You Couldn't Handle Me Ch. 08

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The sexual showdown... it's Tom vs. Mom.
61.6k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 12/09/2013
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(This story is posted on the Literotica website. Do not repost anywhere else without the author's consent. For fans of my stories, they know what kinds of things to expect. This story deals with similar themes as the stories by wannabeboytoy, seducedHylas, and Dark Betrayal, namely cheating, betrayal, and heartbreak. If stuff like that isn't your cup of tea, then you probably shouldn't bother reading it.

A few warnings before going forward. This story is a little different than my others, taking a different approach than I usually do, though at the end of the day, it veers more towards the type of story you have all come to know and expect from me. But, all the same general themes are present, with all my typical hallmarks. But this is a teasing story, and in my opinion, that type of story needs a slow build. So this complete story is quite long, practically novel-length, so keep that in mind. This story will be released in smaller chunks to make it more manageable.

This story is split in 8 parts of varying lengths. Not all of them will have sex, but some will, but don't worry, the high-level of sexual tension will be consistent throughout. Some parts of this story have action, and some have that dreaded back-story and character building. So, if you just want to get to the sex scenes, you might have to skip around a bit. But, I think the full story is the best way to consume this.

On top of all the other themes I stated before, this is an incest-themed story, if that's not already clear. This is a mother-son series featuring a big-titted, sexy mother and a studly, big-dicked son. If that is not your favorite flavor of mother-son story, by all means walk away. I just want to state again I do not condone any of the actions within this story in real life. This is just a story. Enjoy.)


Chapter 12: Sexual Showdown


It was the big day.

Despite what I had planned, despite the unholy things that were about to happen between me and my mom, I slept pretty well. But it was one of those mornings where as soon as you wake up, you are wide awake. It was a big day. There was no time to mess around. My forehead was covered with a few beads of sweat, either from nervousness or from the late summer heat. Either way, the sun was up and there were signs of life from downstairs. The day had come. It was time to get ready for battle. I hopped in the shower, cleaned myself, got dressed, and prepared for the encounter ahead. Finally ready, I took a deep breath and made my way downstairs.

As I entered the kitchen, Dad had just sat down at the table. He spoke up to Mom at the same time I entered.

"So, what are you doing today, Tanya? I know you told me, but I was half awake." Dad asked. Mom was at the stove, stirring the contents of a pan. She was wearing her silky, midnight blue robe. As she turned to face Dad, I noticed that she was done up. Her hair was styled and her face had makeup. She had cleaned up and made herself look good, just like I had. As she turned to respond to Dad, I saw the way the thin shiny material of the robe struggled to contain her jutting rack, each of her ripe melons forcing the material outward. She had the robe synched tight, but the size of her breasts was testing its limits, a hint of her cavernous cleavage forcefully exposed. For a second, I wondered if she was naked under the robe. Then I remembered that by the end of the day, I would have had my hands on those breasts, and the thought sent a rush through me.

"Oh, I have an audition today. Had to get up and get going early." Mom said, her eyes following me as I entered.

"Will you be back for dinner?" Dad asked.

"Yeah. The audition is in town, actually, so I'll be around." Mom replied, her lie impeccable. I sat down at the table, and Dad glanced at me.

"And this guy. Awake early, already dressed and showered... what is going in this family?" Dad asked with a laugh. Mom and I shared an amused glance.

"I'm meeting up with some friends." I replied. "Gotta look my best." Dad rolled his eyes.

"What are you making?" Dad asked, sipping a mug of coffee.

"Omelets with hash browns." Mom replied.

"Oh! Nice. Haven't had omelets in a while. What's the occasion?" Dad asked.

"I'm in a good mood." Mom replied with a feigned smile. She served up a couple plates, gave one to Dad and then one to me. As she set it down in front of me, she brought her lips to my ear.

"Eat up." she whispered. "You're gonna need a lot of energy." My spine shivered at this comment.

We ate breakfast, Dad making endless small talk. I guess that was for the best, cause he didn't notice the fact that as we ate, Mom didn't take her eyes off of me. Mom kept trying to hurry him up and out the door but Dad was taking his sweet time. I was getting irritated and impatient, and I could sense the same irritation from Mom. Dad was clueless or he just ignored it. Either way, he decided today was the day to take his sweet fucking time eating breakfast, chatting us up, everything he could to not leave for work on time. Why couldn't he just be cool and leave on time so his wife and his son could have sex? Is that too much to ask?

It felt weird to be thinking this way. For so long, I had been burying this obsession and not even putting thought to it. For too long I had buried this side of me away, this lustful, arrogant and self-centered side of me. The competitive side of me that helped me so often drive down the football field and get the winning score, or allowed me set my sights on the hottest girl in school and get her between the sheets. That side was starting to arise in me before I went to College, the part that was willing to do anything, screw over anybody, ruin other people's lives, just to get what I want. To interject myself into things I had no business interjecting into. The part of me that let me just fuck girls and cast them aside, use them as tools for my greater goal, to attempt to flex my muscles and test my sexual prowess by hitting on girls that had boyfriends, were in serious relationships or were friends of my Mom. I hadn't cared about the consequences. I only wanted what I wanted, no matter who got hurt.

That part of me was re-emerging. I had matured, grown up and become a decent young man. But that dark side of me was trying to conquer the good, trying to warp my mind, trying to convince me to be that asshole again.

I could see all those bad thoughts in me. I could hear what they were telling me, reminding me about how callous my upcoming actions were, trying to convince me that all the things I was about to do were okay. Telling me that it didn't matter that my Dad's wife would be cheating on him with his own son. It didn't matter that I was cheating on my girlfriend, my fiancée, my true love, with my own mother. Sure, I was doing this, in a twisted sense, for Carmen, so she could be with a man free from his past. But if either Dad or Carmen found out about this...I couldn't imagine how awful they would feel. And the worst part was, at this point, that didn't matter. I knew what I had to do. The die was already cast. It didn't change things. Me and Mom were gonna fuck. That much had been decided, and due to that, I just wanted to get on with it.

"Alright, I'd better get going." Dad said, backing up in his chair and standing up.

"Okay." Mom said, eager to get him out.

"Hon, good luck today." Dad said. "Give 'em hell." Mom couldn't help but smile.

"Oh I will." she said. Dad turned to me.

"Have fun with... whatever you're doing." he told me.

"I will." I said, standing up. Dad made his way towards the living room, grabbing his briefcase. But neither Mom nor I followed. Neither of us planned to be the doting family member, walking Dad to the door as he leaves for work. No, that type of innocent familial action was done. Not with what we had planned for the day. Mom leaned back against the counter, staring at me. And I stood in the entrance to the living room, looking right back at her. We both were silent, listening to Dad leave. Finally, we both heard the door shut, then a few seconds later, his car turn-on, and then the car pull out of the driveway, leaving us alone. At last.

For a few seconds, we just stood there, bathed in silence, waiting for one of us to take action. And the silence was deafening. My heart began beating, sweat formed on my brow. After waiting so many years, the time was now. Mom was just looking back at me, tapping her bare foot on the kitchen floor, the black nail polish on her toenails capturing my eyes for a second before looking back into her eyes.

"You ready?" Mom asked, breaking the silence and causing me to jump. She smiled lightly at my slight nervousness.

"Born ready." I replied, trying to be cool.

"You're not gonna wimp out and be done in three minutes, are you?" Mom asked. "Cause after all this, if you're done in twenty minutes, I will kill you." Mom warned.

"Mom, I haven't cum in a week." I replied. "With what you've been putting me through, with how much fuel you've put in the tanks... you have a long day ahead of you."

"Good." Mom smiled lightly. It felt strange to be talking to my mom this way, speaking in the unashamed, unabashed way I would speak to any girl I was about to hook-up with. It felt raw but strangely good.

"Well," Mom began, "Let's go." I nodded. Mom stood up straight and began to walk out of the kitchen, walking towards the front of the house. I followed Mom's sashaying butt as she approached the front door. I raised my eyebrow in slight confusion, only to hear her turn the deadbolt. That sound made me shiver, knowing me and her were now locked in, locked in our little world. It was just me and her now.

I was admittedly a bit nervous. Really, I didn't want to cheat on Carmen. If I had my way, I wouldn't be doing this. I just had to grit my teeth and get through this thing. Even though I didn't want to do this, I knew I had to give Mom my best to succeed. I had to conquer her to be able to get back to Carmen. So, despite knowing better, I had to let myself enjoy this and get in the mood. I had to let the wolfish side of me emerge. I had to go down to Mom's level. I had to let myself become a conqueror. But not forget why I was doing this.

Mom glanced back at me as she walked towards the stairs. As she did, she reached into the pocket of her robe and removed a tube of lipstick. Keeping one eye on me, she brought the tube to her lips and coated her plump lips with deep, dark, crimson lipstick. She rubbed her lips together, spreading the lipstick evenly across her lips before replacing the tube into her robe.

"You were waiting for Dad to leave to do that?" I asked.

"Didn't want it to make it too obvious I was about to be sucking a dick." Mom replied, turning away from me, continuing to walk. This brazen statement sent a shiver through me.

I followed her, walking up the stairs, her butt at my eye level as she shook it in front of me. We reached the second floor and I followed her towards her room, the master bedroom. As she reached the open door she stopped and turned back around, putting her arm on the doorframe.

"This is it, Tom. Your last chance to puss out and walk away." Mom began. "But, if you really have the nerve, if you think you have what it takes, if you have the balls to fuck your own mother, then come inside and get comfortable. And if you go in there... you will see your mom as she truly is, you will see me unleashed. I am not gonna be your mother in there, and if you're not ready for that, if you're not ready to go toe-to-toe to me, then well... too bad. You're pretty much fucked at this point. This is happening, whether you want it or not. If you're not up to the challenge, then you'll just have to settle for Carmen, cause being with trash like her would be all that your good for."

I ignored Mom's slight against Carmen. I ignored giving any sign that her words affected me. Could I handle her? I wasn't sure. But I knew what she brought out in me, and I knew the monster she had created in me had never reached its full potential. I had stopped it before it got that far. But now, she was asking for that side of me to emerge. And I knew that for me to escape today with my engagement intact, I would have to let that side show its ugly head. But this was my Mom! Moms are supposed to want their best out of their children. And she wanted to bring out the worst in me. And she was about to get it. I felt something come over me before I spoke up.

"The question is, Mom, if you're ready for me. Can you handle me? You might think you're the queen bee, the top bitch, but you're about to see something you've never seen before. You're about to deal with something you've never experienced. You're a 42 year old mom, and as good as you are, your best days are behind you. Can an old lady like you handle the full, lustful rage of a guy in his prime? Is a mom like you ready to get completely outclassed in the bedroom by her own son? Are you prepared for that, Mom?" I asked arrogantly. With that, I stepped in front of her, pushed the door of the bedroom open, and stepped in, beating Mom to the punch, making her follow me. I looked back at her cockily, holding my arms out, asking what she was gonna do.

"So, let's get to it. Let's get this done. I want to hang out with Carmen later, so the sooner I wear you out, the better." I said. Scrunching her lips angrily, she stepped forward, joining me in her bedroom. Without looking away from me, she reached behind her and slammed the door shut behind her. Now our world had gotten smaller.

It was just Mom, me, and a bed.

Part of me expected that we would just rip off our clothes, jump into each other's arms and furiously make out, barely able to contain our passion. But now that we were here, the energy in the room was tense, and neither of us wanted to make the first move. Plus, we were both too controlled to do what we both really wanted to do and just get down to business, to get it on hard and nasty. We were circling each other like animals in the jungle. I think both of us wanted to conquer the other before we hit the bed.

Mom sauntered forward arrogantly, her expression almost a condescending sneer.

"You think you're ready for this, you cocky little fuck!" Mom spat out. I smiled. "You think you can handle this body? Well, check this shit out." With that, Mom untied her robe, leaned her shoulders back, and let her robe fall to the floor.

Well, first things first, she wasn't naked under her robe. But... what I saw was enough to make me drool. Yes, she wasn't in the buff, but with how little material was covering her, she was practically nude. She wore a matching set of black underwear, matching in both fabric and how little they covered. Her bra looked a size too small, the thin, lacy bra supporting her breasts, covering just over her nipples, and nothing more. Her massive melons were pouring over the edges, dying to be freed. So much of the smooth, ripe, silky flesh of my Mom's mammoth rack was exposed, the full round shape, the supple smooth curves, and that fault-line of cleavage in between.

Down below, past her flat belly, was her microscopic g-string. There was enough material to barely cover her cunt. All I could see was her smooth tan flesh, so if she had any cunt hair above her pussy, it had to be a small tiny line. If it was anything else, I would be able to see it. The tiny straps of the g-string rode her womanly hips, exposing so much smooth flesh. She did a quick swivel, exposing her backside to me. Her back looked long and smooth and sexy, her bra-strap digging into her silky flesh. And then, there was her ass. I had seen her ass in a thong a few days prior for this time, but seeing it again, this time in a g-string... it hadn't lost any of its luster. Each cheek jutted out like a shelf, round and smooth and juicy. Her ass was a ripe fucking fruit, aged to perfection. Mom spun back around and put her hands on her hips.

"Well?" Mom asked.

"Not bad." I replied coyly, trying to be the cocky bastard I needed to be to get the job done. "Nothing I can't handle." Mom rolled her eyes.

"Well, show me what you're got, if I supposedly can't handle you." Mom replied. With a cocky sneer, I reached down and grabbed the hem of my shirt.

I pulled it upward, exposing my tan, fit stomach and my rippling abs to my mother. She had seen them many times before, but now this was in a purely sexual setting. She had to look at her son's body in a lustful way, if she hadn't already. Mom openly stared at my body as I tossed my shirt to the side. I now stood in front of her, letting her drink in my body, drink in my lean, firm muscles, letting her note the way my jeans hung low on my hips, exposing my tight blue boxer-briefs. Looking at her, I unbuttoned my jeans, and let them fall to the floor, pooling at my ankles. I stepped out of it and posed in front of her in just my underwear.

Mom's eyes went straight to my crotch, obviously. She studied my dark blue briefs, and how they clung to my bulging meat. And it was a lengthy bulge indeed as I had it pointed up towards my torso, meaning instead of bulging straight out, the length of my cock was pressed against me, letting Mom see ten full inches of meaty bulge, accompanied by two big balls. Mom was trying to act like the big bad bitch, but even she was licking her lips.

"Not bad." Mom admitted. I smiled, knowing my thick cock was a lot more than just 'not bad.' "But even though it's clear that you're packing some heat, you don't have anything that compares to these." Mom said, pointing at her boobs. I was doing the same thing as Mom, putting up the tough, cocky façade. But seeing her like this, I couldn't help but openly stare at them, at her barely covered rack. Regaining my composure, I spoke up.

"Jesus Christ, Mom." I marveled. "Your body's incredible."

"I know." Mom sneered arrogantly. "I may not have had to work much since College, so my sole job was to keep this body in tip-top shape."

"Well, you did good work." I complimented with a smile. Mom rolled her eyes.

"Oh, am I annoying you Mom?" I asked, my tone getting slightly darker, stepping forward with a cocky stride.

"I'm not here to hear you talk." Mom replied, challenging me.

"Oh, I think you are. You love hearing me talk. I think you want to hear what I have to say." I began, the words flowing out of me. In the last year or so, I toned down the cocky act quite a bit in the bedroom. Even Carmen liked having me be a bit arrogant in the bedroom, but I knew not to overdo it. In my younger years, in my earlier conquests, the girls I was with were so smitten I could afford to be a bit of an arrogant prick in the bedroom. That had cooled off as I got older and settled down. But now, with Mom, I felt myself sliding back into my old ways. I felt words coming to me from a place I didn't know I had.

"Is that right?" Mom said with an annoyed smile.

"Yes, it is. You want me to drool over your body, don't you?" I said, circling around her. "I bet you love hearing guys tell you how hot you are, don't you? After being the mom for so long, you love that little thrill of having men tell you how sexy you are. You love having men tell you all the filthy things they want to do with your body, don't you?" I asked, staring at her, standing close. Mom's eyes flashed curiously and deciding to go along with it, she replied.

"Yeah, I do." Mom began, her voice breathy. "I love how hot I am. It's my favorite thing about me. I love being hot. I love being sexy. I love walking into a room and knowing I'm hotter than any girl there. I love being around a group of twenty-year olds and still being the one guys are eyeing up. I love having people stare at me. I love catching people gawking at my ass, or my breasts. I love imagining what those people are thinking about me. I loved being better than any other woman."