
Stories by swigby

by swigby
Loving Wives11/01/2022
357.6k 113 32 144

He shares his willing wife with a stranger.

by swigby
Loving Wives 08/10/2004
H 4.51 194.9k 98 17 120
by swigby
Loving Wives09/22/2022
515.3k 156 52 181
by swigby
Loving Wives10/30/2022
394.7k 106 29 137

He waits for wife to return from date.

by swigby
Loving Wives 03/06/2004
3.62 151k 36 18 54

Man watches his wife with other men.

by swigby
Loving Wives 03/05/2004
4.22 230k 31 9 44