A Complicated Favour

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Wherein Elsa and her wife enlist sibling help for pregnancy.
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Author's Note: All characters over eighteen.


Chapter One: Solution


Hanging out with my sisters every weekend was just something that had become a natural part of my life. We'd all grown apart a bit as we left home and did our own things. As these things go.

But geographically we weren't that far away from each other, and once we got in the habit of making the time to meet up on a regular basis, it became almost necessary for all three of us. A constant, enjoyable feature of otherwise turbulent lives.

I'd been leery when Elsa got a serious girlfriend and started inviting her to our things. But I'd grown to love Casey like a sister, and now that the two were married and had a pretty nice house, we had a reliably nice venue to hang out at, so it all kind of worked out.

Anna, like me, wasn't in any kind of long term relationship. We'd both had some fairly serious people in our lives at times, but nothing that lasted. That wasn't always easy, but even at worst--such as right after breakups--it didn't feel so bad when we were all together. And Anna and I had the option of ganging up on Elsa and teasing her mercilessly about being a responsible and put together adult with a healthy and functional marriage, which helped in a very weird sort of sibling affection kind of way.

It was a particularly beautiful summer day when Elsa dropped a bombshell on me. All four of us were just chilling on Elsa and Casey's deck, getting drunk in the sun. Casey and Anna had temporarily departed to mix another batch of daiquiris. I suspected nothing.

"Casey and I want a baby," Elsa said, apropos of nothing.

I shrugged easily. "Sure. I feel I have to warn you that biologically speaking--"

"Yes, I'm aware neither of us can get the other pregnant, smartass."

"Ok. Just checking. So, what, adoption or... one of those science things?"

"Well, Kai, my darling brother, that's just it."

"What is?"

Elsa hesitated. "We were contemplating something else entirely."


"Neither adoption nor... science things."

"... magic?"

"Not that either."

"Ok, well I'm out of guesses then. And I don't know why you waited until... wait...."


"Elsa, why in fact did you wait until Casey and Anna were gone to bring this up?"

"'Cause I wanted to run something by you. Somewhat privately."

"And while I'm a bit drunk?" I asked pointedly.

"That too, yeah."

"Casey knows?"

"She's distracting our baby sis as we speak."

"Of course she is." I took a deep breath. "Elsa, please tell me this isn't something weird."

"Sorry. It's something weird."

"Oh god."

"Look, we'd just like you to consider it, is all."


"If you were the... donor, let's say, then genetically Casey and I both get to be roughly equal in the creation process. Sort of."

I rubbed my forehead. "See, this was the very weirdest thing I could imagine, and you went ahead and said it anyway."

Elsa shrugged. "Nah, could be weirder. When we were talking about it, Casey said it would be weirder if I had your baby."

"That's... I mean yeah, that's weirder." I took a moment just to think. "You serious about this?"

She smiled crookedly. "Yeah, Kai," she said softly, pushing back some of her hair behind her ear. "We're very serious. It's not to pressure you or anything. Just... we've talked about options. And we've had a lot of time to think about them. Honestly, asking you to be the donor was the top of the list for a while. Then we joked about skipping the middleman. I think maybe it was Casey who said it first. Just like, 'Haha, what if I boinked your brother though?'"

"And that seems like a good idea now?"

"... yes? I mean, just think about it. That's all."

"You want me to have sex with your wife, Elsa."

"I'm well aware what I'm asking," Elsa said primly. "More aware than you are. Lucky both you and Casey have a little thing for each other going on so--"

"The hell you say?"

"You heard me. Trust me, dear brother, we all know you think Casey's cute."

"Hey now!"

"And she... I mean she says you're like the boy version of me. Which... yeah, you are, basically. I probably shouldn't tell you this, but we've had nights where I pretend--"

"Please don't finish that sentence." I shook my head. "How drunk are you right now?"

"Drunk enough to have this conversation with you."

"Yeah. That's about it, huh."

Casey and Anna paraded back out to us, interrupting any further conversation. The two of them were laughing and chatting as before, initially oblivious to the changed mood outside. They poured everyone new drinks, and Anna then sat next to me, only slowly realizing that I wasn't quite as chipper as when she left.

"Hey, what's up with you?" Anna asked, giving me a nudge with her elbow. "You look... pensive."

"I am," I admitted.

"What about?"

"Something Elsa said."

Casey rolled her eyes at my evasiveness and curt answers. "Well what did she say?"

I made eye contact with Elsa, who just shrugged. Casey next to her seemed to have also picked up on the mood by now, but didn't seem at all confused. She wouldn't be. She knew what was up already.

"You want me to say?" I asked, directing the question to Elsa.

"No, you don't have to," Elsa said. "It's our business." She reached for Casey's hand and squeezed. Casey smiled at her, though with a hint of knowing in her eyes.

"Well out with it," Anna said, taking a drink. "Why am I the only one who doesn't know?"

"Because I needed to talk to our brother first," Elsa said. "I would have told you. Not right now necessarily, but--"

"Oh sure. Leave the baby out," Anna said, affecting annoyance but still cheerful enough that the effect didn't really land. "Business as usual, huh?"

"We don't leave you out of anything," Elsa said calmly. "But it's funny you should mention babies...."

"Why's that?"

"Because Casey and I would like to have one."

"Oh." Anna brightened. "Well that's nice. I mean, for some people. I think they're kind of a lot of work, and noisy, and always pooping, and--"

"Yes, thank you, sister dearest," Elsa said.

"No, but like, that's cool if you two are doing it. What's the plan? Why did you need to tell Kai before...."

Anna trailed off and flicked her eyes suspiciously toward me. Her mind was clearly whirling now. Piecing together the information that I was still mulling over.

"Wait seriously," Anna said in a more dangerous tone. "Why couldn't you tell us both together?"

"I wanted to ask our brother something without anyone else making the conversation more awkward," Elsa said. "Not that it worked all that well."

"What something?" Anna insisted.




"Oh for goodness' sake," Casey said, finally joining in the awkward discourse. "Anna, we wanted to know if Kai would help us out."

"... ok, damn, that's what I thought. Wouldn't that be weird, Casey having Kai's...." Anna shook her head. "Oh that's so weird."

I giggled to myself, unable to help it. Anna turned to me.

"What's so funny?" she demanded.

"It's worse than you think," I said.


"Yeah. I mean, that part makes sense when you think about it. Genetics and all."

"I don't--"

"Ask them how they want me to be the... donor."

Anna frowned and turned back to Elsa and Casey. "How do--"

Casey rolled her eyes, seemingly the least uncomfortable of anyone by now. She had the advantage of not being a sibling to anyone present, I supposed. Sister in law didn't count quite the same for these purposes.

"It saves a lot of time and trouble if we just... do the thing ourselves," Casey said as though it was perfectly reasonable.

Anna cocked her head. "By which you mean--"

"I'd have sex with your brother. Happy now?"

"Not really, no." Anna squirmed. "That's... oh wow, that's so weird."

"Tell me about it," I agreed.

"That's only the first option," Elsa grumbled. "We don't have to do it that way."

"I'll say you don't," Anna affirmed. "But you'd still--"

"We'd still like Kai involved, yes," Casey said. "We've given this a lot of thought, remember. Give it time."

"Ok, listen," Anna said. "You're like a sister to me, Casey. You know that. But... it's different hearing this from my perspective. And Kai's."

"Elsa's on board though," Casey pointed out. "If anything, she should be most weirded out by this."

"I don't see why she gets best claim on finding this weird," Anna said.

I put a hand on Anna's arm. "It's ok," I said. "Chill a little. Have another drink."

"You're not--"

"I'm not saying anything," I said. "But I think they're right that we should just take some time and let it settle. If it's a no it's a no. Arguing about it doesn't change anything."

"It's weird still," Anna said sulkily, though she did sit back and take another long drink. Her face was flushed from embarrassment by this point.

Continuing to get more drunk may not have been the wisest thing to do under the circumstances, but it sure felt like the easiest.

Conversation flowed as normal again, slowly at first but eventually picking up. Always with an undercurrent to it, though. As though none of us could quite get the elephant out of the metaphorical room.

My thoughts would ever return to the offer my sister had made. I could tell Anna was dwelling on it too. Elsa and Casey were maybe not quite so focused, or at least not in the same way, but they for sure kept glancing at me every now and then in a way that suggested they were hoping for a positive answer eventually.

Unless that was all just in my head, which was very possible.

"Here's the thing," I said eventually, head overflowing with considerations and swimming pleasantly in booze. "Here's the thing about sex with Casey...."

Elsa snorted in amusement. "You've been working on that this whole time, haven't you?"

"How could I not?" I said evenly.

Casey gave a small smile. "Well, Kai, what about sex with me?"

"Ok, so like, I think weirdness is a danger," I said. "Not just because the initial weirdness is... weird. But like, what if we do it. And then what if it's not actually what you two wanted. And Elsa, what if you don't like that I boinked your wife, and--"

"No no," Elsa said. "She's boinking you. It's different."

"That's... that's such an irrelevant distinction. We'd be boinking each other."

"I think he's right," Anna said. "Mutual boinkage."

"Could everyone please stop saying 'boink'?" Casey asked politely.

"I've been trying to avoid saying 'fuck,'" I said.

"That's fine. But you can say it. We're all adults here," Casey said firmly.

"Fine. If I fuck you, or you fuck me, or... or we fuck, anyway. Like... I don't want that fucking up our whole thing. You know how many siblings get along like we all do? And what if this is a wedge in the middle of all that afterward."

Elsa and Casey exchanged a long, meaningful look.

"That's... true," Elsa admitted. "And it's basically the worst case scenario, but it's a definite, albeit small, possibility."

"Kai's right," Anna said. "That's not fair. What if... what if we can't do this anymore. Just hang out. Because things get all awkward and weird and no one can talk to each other anymore."

Privately, in my head, I contemplated what it meant that we were all discussing what might happen afterward. That in a sense, we'd already breezed by the notion that I might fuck my sister's wife period.

I'd been part of that. I recognized that in hindsight. Was it such a small thing? Or... shit, was I kind of into it?

I cautiously glanced at Casey. I got to stare for a few seconds before her eyes flicked over to meet mine and I had to look away blushing.

Ok, so she was cute. Beautiful, even. And fun and easy to talk to and be around. I was comfortable with her. I really liked her, though not in what I'd ever thought of as 'that way.' Elsa had good taste. I couldn't pretend she didn't. Perhaps a very similar taste to my own, now that I thought about it.

That comment about me being the boy version of Elsa rung in my head. I didn't think that was quite accurate, but we were siblings after all. It wasn't like we were wildly different people.

"A big part of all that is between Elsa and me," Casey stated definitively. She squeezed Elsa's hand. "You're our family too, both of you, obviously. But you can't put our marriage on your shoulders here. We can make our own decisions, and asking Kai for this is one of them."

"But it impacts everyone," Anna insisted. "Even me, and I'm technically not even really involved."

"You're right," Elsa said. "Of course you are. And that's why we're communicating openly. That's what Casey and I will need to be doing lots of for this whole process. In case of jealousy or... or whatever. Whatever happens. There's no secrets going in. Secrets are what ruins good things. We're not going to have any."

"Oh," Anna said. She considered her big sister's words. "No secrets from any of us?"

"That's the plan."

"Well... ok then. As long as we talk about all the weird stuff...."

Anna looked at me, and suddenly I realized all three girls present were examining me too closely for comfort.

"Wait wait wait, so you're on board now?" I asked.

"I mean... maybe?" Anna said. "I think maybe I'm not against it anymore."

"Oh," I said. "I think... I think maybe I was happier when you were. It let me not have to make a decision yet."

Elsa laughed softly. "Don't make a decision now, brother dearest. You're too drunk for it to be binding. Just think about it. Take some time. Everything's dependent on Casey's cycle anyway."

I blushed at the mention of biological consideration, as though I was young and innocent again, and we hadn't already been talking about extra-marital, incest-adjacent fucking.

"Oh," I mumbled. "Sure."


Anna and I spent the night. Usually we didn't need to, but sometimes we overdid it and didn't allow time to sober up before driving home later. This was definitely one of those times.

We both had our own rooms when we were over. There were two spare bedrooms, in a sense, though it seemed now one of them might get taken over by the new baby, once it arrived. If indeed we went down that path.

It would, arguably, be my child too. That was a wild thought. I wasn't sure how crazy it was in comparison to impregnating my sister's wife in the first place, but I hadn't had a chance to even really contemplate having a kid at all. Even one that was only mine genetically. It had never come up before, not seriously, and now for it to come up like this....

So weird.

I couldn't sleep, and eventually shuffled down the hall to Anna's room. I knocked softly, then cracked the door.

"You sleeping?"

"... yes."

I snorted. "If you want me to leave, just say so."

"Nah. Come in. I'm still thinking about... you know."

"Yeah. I know. Me too."

I scooted into the room, closing the door behind me, and feeling my way cautiously to Anna's bed. I sat on the edge of it while Anna sat up and curled her knees up to her chest. My eyes were sufficiently adjusted to the dark to make out the general shape of her.

"You wanna talk more about it?" Anna asked softly. "Or do you want a distraction?"

I sighed heavily. "Kinda both?"

"Fair." Anna clicked her tongue thoughtfully. "I saw a cool movie the other day."

I smiled tiredly, then groaned and stretched out across the bed. "Tell me about it," I said.

Anna launched into an impromptu and disorganized review of her aforementioned film. I continued to smile at her efforts, even though really it wasn't keeping my mind off my dilemma all that well.

"Sounds like a cool movie," I said once she'd finished.

"Yeah, it was."



"Am I bad a brother if I do this thing? Or... am I bad brother if I don't?"

Anna crawled closer and lay down next to me. "I don't think you're a bad brother either way."

"Oh. Good."

"I think maybe there isn't a right answer. And... and I'll back you up whichever way you decide, ok?"

"Thanks. I don't think I need backup, but thank you."

"Sure. What are sisters for?"

"That's become a more complicated question today."

"Haha, yeah."

I rolled closer to Anna, deriving comfort from her proximity. She actually reached out and tousled my hair gently, not a gesture I expected from my baby sis, but it felt really nice in the moment.

"I think you should do it though," Anna said in a bare whisper.

"You do?"

"Yeah. Elsa wants it. And Casey. They deserve good things."

"True," I agreed.

"And it'd be kinda neat for them to have a kid. I've never been an aunt, you know."

"I am aware, yes."

"Although... what if we can't sit around on weekends being delinquents anymore?" Anna said thoughtfully.

"I'm not sure that's the biggest concern."

"It's a concern though. Even if it's not the biggest." Anna sighed. "I'd miss our hangouts."

"We could still hang. Just maybe with less drinking."

"Or maybe we'd all have to drink more to make up for Casey giving it up. You know, once you put a baby in her and all."

I snickered helplessly. "Oh god, don't say it like that."

"You're gonna have to knock her up, bro," Anna said, immediately seizing on my weakness.

"Oh nooo."

"Mmhm. Fill her--"

I slapped a hand at Anna's face and managed to cover her mouth. She almost immediately stuck her tongue out and licked my hand, making me yank it back. Just like being kids again. The two of us burst out in frenetic giggling.

"You're a shit," I said.

"I'm not the one planning on--"

"Don't you dare!"

"Come on. I got some really gross ones I wanna say. Like about breed--"

"I swear to god, Anna."

"Ooh, or sexist ones. Like finally putting that baby factory to--"

I found a pillow and swung it firmly at Anna's face. She fought me for the pillow, but then only laughed once her face was free again.

"I might actually enjoy this," Anna said.

"Yeah, you're having a great time now, aren't you?"

"I really am." Anna's tone sobered up slightly. "But seriously... I mean, do what you feel. I've got the smallest vote here by far."

"Hey, your vote counts. I don't want you feeling left out here. You know what you mean to me. To us all."

"Yeah. I guess."

I stared at Anna in the dark. She stared right back at me.

"This is gonna sound weird," I said, "but... you mind if I sleep here tonight?"

"In my bed?"

"Yeah. Just... I mean it's big enough."

"It is." Anna thought a moment longer, then shrugged. "It's fine with me. I think maybe I'd sleep better if it wasn't me alone with my thoughts in here."

"Yeah. Same."


Chapter Two: Seduction


I was a bit embarrassed upon waking up that I'd imposed on my little sister like that. Only a bit, though. And watching Anna still cutely asleep for a time kind of made up for that.

I decided to slip out before she awoke, just to avoid any lingering embarrassment from the situation.

Part of said embarrassment to be avoided was my morning wood. Which had nothing to do with Anna, but it still felt awkward to deal with an erection after waking up next to my sister.

Casey was up before me. She beat me to the coffee maker, and already had it running before I stumbled in. She graced me with a faint smile as she saw me.

"Sleep well?" she asked.

"Uh... well enough," I said. "Eventually."

"Ah. Too much on your mind?"

"Basically, yeah."

"Any new thoughts since yesterday?"

Casey tried to stay casual, but I could see her bouncing slightly from foot to foot. She pulled the tie on her robe tighter as her anxious movements made it slip slightly.

"I mean, I think Anna's on board now," I said. "Which just leaves... me."

"You're not totally against though, right?"

"No. Never was totally against. I just... I feel like there are a lot of factors here. I don't want to be the reason you two have jealousy issues afterward or something."