can get."

"Okay," I say, buying myself some time. I get up, "would you like some tea?"

"Oh yes, please," she says with a smile.

"Come and sit here," I say, patting our only stall at the end of the kitchen worktops.

I get the kettle rumbling and put a couple of tea bags in a pot. "Right," I say, turning to her. "You are from a wealthy family or they are professionals. You've grown up in the shadow of an older sister or brother but have been given everything you've ever wanted. Everything except the one thing you crave--your parent's attention. With your obvious beauty, you have attracted the wrong sort and have been frustrated most of your adult life."

Maria looks at me, "Not bad, but you're out on some and spot on with others."

"Okay.....Well, I'm no psychologist. So where does your name Maria come from?"

"Ah, my parents thought if they named me after my wealthy aunt, she would leave her considerable fortune to them in her will. It backfired a little, and she left it all in trust for me."

"Good for you, not so good for your parents."

"They don't do so bad. You were right; both my parents are professionals. My dad is a solicitor, and mum is an accountant." I laugh at the coincidence. "What's so funny?..... Oh, I know, you thought my home life must be a barrel of laughs." Maria hits my arm to show she found it funny.

"Uhhh no, I was laughing because my mother is a solicitor and my dad's an accountant."

"Shit, noooo way. Who would have that's one thing I got wrong then, you're not poor. I think I can discount the mummy's boy as well. Mmmmmm, the other question then begs to be asked. How many of the five things are you any good at?"

"You are a totally different person than in the cafe," I say, trying to change the subject.

"I'm sorry, I was pissed big time. I had built myself up for tonight and didn't even get a sniff, but you're changing the subject." She looks at me for a minute. "Nice try, mister, but I'm having way too much fun to let this go...Okay, now what did you say?..... Five things a man can do to satisfy a woman. Okay, the first two were kissing and touching. Do you know how to kiss a girl, right? Mmmmm, touch is......"

I stop her mid-sentence as I run my fingers push her hair back and then run down past her temple until I cup my hand under her cheek, I lean in and delicately kiss her at first to check I hadn't read the signals wrong. Once I know she's not going to hit me, I press a little harder, and I know I hit the jackpot when Maria groans into my mouth. I think I demonstrated that well, so I slowly pull away. Maria opens her mouth, but nothing comes out.

"Did that answer your question?" I ask. Maria nods in response.

"I, I can also discount you being a virgin. That was no virgins kiss," she adds, still not quite back on this planet. I let her recover for a moment and take a sip of my tea.

Maria takes my lead and has a drink of her tea. "Oh, good cup of tea," she says, recovering her composure. She then looks at me. "You are an enigma," she adds. "You realize that if we go to three, four, and five, we will have to go to your bedroom."

"That is a choice only you can make," I say, looking at her with want in my eyes.

Maria gets up; for a second, I think I've blown it, but without a word, Maria pulls me away from the kitchen side, and I walk her to my room.

The door of my room closes behind us. Maria reaches back and turns the key in the lock as I go and sit on the bed. This girl likes her privacy. She's distracted by the one wall covered in the backdrop Jin used in her photos.

Maria looks at me for an answer, "It's a long story; I'll tell you later."

She smiles and then scans the room. Her eyes go from the poster of Bec to the photos on my notice board. She sees the pile of Playboys on the shelf and my textbooks. Then her eyes look at the computers and gaming consoles carefully laid out.