A Wife's Revenge Ch. 03


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"I let myself be controlled, manipulated, used, he made me feel like a cheap useless whore at times. And my self esteem was destroyed. The only way left to feel good was to let him have his way."

I reached for her but she pulled away, a pained look on her face. "Don't! How bad I hurt you, don't you comfort me with my stupidity".

"Susie, we both made mistakes that hurt each other. But we need to be there for each other". I pulled her into my arms and then we lay together.

We lay together in silence. Listening to our own demons in our heads I guess. Mine were that she had been submissive to Darren. And even though she didn't like it, and it hurt, she still allowed him to do more and more. Him having that control caused me some unease.

We slept in, relatively anyway. I woke up with Susie in my arms. She had just woken up as well.

I got up to make coffee and made a couple eggs. Susie went and had a shower. She had a long shower, by her standards. Breakfast was ready and waiting when she came out.

I noticed right away her eyes were puffy and red like she had been crying.

"What is it hon? You've been crying." I asked

She poked around her eggs. "You talk in your sleep sometimes. It's like listening to one side of a phone call. Last night you talked about Darren and Tony taking me away again.. I could hear the pain"

"It was a dream Susie, just a bad dream!"

"Are you worried I would go with him again?" She asked

"Of course in the back of my head there were all kinds of crazy scenarios running around."

"And Brian? Are you afraid he and I will have sex?" She pushed for an answer.

"Yes, "I admitted, " I worry he is waiting for a moment of weakness. A moment he can comfort you, and he will try. And I worry that we are pretty fragile in our relationship. And maybe in a moment it would feel good for you."

"Susie, I don't hold a magic incantation that protects us and wards off the desires and wants and needs that I want to control. It isn't up to me. Right now I have no reason or right to have any expectations for you. These will be your choices."

She was looking at me with sad eyes. Just listening.

"How can I tell you to be only mine when I was with two different women this past week and you? I may not have made my best decisions with them. But they are my decisions"

"If we are going to get through this, and come together, we need to accept that we will have insecurities and doubts and worries and deep seated fears. It's going to happen that stuff will trigger one or the other. We need to support each other, and build our trust."

"Now eat! I want to walk with you down by the lake one more time before we go!" I told her

We walked the lake holding hands the whole time. We spent over 4 hours following the path around. We talked about our insecurities and concerns. Directions for our path forward. We talked about the girls and how we should help them with the changes that impacted them.

When we got back to the cabin we made a light lunch. We packed away the last items. We stood by our cars trying to leave, but not wanting to either.

"One door closes, another opens." I said. "It's just a change. It's one place we liked, but we will find another. And it will be even better"

Susie was standing beside me. "I was really nervous about coming up alone with you. I'm glad I did! I want you to do me a favour. To help us. And to help me feel like we could be on more even footing". She said looking straight ahead.

"What is it?" I inquired.

"Lois likes you, not in a permanent way, but she likes being with you. I think Nikky is the same. I want you to keep seeing them for a bit at least. "

She gulped and it was obvious she was fighting within herself for saying this " God I know this sounds crazy, and I know I'm playing with fire. But it's important I think. I experienced a lot of new things. I've seen you have new knowledge for when we are together. I don't want to be concerned with trying something because I learned how with someone else. I don't want you wondering either. We should be able to talk about these things But first You need to experience new and exciting things to try. "

"There is one more thing I realized I had, and lost, and want back" she said looking at me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"When I first met you, there was a complete confidence you had in everything we did together. Our relationship. I pushed you away into the arms of another woman. Since then you have put me in a position where everything you did was with a huge "I'm Sorry' banner written on it. Then I trampled that banner with what I did. I killed your confidence. I made you question yourself."

She kissed me quickly while I was taking this in. "This weekend I felt part of that come back to you! How you did things by instinct. But I still saw doubt and questions. I want those erased. Gone. I want my man back. No regrets. Full on back. Nothing less"

She finished with tears in her eyes. "I have to go! I love you! Thank you!" She kissed me hard. Got in the van and drove away.

I stood there for a second or two. I put what she said together in my head. I had so many questions rattling around. I got in my car and started driving to my parents place.

The next few weeks were a blur. I got the bank draft for the property. I put it on our credit cards and mortgage. I also put a large chunk in Susie's and my savings account. Our nest egg for our next place.

I took the girls up to see their Mom on Tuesday and again dropped them off for the weekend.

Thursday I had a dinner engagement and Nikky sat for me. After the kids were asleep we spent the evening engaged in multiple orgasms, and bliss. She liked being tied to the bed and teased. She also was a huge fan of anal sex. She also got really good at deep throating me.

That weekend Lois stayed with me. It was a weekend of exploration and experiences. I found out she liked to be submissive. I pushed that boundary on Monday when I told her to Snapchat me from the washroom at work. She needed to cum and I wanted to watch. She enjoyed that a lot! I received a few pictures during the week of her in compromising positions. The best was on her boss's desk with her legs spread wide. Her pussy wet. Her boss had gone for lunch with her husband or something so she used the office."

One of the key things for me was that I called Susie almost daily. We texted each other. And when we saw each other in person, it felt right.

Things carried on for about a month with only minor changes. Nikky began dating a boy from school. No sex yet, but she wanted to be true to him. We still talked quite openly. Lois and Jimmy were flirting with each other. We went out together and they hit it off pretty good. Jan at work was flying through her courses. The changes in the office were incredible. Scott and her were known to have gone out a few times after work. We also talked about everything, freely expressing our opinions. She was happy. I was too.

Things took a weird turn on the July long weekend. I got a text from Darren. 'Going to see our little slut, I'll send pictures'. I had the girls that weekend. Susie was coming by for the day on Sunday afternoon and staying till Monday.

I spent Friday and Saturday in a panic. I wanted to call Sue and see what was going on. I dreaded every time my phone beeped with a text message. By Sunday morning I was a complete mess.

I caved and called Sue. "How are you Sue?" I asked. I tried playing it cool. " How has your weekend gone so far?"

"What's wrong Chase? '' she asked. "I could hear the concern in your voice". My senses were tingling all over the place. Did she suspect I knew about her and Darren? And more, worse darker thoughts.

"Darren texted me that he was visiting you. I was worried" I said.

"He did, he tried to get me to go with him. He even tried pulling me into his car. I beat him up. I kicked his balls so hard he puked. My dad had to pull me off him." She stopped. "Chase? Are you ok?"

"I am! I am really good now! One day I am going to deal with that ass, but now I am really fucking awesome!" I said. "How soon are you coming?"

"Chase, did you think I would go with him? Really?" She asked.

My bubble burst. I had gone from gut wrenched to elated to the bottom of my stomach just dropping.

"I had doubts rolling around in my head. Sorry" I said

"Chase! Really? For fuck sakes Chase! He is an ass! Worse than that!" She said her anger was rising. " you think I am such a slut I would spread my legs for him again? After all he did to both you and me? Fuck".

The phone went dead.

It was July 4th! Fireworks just blew up in my face. I tried calling back. I sent a text. 'I'm sorry, it wasn't you I doubted, it was me, He did something to me that causes me to doubt myself". I got no answer. It didn't show as read either.

Sunday afternoon was a long one. I took the girls to watch the fireworks. I tried calling and texting. Still nothing.

I called Nikky.

She came right away. "I need to do something, if it goes sideways, call Susie or her parents. Ok?"

She nodded.

I left. I stopped at the work yard. I picked up a couple of things. I pulled up to the house. I saw the car in the driveway. I threw a sledgehammer through the driver's door. The alarm went off. I waited. I saw the door open and I ran off checking to see that I was followed.

Sure enough I was.. I pulled into the park and waited behind a big tree. When I heard him coming I stepped out. The punch to his face dropped him on the spot. I rolled Tony on his side. I kicked him twice in the balls for good measure. I gave him two more hard shots to his ribs.

I walked back to the house. I threw the sledgehammer through the windshield this time. I went up to the door and waited.

When it opened I nailed him in the jaw. Then twice to his stomach and a roundhouse punch to the temple and a shot with all I could put into it on his chin. He dropped. I kicked him in his balls for good measure as well.

I leaned down close to him and pulled my hoodie back enough for him to see. It was me. "Amazing how your car went up in flames after our last meeting. This is strike two. Three and you are out!" I punched him hard in the ribs.

A woman asked me "who are you?" She was naked and looked to have been getting fucked hard. I saw a ring on her finger.

"Husband of another woman he thinks he can go after. This is me saying not to try, ever again." I looked at him. He was wearing pajamas. He was moaning. His face was a complete mess.

I walked away, back to my car and drove home. I took a long route past the lake. I stopped and threw the brass knuckles in the water as far as I could throw. When I got home, I waited. I thought the police would be there soon. They never showed up.

Nikky and I talked. "If the cops come, you don't know anything, I just had to go do something, then I came back."

She tried to say something, I held up my hand and she was quiet. She smiled. She knew I did something good.

Nikky left at 12:30. She was going to see her boyfriend. It was going to be a special night of firsts for them.

At 2:30 I got a call. It was Susie. " I'm sorry. She slurred. Oh fuck you were right. About everything. Please come get me!"

"Are you drunk?" I asked

"Yes, I had to call dad. He got me. You were right. I am so stupid. Please, I need you." She started crying. She sounded pretty blitzed. After a few minutes I heard a rustling with the phone. I heard a man's voice.

"Chase it's Bill, how are you?" He said.

"To tell the truth I am a bit concerned, what happened?" I asked.

"She was mad at you for doubting her, she needed someone to talk to. So she called her old friend. He got her drunk and tried to seduce her. She slapped him and called me. I punched him, once for being an asshole, and once for you. "

He stopped to let me comprehend what he said.

"I beat the shit out of Darren tonight. I guess it was a bit of a doubling down kind of night" I said. "Thank you for getting her."

"She loves you, she has so much guilt to get through. You two need to get over shit and figure this out. It's tearing you apart, both of you"

I know Bill. "Would it be all right if I came up in the morning? I'll bring breakfast."

"That would be good. She is sleeping on the couch now" he said

"Ok goodnight Bill. And thank you!"

Goodnight Chase! Coffee one sugar two cream!" He said

"Gotcha!" I said and sat on my couch.

I got up. I packed a few things for the girls. I loaded them in the car. I packed some drinks, and some snacks. I waited until 5 before waking up the girls.

"Road trip!" I said. " Let's go see Mommy!"

That got them going. We ate a light breakfast and got in the car. We stopped at The IHOP and loaded up. We got to Bill and Julie's right at 8 O'clock.

Bill opened the door in his dressing gown. "Come in"

The girls woke Susie up on the couch. She looked a bit of a mess. And confused.

I walked over. " We won't have to worry about Darren again. Ever. And no, I am not sorry. Neither should you be. I truly am sorry that my reaction put you in a bad position. I won't make that mistake again. I also truly wish I would have been wrong about Brian, you deserve better." I looked her in the eyes to see if she understood what I was trying to say.

She gave a faint smile.

"We brought breakfast". I said. "Then I am taking you home. I don't want to wait till we figure it out on our own. We need to figure it out together. It may hurt at times. But I won't be pushed away again. And I won't push you away again ever." I held out my hand.

She took it, tentatively at first. I pulled her into a hug and a kiss. "You need to brush your teeth. After". I smiled.

"After?" She asked

"After I kiss you and tell you I love you!" I winked. And held her.

She kissed me lightly and excused herself. She went to the bathroom.

I went and set the table and had the girls help arrange everything. Bill and Julie came out still dressed in pajamas and sat down.

I went to the bathroom. I knocked and opened the door. "Are you coming?"

"What all happened last night?" She asked. She was crying.

"Well you slapped your friend when he tried to seduce you. I am sorry I really wish I was wrong about him. You called your dad and he punched him twice for being a douche. When you got home, you called me, you were drunk."

" In the meantime I had my own adventure. I gave Darren a very clear hand delivered message. From me. Very very clear. Now let's eat. I want to take you home and make love with my gorgeous wife tonight in our bed. And again maybe in the morning."

"Come" I took her hand and pulled her with me. She smiled.

"Really?" She asked

"Really". I told her. And I kissed her

We ate. The girls carried the conversation. Susie and I just kept looking at each other and smiling.

The girls helped pack. We loaded the van. I left the car. We could grab it later. I gave a big hug to Bill and to Julie. I thanked them with tears of joy in my eyes. I left their house feeling like myself again. My confidence was somewhat restored. Susie too was feeling better about herself. She is a strong woman

We did fight a few times. We also had some hard moments that rubbed our emotions raw. But we talked. We shared how we felt. And we grew together.

We also started ticking off some of our dream bucket lists. I was surprised the first time we checked one of the boxes off the list. Susie was playfully tying me up in bed for a night of pleasure. A blindfold covered my eyes. She teased me relentlessly. Then she had me try to make her cum with my tongue.

I got the surprise of my life when Lois whispered in my ear "I am going to suck your cock. If Susie cums before you do you can tie me up next and Susie and you can play. If you cum first you stay tied up and I will see about making Susie cum next. You can listen"

We also took a trip to the Caribbean, a place with a nice balcony. Our last night was spectacular. We attracted a small crowd. It was incredible.

Life is good. We also bought our dream property. Susie bought it actually. Her savings account, plus our savings. Half a lake with two beautiful building sites to choose from. The other half of the lake is protected land. It is perfect. It was our anniversary. We made love in a field on the property, another bucket list item checked off.

Life throws curveballs. Challenges and barriers. People make stupid choices. It took almost losing each other to get Susie and I to be open and honest with how we feel. She still deals with depression. Together we fight it. Our girls are happy. I even got promoted and now own a share of the company. My share cost me a dollar.

I have a private thought. I am waiting for the right moment to share it with Susie. I reflected on hers and my relationship from the beginning. How we blocked each other out. How our perfect love affair got dark. I strayed because of the silence, she had a plan to get us together by cuckolding me. Damned if it didn't work out better than either of us expected. Without what we did, we wouldn't have made it. Ironic isn't it?

Susie told me the other night she was worried she would never get her man back. She is so happy I came back.

So am I. So am I!

Thanks for reading!

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Pjam1968Pjam1968about 1 month ago

I struggle to read all 3 chapters, it was really hard to follow this cuck getting back over and over again with her

Booboo12629Booboo12629about 1 month ago

I generally enjoyed this story including the reconciliation, but some of the behaviors and reactions seemed totally out of character. It was as if the main character had two or three different personalities—tough & short tempered, helpless wimp, hopeless romantic, etc. They don’t fit together. Also, he apparently owned the business, yet he had a supervisor and a big boss early on. There were a lot of non sequiturs like that. Also, having sex with Lois and Nikki really made the MC into a disgusting POS for me. After all he had experienced with his slut wife and still loving her and being jealous of her with Brian, he gives in to sex with his wife’s best friend AND the 18 year old babysitter? Ridiculous. It feels like you lost the plot several times and just threw in off the wall scenes, but then tried to get back on track. I’m not trying to throw you under the bus. You came up with a pretty original story and really, really fleshed it out into a compelling tale. It just needs some content editing in my opinion.

ForsakenGray1928ForsakenGray1928about 2 months ago

Excellent. I will save this one and read again later.

Thank You

consulting91consulting912 months ago

This was a good series. Although I feel that the ending was a little rushed. What happened to Jan and did Lous ever get a man she could love and be with?

Also, I don't think that Darren and his driver got enough punishment. Plus Brian should have gotten a visit from the husband as well.

While I was glad they got back together and the fact that he cheated first was the catalyst, I still think that she got off too easy for everything she did to him. I mean in the first chapter he was thinking about suicide and she wanted the PI to check on him because she didn't want to be the one to find him. She knew what she was doing was too much and I don't feel she ever paid for that.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Sue: "Chase! Really? For fuck sakes Chase! He is an ass! Worse than that!" She said her anger was rising. " you think I am such a slut I would spread my legs for him again? After all he did to both you and me? Fuck".

===> umm well duh. For hoe many weeks were you an unrepentant slut for Darren and other men? She was banging Darren almost immediately after the MC's confession. The Darren took it up a notch and she went along with all the crazy sex, group sex, and painal, and all thr humiliation with the texts and videos. Nit to mention her threats that if he didn't accept it and play ball she would burn his life down. Does the author even remember what she said in dud in the first chapter at thr end and throughout a chunk if the second chapter. And (supposedly) twice she plans to call it off eith Darren, once even after quitting, and she still f$cks Darren. So yeah why wouldn't hubby be worried about Darre taking her again. You know what? Wrong question. Why does the husband even care? After what she did and not just how depraved she because, but her doing all the humiliation and participating in degrading her husband after his one time tryst. Forget that. I am not a big btb fan, but how coukd it not apply hear. And oh we learn that her threat of burning his life down, is mostly toothless except for custody of the kids. Which is crazy because if he turns those videos over to a lawyer and they go to court, her participating in painful and degrading activities and being part of the humiliation, while leaving her kids at home, probably gets him 50/50 custody. Especially since his filing for divirce sent her into a nervous breakdown anyways. Repulsive RAAC. Gross.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Her response was sickeningly disproportionate. He banged the intern, like once (?). She was pulling gangbangs for months, being depraved. Sorry there is no way back. This is a ludicrous RAAC. I like a reconciliation as much as the next guy but wow this was ridiculous.

StevenJayStevenJay4 months ago

This third part wasn’t as good as the first two, it felt like you were trying to get through it to get to the end.

It was a lot longer and i wonder if it would have benefited from being split into two parts.

As someone else commented, it was a shame that Jan just disappeared from the narrative apart from a token comment at the end, I did wonder if Susie would have benefitted from meeting her

bhill8671bhill86714 months ago
This story went

One chapter too long.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago


TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos5 months ago

I felt that there was too much back and forth with the main character and that you didn't really have a firm grip on the supporting cast. There were more people in the story than there needed to be and some characters, like Jan, seemed important at first but really weren't. I'm giving this a 3/average because I think that while it had some faults and I didn't like some of the plot, you made a pretty good effort. I can't say I liked it, or I disliked it, but I guess... I didn't mind it?

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