An Innocent in Paris Pt. 04


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Her senses confused Talia started weeping. This was turning Chantal on.

"Stop, stop..."

Chantal was enjoying this too much...

"Please stop, stop".

"No, you do as I say." As if to emphasize the point, still squeezing hard, she dug a nail into the side of her agonised nipple. She continued the torment...

"Stop...that hurt, please, please stop."

Reluctantly Chantal released her nipple, and at last started licking her clit. From agony Talia was in now in ecstasy as she felt Chantal's soft tongue doing its magic. The agony of her nipple being so abused was so intense, but now her clit was experiencing exaggerated, beautiful sensations. She cried out as she came.

Chantal softly kissed her trembling lips.

"It's ok now. It's over".

Talia was still uncontrollably sobbing.

Chantal was getting worried. Had she gone too far?

"Don't cry, I'm sorry if I went too far...I couldn't stop." Chantal was upset; tears were running down her face.

Talia wiped her eyes. "Ignore me...I loved it... was wonderful.


When Chantal returned to their cabin Marie was already there. They were so happy to see each other.

"How was it babe?"

Marie lit a cigarette, "Good, different, but it would have been better if we'd been together. She's a good lover...but it's not the same as us together. I missed you."

"Talia was different, but nothing like us together -- just not the same thing."

Chantal was feeling insecure, "You still love me, babe?"

"Yes, you know I do...lots."

"Did you try anything new?" Chantal was worried for her partner.

"The powder?"

"Yes, the cocaine."

"Mmmm,'s good, gives you a nice feeling. Did you do it?"

"Yes, tried it, but we must be's more addictive than cigarettes".

"I can stop cigarettes any time."

Chantal smiled

"Time for dinner?"

They shared a shower, carefully chose their dresses and heels. As they entered the dining room the impact of these two stunning young women, one with perfect long brown hair, the other with classic long blonde hair was immediate. They knew they looked good..., very good.

They went over to Chantal's father Laurent. He was deep in conversation with George the night club owner. The stood up as the girls joined them for dinner.

"I've just seen Jen and Talia...thank you for looking after them. They're good friends of ours and Dmitri's. Have you bought your tennis gear with you?"

"Yes, why?" Chantal was curious.

"They wondered if you would have a friendly doubles with them tomorrow evening at the Monte Carlo Country Club? You'd be playing on clay courts."

"Sure, are they good players?" Chantal was aware that she and Marie had never partnered in a game of doubles.

"Jen and Talia were good. They used to play a lot, but not so much recently. Jen is a member, but she's more of a spectator now."

Marie realised she hadn't played for nearly three weeks; she needed to get back into it, so this would be a good start.

"Let's do it."

"Good. Dmitri's speedboat will take you tomorrow evening at 7.00pm. By then it will be cooler. The club is outside Monaco at Roquebrune-Cap-Martin."

Marie realised she was far from "tennis ready". The marijuana, coke, alcohol and cigarettes would have had an effect, but their opponents were at the same disadvantage.

The cocktails, food, the wines, were way beyond Marie's experience. Georges and Laurent were really good company and obviously enjoying themselves! Dmitri joined them for a while and mostly chatted to the girls. He came over as friendly and considerate, and surprisingly, with a strong sense of humour. He was interested in their university life, their ambitions and their interests. Strangely he also thanked them for looking after his friends Jen and Talia. Why "thank you"? They were just guests like everybody else...weren't they?

As soon as the meal was over the girls went back to their stateroom. A lot had happened during the day, and they wanted time to be together. They were also experiencing the downside of cocaine as their slightly addicted bodies started to protest, urging them to have just one more line.

"How do you feel Babe?"

"Not good -- shouldn't have touched the coke." Marie was worried.

"Me too. Big mistake." Chantal wasn't feeling good.

Marie was also thinking about Jen and Talia? Would this affect their relationship?

"Should we have done what we did... been with them?"

"It's not the same...we are girlfriends, lovers and partners. We'll not do it again if it upsets you babe?"

Marie thought about it for a few seconds, "It's good if it doesn't spoil what we've got."

"Nothing could do that, my beautiful babe."

"Make love to me tonight...I need you so much."

"Babe, I love you..."

Full of emotion, their insecurities vanished as they made love. Happy, they slept, their bodies as one.

The following morning Marie woke early. Chantal was still sleeping. She remembered the passionate love making only a few hours ago. Her partner looked gorgeous lying there. How she loved her. Gently she kissed her on her lips, then her so sexy freckled nose. Chantal stirred, opened her eyes and pulled her close. Marie felt their breasts meeting, nipple meeting nipple...and it felt sooo good.

Chantal smiled, "Good morning, beautiful".

Marie was happy.

"Coffee?" She got out of bed loaded the coffee maker and made two very strong expressos.

"Thanks babe."

They relaxed, just happy to be together.

When Chantal checked her phone she saw a message from her father, "Contact me ASAP. More boxes."

"I've got to see my father. Meet at the pool bar after?"



Laurent hugged his daughter. She was so like his late wife, and he was proud of her.

"Your girlfriend is beautiful, and I can see she makes you happy. Look after her; she's very young."

"I will Papa, I love her so much. And we are free as long as we don't hurt each other."

"You made Talia very happy yesterday and Jen was telling Dmitri and George much they enjoyed being with you.

"They're very sexual women Papa. We both had fun."

"George was wondering if you Marie would be interested in coming down sometimes to look after his VIP clients. He'd look after you... cover your expenses."

"I'll talk to Marie."

"I want you to take some boxes back to the apartment. More from Dmitri. Just a small carry-on case, but this time it's better if you can both travel back to Paris by rail as normal passengers. Dmitri will arrange to get you dropped off at Nice Station."

"That's fine Papa. We go back tomorrow. An early afternoon train would be good."

"I'll arrange it..."


The girls spent most of the day by the pool. In preparation for the tennis they drank lots of water, avoided alcohol, ate healthily, listened to their music and read. They had an hour in the small gym and felt invigorated after it.

They discussed their game tactics. There was a big age difference, so probably Jen and Talia would be less fit and have less stamina. That was their weakness. However, what they lacked in fitness could be made up by their experience. Marie suggested that they should attack their stamina, focus on making them run from one side of the court to the other, lots of unpredictable shots, just make them tired, then wait for the mistakes.


As the girls went onto the court they were ready for battle. It was a warm humid evening. Talia had a fast serve but lacked accuracy. Her powerful technique meant that those that got in were difficult to return. Jen was a slower more careful player. What she lacked in strength she had in technique. The problem for them was that their styles weren't compatible.

Marie and Chantal had played each other but never in doubles. They lost the first two games largely due to Talia's powerful serves and returns. However, they quickly read each other's techniques and tightened their game.

True to plan, they deliberately tired their opponents by shooting all over the court; Talia was the first to weaken as the heat and humidity drained her energy. Jen simply wasn't fast enough to handle Marie's fast well placed shots. Chantal played a very correct and consistent game supporting Marie whose killer instinct became increasingly obvious as the opposition weakened. After two sets Jen and Talia conceded. They had fought hard, played well but were no match for the girls.

"That was a good game...thank you!" They hugged the girls. The older women, although beaten had enjoyed the quality of the play.

"We must do this again next time you're here or we're in Paris."

Jen was also hugely turned on by Marie's performance on the court. She was like a ferocious young animal. How she would love to enjoy her perfect young body again...soon. Jen was used to getting her own way. She would speak to George.

While they were playing they were being watched and discretely videoed by a young woman in dark glasses.


Dmitri had a problem. He was in advanced business negotiations with an influential Spanish politician. It had been a long process. The politician was impressed by Dmitri's wealth and lifestyle. He was flattered when Dmitri took his wife and two daughters for a long Sunday lunch at a famous Michelin Star restaurant in Barcelona.

Dmitri had invited the family for a weekend on his yacht, but the mother refused, saying that even stepping on a boat made her feel seasick, and that meant that the politician couldn't either. However, seeing the disappointment on the daughters' faces he suggested that they might like to come anyway, and he would look after them.

This was how Dmitri's problem arose. What would he do with eighteen and twenty year old girls who he hardly knew? He discussed this with George...who had an idea. This resulted in his conversation with Chantal's father Laurent, suggesting that Chantal and Marie might sometimes like to host Dmitri's VIPs.


Back in their stateroom, Marie and Chantal did high fives, "Yesss! Babe, we slaughtered them! We're a great tennis team as well!"

"They were very easy once they got tired."

The girls hugged each other -- as always, just happy to be together.

Marie lit a cigarette, relaxed on the settee, inhaling deeply.

Chantal was thirsty, "Babe, we've earned some fine champagne!"

She opened a bottle of Cristal and filled two champagne glasses.

"To us!" Chantal raised her glass

Marie smiled as she glanced down at her ring, "To us, girlfriends, lovers, partners!"

She continued, "Shall we try some coke again...just a little bit?"

Chantal wasn't sure. Yes, she'd enjoyed the feeling, but not the coming down, and it could become an expensive bad habit. She'd succumbed to smoking while she was still at school and her father had allowed her to continue. Her allowance from her father was reasonably generous, so it wasn't a problem.

But the cocaine did make her feel good.

"Ok, just once. You set it up babe."

Marie tipped the powder onto the glass surface of the bar and using her credit card, made two equal lines. She rolled a euro note into a tight tube.

"Ok lover, you're first"

Chantal snorted a line and passed the rolled up note to Marie. She put it up her nose as far as she could and a finger blocking her other nostril snorted as she had been shown.

Within thirty seconds the euphoria took over their bodies.

Chantal felt the effect first, "Oh my god, this is so good...!"

Second later Marie was in the same place. This was so good. She felt so happy, so confident. She could do anything... she didn't want it to end...ever.

"Make love to, now!" She quickly took off her dress bra and panties and pulled Chantal towards the bed.

"Ok babe...wait...I've bought something you like."

Opening her case she pulled out the harness and cock. She took off her clothes, strapped the harness tightly around her body, the 7" cock projecting ready to make man-love to her girlfriend. She took a Cuban cigar out of the humidor, cut the end, and lit it. Marie was now frantically turned on. Chantal was sexually excited by her role playing.

She pulled her to the side of the bed, put her feet on the floor. Her thighs were now wide apart, open, ready to be entered. Marie felt the growing moisture between her legs. She was ready.

Puffing at the cigar between her lips, her cock ready to enter her lover, euphoric, the cocaine driving her body, Chantal was ready to make love to her girlfriend. She could see the moisture between her legs. Cigar in mouth, clouds of smoke coming from between her lips, she guided the penis into her lover. Marie gasped. It felt so good to have a cock inside her, so good that it was her girlfriend's. As Chantal started to pump Marie responded, involuntarily moving her hips as it moved in and out of her vagina.

"Oh my god... I love you, I love you, I love you..." Marie was experiencing a new level of sexual experience. Chantal pumped faster and faster, clouds of cigar smoke rolling out of her mouth. She felt an orgasm growing... and so did Marie. They felt it coming, like an unstoppable express train charging down the tracks. They both cried out as their bodies shook uncontrollably as they climaxed together with huge orgasms.

They were exhausted. Chantal unstrapped the harness, put her cigar out and climbed into bed. Marie followed. They held each other tight.

"Turn over babe."

Chantal spooned into her lover, her mound against Marie's curvy ass, her left hand over her full breast. She gently massaged her nipple.

"Lover." Marie had a question...

"Yes babe"

"Were you being my husband?"

"Is that what you'd like babe"


"Then you were being my wife, babe?"


"You're mine babe"

The cocaine was in decline. Chantal produced two sleeping pills and a glass of water.

Their warm bodies together as one, they fell asleep.


Marie was woken by a text message. "Good morning lovers  4.00 Tues, keep evg free to meet friend. Danielle xx"

Chantal stirred, "What is it, babe?"

Marie showed her the message and texted back, "Ok x."

A few minutes later a text appeared in on Chantal's phone.

"Can we meet for breakfast @ 9.30? George?"

"Ok -- cu dining room."

The girls looked stunning as hand in hand they entered the dining room. As usual they turned heads. George's was at a quiet table in the corner of the room. He stood up and kissed both girls on their cheeks.

"So how was the tennis?"

"Good George. Thank you for arranging it. Did Jen and Talia enjoy it too." Chantal wondered how much he knew.

"Yes, they loved being with you guys. They said you really made their weekend. They hope it won't be the last time!"

George continued," They are personal friends of Dmitri and he asked me to thank you both for looking after them." He discretely passed an envelope to Chantal. "If you enjoyed the weekend, he wondered if you would come down again in two weeks to look after the daughters of a very important Spanish client? One is eighteen, the other twenty. His client dotes on the girls -- they are over indulged, but they seem to have influence over him. He is a wealthy senior politician and important to Dmitri...what do you think?"

Marie needed a cigarette. She passed them round and lit up. That felt better. The lifestyle, unlimited coke and marijuana and looking at the envelope, the money. This was very tempting as long as it didn't interfere with her university studies. She needed to talk to Chantal...

"George, we'll talk about it. Give us a few minutes."

"He stood up, "Of course. Text me when you've ready."

The girls went back to their stateroom. Chantal opened the envelope. Inside was a bundle of fifty euro notes. There were forty notes, two thousand euros.

Chantal was very tempted "If we help Dmitri with his clients we'll make a lot of money... and meet some interesting people. What do you think babe?"

Marie didn't need to think about it, "If it's like this weekend I'm up for it."

"Me too babe. Let's tell George and sort out the deal."

Chantal negotiated. The details were agreed. The girls returned to their stateroom, very happy.

"We need something to celebrate...another line?" Marie tipped some powder onto the glass surface.

"Careful babe, this stuff's addictive. Just one line more."

She quickly made a line each. Using her credit card, a tightly rolled up a euro note, she snorted the addictive powder. Chantal followed. Within ten seconds they both felt the euphoria.

"Oooooh, this is sooo good...!" Marie was now feeling the full effect.

"It is babe..."


Laurent gave the extra case to Chantal and kissed both girls.

Dmitri's speedboat took the girls to the Monaco harbour. A taxi was waiting to take them to Nice Station. They caught the 11.53 high speed train to Paris and arrived six hours later.

Life had changed. They had seen a side of life that few glimpse. Perhaps they would see Jen and Talia again. In two weeks they'll be back on the yacht entertaining the young over indulged Spanish sisters. Why is Danielle so keen to meet up with them?

Their relationship was deepening. They really loved each other.

And the cocaine was amazing, really amazing...

To be continued.....

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

More!! Let them go the full way… perfefect Story so far

bcc1871bcc1871almost 3 years ago

And dont forget Jen!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I agree about the ending but the girls need to go down into the darkness for a while and explores the limits.

JoannexxJoannexxalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Thanks for your comments - really happy that you’re enjoying it. Marie is working hard on the next part of her story, but it’s taking time as she has a lot of coursework to finish. She’s young and exploring….and discovering.

grhkemgrhkemalmost 3 years ago

Hi Joanne, loving the story line and not sure who is using who lol

Chantal using Marie, are George and Laurent using/ prostituting the girls and is Dimitri using all of them???? so many crossovers keeps us hooked....not to mention the two sisters and the video lady.

I just hope you don't take the girls down the spiraling drug addict road that ruins their lives and destroys there happiness. Let them experiment but please let them come out the other side. A sad ending would destroy the story for me .... guess I'm just an old romantic who doesn't want the heroines to die in the final scene.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Just re-read Ch4. Wow! Bring on Ch5. Who is the friend of Danielle? Significant for Marie's future?

bcc1871bcc1871almost 3 years ago

Joannexx, In your great style, you will strike the right balance. Marie may need to get into some irreversible situations in her craving to discover. So be it; it's where she seems to want to go and others want to take her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This is a super erotic story, the mixture of sex and drugs is alive on the screen, and I feel i'm part of the action. I cant wait for the next installment! Keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

If Marie is to explore and experience all the actions and sensations she obviously craves, she must learn to flirt with danger. She is being led by others down her path of discovery. She may get singed on the way. She will make mistakes. She must take her lessons where they come. After all, she wants it and she can always say no!

JoannexxJoannexxalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Thanks guys. Your comments mean a lot. XX

Marie has a lot to learn. I’m slightly worried about where this is leading ….

She’s beautiful, clever and sexy, but young. Let’s hope she doesn’t fall into irreversible situations….

Xx Jo

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