Call of the Wild - Pt. 01


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"Kal. Please. Cum in me." Kaylie whimpered with each stroke. "I'm yours. Please. I want you to impregnate me. I'll give you so many babies. I'll be a good mate."

Kal groaned at the words. This was right, breeding your mates. Raising strong cubs. "You want me to breed you?" The rumbling in his chest deepened with excitement. "You want to have all my little ones?"

Kaylie's cries rose. "Yes, Kal. I want to have your babies. I want you to breed me. Just stay with me. Forever." She cried as his knot began to expand. Her instincts screamed at her. This was right.

Kal groaned as the pressure around him grew. Her snug hole closed around him, locking him into her. He gazed into her amber eyes. "Forever. You'll always be mine. I'll always be with you."

Her back arched. She screamed again. Hot cum splashed across her womb. Her orgasm tore through her. Pressure grew as her womb was filled to the brim with his cum. This was right.

Kal licked her neck as she quaked against him. He throbbed continuously within her, filling her to capacity and beyond. Her tummy rounded slightly from how much he inflated her. Her cervix sucked and stroked him, drawing out every ounce of cum. When she fell slack against the bed, his cock finally began to grow soft.

Kaylie pulled his head down gently into a soft kiss. He ran his hands along her back. The rumbling had ended. She purred as he lay on her, joined as they should be. This was right.


Natalie felt sick to her stomach as she consoled Melissa. Every time she saw their pictures she wanted to vomit, knowing what she had done.

It was surprising how many people came to the memorial service. Killing and eating a football player impacted quite a few people as it turned out. Her stomach heaved again.

"Are you alright," Kal asked, rubbing her back. "Do you need to sit down?"

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Focus on your sister." She smiled weakly and sat down in the back.

Natalie closed her eyes during the service. She'd never been to one of these. At least there wasn't a sobbing relative there. Just some friends with some words. She wasn't sure if that was better or not.


Kal expected to smell something on Melissa. Fear. Sadness. Anything. But all he got was her typical floral scent and nothing else. It was like she wasn't even there. Sure, she talked, she ate, did all the little things, but she wasn't really in there. She had walled herself off completely, and it scared him.

She had sat through the memorial with barely a change in her expression. She barely responded when he squeezed her hand in reassurance. At home she just sat on the couch watching TV.

"I, uh, brought you some cider." Kal handed her a cup, sitting on the other side. She gave him a little smile, but that was all.

"Mel. Melissa. You don't have to say anything. I know.... No. I don't know what you're going through. I can't imagine it, having to live through it twice now. But I'm here. You're not alone. You don't have to be alone."

Her only response was a nod. She sat there, watching TV, but she wasn't there.

Kal stayed as long as she did, not saying anything. Around midnight his eyes began to droop, and he fell asleep. A small weight jostled him. He opened an eye to see Melissa asleep against him. A deep chasm of loneliness engulfed her. He knew the scent well. It had been the same scent when he had woken up those mornings, completely alone and abandoned. He wrapped his arm around her, cradling her.


Elina squatted over the snowy tree stump and marked it. The acrid scent filled the air. She padded casually to a nearby shrub, doing so again. Ferals would go crazy over someone in their territory, and this would really drive them nuts. Her tongue lolled in amusement as she continued. They were dumb and animalistic. She doubted that they could even control the territory, much less be able to fight her. It was a psychic battleground, and she had beaten many young Freji here.

Elina looked over her shoulder at the incensed growl. He was big, sure. But she was bigger. She turned toward him, her lips pulled back in a sneer.

Well, look at the little punk. What's the matter? Don't like me marking your territory?

She stared into his eyes and raised her tail. She smirked as she marked the ground again. His eyes widened and he shook with anger.

That's right. It's mine now.

She laughed again at his predictable reaction. He just ran right at her, teeth flashing rabidly as he howled in rage. She braced herself low, snarling at him. When he was within range she suddenly jumped back, leaving him snapping at the air. She lunged forward then, bowling into him.

Elina laughed again at his stunned expression.

First time against someone tougher than you?

He shook off his surprise and warily circled her. His hackles rose as he growled. She followed him, slowly turning her body, but she didn't bother growling. She just watched, mockingly.

He lunged forward again, snapping at her legs. She hopped back with contemptuous ease. She batted his muzzle, dragging her tough nails against his sensitive nose. He yelped and fell back.

Pathetic. You can be the pack bitch after I break you.

He roared and charged her again.

Same thing again?

She hopped out of range again and lunged forward to headbutt him. He suddenly hopped up onto his hind legs, avoiding her strike. His teeth flashed as they sank into the nape of her neck. She yelped in surprise as he viciously shook her. He yanked her off her feet and dragged her through the snow.

Get off me! I'll fucking kill you!

Elina snarled at him. She rolled to loosen his grip and snapped at his exposed neck. He shifted away and dragged her along the ground as her legs flailed and she yelped and whined. She finally got some purchase and smashed her skull against his snout. He reeled back at the sharp pain, shaking his head.

She squared off again. Her growl was deep, her fangs bared. She snapped her jaws at him warningly. He stalked closer. She slowly backed up, her tail low between her legs.

Back off! I'm warning you. I'll kill you.

He growled as he stared her down. He approached from one direction, then another, angling her back toward the mountain. Whenever she tried to glance back, he would snap at her, driving her back further.

Elina growled once more and then bolted away from him. She ran quickly through the snow, keeping the mountain to her right. He kept pace with her, running along side her, snapping at her to drive her toward the mountain again.

Fuck off!

She snarled at him, only to suddenly yelp as her leg was caught in the sharp fangs of another wolf.

She tumbled and fell limb over limb with the smaller wolf firmly clamped onto her hind leg. Elina snarled and snapped at her, but she dodged away, pulling her leg with her. Elina tried to escape again, but he clamped his jaws around her throat and shook her violently. She batted her front claws at him, but he just growled and shook her again.

Stop! Please! I'm sorry!

Elina whined and stopped struggling. His teeth dug into her throat, making it hard to breathe. She stopped moving, even as the smaller one readjusted her grip. Elina licked her lips, whimpering as he growled.

A long moment passed before the jaws began to loosen. She lay on the snow, panting heavily as she was able to breathe again. The smaller one let go over her leg. She circled the downed intruder, growling at her, as if daring her to try anything.

Okay, so, I'll just go. Okay? You win.

She tried to roll over but stopped at the low growl from him. She held still as he approached again, his muzzle nearing her throat. She whined as he sniffed her.

What do you want? I said I'm sorry.

He tugged her neck and she obediently rolled over. He closed his jaws around her neck and dragged her along. Her head was bent at an awkward angle, so she could only scramble to keep up without being able to see where he was taking her. Whenever she tripped, he would growl and drag her up again. The other one would snap at her legs to make her go faster.

What do you want!? Just talk to me! I'm sorry!

He finally released her when they arrived at his den. She fell to the ground, whimpering. He left her on the floor as he approached his mate. They licked each other affectionately, casting baleful glances at her. When she tried to sit up, they both snarled at her. She quickly lay down again, her ears flat against her head and her tail tucked between her legs.

Elina didn't know when or how he'd done it, but something tightened around her neck. It choked her. She gasped and tried scratching it off. Her paws hit something hard. She pushed it, but it wouldn't move from her neck. She whined in panic. She scrambled across the floor. Her head snapped back to face them even as her body tried to leave. It was like she was tied to something. She desperately tugged against it. Her head hurt from the collar, but it wouldn't come loose.

No! No, no, no! How did you do this!? Please, no! I'm sorry! You can't do this. Do you know who I am!? My father will kill you. He'll kill you both! Let me go!

The two of them watched with lolling tongues, as if she were some kind of entertainment. She cried and whimpered, thrashing her head back and forth. Her paws scrabbled across the ground, unable to push her back. She finally collapsed on the ground, whining sadly.

Please. I'm sorry. I won't do it again. You win. I'm sorry. Please, let me go.

The mate padded up to Elina and sniffed her. She didn't resist. The mate licked at her snout. Elina glanced at him but allowed her to continue. The mate nipped at her lips. Elina only whimpered in response. She seemed satisfied, sitting back on her haunches. He padded over and closed his jaws around her nape again, dragging her back to the bed they'd made. She whimpered but didn't resist.

Please. No. Don't. I'm sorry.

Elina lay in the bed, with him lying down behind her, his teeth near her ears, while the mate lay beside her, her snout covering her neck and nuzzling his. Elina remained perfectly still as the two held her there, a prisoner to their territory. She shook in terror as she finally heard him.



Kal awoke from the strangest dream he'd ever had. He blinked at Kaylie, who lay naked in his arms. She had a confused look on her face as well. She smacked her lips. "Does everything taste like dog right now?"

Kal rolled his tongue, grimacing. "Dog and iron."

"Did we leave something in here that rotted?" She sniffed around. "Did we forget to brush?"

"Well, let's get cleaned up then."

Kaylie got out of bed and stretched. Kal watched her lithe form, a grin spreading on his face. She had just opened the door when he grabbed her by the hips. She squealed as he pulled her back into bed.

"Or we could clean up after," he said.

She purred as he climbed between her legs.


"Kaylie? Did you fall down?" Hana asked from the landing. She thought she'd heard Kaylie cry out suddenly. "Kaylie?"

Hana wandered down the hall to Kal's room. He must be roughhousing with her again because she just heard her squealing. The door was cracked open, and she peaked in.

Hana gaped in shock at the scene. She covered her open mouth with her hand as Kal thrust wetly into his sister. Hana could only see his back as Kaylie cried out in delight. Every thrust of his made the bed shake. Hana's eyes wandered down where Kal's cock split her open.

Hana's eyes fixated on Kal's cock as it drove into the creamy pussy of his little sister. Kaylie's hole puckered with every thrust, his heavy balls slapping wetly against her supple ass. Hana stared as Kal ground his hips into Kaylie and growled. She watched on as Kal's cock engorged further, locking him into Kaylie as she screamed in orgasm. His heavy balls twitched and pulled up rhythmically as he came inside her. Her eyes tracked those heavy globes with every bounce, imagining how much he had just cum in her.

Hana remained there, watching Kaylie's obscenely stretched hole cradle Kal's swollen knot. They growled and nipped at each other like feral animals, locked together after their fervent mating.

Hana stumbled backwards, her mind racing. She retreated, the wet slapping ringing in her ears. She fled to her room, quietly shutting it lest they know she had seen them. She sank against the door, that scene replaying before her eyes. How could they do that? How could they do something so horrible? They were a family. This was wrong. Family didn't do this with one another.

She vividly recalled Kal driving into Kaylie. The wet slapping sound. The moans of pleasure. The rumbling of his voice. His grunts as he rammed his cock into her. The way Kaylie cried out at being pounded. His groan as he came inside her. Her cries as his cock expanded into some kind of knot. She clapped her hands over her ears, but she could still hear it.


The full moon above cast its wan light down onto the woods. The sparse canopy barely obstructed it, lighting up the quiet ground below. The light glinted off the long metal barrel of the rifle. The rifle slowly tracked its quarry.

Allison took slow and steady breaths. Her eyes were locked onto the shadowy shape the slunk between the trees. She had been training her whole life for this moment. Her finger curled slightly on the trigger.

The gunshot shattered the silence of the night. The shape flew back, disappearing into the darkness. Allison pulled the bolt back. The shell ejected and she aimed again. She caught the movement of the shape. It tried to stand up. She squeezed the trigger again. The impact jarred her shoulder. The shape fell over. She pulled the bolt back again, ejecting the shell. She aimed, but the shape didn't move.

Allison waited, breathing steadily. After a minute, she eased her finger from the trigger. She stood up and cautiously approached with her rifle trained on the shape. As she drew closer, its features became clearer. The long snout. The tooth-filled maw. The large claws. This was it.

She drew nearer, until she could make out the eyes as they stared lifelessly into the sky. They looked almost human. She reminded herself that it wasn't. It was an animal now. A dangerous one.

She lowered her rifle. Holding it in her left, she smoothly pulled out her pistol with her right and shot three bullets into its chest. She then pointed it at its face. She hesitated, looking into his eyes. Almost human.

"I'm sorry, dad."

The gun rang out once more.

Allison stared at his body. She sniffed and wiped a tear from her cheek. She slipped her pistol back into the holster and pulled her walkie.

"Allison. I got him. He's down. Over."

"Good job. We'll come to you. Over."

She leaned against a tree, slowly sliding down and sitting at the base. She shook her head, letting it hang limply. Memories of her time with her father flitted by her eyes. She sniffed and blinked them away. She leaned her head back, gazing up at the moon. She breathed deeply.

It seemed like an eternity, but they finally came.

Hayden placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I know it's hard. It's better this way."

She nodded numbly, watching the others inspect his body. He'd change back soon. It would be easier to bury him then.

"You feel up for another hunt? It's fine if you aren't."

"Yeah... yeah. Best to keep busy." She pulled her gaze from her father's body. "What's the job?"

"Three corpses, mauled beyond recognition. Torn up and eaten. Forest near a college town."


"Could be. Not a full moon though. Might be a wendigo."

"It never ends," she sighed heavily.


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kingdozerkingdozerabout 1 month ago

kinda trashy to much useless sex to many jumps not enough story mc is a pussy and it dont feel like a good story ill see if u actuly redeem urself but for now only 1 star since i cant do any minus stars

Cuthcavs55Cuthcavs555 months ago

Great first chapter! It was equally intriguing and erotic! I’m really looking forward to more. I know it’s early but im definitely hoping for the harem route with a good ending! Kap and his family (and Natalie) are already east to root for.

EldrinCrainerEldrinCrainer5 months ago

I really hope you keep up with this, as a long time reader on this site I can see that you’ve got amazing talent at forming a narrative and I can’t wait to see where it goes

drifternd11drifternd116 months ago

Was hard to follow for a short minute. Then I really started getting into it and now understand the tracking. I do think it is an outstanding start and can’t wait for the next installment. 5*

Robbb_FangRobbb_Fang6 months ago

A great start. Looking forward to more.

redlion75redlion756 months ago

All the jumping around made it hard to follow

chipmonk9chipmonk96 months ago

You blended paranormal and supernatural elements in a way only top writers can do.

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