Young Boss, Unwilling Celebrity Pt. 43

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Naked Tim escapes one bad situation but runs into another.
2.8k words

Part 28 of the 29 part series

Updated 06/08/2024
Created 09/28/2022
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Part 43

The next several minutes were a blur for Tim. The crowd of women closed in around him, all eyes on his pink bubble butt while the woman on the chair was taking advantage of the naked hunk who had literally fallen right into her lap. She laid one crisp spank after another onto his sexy bare ass, alternating cheeks as she went.

Tim squirmed and wiggled, trying to move his vulnerable buns out of her line of fire, but the closest women around him saw what he was doing. They grabbed for his feet and hands, and one petite redhead sat her firm little tush down on his shoulders. Their combined efforts held Tim pretty much still, enabling the woman in the tennis skirt to warm his plump bottom with minimal resistance, to the delight of the crowd.

Tim tried to lay still and conserve his strength. He closed his eyes, but that just heightened his other senses. He felt warm, feminine hands all over his nude skin, and he heard a cacophony of laughter and hooting and cheering.

A few voices occasionally cut through the din. "Boy, she is really painting his wagon red!" one said.

"I know," another said, giggling. "That poor guy's butt is going to be the same color as my shirt!"

"It's half-way there already!" a third voice said. "I think it even looks like it might be swelling a little bit."

"No, he's just got a big ol' muscular rump," crowed a voice that sounded as if it might belong to an older woman.

"Yes! But it's as curvy as a woman's!"

"I wish I could get a handful of it."

That one drew more nearby laughter. "Good luck! It looks like every woman in here had the same idea."

As the assault on Tim's helpless derriere continued, Marcy, Danielle, Shawna and Debbie were all looking on. "I'm getting a little worried," Debbie said. "If these women don't calm down, someone's going to get hurt."

Marcy said, "I've thought about that. When they first fell into a big ball with Tim underneath, I was afraid he might get smothered or somebody might get trampled."

"Can you do anything to get them more under control," Shawna asked.

Danielle looked at her, a little surprised, but nodded. "We don't want anybody getting hurt."

"Especially not your star," Marcy said. "That cute butt of his might be your company's greatest asset right now. And it looks like some of those girls might be ready to take a bite out of it!"

A pretty 40-something brunette made her way through the crowd to Marcy and the others. The fire marshall.

Marcy said, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

The brunette nodded, grinning. "As much as I've enjoyed the show, none of us can afford for something to go wrong here. You definitely don't need the liability if someone gets hurt."

Debbie said, "Especially when it comes out that an audience of horny women stripped a guest naked and chased him around, spanking his ass, until some injury happened."

The fire marshal was nodding. "And when the city found out that I was here, in a severely over-crowded studio when something went wrong, my butt would be in as much trouble as his!"

"Okay," Marcy said. She looked around, and then waved two women over. "These are our security guards," she said to Danielle and Shawna.

"Don't you have male security guards?" Shawna asked.

"We have a few," Marcy said.

"But we volunteered for today," the taller of the two said, smiling. Both guards wore green uniforms, and their hair was tied in high-and-tight ponytails.

"Okay," Marcy said, "follow me." She led the women over toward Tim, the two security guards flanking her, with Debbie, Shawna and Danielle a few steps behind. Marcy and the two guards formed a wedge that allowed them to get through the crowd.

Tim's naked body -- long, lean, muscular, glistening under the lights -- laid across the seated woman's lap, while at least a half dozen other females who had pushed in close had their hands on various parts of his anatomy. Marcy raised her voice, "All right, everybody please calm down!"

The buzz of excited laughter got noticeably quieter. Marcy said, "I can't blame anyone for getting a little... carried away by Mr. Johnson's... wardrobe malfunction."

A round of giggling and a few rude comments rippled through the crowd.

Tim's head jerked up, as if he was just now noticing the diminished noise around him. His handsome face was as red as his well-spanked buns.

Marcy said, "But I don't think it's fair for all of you to man-handle our guest like this."

A few women looked slightly chastened, but most were still grinning, and didn't look the least bit guilty.

"I didn't get a chance to handle him at all," called a petite blonde who was three rows deep in the audience, as she hopped in the air to get a look at the nude male at the center of everyone's attention. She was greeted with more laughter, and hoots of approval.

The women who had been groping Tim took a step back, so that only the woman whose lap he was bent over still had a hand on him. As soon as he realized that, he lifted himself up and took a step back. As he did so, many women close to him gave a kind of moaning, "wooo" sound, as his hard dick bounced into view momentarily.

He straightened up and put both hands over it, and then saw Danielle, Shawna and Debbie off to one side of Marcy. All three women had clearly had their eyes on his erection, as they only looked up to meet his eyes after he had covered himself.

Marcy said, "I need everybody to return to their seats now." The two guards stepped forward and started to shoo the closest women back, as the crowd muttered with disappointment, and were slow to move.

Marcy looked at Tim, her eyes traveling up and down his naked body. Tim was flushed and sweating, standing slightly hunched over, with his knees slightly together and both hands clamped over a raging erection that he almost managed to conceal. His chest was heaving with his heavy breathing, his muscular arms, shoulders and pecs were flushed too, and his nipples were rock hard in the open air.

Marcy said, "We need to find Mr. Johnson some clothes. We don't want him to catch a cold."

Some laughter came from the audience, but murmurs of dissent outweighed them.

A 30-something brunette in the front row said, "I'll help him find some clothes."

Another woman took several steps toward Tim, smiling wickedly. "My teenage son has a jockstrap he could wear, if he doesn't mind riding home naked with me." More laughter, and the woman took another step, giving Tim's mostly covered crotch a leering look. "It might be a little small for him, though."

Marcy had a hand in the air with her palm extended, and the two guards continued to try to urge the women backward, but the sight of poor Tim standing in front of them in his birthday suit -- his cute red bottom displayed to all of them as he tried to cover his crotch -- was at least as strong a lure as was the discouragement provided by the guards and Marcy warning them away.

Tim stared around him in a panic. Then he heard one feminine voice from behind him saying, "Ooh, his poor ass looks so red and painful. Let me kiss it and make it feel better!"

That was it. Tim broke and ran for the rear of the studio.

He didn't look behind him, but he heard Marcy and the security guards raising their voices. "Stop! Stay where you are!"

If he had looked back, he would have seen the rest of Marcy's staff -- Emilia and Debbie, and one of the two camera women (the other one had her camera focused on his bouncing red bottom as he fled) joining their boss and the security guards in an attempt to block the crowd.

Danielle and Shawna saw that, and took their places among them too. (Both of them remembered what Marcy had said: Tim's cute butt might be their biggest asset!)

As Tim made it to the mouth of the hallway heading back toward the make-up room and his clothes, the line of women were managing to keep the audience from tearing off after him in hot pursuit. But just barely.

A short time earlier --

After Emilia had taken the washcloth out to Marcy and Tim, Carly Sands had stood at the rear of the studio and watched, mesmerized as Marcy teasingly gave him the small washcloth to cover up with. Of course Tim was still completely naked from behind, and Carly watched with a grin as Marcy dropped her hand from Tim's waist and began to squeeze his tight, bare ass.

Carly had been watching closely for the next 5 minutes, her heart pounding, her pussy wet and her nipples hard as rocks as she saw the lusty crowd outmaneuver handsome Tim, taking away his last bit of cover and then groping and spanking him.

Once he tried to retreat but then fell out of her sight under the pile of women, it was as if her trance broke. Her analytical mind went into overdrive, and she turned and ran back down the hallway to the make-up room. She guessed that if Tim got away from that crowd of female hunters, he would head this way to retrieve his clothes from the locker that Danielle had put them in.

She slid into the make-up room, visually confirmed that the locker was still locked, then looked around for anything that Tim could possibly use to cover up with. Her mind was racing, but she'd already decided that she wanted to get control of him if she possibly could, and that meant taking away his options, and steering him wherever she wanted him to go.

But where was that? She grabbed three towels that were laying folded on the counter in front of several of the mirrors, then tossed them into another locker at the end of the row and slammed its door. Then she left the room, turning to the left and going down the end of the hallway, where it split in two directions. To the left was another generic looking hallway, but to the right was an exit door, maybe 25 yards away.

Carly ran to the exit door and opened it, seeing a rear parking lot, mostly full of cars, with a line of small trees separating the tv studio lot from the next business. She turned around and retraced her steps toward the make-up room.

There were three doors coming off the hallway between the make-up room and the turn leading to the exit. The first one was an office, and was locked. The second one was a utility room, also locked.

The third room, about 10 yards down the hall from the make-up room, opened to reveal a janitor's closet. Shelves on the back and side walls held cleaning supplies.

The room was small, around four foot wide and five foot deep. A metal folding chair was closed and leaning against the back row of shelves, and a single dim light bulb was centered in the ceiling, with a metal chain hanging from it.

Carly guessed that the cleaning cart that Emilia had grabbed the washcloth from earlier would fit, snugly, into this space. She looked at the lock on the door, and saw that it had a keyhole on the outside, and a deadbolt on the inside.

She grinned, thinking to herself, "This will work just fine!"

She put her small purse on the nearest shelf and then closed the janitor closet's door and returned to the makeup room. After another quick look around, she walked quickly back down the hallway toward the studio.

She knew that eventually Tim would have to come back this way for his clothes. She just hoped that he would be alone and running, rather than accompanied by Marcy's crew and his own co-workers and employees.

As she neared the end of the hallway and the rear of the studio, she heard the loud buzzing of an excited crowd. And then Tim Johnson came barreling around the corner, stark naked and running for his life, right toward her!

Carly backpedaled in surprise, watching as Tim recognized her and grimaced. Her eyes dropped to where his hard penis was bouncing back and forth with his steps, and when he saw that, he slowed down and dropped both hands to cover his shame.

"Tim!" Carly said, putting more shock into her voice than was authentic, since she had known that the female audience had stripped him to his birthday suit. "Where are your clothes?!"

He had already been flushed, but when he saw Carly he blushed even more deeply. "No time," he said breathlessly, as he shuffled to one side of her and then started running full-out again.

As Tim passed Carly, she took several steps forward and to her left and looked out at the sliver of the studio she could see from there. She saw that a half dozen women were facing the crowd, with their hands up and yelling, but the crowd was agitated and looked like they might break through and head this way at any minute.

She turned and ran down the hallway after Tim, who was just sliding around the corner and into the make-up room. As she made it into the room, she heard Tim groan in frustration, "No!!"

He was standing in front of the locker containing his clothes, staring at the lock on it, his chest heaving and his wonderfully plump ass cheeks a deep, glowing, pink. He whirled to Carly, dropping his hands over his dick again. "Where did this lock come from?!"

"I don't know," Carly said, trying for an innocent look. "Isn't that where you put your clothes?"

"Danielle did" he barked. "But I didn't think she was going to lock them up!"

"She probably just wanted to be sure that nobody stole them," Carly offered helpfully.

Tim swore. "But now I can't get them."

"I think the crowd in the studio is heading this way any minute," Carly said.

"I know! But now I can't get dressed, and there's no where I can go." The poor hunk was on the verge of panic, darting his eyes all around the room. Carly knew what he was looking for... and she'd already made sure that there was nothing here for him to cover up with.

"I know where you could hide," Carly said, as if just coming up with the idea.

Tim looked at her desperately. "Where?"

"Come here," Carly said, spinning around to go back out into the hallway, and turning to her left. "When I first got here, I went into a closet by mistake. It's unlocked." She looked back at him, and saw that he was frozen in a knock-kneed, embarrassed stance, trying to cover himself and paralyzed with indecision.

She ran up to him and grabbed one elbow, tugging him toward the hallway. He took several steps with her, and she pointed and said, "It's right down here."

He took a few more steps, reached the edge of the hallway, and warily looked back toward the studio, where the loud crowd was sounding louder, as if it were heading this way. Once again Tim froze, with a horrified look on his face, as if he expected the rampaging crowd of females to round the corner and come for him at any second.

Carly knew she was about to lose her chance, so she dropped his elbow, took one step back, and slapped Tim's sexy, pink bottom. Tim jumped at the newest assault on his tender cheeks, turning his ass away from Carly and instinctively reaching behind him to rub his buns and block any forthcoming spanks.

Carly's eyes dropped to his hard-on that swung toward her, and without even thinking, she reached out with her right hand and encircled Tim's erect shaft with her slender fingers. She gripped him tightly and then turned toward the closet, tugging him along.

"Hey!" Tim said, startled, but he went with her, taking awkwardly wide steps and trying to keep up. What else could he do? He couldn't believe this sophisticated, attractive professor was pulling him down the hallway by his erection!

Carly tugged Tim by his dick over to the janitor's closet. She yanked the door open just as the sound behind them was getting louder. "In here," she said, giving Tim's impressive member one last tug forward, and then giving his tush another spank as he stepped forward.

Tim jumped into the closet, and Carly followed him in. The light on the ceiling was off, and the last thing that she saw before the door closed and the darkness of the small room closed over them was Tim's round, red rump, right in front of her.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago

Agree that this story is really hot and hoping that you continue! (Also love the comment below that suggested that he runs outside into paparazzi...)

AnonymousAnonymous14 days ago

Barefan, you've got to move on and let's humiliate Tim and drain his balls!

fegatonfegaton17 days ago

This is one of my favorite series on the whole site!

I hope you haven't stopped work on this series because of the criticism.

Everyone has a right to their opinion. They also have a right to move on and find stories that might be a better fit for them.

As I see it, it's erotica not a science dissertation. It's about fantasy. Of course this could never happen in the real world. Of course there would be complaints to HR, lawsuits, etc...

Who cares?

If you're into CFNM/reluctant male erotica, this more than fits the bill.

Thanks so much for sharing these and for all the time and effort you obviously put into them. I Enjoy your work and look forward to reading more.

Very well written!!

AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

Come on Barefan! A month and a weeks

so far since the last chapter!! Our young boss and all your fans will be old by the time this story reaches its potential! I know you have a life besides your freeloading literotica fans, who are not paying for your work, but we dying here waiting!

AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

Ignore the one or two criticisms and write for the majority who give you a 5.

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