Are We Who We Think We Are? Pt. 01


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"Tell me what I am going to do to you," I demanded.

"Ugh! You're going to fuck the shit out of me until your cum is oozing out of my cunt," she gasped.

"And tomorrow?" I asked.

"No, please," she begged, "please don't make me say that as well...Nnnnng argh!" I pushed as deep as I could into her wet hole and hauled back on her hair, bending her head and neck back sharply.

"Say it," I demanded, "Or I'll make you shout it before I am done."

I started making hard, full length thrusts into her as I let go of her hair and leaned forward to angle my cock down to push against her front wall dragging back and forth across her now sensitive G-spot.

"Oh fuck meeeee!" Sarah pleaded.

"SAY. IT." I demanded again, speeding up a little, "don't make me punish you some more."

"No, enough. Please!" she begged, "I don't want to say it."

I didn't know if she was really sincere, pushing my buttons or just playing the part, either way I wasn't going to accept that and since she didn't use her safeword I figured anything was fair game.

"Fine!" I stated as I pulled my cock out of her now gaping, wet cunt, "let's see if we can't change your mind."

I walked over to the dresser and picked up the remote vibrator again and laid it on the bed by her face. Then I slipped the blindfold back over her eyes and plugged up her ears with the headphones.

"Nooo, what are you doing. I can't cum anymore!" she whined.

"We'll see," I thought.

Jake slipped the blindfold back over my eyes and sat the headphones around my ears. As my sight and hearing were once again taken away, my mind awash with emotions and thoughts I couldn't process at the moment I felt the bed move again as Jake got up. I didn't know why I couldn't bring myself to say what he asked, I mean surely I had already said as much and worse tonight. Maybe it was because saying it, in detail, in a setting I knew I would be in tomorrow made it all very real. It DID scare me after all. I mean Jake isn't exactly small down there. Even my pussy is stretched a lot when he fucks me and tonight when he was just pounding into me there, wet as I was and wide as I felt I could still feel him pressing every part of my insides.

I wanted him to take me there, in the bum. To bugger me. God that word. Bugger! Just thinking it in terms of my bum made my cunt clench in excitement and fear.

Then I felt him on the bed again kneeling either side of my legs, sitting on my calves and the backs of my knees and one of the headphones was removed.

"Maybe a little warming up and practice is in order for you," he whispered in my ear, "give you an idea of what REALLY FULL feels like."

The headphone was replaced and I felt his hands slide down my back and onto my bum, rubbing each cheek firmly in circles pulling them apart and exposing, lewdly exposing me. What did he mean, really full? I WAS really full.

My answer came in three parts I was to find out as his hands left me for a moment before I left the cool drip of something oily running directly onto my bum hole shortly followed by a gentle pressure from his finger circling around and around it, teasing.

I didn't know what to feel. I mean fuck, if felt good but did I really want it. I clenched on his finger and was quickly rewarded with a sharp slap on my ass.

The lube I had bought was the best on the market according to the all too fucking helpful girl in the shop. I figured I might as well do myself a favour and only buy the best. Now I was in two minds because his finger was now sliding easily in and out of my bum a couple of inches and there seemed to be nothing I could do to stop it.

It didn't feel awful. It didn't even feel bad but I am not sure if it would ever get me off and then he slid his thumb into my pussy at the same time and lightly pinched the two digits together and he slid them in and out and I started to come undone, once again starting to crest into an orgasm.

The cruel bastard wasn't going to let that happen though and out slipped the fingers to be replaced by what I assumed must be one of the butt plugs he made me buy. I wasn't sure which but it certainly didn't fucking feel like the smallest one. So, with his thumb stroking my slippery cunt and clit he worked the plug into my bum a little at a time.

It is funny the effect having something push in up there has on so many levels. I felt cheap and dirty while at the same time feeling free and excited. I wanted to tell him to stop all the while knowing that the last thing I wanted him to do was stop. I was breathing in short shallow gasps as the plug widened out and then yelped as it passed the widest point and shot inside. Fuck, it felt like I had an arm up there.

Before I was even used to that feeling Jake started to gently push and pull it a fraction of an inch. Not content with that though I suddenly felt something slipping into my pussy and as it too widened out and slid into place neatly against my clit and g-spot I realised he had just put the remote vibe back in me.

The bed moved again and I felt Jake climb off me and the bed. A few seconds later I knew why.

"Oooooooooh fuck meeeee, nooooo," I gasped and the vibe sprang to life against my g-spot and clit. I couldn't help starting a kind of spastic clenching against it which in turn did indescribable things to the inside of my arse, still impaled on the plug.

My hips were churning now as Jake pressed down on my ass to hold me still for a second before another explosion of feeling hit me and the plug started to vibrate as well.

"Do you know why this remote vibrator was so expensive, why I wanted it in-particular?" Jake asked as he removed a headphone again.

I couldn't answer him, even if I knew the answer and my life depending on giving it. My brain had been shaken loose by the vibrators attacking me between my legs. I knew I was going to cum and I knew it was going to be a big one. This had all been too much today. Too much sensation and too much emotion and too much Jake.

I was coming undone.

Jake climbed back on the bed kneeling either side of my legs again and leaned down to my ear. "I wanted it because as well as vibrating inside and outside, as well as being remote controlled, it is designed specifically so that it can be used at the same time as your loving partner fucks the shit out of your pussy."

With that I felt him position the head of his cock between my lips and slowly ease forward. I opened my mouth but no sound came out. He had obviously lubed up his cock because it slid against the toy without effort as it pried apart my cunt.

I had too many feelings. His huge cock was trying to share space inside me with a vibrator and a butt plug both of which were completely unknown to me before today. I didn't think it was possible to feel this full and the pressure seemed to fill every part of my being. As he pushed deeper into me I could feel the tension building all over my body.

It felt like he was never going to stop going in. He felt truly massive now and the sensation beyond description. As I felt his pelvis finally press against my ass I swear I saw stars, or it might have been God I'm not sure but then the headphones came off again and he rasped "Fucking say it", as he pulled back and slammed into me again hard as he set about destroying my cunt with his cock and the last vestiges of my defiance with his repeated demand, "Fucking say it!".

My answer though was to crash head first into the biggest orgasm ever, dwarfing even the ones I had earlier. My voice tore free of my control and I howled like an injured animal, wailing incoherent sounds before Jake clamped his hand over my nose and mouth muffling the sound and cutting off my air.

I learned something else new about myself just then, laying there prone and tied to the bed, filled up and cumming. When Jakes hand stopped my means of breathing it was like a bomb went off in my pussy and my clit caught fire as my whole body went rigid. Every muscle straining and flexing hard as I actually felt my cum squirting out of me and around Jake. I heard Jake gasp and groan loudly as my cunt clamped down around him as he slammed balls deep inside and came far up inside me.

His hand was still over my mouth and pinching my nose trying to quiet me but it was just making it worse and when he pulled himself out of my pussy that slight release in pressure finally, irrevocably undid me and as I came I peed. I gushed and came and shook and howled into Jake's hand with what little air I had left.

With his other hand he grabbed the plug and fucked me with it a few times before pulling it from my ass and then grabbed the vibe in my pussy and pulled it out while I was still helplessly pissing on my own bed.

He let me have some air, removing his hand from my nose but kept it firmly clamped over my mouth as I came down. I was beyond any form of thought at that moment as he leaned in and whispered gently into my ear, "Now, be a good little girl and fucking say it or we start all over again!"

"Yes sir," I breathed. It took me a while to gain enough focus to formulate any other words.

"You are going to tie me to the dining room table and then bugger me until I squirt all over," I whispered and then added, "...please!"


Wow! Just Wow. I looked down at Sarah like I had never seen her before. Maybe I hadn't because the beautiful mess tied to the bed below me was nothing like the Sarah of the past. There she laid, eyes open but unfocused, the blindfold having slipped off in her orgasmic thrashing, taking slow deep breaths.

Her eyes were red and wet, the little makeup she had on was smudged all over and her nose had clearly also run. Sarah's beautifully kept hair was a complete mess, half in a ponytail and half everywhere. She had never looked more beautiful and I have never loved her or anyone or anything more.

I reached down and unclipped her ankles, leaving the cuffs on there for now then did the same with her wrists. She didn't move, still laying there stretched out prone. I laid down next to her along the length of her body, ignoring the wet mess that Sarah had made of the sheets.

"I love you," I whispered to her, "I love you so much. Thank you so much for trusting me and taking this chance."

"Hmmmm!" she hummed into the bed. "I never knew. Never imagined."

Sarah was quiet then for a short while as we just laid together. Then she turned to look right into my eyes and said, "If you promise to make this kind of mess of me again, then I am yours. Forever. I want to be your good girl but I also REALLY want to be your bad girl as well. I need you to help me find my bad girl side though."

Looking right back at her, into those big beautiful eyes that were offering me her heart and soul my own heart nearly burst.

"If you promise to always be honest with me so I never do anything you don't want, if you promise to be open and to tell me your darkest desires then my heart will always belong to you," I paused and then added, "actually, I think it already does belong to you forever," I smiled, "but it would be nice to get those promises out of you anyway my dirty little girl."

"I do," Sarah grinned at me and then continued, "it feels like getting married. I just said 'I do' and I'll soon be giving you my ring."

I had no answer to that and anyway I was laughing too much.

"Let's get you cleaned up and fix this mess," I suggested as I stood up. Sarah started to try and stand but dropped heavily back to a sitting position on the edge of the bed.

"My legs are like jelly. You have properly broken me," she groaned. Then she blushed suddenly a deep scarlet colour as she looked back at the destroyed bed.

"Oh my God, what did I do? What did YOU do to me?"

"Well, as for what you did, you certainly squirted a fair bit but I think it is also fair to say that you pissed yourself like the dirty girl that you are. As for what I did to you, if you don't know then I guess we'll have to do it again to see if you can figure it out," I laughed.

"Fuck it, we can't sleep in here. Let's clear up and then sleep in your room," she said.

"Really?" I asked, "are you sure... your mum and dad...."

"..are going to have to deal with it. Aside from the fact that there is no way they didn't hear me wailing when I came that last time, they need to understand that we are going to be together for the long haul."

"Oh!" hearing those last words, like that were something of a shock to the system.

"Well, when you put it like that then I guess so. Not sure how I will be able to look your mum in the eye again though if she heard that," there was definitely going to be a few awkward looks!

"I know," she said, renewing her blush, "at least I know they won't say anything about it. I think they'll just try and pretend nothing was heard. I am just pleased Emma isn't home this weekend."

I looked at her and grinned my best dirty grin. Emma is Sarah's slightly younger sister. I didn't see her that often and we got on well enough but Sarah had a real stick up her arse about any kind of flirting or chat between us. I had no idea if there was history between the two of them and boys or if something had been said between them about me but suddenly the idea of making Sarah scream in passion when her pretty sibling could hear was high on my list of punishments to mete out in the future.

"Whatever you are thinking, stop it. You'll have to make do with one dirty girl from this family," Sarah stated tartly, "come on, help me up".

I pulled Sarah up from the bed pulling her in close for a hug as I turned her and then sat her down on the chair by her dressing table.

"You take it easy gorgeous, the least I can do is clean up."

I set about clearing up the room, throwing the toys in a bag before stripping the bedding off. Fortunately, Sarah has a mattress comforter over the mattress itself and this appeared to have taken the brunt of the damage so I stripped that as well and turned back to Sarah.

She was sat slumped in the chair with her legs wide apart gently and carefully touching around her pussy and arse. She saw me looking at her and smiled, "you really did a job on me. I'm so sensitive that it feels like I might still come if a stiff breeze hits me but it's so intense, I can hardly bear to touch it."

"Well if you keep doing that in front of me there is every chance I'll take that choice away from you," I said deliberately looking down at my slowly enlarging cock.

"Stay away, this pussy is out of service for the rest of tonight," she laughed.

"Maybe I'll make use of that pretty mouth of yours then. Come on, let's get you into bed. You are going to need some rest before tomorrow." I moved over and picked up Sarah out of the chair, holding her laid in my arms.

"Get the door" I said as we left her room and the smell of sex and what not behind us for the night.

I started to wake slowly pressed against Jake with my head nestled into his shoulder and my arm draped across his chest and one leg over his thigh. I was naked, and I was gently grinding my hips against that leg. My eyes shot open in realisation. Shit! We were at my parents and I was in his bed and... Oh God! My room. Shit. Shit. Shit.

I looked up and saw Jake looking down at me, smiling slightly as he lifted a finger to brush a few stray hairs out of my face.

"Calm down," he whispered, "I fixed your room last night after you fell asleep while I was still carrying you in here. The toys are put away and the bedding is already through the laundry."

"Fuck!" I said out loud, "what did you do to me last night?"

"Well, WE did many things but mainly I think you learned a few new things that you might like," he laughed, "and, judging by the way that you are still rubbing my leg down there you might be looking for more perhaps?"

I went rigid and I swear I could actually feel my face, neck and chest going scarlet as I realised I was still slowly humping his leg like some kind of a bitch in heat. What was happening to me?

"Look at me, Sarah," he said quietly but firmly. It took every ounce of control I could muster to drag my eyes up to meet his.

"Last night was the most amazing experience of my life. It was like the universe suddenly coming together and making sense to me and it did that through you. I can't say for sure what you are thinking or how you really feel about it and about us and this path we are going down but I think it did for you as well. I want........, no I need you to know though that nothing you did last night changes who you really are, the kind of person you really are. I think you just got to see what has been hiding inside, not allowed out because you have been trained to be something else."

I couldn't look away now and I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. I tried to speak but my throat was too tight to form sounds. Jake smiled and used the arm I was lying on to pull me up a little so our faces were only an inch or so apart then he leaned in and kissed me and it felt like the first kiss I'd ever had all over again.

With his arms wrapped round me we kissed and I cried and poured all my love and life and lust into him. As he squeezed me tighter to the side of his hard chest I realised that my traitorous hips had started grinding again, having found the very useful ridges of Jake's hip bones.

Without saying anything I swung my leg fully over him and positioned myself over his erection and slowly sank down, never once breaking the soul expending kiss we were sharing. Fuck, my pussy was still so sensitive I thought I might cum before I bottomed out. Our hips moved slowly together, synchronous and sinuous as he shared ourselves with each other through our open mouths.

I was close to cumming when we started and soon felt myself reaching the point of no return. I was perhaps a few seconds away when I remembered, "Please, sir. May I cum?"

Jake looked me right in the eyes and just said, "No".

He grabbed me round the waist with one arm and used the other to flip us over with him on top as he drove down into me. "You don't cum until I do." With that he leaned down again and captured my mouth as his hips worked hard, pounding into me, making embarrassing, wet sploshy sounds and my pussy, with a mind of its own, wept for joy.

I was clutching the sheets at my sides now, desperately fighting back an orgasm when he undid me completely. Pushing himself up on his arms and pulling away from me Jake drew his knees under him and wide apart. Then sitting upright he pulled my hips up onto him leaving my back arched down onto the bed as he sped up his thrusting. Only now, the angle had changed and the head of his big cock was dragging back and forth across my G-spot.

Looking right into my eyes he said, "no cumming without permission," as he pressed a thumb against my clit and rubbed it hard and fast.

I didn't even have time to ask. I was cumming and I was cumming hard and I was gushing again. Where did I even have this much liquid to spare? Then as I was starting to come down I felt him swell inside me and he started to grunt, breaking his rhythm as his hips jerked. For the second time in my life the inside of my pussy was painted white and the thought of it along with everything else kicking me back over the edge.

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NaughtyJo73NaughtyJo735 months ago

When are you going to give us part two of this?

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

First story I’ve loved so much that I needed to write a comment.

Beautiful written story. Great characters.

paulb85paulb85over 2 years ago

Well done, excellent story beautifully told. A great page turner.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Loved it. Especially the mild humiliation of making her do things while her parents are sleeping nearby. The good girl turned bad trope is the best. Looking forward to reading more :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great Story

Wonderful piece of writing, looking forward to more! I bet this is based more on memory than you would like to admit, which is why things like location are not what you would actually choose? I bet the comments about too much happening and location either haven't written anything or create stuff that is so perfect in content that it is not believable. The way you write Sarah is brilliant, made me want her, to be able to experience doing those things to her. Please write more! but you might want to consider breaking it into slightly smaller chunks :D

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I agree with the other commenters, in that it's a little unfair that everything is happening at her parent's house, and that he is overdoing it a bit and not really following good BDSM protocol. However, the category for this is noncon, so his actions are fine for now. Hopefully, he learns to be a better sir for Sarah as the story progresses. Also, orgasm denial is one of my favorite kinks, and it's very fitting for this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Pretty good! But you were correct - too wordy

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

well written and sexy, although I think he really overdid it for a first timer, it wojld be more enjoyable to be eased intobit by trying out one thing at a time, also, not fair doing the first time in the parents' house, more privacy is needed for such stuff, he really is a newbie, also, orgasm denial is a double-edged sword, I don't believe in it and hate guys who deny orgasms, come on, if you're going to treat me like that, the least you can do is make sure I get off every time to make it worth my while... So, in sum, his behaviour wasn't quite my cup of tea, but definitely well written

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I am running

I loved it. I could totally imagine that it was me Jake was doing those things to and then when I went into Sarah's head when Jake was tormenting her I just flooded.

The scenes towards the end had me shaking. I had decided not to get myself off until the end and I am so pleased I did.

Please tell me that there will be a part 2, and 3, and 4. I want to hear about Sarah losing her butt cherry and see if her friend with the asshole boyfriend feature in the story. I have a theory.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

couple of typos but really great

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