You are Definitely Going to Hell Ch. 04


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"I'm sure there are other perks," I say.

Lori blows out an exasperated breath. "I won't be coming to work walking funny anytime soon."

I smile at the memory of the last conversation I had with Lori. "It was a pulled muscle," I say, grinning.

"Yeah, right, and I'm a monkey's auntie." She looks at her watch. "Anyway, Rob, it was good to see you, but I have to get back to the desk. I will see you around sometime."

"Thank you, Lori, for keeping me company, and yes, I expect we will meet again."

Lori packs her lunch box away and makes her way out. I finish my potato and coffee before making my way out. I pass the desk, but Jenny is still out, and Lori is busy. I catch her eye and wave as I make my way toward the exit.

I pull into the hotel's car park just before five to two and make my way in. Kelly has to double-take when I walk through the hotel's front doors. She eyes me up and down before she recognizes me when her face lights up. "You made it," she says as I walk up to the desk.

"Yeah, I popped into Tesco for a jacket spud to keep me going."

"That's great. Wow, you look so different."

"Yeah, I've had a bit of a makeover during the summer...So are we almost ready to go?"

Hopefully, I will be with you if you give me five."

I walk over to the sofa I first met Bec on, grab a paper from the rack and sit down. I glance up, and Kelly is talking to her replacement. Some people are at the desk, but they are sorted out quickly.

I don't think I've ever described Kelly. Funny enough, when I walked in that first day with Jenny waiting for me, I thought she was way out of my league. Plus, I am a sucker for a girl in a uniform. Anyway, I am getting a little sidetracked. Kelly is around five-seven and has highlighted blond hair that's always up in a ponytail. It would truly do her body a disservice to say she has curves where it counts. She goes in and out all in the right places and has what looks like an impressive mantle piece. She's one of these girls that holds a little weight but hasn't got much fat, and the way that uniform skirt hugs her ass..... well fuck, I'm drooling just sitting here thinking about it.

"Rob," Kelly says, calling me over and pulling me out of my thoughts. "You remember the girl you helped out last Christmas?"

"Yeah, Bec. Why?"

"She told you her name was Bec?"

"Yes, her name is Rebecca, but she prefers Bec," I say, knowing where this is going.

"You know she's a Playboy girl and porn star called Lisa Lovegood, don't you?"

"Yes, I know. We've become good friends since her stay."

"Really, have you met up since?" Kelly says now interested in this new bit of information.

"Yes, three more times now. She came to Edinburgh for a British Playboy promotional tour, and we hung out. She came over to support me through a traumatic thing in the summer, and she was involved in the last part of the Playboy tour, where we met up this summer."

"Didn't I read somewhere that she's going out with Tommy Lee from Mötley Crüe?" The other girl asks.

"Yes, I saw him at the promotional tour party. We didn't get much time together, though."

"Wow, you're a little rock n roll, aren't you?" The other girl says. I wonder if she was being sarcastic or not.

"So, why did you ask?" I say.

"Oh, right," Kelly says. "It was that Playboy contacted the owners wanting to film here."


"And they said no. They didn't want the hotel to get a bad reputation." She looks up at me. "Are we ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go." I wait while she goes around the back for her bag and walks back, giving me a broad smile.

"You two have a good night," Kelly's colleague says as I follow Kelly out of the building.

We get to the car, and I see a worried look on Kelly's face for the first time. "Kelly, are you okay with me staying?" I say as she closes the car door. She smiles, but it looks a little forced. I take a deep breath. "Right, where are we going?"

She gives me a thank you for not pressing look. "Shall we go back to my place and spend the afternoon together? Maybe watch a film or talk and get to know each other better." She looks straight ahead, so I take a moment to appreciate her closer up, before putting the key in the ignition.

I pull out of the car park and say, "I admit I was a little surprised by your invitation. Although we've had a couple conversations, we haven't spent that much time getting to know each other." I say, making conversation.

"I know, but I get a good feeling from you." She says, looking nervously at her hands.

"Someone told me that when I converse with someone, I listen well and make that person feel important."

"Just here on the left. Park in bay six," she says...she then adds. "You are different from every man that has walked into the hotel, and I would like to get to know you better."

"So what was the worried face for?"

"Your appearance has changed. When we first met, you were......." Kelly looks down again, then quickly gets out.

I frown, shake my head and get out. Trying to keep up as she walks into the building, I catch the door just before it closes. "Kelly," I call. "Wait up."

I finally catch up with her as she unlocks her door. Kelly tries to hide her face, but I can see she's starting to cry. I don't press her and let her open the door to her flat. As we walk in, Kelly dashes in the bedroom door leaving me in the living area.

The flat is small but very comfortable, with an open-plan kitchen and living area. There's also a small hallway that leads to what I presume is the bathroom and bedroom. I sit on the sofa and wait patiently.

It takes about half an hour for Kelly to come back out. She's changed out of her work clothes and into what must be what she wears around the house. It doesn't do that incredible figure any favors, but I guess that's not the point, and for once, she has let her hair down. She sits at the other end of the sofa and hugs a pillow.

Again, I sit patiently and wait for her to speak. I look at her with concern in my eyes, and she looks at me but instantly looks away like she's ashamed of herself.

Still, I wait; again, her eyes dart up to see me still looking. "What?" she says.

"Would you like me to go and find a hotel?" I ask.

Kelly is now getting more upset. This is different from how she saw things going. Her eyes fill with tears, and without giving it a single thought, I close the gap between us and wrap my arms around her.

Kelly's unsure how to react for a moment before returning my hug. Slowly she relaxes in my arms and then laughs. "What's funny?"

"This isn't how I imagined how I would act." I go to move away, but Kelly holds on tighter. "Can you hold me a little longer...It's quite nice."

"Sure, but can we change position? This is a little uncomfortable."

"Oh, sure. How do you want to sit?"

"Well, maybe if I sit back." I sit straight back. "And...." I didn't get a chance to finish, 'you can sit on my lap.' Because Kelly instantly straddles my lap, facing me, and wraps her arms around me. "I guess this will do just as good," I say as I put my arms back around her. She can't be wearing anything under her baggy sweatshirt because I feel a very substantial unrestrained pair of tits. They would give Bec's a run for their money.

We settle into a second hug. "I'm sorry," Kelly whispers.

"What are you sorry for?" I ask. We continue to hold each other as Kelly collects her thoughts.

"It's just when we walked out to the car and the realization that you're here hit. It overwhelmed me, and it didn't help that you strut in looking like a male model."

"I do not strut and am no male model," I say in disbelief.

"Then I realized just how out of my league you are."

"What, are you shitting me?" I say, then laugh to myself.

"Don't make fun of me," Kelly says, sticking out her bottom lip.

"I'm not making fun of you, Kelly. It's just that the first time I spoke to you on the phone, I thought what a nice person you were, and then when we met, well, I thought you were well out of my league." I laugh and shake my head.

This causes Kelly to pull back and look me in the eyes. "You thought I was out of your league?" She blows out a laugh through her lips.

"Seriously, you are a beautiful woman, and when you add your work," I replied.

Kelly again watches me for any sign of deception. She considers what I have said and returns for the hug. "If that's the case, why can I never get a date? What's so wrong with me that only sleazy businessmen try to chat me up."

"I don't know; maybe sleazy businessmen are the only men you talk to."

Again Kelly thinks about that. "I must admit that I haven't had a weekend off for a while and not been out on the town for even longer."

"Do you socialize much outside work?" I ask.

"Not really, but.....I don't know....ever since I was young, I've been shy. I've always had trouble making the right friends and...." She smiles, "Boys have been even worse..." A tear forms in her eye. "I.....I guess I never got past the teasing in primary school. Boys were horrible and said horrible things because I developed breasts early."

I smile, "yep, they are. You realize it's because they liked you." Kelly pulls back and looks at me, disbelieving. "The problem with boys under a certain age is that they find it hard to communicate their feelings. Christ, even when we get older, it's hard enough..... What I'm trying to say is your feelings are always important, and you should follow them. Sometimes though, it is good to follow your heart. You will make mistakes and get hurt; I'm not going to sugarcoat it." I laugh at my own experiences. "Christ, if I had followed my gut feeling, I wouldn't be sitting here. The last two years have been crazy."

"Yeah, and you wouldn't have a world-famous porn star telling the world that she loves you."

"Ah, you read that then. I didn't have you down as a Playboy fan?"

Now it's Kelly's turn to laugh. "I'm not; I've bought one girlie mag in my life, and because Playboy wanted to film at the hotel, it tweaked my interest. When I saw Lisa Lovegood on the front, curiosity got the better of me."

I reach into my back pocket and fish my wallet out. With difficulty, I get the photo out and hand it to Kelly. "This is Bec, and it's Bec that is in love with me. Lisa Lovegood is the part of Bec's life I have very little to do with."

Kelly scans the picture outside the courthouse. "Who's the other girl?"

"That's my ex, Charlie. My mother thought it would be amusing to take a picture of the three girls I've had sex with in my life."

"She's beautiful. I'm surprised you broke up with her."

"Well, that's a long story," I say.

"We've got time," Kelly says, still straddling me with her arms wrapped around my neck.

"Fine," I say, before I brace myself to one again to tell something that still hurts. "Charlie and I had split up over a stupid disagreement. Her mother thought that gave her permission to try it on. When I told her no, and that I loved Charlie. As I pushed her away, I stood to leave and storm out the door, her sixteen-year-old daughter caught her sprawled out on the bed with her tits out. She made up a story that I molested her. Her husband took it upon himself, with two employees, beat the crap out of me to teach me a lesson. When they finished, they dumped me in the boot of my car and left me at the hospital with a broken arm, two broken ribs, and a punctured lung. If one of them didn't get a guilty conscience and phone the police, I wouldn't be sitting here right now."

As I told Kelly this, her arms got tighter and tighter. She hugged me close and didn't let go for some time. When she finally released me, I saw fresh tears running down her face. I smiled at her and wiped each side away with a thumb. "It's okay, Kelly. All three men are in prison now."

She laughs, "I'm sorry, I can't stand others' pain."

"No need to apologize for having a heart," I say. "So, what's the plan for tonight?" I say, changing the subject.

"Oh, yeah. I thought we would go to a nice Italian. I've been desperate to go there since it opened. We could then go into town and get a drink. Maybe take in a club...I don't know...See how it goes." She looks a little uncomfortable.

"What's that look for?"

Kelly looks away. "I don't want to tell you because you will hate me."

"I don't do hate, not even for the three men who nearly killed me." I take a deep breath. "Look, I've always found the truth is the best policy. Even when it's an uncomfortable truth."

"Easy for you to say," she answers with a nervous smile. I don't react and let her tell me in her own time. "Okay, the last time I went out on the town was for New Year. My so-called friends were going on about the fact I didn't have a boyfriend and never would." Kelly watches me for any negative reactions. "They always make fun of me because I am still a vir....." She stops talking because she has already told me too much. Again her eyes scan me for any reaction. I give her my best, none judgmental look. "Anyway, for some reason, I told them I had a long-distance boyfriend."

I can see where this is going now. "So you said me?"

Kelly nods, her eyes looking for any anger. "Yes, it was easier to answer questions about a real person, and I didn't ever dream that we would be doing this."

I think for a moment, "And what is this?" I ask.

She rolls her eyes. "You know, us going out tonight and you staying here."

Now it's my turn to scan her face. Other than Kelly blushing, I can't see her hiding anything. "Okay...For a start, I have no problem with that as long as you know that I'm not your boyfriend. Whatever happens between us, whether sexual or platonic, we must always remain on the level of friends." I take a deep breath. "And as you know, I have friends that are also lovers. The issue with Bec is of her own making. She does not want a relationship while she has sex with other men for a living, and she won't tie me to a promise." Kelly is smiling now, so I add, "and as for your virginity. That is yours, and I will only ever do what you are happy doing. You say no, it's no."

Kelly gasps. "Did you just say you would have sex with me if I let you?"

"Ummm, yes, yes I did. I figured you were curious from your comment in the hotel about overhearing Jenny and me."

"And Bec, you two were at it when I arrived early the next morning."

"Really? I guess you know the sort of person I am then," I look at her to see if this makes her uncomfortable, but she seems happier now than at any time since I've been here.

"Thank you," Kelly says out of nowhere.

"For what?" I ask.

"For being even more amazing than I had thought." She looks at me and can see my inner struggle, so she elaborates. "Today, you have talked to me like a human being and made me feel good about myself. That hasn't happened for a long time."

"Thank you, so, what's the plan for the rest of the afternoon?"

"Can we just chill, have lunch, and watch TV?"

"Sounds good; it seems you're out of your clothes. Do you mind if I put my comfy clothes on?" Kelly is now more relaxed and beaming at me.

She nods. "Help yourself; the bathroom is the door on the left." She seems a little reluctant to get off but manages almost to fall off sideways before I get up and grab my bag before heading into the bathroom.

We spend the rest of the afternoon sitting, watching the TV, and talking about our lives growing up. We even touched on my relationship with Bec. It is always good to talk.

Finally, Kelly looks at her the clock on the wall. "Hey, it's time to start getting ready. You want the first shower?"

"Nah, you take yours first, and I'll take mine while you're getting ready."

"Sounds logical," she says. "I will take longer to put makeup on and make myself look beautiful."

"You are already beautiful," I say. I'm not sure why I said that, but the look on Kelly's face was incredible.

"You should come down more often. You are doing wonders for my self-esteem."

"I say what I see," I say confidently.

Kelly gets up, and it's like she floats out of the room. She glances back as she enters the small hallway and disappears into her room. A minute later, she returns with a spare towel and then disappears again into the bathroom.

We're in the taxi heading into town. Kelly looks stunning in a short sequined dress with a black jacket over the top. She seems a little nervous, so I lean over and put my hand in hers. The sudden contact makes her flinch, but I give her a warm smile when she turns toward me.

She breathes out. "I'm sorry, I seem to be a little nervous."

"First date type nerves or might bump into my friend's nerves?"

Kelly thinks about it for a moment. "I think a bit of both and the reality of what is possible later."

"Okay," I say. Then add, "there's no obligation to do anything other than what you are comfortable doing." I put my hand on her knee and looked straight into her eyes. "Even if we are buck naked and I am just about to push in.... a no is a no....understand."

She smiles at me, closes the gap between us, and gently kisses my lips. I feel Kelly moan; she pulls away a little and whispers, "I've wanted to do that all afternoon." She closes her eyes as if she feels she's in a dream. "Thank you, Rob. All day you have shown me so much consideration." She smiles again as she scans my face. "I know this relationship will go no further than an occasional stopover, but it will give me so much more than you will ever imagine."

"No, I get it. Once you get past the stigma, you will feel more confident in what you want." I say. I smile back at her. "You realize you might have built this up too much."

"I doubt that. I imagine how you have behaved today is how you treat your lovers. That's why they come to you in the first place."

Our arrival outside the restaurant stops our conversation. We get out, and I pay for the cab. As we walk in, I take hold of Kelly's hand. She looks at me, a little surprised, and then gives me an incredible smile. She leans into me, "I think the way you make girls scream, that we're going to have a great night."

I raise my eyebrows as she pulls me through the open door. The meal is as you would expect from an Italian restaurant. I've never been to a bad one yet, that is run by true Italians. We continued our conversation as we did back at the flat. We seem to click. Not in a romantic way, but like we've known each other for years. It's a similar relaxed feeling I get when I'm with Jenny.

We exit the restaurant, and again I hold onto her hand as we walk more leisurely through the town. We get to a lively-looking pub, and Kelly looks at me nervously. "There's a good chance at least one of my friends will be here. Still want to go in?"

I nod, and we walk in as Living On A Prayer starts. I could only smile at the guys standing up and singing at the top of their lungs as we thread our way to the bar. Kelly stops as we get close. It's three deep waiting to get served. "What are you drinking?" I shout into her ear.

"JD and coke, please," Kelly says.

I stand and look at the people in front of me. "What's your poison a short girl behind the bar shouts at me."

"Aye, we were first," a guy shouts in front.

"He's fucking better looking," the barmaid retorts.

I grin, "JD and coke and a pint of Stella, please," I shout.

Kelly hits me. "Can you not hit on the barmaid, please?"

"Umm, she hit on me. Would you rather wait?" She smiles at me, and I lean in and kiss her. I pay for the drinks and wink at the barmaid as a thank you. She blows me a kiss in return; these northerners are very forward.

Kelly and I find a little alcove to stand in, and I pull Kelly in closer, so we are out of the way. I glance around at the people enjoying their night out. My gaze is drawn to a girl who's looking in our direction. She taps her mate on the shoulder and shouts something in her ear, causing her to look our way and nod.
