Becoming a Cuckold Ch. 14


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"I may love Andre too, but you are the first, and best part of my life. You've made the rest possible by accepting my nature and allowing me to live it. You've shown me more love than I probably deserved, and I can't thank you enough for the love you've shown me despite the heartache I've given you. If you would all excuse me, including you, Andre. I need to fuck my husband. You're welcome back here any time after tonight, but tonight, Richard gets all of my attention."

The others quickly dressed and left and I got the very best blow job I've ever received, even better than the one I got from Beth. After she got me hard again, she fucked me for well over an hour, using every trick in her expanded repertoire to make me a happy man. She was wildly successful.


Thus we entered the next stage of our relationship. Andre moved back in, but I didn't re-enter into submission to him with Marnie, though I remained as submissive as I was before. I never put on my cuckold jewelry again. As far as I was concerned, Andre and I were more co-equal partners, not bull and cuckold. We just happened to love the same woman.

I still had sex with him, but it was when I wanted, and not when he did. We'd been intimate enough that sharing Marnie wasn't really an issue. Having our dicks touch when we fucked her together wasn't a problem and he still knew how to make me cum.

I don't think I've ever met a happier man than Andre was when he moved back in with us, nor one who looked forward to having kids as much, regardless of whose they were. I knew he'd probably give his life for my child as much as I would for Marnie.

Marnie also blossomed. She loved having two men who adored her, one her husband, the other one her Master.


"Hurry up, Cuck boy," Andre called. "I've cut off her slave jewelry and inserted the temporary stuff into Marnie's nipples. She's dressed and ready to go. What's taking you so long?"

"Some big cocked asshole threw her go bag into the guest bedroom closet because he kept tripping over it. Not my fucking fault."

Andre laughed. "I'll accept that."

We each grabbed an arm and escorted Marnie down to the garage and into the front seat of the car. Andre climbed in the back and started rubbing Marnie's shoulders.

"You remember how to breathe, right? Panting breaths," Andre said.

"I was at the Lamaze classes too, you know," Marnie said. "In fact, I attended every one, Master. You two took turns."

"She's got us there," I said.

It wasn't that far to the hospital. We helped Marnie to the maternity ward and they took charge of her.

"Who's the father?" the admitting nurse asked.

I handed her our insurance information. "For purposes of the birth certificate, you may put Richard Ryan Farber," I said, "but for purposes of going into the delivery room, we both are." I pointed to my compatriot in crime.

She looked at us in surprise. I explained, "We're a modern romance, a polyamorous throuple, one woman, two guys. We share one big bed. For all practical intents and purposes, we'll both be fathers. They let anyone into the delivery room with a video camera now, so this shouldn't be that big of a deal. He'll do the filming for posterity."

She looked at the two of us speculatively. I noticed she didn't have a wedding band on her left hand. "Sometimes we allow others into the bed," I said. "We're a little kinky that way. If you ever want to join us, let us know."

"Richard, you dog," Andre said. "Your wife is delivering your child and you're trying to pick up the nurse?"

"It's not as if my wife wouldn't fuck her too. I mean look at her. Cute as a button."

"You are kidding me, right?" she asked.

I checked her name tag. "Ms. Flynn, is it" I said, "I kid you not. My big dicked friend here has a cock that's at least ten inches long. Have you ever measured it, Andre?"

"Can't say I have, but that sounds about right."

"At least ten," I said, holding my hands about ten inches apart, "and he knows what to do with it. Did you know he used to fuck people for a living? Damn good at it, though I never had to pay him for sex.

"You know, Andre, my son is probably not going to be as generously endowed as you are. Too bad."

"Maybe the next boy will be luckier," Andre said.

"But if he has a big dick, that probably means the cops will stop him for no reason more often."

"The trials and tribulations of being a black man, Richard. Comes with the territory, just like the big dicks."

"Speaking of big dicks. The next time Marnie wants a baby, I think I should get to fuck Marnie twice before I turn you loose on her."

"Seems about right since you're about half the size and I'll inject my sperm a lot deeper than you."

"Okay, now I know you guys are kidding," Ms. Flynn said.

I leaned over her hand and kissed it. I whispered, "I'm not kidding about the size of his cock. It really is impressive." Ms. Flynn blushed.

"You say the funniest shit, Richard," Andre said, laughing. "You should hit the open mike night at the comedy club."

I grinned and signed the paperwork the nurse pushed across the desk.

"Thanks for your help, Ms. Flynn. I've enjoyed chatting with you. Where do we go to gown up."

She pointed down the hall. "Birthing Suite 3."

"One of us has to remind my wife to pant," I said. "Of course, she's used to having large objects in her vagina, so she pants naturally."

Andre hit my arm. "You are so fucking bad."

"Helped ease the tension, though, didn't it. You looked as nervous as I feel."

As we walked down to Birthday Suite 3, Andre asked, "Do you think she'll take the bait."

"It really doesn't make any difference. I have plenty of sexual partners. More than should be legal, really."

"Too true."

We got to the room and were issued gowns, booties and masks. The nurse reminded us to wash hell out of our hands. Andre wiped down his phone with antiseptic wipes for the photo opportunity.

"Personally," I said, "I'm worried about you spoiling our kid rotten. I think you've already purchased half of the Disney movies ever made."

"Madeline is my buying assistant. She tells me what to buy and I buy it."

"You can't listen to kids, you big dope. They have no self control. That's what parents are for, to guide and direct their children upon the proper paths, not turn them into greedy, entitled twits."

"What the fuck would I know about parenting?"

"You know a lot about parenting. You raised yourself and did a damn fine job. Just follow my lead and you can't fuck it up."

"I wish I had your confidence. I'm so nervous."

We entered the actual suite where Marnie was attached to a baby monitor with an attending nurse. Both of us leaned down to kiss her cheeks. She clutched our hands.

"Her cervix has dilated to 13 centimeters and the contractions are regular and a few minutes apart," the nurse said. "It shouldn't be too long before the head starts to crown. The OB should be here in the next fifteen minutes to attend the birth."

"How are you doing, honey?" I asked.

"I'm starting to feel like it will be a cold day in hell before I let another cock anywhere near me. Oh, boy, another contraction is starting."

"Pant, Marnie," Andre said, demonstrating.

"He's so cute," I said. "You should have seen him trying to seduce the intake nurse. Pathetic."

"That was you, Richard. I'm too nervous to seduce anyone."

Marnie interrupted her panting to say, "I believe Andre on this one." Then she started panting again.

"Just trying to keep it light," I said, grinning.

She squeezed my hand and smiled up at me. Her contraction eased. "You probably told her about Andre's big dick, didn't you?"

I shrugged my shoulders innocently. She squeezed my hand again. "Just in case she was lesbian leaning, I might have mentioned you'd love to fuck her too."

Marnie laughed. "That must have done wonders. Mention the fat pregnant lady to her."

"I don't know," I said. "There's been a sexual aura about you for the last several months. You know Andre and I couldn't keep our hands off you. If I'm not mistaken, Andre might have caused your water to break, he was so deep inside you."

I made this nurse blush too.

"Oh, Richard, I love you so much."

"I love you too, toots."

"Another contraction coming."

She started panting again.

The doctor came in and saw both Andre and I there. "Is this the father?" she asked. I was always the one who went to her doctor appointments with her. We'd never disabused her of the notion raised during our first visit that the child had a different father than me.

"No, doc, this one is all mine. My wife played a trick on me. The next one will be more iffy. As it turns out, it doesn't really matter to any of us."



The doctor looked up inside Marnie's birth canal. "Looks dilated to around 16 centimeters. The head is starting to crown. You can go ahead and push with your next contraction, Mrs. Farber."

She took a seat in front of Marnie so she could catch the baby.

"Andre, you're supposed to be filming this. You have one simple job," I said.

"Suck my dick!"

"I have, many times. Get your phone out."

He flipped me a bird, but pulled his phone out and moved in front so he could tape the delivery. I sat beside Marnie and patted her hand and rubbed her cheek and stroked her arm and everything else I could do make her feel better about pushing our son out of her body. It took about fifteen to twenty more minutes before we heard our son squall for the very first time.

"Healthy set of lungs," I said.

The doctor laid him on top of Marnie's belly after he was wiped off. Red, wrinkled, practically hairless, but he was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

"You were right, Richard," Andre said.

"About what?"

"He's got a real tiny dick."

I laughed.

"Well, if he's anything like his father," Marnie said. "He's got a heart so huge it will more than make up for it."

"Did you buy the cigars?" I asked Andre.

"I thought you were buying the cigars."

"I thought you wanted cigars as big as your cock. I'm not going to hold it up alongside to measure it."

Marnie laughed. "Would you please stop with all the dick shit. You're embarrassing me, and probably the hospital staff, too."

"Andre can't help it. It's all he has going for him," I said. "Me, I can make a girl squeal on my tongue." I stuck it out and wiggled it around a little.

Finally, the doctor and the nurse began to laugh, and I figured my work there was done.


When they shooed us out of Marnie's room to let her rest a little, we went out to the waiting room where all our friends were waiting for us. Serena looked ready to pop, maybe a week or so away from her own delivery. Regina was seven months along, and Evelyn was four months into her pregnancy. My sister, Alexandra, Vickie, Connie, and Cheryl were all there, along with Herbert and Everett.

"I was hoping coming to the hospital would make Venus decide to vacate the premises," Serena said, rubbing her distended tummy. "She's refusing to cooperate."

"Sorry we can't hand out cigars, everyone," I said. "Andre forgot to get them."

"Doesn't matter," Bill said. "We can't smoke them in the hospital anyway, and I seem to recall you saying you were going to buy the cigars."

"Traitor," I said, and Andre laughed.

"Once again, you were accusing the black man of malfeasance, when it was the white man who fucked shit up, you racist pig."

"You two squabble like an old married couple," Alexa said.

"Hey sis. I know, and it's only been four months. I think our relationship is doomed. I should divorce them all, but I'll stay together for the sake of the children. By the way, mother and child are doing well."

"I'll let Mom know."

I gave her a hug. "Do you have any clue who that person is standing in the corner like she's being punished?"

"I do and she is being punished. Her name is Sonia. Why don't you come meet the little tart."

We walked over to the corner where a young blonde woman stood, facing the walls.

"Turn around, Sonia."

Sonia turned facing us. "Display, Sonia."

"Mistress, we're in a hospital."

Alexa unbuttoned the top button of Sonia's blouse. From what I could see, she didn't have a bra on. Sonia tried to refasten the button, but Alexa slapped her fingers. "Display, Sonia."

"Mistress," she whined.

Alexa undid the next button down. "Are you going to make me strip you naked before you follow orders?"

Sonia reluctantly displayed, her legs spread wide, hands clasped behind her head, shoulders back, making her blouse stretch tight across her chest, Definitely braless. Alexa brushed the back of her fingers over Sonia's taut buds, making them poke out even more.

Seeing the young woman standing in an easily recognized slave position, the others drifted over. Poor Sonia blushed even harder and she trembled as she was surrounded. Andre came up and put his arm around me.

"What do we have here?" Andre said.

"Everyone, this is Sonia. Sonia, this is everyone. I'll introduce all of them to you later, but the young man who has red hair like me is my brother, Richard. The black stud with his arm around him is his lover, Andre. Richard's wife is the one who just delivered the baby we came to see. Would you like to tell everyone why you're so special, Sonia?"

"I'm a virgin, Mistress." Blushing.

"Twenty-one years old and still a virgin. I was amazed when she told me. Knew almost nothing about sex, not even how to kiss. She has become quite the talented little cunt licker, though she has a long way to go."

Sonia reddened further. If she only knew she was among people who understood, she might not be so frightened.

"Would you like to explain why you were standing in the corner, Sonia?" Alexa asked.

"Please don't make me tell, Mistress."

Alexa calmly reached over and unbuttoned a third button. Her blouse was now undone to the middle of her breasts. Sonia was looking panicked.

"I wouldn't let Mistress put a bunny tail in my ass." She choked back a sob.

I put a hand on Sonia's waist and leaned in close and whispered. "Don't worry, Sonia. Everyone here knows everything you're going through. No one thinks you're strange. Submit and obey. Everything will be all right. Take a deep breath. You have to trust your Mistress won't do anything to harm you."

Sonia looked into my eyes, swallowed, took a deep breath, and some of the panic left her face. She smiled. Cute girl.

I stepped back and smiled at her in return.

Alexa put her hand on my arm. "I've chosen you to take Sonia's virginities. I know you'll give her a good experience."

"That's for sure," Vickie said. "Richard knows how to treat a woman right."

"Don't spoil her for the rest of us, Cuck boy," Andre said.

"I'm sure she'll have your big, black cock plumbing her depths in no time, Andre," Alexa said. "I just don't want to scare her off. We're giving her birth control time to take hold first, aren't we, slave?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"You may relax now, Sonia."

"May I button my blouse, Mistress?"

"No you may not. Don't disobey me in the future."

"Yes, Mistress."

A nurse came to the waiting room. "Those people waiting to see the Richard and Marnie Farber baby, the baby is now available for viewing. Follow me please."

Since Andre and I had seen Junior up close and personal already, and the large number of others, we remained where we were and let the others get a good look.

"You've got your son, Richard," Andre said. "Congratulations."

"Thank you. He's as much yours now, as he is mine."

"For which I thank you again. You will never know how much it meant to me to become a part of your family."

"I can guess. I could always see the longing in your eyes, the desire to have something you never did."

"And somehow, you found a way to include me when I had no hope I would ever have something like this. Marnie is right. Your son might have the biggest heart in the world if he's anything like you."

I squeezed his hand. Andre was my friend, my sometimes lover, my partner in the relationship I had with Marnie. He gave her something I could never give, and it wasn't sex, as much as I might have thought so in the beginning. He gave her control, a Dominant who catered to her submission. I gave her permission to seek his Dominance. Together, we gave her happiness and a fulfilling life.

Nor was Marnie the only one who wanted that Dominance. Serena and Connie did too. They enjoyed their submission as much as Marnie did. Their husbands enjoyed their cuckoldry. They accepted that there was a part of their wives which they couldn't touch, because it wasn't in their natures, but the part that remained was worth it. Andre, while not taking over for their Mistress, had tempered their submission to them. He convinced Connie and Serena not to use cock cages unless their husband was being punished. They were free to enjoy the arousal they felt when their wives were fucked by others.

I was still aroused by seeing my wife cum on Andre's big dick. If you truly love someone, isn't it natural to want to see your loved one happy? To know that even if you can't provide some small part of their happiness, you've given them the freedom to find another source for it?

Marnie never begrudged me having sex with someone else, even those she considered her closest rivals for my affection. They weren't really rivals, because I could never imagine myself without Marnie in my life, though I did care a great deal for all of them, and I loved teasing Marnie with the idea she might have to compete for my love, just as she enjoyed teasing me about Andre. I found myself quite contented with my life and my part in it. When this part of my life first started on Joshua's ship, I'd been angry and confused. Neither of those emotions colored my world anymore.

"Damn, Richard," Connie said, "you sure produce cute kids. I might need you to breed me in the future, just so I have kids that adorable."

I looked up at her. "Make sure you get the permission of your Master first. He might have some other ideas for your breeding."

Andre said, "She could do worse than you."

"Or you," I replied. "She could do much worse than you."


This concludes Becoming a Cuckold. These characters will return in other writing, essentially any and everywhere that William Thornhill appears.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

OK, I'll start by saying that I didn't enjoy this as much as WBDP, AToS or the Beth saga - not into cuck stories, read it for the crossovers, which I did enjoy. Struggled with the m/m stuff, not my meat (!) at all.

However, as an attempt by (I presume) a non-submissive hetero guy to write a male submissive to equal Beth, Julia or Marcia, I've got to applaud the attempt, even if not entirely successful. I couldn't empathise with Richard at all - probably because I'm a dominant hetero guy. But thanks for trying. Was interesting reading - twice, but probably not again.

I guess people do this stuff though - why can you buy cock cages if nobody uses them? can't all be for weekend warriors.

BTW, I brought up two kids, not mine, by getting with a divorcee who already had them. I'm proud of them both.

I thought Marnie, as a manipulative little cow, was well-written. Manipulative to the end.

Sahar was the most sympathetic character for me, very good characterisation.

Concerned about the randomly-fathered kids being produced by the other cuck couples - a half-black kid with two white parents, especially in the US, is bound to have problems in school, maybe later, too.

As for all the shite spewed by the (mostly anonymous) hate commenters - well, one of your supporters wrote that they were probably reading one-handed. We have a word for that on this side of the wet patch. Wankers.

I gave every chapter 5 stars, not because I loved every one, but to counter, at least to some extent, the aforesaid wankers. I ask again, if someone put any work of literature (Great Gatsby, Hemingway, pick your own) on the wrong shelf, would it turn to shit?

Thanks for trying to broaden minds - you've probably succeeded, at least with minds that were already open. Bigots, by definition, are closed-minded.

Dixon (UK)

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I don't think there is a single likeable character in this mess. Thank god I didn't read all the preceding chapters.

Nato_Nato_over 1 year ago

Marnie is a evil bitch. Richard and Andre should run off together and have a more loving relationship


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Marnie is a fking lying bitch. Thats it. However she want to try justified her action. She basically forced her husband to accept her condition. Should have Richard and Andre ditch Marnie and find anther girl who wont manipulate their suppose "love one", it would be more satisfying than this half assed story. But again she didnt need to make these drama between them to get what she want. She can tell them what she want to them normally. She is not a bad character. This is just a bad story.

LeifsonLeifsonalmost 2 years ago

I would not have read this series normally, because I am not interested in cuckolding or inter-racial. But I gave it a try because of shared characters from other series. On the whole, I am glad I did. Not going focus on the things I didn't like, but thought you might appreciate some of the things I did.

I liked the character Andre quite a bit, and thought you did a good job of showing how he cared for Richard and Marnie. I think it clear that Andre's domination was strongly influenced by his sex-worker background. I think Andre made a number of small adjustments (no cock cage. etc.), using his experience to help give clients what they wanted. I speculate that as an inexperienced dominant, Andre didn't feel empowered enough to change major things. Like the cuckolding which he inherited from Marnie. He figured that was what the couple wanted, and worked to give it to them.

One of the reasons I wanted to read the series, was to see how Richard might have developed "Beth levels of submissive service" as demonstrated in the My Descent to Slavery series. But frankly I thought that aspect of Richard's character development arc fell a bit short. I think this might have been in part because of the other character development arc that I did like; Richard discovering that he wasn't really a cuckold. It started as Marnie's desires, then her domination, and than Richard mostly went along without much chance for looking at alternatives. The timing of discovering this submissive service focus while still being unhappy with cuckolding, and than giving up submission to a dominant altogether in the end just made things feel a bit muddled. Perhaps it just needed a bit more development on Richard's part, understanding how these two things coexist?

And lastly, I agree with several other commenters that Marnie does not come off so well as a person. Her little trick with the pregnancy comes off more as reinforcing her desires for a cuckold husband, than it does as an act of love. Having said that, the resolution that Richard learns more about what he truly wants while ending up in a poly-thruple is a satisfying conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

1* - just skimmed thru it and that was all that was needed. What a pathetic imagination.

mattenwmattenwabout 2 years ago

Funny to see an author in his own statement that he gave a crap to the comments of the "haters" but then commented anyway. One commenter I think got it right: "it takes a lot of weird imagination to write crap like this"! I only read this chapter because I wanted to know how a series that exceeds 4.5 in one chapter can go down to 3.2. And I have to say that the 3.2 are still far too good when they rate the content! In terms of writing, I think the author has a lot on it and can certainly tell better stories!

M_R_M_R_about 2 years ago

I've enjoyed your other epic stories and started reading this one when it became clear there was a connection to MVoS and MDiS. I'd avoided this one till then due to the title and didn't enjoy the early chapters but came to like Richard more as the story developed. I can only agree with FirstClassFlirt that "Marnie has not been a great wife from day one, and this fucked up trick of hers was just the latest in a series of her doing what she feels like to get what she wants. So, no I don’t think she deserves him." I was disappointed she didn't get what she deserved but look forward to seeing Richard reappear in one of your other stories without her!

dirtywhiteboy67dirtywhiteboy67over 2 years ago


Please ignore all of these pissants who keep badmouthing your stories. As I'm sure you have noticed, most only signed in under Anonymous. That shows me that they don't have the balls to identify themselves. I guess balless bitches are probably involuntary cucks. That's why they are so mad. Then again it might just be one jealous person who can't write a decent story posting multiple derogatory comments.

Anyway, while it wasn't exactly my style it did connect with several of the other stories very well. And now that Richard is no longer a slave to Andre I would like to see more of this story.

Thank you

The Dirty White Boy


cyberphotocyberphotoover 2 years ago

You should create a timeline showing the dates for all these stories since they all overlap, like this one ended last spring in 2021, It would be really interesting seeing a timeline and seeing how they all overlap each other.

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