Bullied into a Schoolgirl Sissy Pt. 03


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Alone in a corner with the other leftover males. To choose whether to fight for used up things and leftover dishes... or.

So much pain, suffering, lies. For what do we struggle, men of lesser standing? Why should we fight a war that is without any hope to win?

But now there was another way. Clear as day in my mind:

No need to fight, to struggle. No need for violence and shows of false strength. No more need to live a life of constant defeats.

Only one final surrender and it would all end. My role... redefined.

The social hierarchy had another place to fill. And even thou everybody understood that it was at the very bottom. It was too enticing now.

So tempting to fall to that utter degradation of what biology had aspired for us "men".

*~That is where I belong. ~*

The shape of that social niche called to me:

A female, in all but reproductive capacity, all the pleasure, comfort and joy that a female can provide. Without the need to care for any offspring's she spews forth.

An easy thing, to be used for pleasure. A low-cost pet, obeying every command. Secured to their Master, not for money or social standing; but for simple pleasure, safety... and love.

A truly pleasant side dish, no real competition against other alpha females; always at the bottom. Just a thing to provide pleasure, comfort and fun to the dominant pair.

It didn't use to be this way:

Before, this role could only be filled by the most beautiful, the most female-like of us. True Alphas only finding the best of us even slightly attractive and worth the attention.

The rest finding their "Alphas" from whatever beta took them in. A half-fulfilled desire, again taking the crumbs of what society left us. And having to be happy about it.

~But not me... not now...~

Slowly but surely I found the world turning. More and more of us realizing that they too can fit into this role. Be that beautiful little object of desire, attractive even to the best of them.

I wished for it.

A world full of sissies, beautiful and feminine. A world where every true Alpha had their pick.

*~Where all of us could serve them...~*

My road was clear in this dream. I would be one of them. Happily serving at the feet of a powerful man.

And all I would sacrifice to be that safe, fun, pleasure-full object:

*~My genes will die with me.~*


Sleep didn't feel restful at all.

Even thou I had done practically nothing with that "free" day, my body felt as if it had just run a full marathon. Dull aching feeling with every movement and effort. My legs and ass heavy under unseen strain.

I grabbed my thighs and butt during that quick foggy morning shower. ~Did they grow even more during the night?~

~Perhaps the changes to my body were continuing... perhaps this is where all my energy is going.~

Soon enough I was in front of that closet once more. A terrible choice presenting itself, and becoming laughable immediately afterwards.

Something inside me had already accepted the change, my role, the dress.

As I felt the skirt rising over my wide hips and thick thighs I knew it. ~I could never again present myself as a man~.

The only choice that was actually a choice at all would be from those preselected options: Between innocence and smuttiness: high heels or low "Lolita".

After much consideration, I could not imagine my first day in this new role as a "Pastel sissy" strutting around the school in those high heels. Perhaps being just that much shorter would hide me from attention just that tiny bit more.

The low heeled loli shoes, with their small blue leather bows in front looked from a bygone era. The sound of that one-inch wooden heel on the hard floor: small and fragile.


I took my first step outside, the long hair that I had let loose moving with the cold morning breeze. I felt the skirt swaying and lifting slightly, and the chill licked up to where my black panties reached.

Instantly I regretted all of my decisions: I felt completely exposed.

Even with that blazer, the long hair hiding my cheeks on both sides and my backpack wrapping behind me. Everything felt wrong, too open, not covered.

The long socks that rose all the way up my thighs did not provide any safety from the wind nor from the sight of the people walking around. The crop top blazer did not do anything to shield that, near transparent, blouse from the elements.

Even the uniform had been designed to send direct messages into my subconscious: "You are not safe, you are vulnerable, you are exposed."

The second step into the world reaffirmed all those feelings, but with it, another lancing feeling of sinful pleasure rose up through my waist.

*~I'm on display~*

I flinched with the intrusiveness of the thought, but nevertheless, enjoyed it.


The walk to the school was not exceedingly long, only ten minutes separated a safe place from one that seemed like utter hell.

The sensation of vulnerability never left me, and I understood what had happened a bit more during that walk.

~Just like that mouse I was pushed down to my place... and now, just like it, I am accepting that this is where I belong. ~

I felt gilt tainting that thought.

I was out, in the open world, showing myself not as a man, not even as a dominant woman or anything close to powerful at all: I was a cute little thing, full of bows and childish innocence.

All to reflect one thing: I was prey.

I got closer to that place, that looming castle of domination, where I was going to serve.

Just like prey in the wild, as I got closer to danger my senses went into overdrive. I looked around furiously, attempting to focus on everything at once. Everyone else seemed so large, even other girls, specially girls from other houses, so tall and strong.

I stepped onto the sidewalk of the school and my eyes found a group of four girls, one pastel and the others from green and red house. A sharp stab of fear shot through my back as I recognized what was happening:

The pastel girl was begging, whimpering; One girl of red house was pulling her hair back, forcefully holding the pastel in place. Another girl had taken away her large collar-bow and held it on one hand, high in the air.

I cautiously got close enough to hear what was happening:

'Please! I cant miss any more classes! They will fail me!'

The girl holding the bow was smiling devilishly. 'You are already a failure, why not go and whore yourself out to see if someone can give you a new bow. You are not getting this one back!'

The girl holding the bow was another redhead, but unlike me, her hair was pulled back into a neat high ponytail and looked clean and in control.

Her uniform adorned in bright red and deep black seemed almost evil, her bows were not rounded and soft like ours; but rather every aspect was sharp and pointed.

She was tall, and even taller on those sharp stiletto heels. They reminded me of the ones Angel used, bright red hidden underneath on the sole.

The girl holding the pastel had black hair with violet highlights and a short bob cut. Her shoes not sharp but rather military in their appearance, heavy texturing on the sole, blocky heel and strong lines.

She handed the pastel another heavy pull and brought her down to the ground, her knees hitting the stone paving with a hard thump.

'Please, just give it back... I already do everything you want... I am your bitch...' she brought her hands over to her face and covered it as she sobbed.

I saw the expression of sadistic pleasure of the girls as the one with the bow dropped it on a small puddle on the ground and then relished the moment when the pastel crawled towards it, dragging her exposed knees on the pavement to reach that soiled thing.

I looked around to see other pastels staring at the event. Both fear and lust were visible in their eyes.

'Thank you, Mistresses.' the pastel said with tearful eyes.

I found the whole event dreadful and I decided that however dangerous men could be; Girls were even more dangerous and cruel.

I held my backpack between my arms, holding it tightly in a symbolic search for security.

I saw a group of girls walking together, all pastels and felt the urge to join them.

~Safety in numbers... even if the whole herd was walking to the slaughterhouse~

When I reached the group, six girls and one very feminized boy greeted me with a knowing look. Nearly all of them were taller than me, even amongst other Pastels, I was tiny.

A girl with blonde hair pulled to the side was walking right besides me, she smiled as she glanced at me, then looked me up and down and took another step closer.

'New?' she whispered, almost in my ear.

I gave a quick nod.

All of our movements constricted by the social force of outside stares. We were a pack of prey, all it would take was a false movement and someone would pick us out from the herd.

'Blossom.' Stated the girl. Indeed, I found a pastel hairpin with a flowery design adorning her hair.


I thought about what to say in response but as I opened my mouth, I found my old name unfit for this new persona of mine.

She realized at once.

'If you don't pick out a name, someone will eventually stamp a new name on you.'

She pointed with her eyes at the girl being dragged around behind that group of evil women.

'Bimbo there, probably doesn't even remember her old name.'

I swallowed and thought about possible options: 'I will choose one soon... thank you for the advice.'

She smiled again and gave a quick reassuring nod. Her green eyes and blond hair, making her look so pure and elven.

Our group of pastels was reaching the main entrance when a loud boulder rushed by us. Breaking our small gathering with his mere size. The other pastels fleeing at once. Soon it was only Blossom and me, with him blocking the way.

'Hey sexy flower! Who your friend?!' his loud voice asked Blossom.

The sight of him froze me in place. His size, his power, his smell. I had been kneeling at his feet once before, but now... now he seemed like a giant in comparison to the man who I remembered.

The beast.

I felt myself sink. The fog rolled in stronger and thicker than before. One word from him and I would drop to my knees.

I remembered his power, his strength, his taste.


Only the vivid image of that alley tied me down to reality. I was not his, I didn't really belong to anyone... not yet.

Blossom was as frozen as me, no doubt the power of this man had dominated her mind just like it had mine.

His grotesque hand softly pushed her away and soon I was again a just few breaths from the beast with no one else to help me.

'You are new, are you not, little pet? I would have surely remembered someone like you.' He said. The strong musky scent dragging my mind down into the memories of his cock.

His voice resonated in my soul, and I understood what he meant: my cells had received instructions from him. His precum, his spit, his sweat... all of it had given secret instructions to my body.

Even if the changes had become visible after surrendering in front of Axiom, so much of His genes had imprinted on me. So much of this new body was guided by his hand.

I was, at least partly, shaped to his please his tastes.

'Such a tiny little thing...' he growled.

I looked up, more than two feet up from my eye level, tilting my face up to gaze at him. His face was contorted into a lustful stare, licking his gross lips with utter delight as he imagined breaking me apart.

His intentions were easy to decipher:

More than anything else, he enjoyed defenselessness.

My mind went back to that alley, a living "Onahole" with no agency whatsoever.

His presence was strong, and as I stood before it, I felt naked; my knees beginning to tremble. If he were to order me, I would fall to my knees. I knew I could not resist his words. Only Axiom had saved me last time.

But now in this new body, would Axiom even know who I was?

He grinned down at me and laughed.

'Tell me little pet, do you want me to name you? I would make you a very happy little bitch.'

I thought about it. Would he name me? Brand me forever with whatever he thought my identity was worth?

In this terrible vision, helpless under his control, I realized something new.

~Yes... I would be happy...~

No agency, no responsibility, no need to ever struggle again. Just a passive recipient of both pleasure and pain.

*~Just a doll... With a beautiful mind: happy, blank, and empty.~*

The pull was strong to say yes.

I imagined myself in front of him: this fat strong beast, full of stinky masculinity and gross power. By contrast, my tiny body, beautiful and innocent: offering itself entirely to him.

A simple courtesy, a gleeful smile, and a couple of words would be enough:

~'Yes Master. Please name me, I will become whatever you want me to be. I will be your happy little bitch'~

The pull to bring forth those words was too strong. To finally be done with this anxious fear, restless and the eternal feeling of being hunted.

The image of this tiny hands, caressing that grotesque being, not with disgust, but love and attention. My beautiful face swallowed in the stench and musk of those huge, hairy, heavy balls. His huge manhood completely engulfing the tiny frame I was given by him.

If I fell to him now, would he make me even smaller? Even more vulnerable?... Even more beautiful?

I imagined myself swallowing load after load of this monster's cum, happily enjoying being the prisoner of this beast.

Slowly turning ever smaller in his presence, ever more delicate, ever weaker.

*~A weak, pathetic, useless sissy~*

The fog threatened to swallow me whole. My mouth filled with watery spit, and I felt the yearning to obey. The world slowly began to fade away, and soon I could only stare up at him. Utterly mesmerized.

My knees weakened, and I saw his face starting to grow more distant.

~Was I beginning to kneel?~

Something cried out against my surrender, a small voice at first, then louder as other voices joined it:

My mother's, even through her betrayal she still loved me. Sia's, who was so happy to have me as a "sister". Even Blossom, whose one tiny act of kind empathy, now helped me hold the fog away from my soul.

The voice grew louder, and I found the fog unable to contain it.

~I wont let myself be named by them! ~

My voice inside was small, tiny, feminine, and childish... but resolute to the last. ~This one tiny thing I will not yield to them. ~

I though about who I was and who I am now. What pieces I retained through this whole violent metamorphosis, what staid the same, making up the unchangeable core of my being.

~I am smart...

I love to know things...

Even thou I am now an experimental mouse in this cage, I understand it...

Pleasure has warped my soul, forced me to walk a dark path that ends in subservience...

But its ok because I will still be able to learn... to understand... to know~

The name was there. Not for him to give to me, but for my own soul to shape, its meaning clear and its purpose strong.

I stood firmly, even thou my voice was small and my face was delicate; In that single moment I could stand up to that great beast seeking to devour my identity.

'I... I am sorry... but I already have a name.

My name is Sophie...'

I extended my tiny hand and offered it, for him to hold with his own.

'Pleased to meet you...'




Even if inspiration sometimes is hard to come by; When it comes, sometimes is hard to make it stop.

I ended up writing a ton more. Almost 19k words in total. So this final part was split into two for the reader's comfort.

I will be posting Pt. 4 immediately.

Please let me know what you liked or disliked in the comments. I love reading them all!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Hope he gets revenge on his evil mother. I hope he blows the school up

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I'm loving your story. I'm going to read part 4 now.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I like strong women, not weak little wimpy subs.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I could pick10 other stories and lay over this one like a template. This could have been a decent story of a kid manipulated into the situation and vowing to make everyone pay before they could do it again, including the school, the slut girlfriend, the asshole axiom and even his mother. He would make them pay before carving out a new life that didn't include the traditional career, wife and family he had dreamed of. At least it wouldn't happen again. Good versus evil

DaveyPirateDaveyPirateabout 2 months ago

What do you have against proper quotation marks? Your incorrect use of tildes and apostrophes makes this difficult to read. You at not E. E. Cummings, please use proper punctuation. Other than that I do like your story, please continue.

LavanderHazeLavanderHazeabout 2 months ago

Great a story. I loved this chapter. I can’t wait for the next chapter. Please, be quick!!!!

Something I’d like to see is more interactions with other characters and dialogue. But so far, the story is going amazing

BJGoodheadBJGoodheadabout 2 months ago

The mother should be given the chance to explain that she only accepted because she hoped that her son would develop into an Alpha...

Otherwise, complex story, well written and with well developed characters.

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