Chinese Girl Adrift in Bangkok Ch. 04


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After the next song finished we trooped off the stage. I tried to slip back to the kitchen, but Mamasan intercepted me and confirmed that Professor Wu required my services at his table. OMG! The ghastly Professor Wu! No! Surely there were limits? It had been hinted at the conference that being nice to him might get me the research prize. I remembered being so outraged and repulsed by even the thought of it. But now, how could I avoid it.

I made my way slowly over to them. A bikini-clad almost naked whore, I now stood in front of him, just as I had first faced him as a smartly dressed young Overseas Chinese doctor only a few days ago. I prayed that he wouldn't recognise me. Of course, I was the same girl, but in such an alien environment he hopefully wouldn't make the connection. My hair was loose now, while I wore it up in the conference, and my face was now heavily made up, with garish shiny red lips. I looked like a slutty doll not a dignified doctor.

I sat down between the two men, crossing my bare legs as demurely as possible, and folding my arms across my chest.

'Sawadee kaaa' I greeted them, trying to give a friendly smile to the two Chinese girls opposite but they both gave me withering looks.

'Look! She's got cum in her hair! So disgusting.' One of them said.

'She's just a trashy whore.' Returned the other.

I pretended not to understand Mandarin, and made sure to speak only in my best sing song faux Thai accent. I smiled back at them trying to project the air of a simple country girl.

Professor Wu was clearly drunk. Sitting close beside him, for the first time I realised how large he was. Not tall, at around five foot, eight inches I guessed. But he was very broad, with rolls of fat; pudgy, was the word that kept coming to mind. There was something distinctly unattractive about him and I noticed how rude he was to the girl who brought us some drinks.

Distantly, I heard Wu talking across me to the other guy who seemed to be a businessman rather than part of this medical gathering. I wasn't sure that I currently qualified as medical in this company. No, I was just a slut.

They were talking about prostitutes. The professor clearly assumed I couldn't understand.

'You can see that she's a pretty girl, but her intelligence? Below average for sure. She's found her natural level as a whore,' Wu expounded. 'A girl like this is genetically over-sexed, hahaha... needs to have a cock in her.' Asshole I thought. But have I really found my natural level?

'Understand English, yes?' I nodded. 'Let's test her...Who is Prime Minister of Thailand, your country?' I really didn't know. He smiled.

'What's the biggest country in the world?'

'America!' I blurted, now playing along. He shook his head sadly.

'What is DNA?'

Fucking jerk, I'll give you fucking DNA I thought, but I just beamed blankly back at him.

He didn't deign to speak to me further but tapped my knee and indicated with his finger that I was to open my legs. My skin crawled as he ran his fat mitt across my thigh lingering between my legs. I felt tiny, nestled beside his corpulent body. My husband is a great Star Wars fan, and I have watched all the movies several times. Now I felt like Princess Leia, in her skimpy slave girl outfit beside the great shapeless body of Jabba the Hut, I momentarily wondered whether she had serviced Jabba, as I guessed I was going to have to.

There was nothing I could do, Professer Wu lifted my left leg over his lap my foot resting now on the couch beside him, while on my other side the guy grabbed my right leg, draping it over his knee. I was in this way very exposed, only my translucent tiny thong covering my sex. Looking down I could just about make out the outline my labia and even my swollen clit. I let my head loll back gazing at the hypotically rotating mirror lamp above me.

I felt mesmerized, reclining in this exposed and sluttish, completely debauched position, feeling fingers playing through my bikini with my hardening nipples. My neck exposed, the other guy turned to me and Dracula-like planted his lips on my throat. I could feel his teeth and lips against my skin sucking and when his lips pulled away, I knew he had left me prominently marked with his hicky. I doubted he had wanted to kiss me, more likely he just wanted to leave a mark on my body. The two men laughed, the two girls gawped. It was too late to object.

I looked back to the two young women opposite, who continued to stare at me with utter disdain. I guessed this wasn't the first time they had witnessed Wu's activities. I felt a fat pudgy finger push aside my thong running over my slit and sliding inside my vagina, without looking to see who it belonged to, I suspected it was the great professor's. I didn't really care, I was getting moist again, if not wet as before. My whole body felt somehow in a state of unreal excitation, my skin unusually sensitive. But my legs were getting a bit sore through being splayed open for so long, and I hoped I could move soon.

Thankfully, they did let me put my legs down. It seems there were some limits. It wasn't considered seemly for the professorial cock to be sucked in public by a whore like me. Slowly, unsteadily, Wu raised his great bulk, beckoning to me. With growing dread I stood up beside him. I could really appreciate how large he was and I felt so small. I had to take his arm, while his male associate clapped his hands encouraging him. The professor told his companions that he was going for some relaxation and would not be too long.

We veered over to the bar with me trying to support him. He handed mamasan a wad of bank notes, and I watched silently as she counted out my price, returning the rest to him.

'I hope she is good girl.' Wu said loudly to her, and delivered a slap to my ass. I squeaked in response. I was becoming used to this kind of humiliation.

'Oh sir, Kitty is one of our most popular girls, she is here to serve you anything you like. She here for your pleasure.'

I was just a bystander in this ominous exchange. My heart was pounding, how could I avoid this? I could see no escape. I picked up a packet of condoms and a tube of lubricant, for sure I wasn't going to really get wet for this bastard.

We squeezed into our cubicle and I helped the professor to undress. I reached to removed my bra but he shook his head. Momentarily I wondered if he was thinking of Princess Leia too. I noticed there was a mirror on the wall in this one. He sat on the edge of the couch with legs apart resembling a Michelin man.

I kneeled in front of him uncertain how to proceed. No thigh gap there I noted... his thighs were wider than my waist. He just nodded down at me, concentrating on his mobile. I had to squeeze between his legs, working my way between his fleshy thighs to get closer. His cock was soft and flabby and shrivelled... hesitantly I put out my tongue, touching its tip. My lips parted around him and I sucked him into my mouth, feeling the loose ridges of skin with my tongue. I wondered if he was impotent as I played with his organ. Holding the flabby skin, I tried to reach his balls, but his scrotum was buried in fatty folds which I found suffocating.

Abandoning this plan, I returned to his limp penis. It was quite difficult to use my new-found techniques of fellatio, perhaps because of my relative inexperience at cock-sucking, on the floppy, spongy mass of tissue in my mouth. I soon found that if I encircled the root of his organ with my fingers, compressing it slightly, I could then suck his cock in and out gently, while pressing my tongue against the underside of his shaft squeezing it against the top of my mouth. OMG, it's not a research project in dick sucking! What am I like? I continued in this way, feeling a bit claustrophobic, squeezed between the rolling fat of his enormous thighs.

At last I began to feel him responding. I could almost feel the blood pumping into his cock, beginning to engorge it. It began to feel firmer, resisting my tongue as I pressed his flesh, testing it. The professor said something, but with my head buried between his thighs, with folds of flesh riding up around my ears, I couldn't make out his words. He had grasped my hair, and his cock was filling, stiffening, inflating. Since I couldn't move my head back, as it enlarged it pressed further into my mouth. He squeezed his thighs together, enfolding my head in his pudgy flesh, blocking my nose and suddenly I found myself suffocating.

His now still growing cock in my mouth was increasingly shutting off my airway and I was struggling to breath. I could feel a rushing sound in my ears and I began to panic. I clapped my hands on the top of his thighs in desperation. Luckily, he got the message and relaxed his thighs. I almost spat his cock from my mouth raising my head and panting for breath. Still gasping I looked up at him, with a mixture of fear and anger, while he looked down between his legs studying my face. He had a slight smile on his, and certainly no apology was forthcoming. He patted me on the cheek.

'Pretty Little Flower, you are so fragile, I will enjoy you.' he said to me in Mandarin, 'Now, you, on top!' I rose unsteadily to my feet, uncertain if he was being thoughtful, not wanting to suffocate or crush me under him, or just wanted me to do all the work. I just smiled at him. I was resigned to what was coming next.

He lay back on the couch and with some difficulty I clambered on top of him. His cock actually was not small, but its root lay buried in his fat. I straddled his thighs, and rolled a condom onto his rod, delving down to reach the hidden base. I squeezed some lube over it, massaging him with it. Touching my pussy, I had to admit I was a bit moist, but was still glad of the lube.

Then shuffling forwards, I raised myself and took position over his cock head. I drew my throng to one side with one hand and grasping his shaft with the other, I brushed his glans along my slit. I drew it between my labia to my clit, which caused me to shudder. Oh God, was there any way to avoid this? But I knew it was far too late for that, I was a whore, and he was going to use my body... use me any way he wished.

Seeing the Professor's impatience, I swallowed and began to sink onto the shaft, feeling it penetrating my body. As my weight pulled me down, I felt an involuntary thrill as I descended, impaled, my body violated by this repulsive man. Filled and stretched deep inside, I sank onto him, and with awful fascination I realised that my thighs were partly buried in his fat. I felt like I was being absorbed into his massive, corpulent body, as though my vagina clamped on his thrusting cock was now his.

I turned to the mirror seeing a tiny bikini-clad girl with a cascade of smooth dark hair straddling enormous blob. A vast malevolent Jabba enveloping, absorbing, fucking my delicate princess-like form, pudgy hands pushing aside my flimsy bra, playing with my breasts, squeezing my nipples. These strange feelings released waves of pleasure, and in spite of myself, and I could feel my juices beginning to flow.

I worked my hips over him in a sinuous motion, jerking him into me again and again. OMG, I should not be enjoying this! I hated him, but I can't lie, I loved this feeling of piercing pleasure rising from my impaled body. I slumped forwards onto his chest moaning in time to our joint thrusting. No! No! I had to be careful, there was no way I was going to have an orgasm with this jerk. I needed to ramp it down and control my emotions. Yes, that's it girl. Its simply a matter of self-control, he certainly isn't going to get the satisfaction of seeing me come.

Self-control! Control... control... con...I kept trying to repeat my mantra. I felt his hands moving over my body. One hand moved forwards over my ass until I felt his fingers at my pussy where his shaft penetrated me. I was so wet by now that his fingers became drenched in my wetness too. Next moment I felt his well lubricated finger at my ass hole, causing me to shiver. I had to be careful not to let myself go, but I could feel something building within me... remember! Control!... Control!... yes, that's it.

My eyes widened and I whimpered, looking into his leering face as I felt his fat finger pressing into my ass. I felt my sphincter resist with some discomfort, then relief as it opened to allow him entry. The feeling of release as his finger probed my rectum, added to my body's increasingly desperate thrusts, jerking repeatedly onto his cock, and his mouth now pressed to mine, with his tongue worming between my lips, broke my final barrier. I pulled away from his mouth crying out in exquisite agony and burying my head in his chest, as repeated spasms convulsed me. I sobbed against him clutching his shoulders, as my body shook uncontrollably. In the mirror I was dimly aware of my alter ego, of Princess Leia overwhelmed by waves of unwanted, rapturous warmth as she orgasmed, her body bucking in the grasp of, impaled on the monstrous cock of, the hideous Jabba.

And suddenly I didn't care from where it came, I didn't care that I was a whore servicing a customer, I didn't care that I was skewered on the cock of the disgusting Professor Wu in what would have been my worst nightmare... I was lost in the moment, revelling in sheer debauched ecstasy until the tremors shaking my small frame gradually subsided.

Slowly I raised myself from his chest leaning back with my hands on his knees. I started moving again. I worked my pussy against his cock, trying to make him cum. I was feeling tired by now and the professorial orgasm still hadn't materialised, although he was looking pretty pleased with himself and I thought enjoying the sight of my small body bucking on his cock. But hard as I tried I couldn't seem to get him there.

Eventually he patted me on the ass, indicating that he wanted me off him. I eased his penis out of me, the condom coming off in the process, and climbed off the couch, as he swung his large body to a sitting position. He turned around, half sitting on the couch alongside me, then moved me to face him. He held my chin looking again into my eyes, and studied my face, running the fingers of his other hand over my cheeks.

'Pretty Little Flower', was all he said.

He placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down until I was again kneeling before him. This time at least he took care not to suffocate me! I reached for his cock, grasping the shaft firmly and began to wank him.

He took hold of my head forcing me forwards onto him, smearing his swollen penis over my lips. He pushed his cockhead into my mouth tasting slightly salty with his sweat, with a hint of precum. I continued to wank him and played my tongue over his glans in time with my hand. As I licked and suckled on his penis I could feel him tensing again. I looked up at him with questioning, hopeful expression as I worked his cock... I am doing OK? Our eyes met, certainly not as equals. He was a rich and powerful professor and me? Whatever I had thought of myself previously, I was now just a simple whore my body serving as the vehicle for his pleasure.

As my mind considered this, I was caught by surprise yet again, why don't I learn? He suddenly groaned and spurted at the back of my throat, causing me again to jerk back reflexly. I really should have learned, because this resulted in me receiving his thick ropey cum in my left eye and cheek. Blinking his cum from my eye, I took his cock back into my mouth while he continued to pulse sperm into me less forcefully now.

I could feel the warm gluey substance coating the back of my throat and moved my tongue through the sperm accumulating below his dick and pooling now at the front of my mouth. With my tongue bathed in his ejaculate I tasted him, slightly bittersweet and could feel the slightly lumpy texture I had noticed in some of my customers.

I licked the last drops from the tip of his penis, at which point he indicated that he wanted to see... I obediently opened my mouth pushing the gooey, foamy mess forwards to show him the mouthful he had so generously given me. A few drips trickled down my chin, but I held the rest, and closing my lips, gulped down the cum feeling it slide down my oesophagus into my stomach Once again I had a slightly nauseous feeling. I supposed I had received the Professorial prize.

He laughed and patted me on the head,

'Ahhh! Yes, very good Little Flower,' he said as he began dressing. He reached for his wallet and handed me some banknotes. It looked to be about $5.

'Oh, thank you, Sir, thank you. Kitty happy you enjoy.' Did I really need to thank him so effusively?

After he had left, I rose and went to the bathroom. The shower refreshed me. Other girls were coming and going. When I finished I looked around for my bikini but couldn't see it. I guessed one of the girls had put it in with the washing. Naked, I wandered back past the cubicles, listening to the sounds of sex as I passed, sounds of beds rocking, of cries and grunts, of slaps, of sucking and squelching of cocks in pussies, sounds that any passer-by had heard coming from my cubicle 10 minutes earlier; and went into the ante room.

I was used by now to being naked and stood chatting briefly to the woman behind the desk. She told me there were some businessmen visiting Mr Somchai. She reached behind her opening a cupboard. She handed me a new bikini which I quickly donned. I went down to the kitchen and helped myself to some rice. Mai was there and I sat next to her, glad of her company. There were three or four other girls having breaks. I asked Mai about the visitors and learned that they were here to buy the debts of three of the newer girls... in effect to buy the girls. It was going to be an auction. I was fascinated and appalled by turns.

Mamasan and her deputy came in looking around. They called out three names and two new girls stood up. I watched them intently... were they worried? Resigned? Excited?

'Go to Mr Somchai's office now.' They were instructed, 'Where is Polly, the new girl?'

I looked around me also. Apparently, she had gone back into the bar just before I came down. Mamasan went out to look for her leaving her second in command in the kitchen. Mamasan Two scanned around the room, her eyes coming to rest on me. Her face contorted into an unpleasant smile. I looked away as I felt her gaze on me, trying unsuccessfully to make myself inconspicuous.

'Kitty, you go instead. They just want three girls.'

'But...' My voice failed me.

'Now! Go!'

Slowly, reluctantly I stood up, my mind whirling... I felt faint. Unsteadily I tottered in my stilettos between the tables and other girls who were sitting quietly while doing their best to avoid Mamasan Two's attention. In my distress I noticed other girls darting looks at me, relief in their faces that it was me and not them. I joined the other two girls who were dressed identically to me in our skimpy bikinis. I followed the other two to the door, looking pleadingly at Mai. Oh God, an auction? What could she do? What could anyone do? Mamasan Two regarded me closely, evidently enjoying the stricken look on my face. OMG, I thought, now what? How had I got in so deep...?

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roseyfingersroseyfingersalmost 3 years ago

This whole series is wonderful. If you really did all this and survived, I really envy you.

Siska100Siska100almost 3 years ago

Great story. I never expected she would end-up being auctioned. Who will buy her? What will happen to her? And, how will she ever return to the safety of her hotel and have to wear a choker to hide the hickey on her neck, Chapter 01.

auhound49auhound49almost 3 years ago
Thanks for the update! It is worth waiting for!

I anxiously await the next installments.

this one went a bit differently than I thought it would from part 3. I thought she would be rescued, not possibly sold into a life of sex slavery (though part of you did get wet at the thought, just as you get wet from the preg risks).

I hope you put in more about your feelings regarding preg risk sex and possibly being pregnant with a very unwanted baby with the father unknown. Preg risk can be so hot for a woman as that is what she is designed for - babymaking.

Please give us more about your feelings as only you know how you felt. The actions can be common but your feelings and reactions are unique, such as your realization you have a submissive side to you.

Lustfully yours

Master Paul, breeding Dom

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This is very good, keep up the work, you're exceptional!

astuffedshirt_pervastuffedshirt_pervabout 3 years ago

this is just fantastic, terrific.

zoeleongzoeleongabout 3 years agoAuthor

I'm so happy and grateful to get such positive comments. Writing brought back so many memories, although some things a bit blurred. I was preparing for more shade as I know I was pretty bad to get into that life.. Just re-editing ch.04 for mistakes which slipped through. Thanks for patience, Z x

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Exceptionally well-written, incredibly arousing.

kajkellikajkelliabout 3 years ago

There are hot stories and then there are volcanic stories. Forget the few typos. i am totally wet and cannot imagine where the next chapter will take us.

jleetechiejleetechieabout 3 years ago

This is one fucking hot story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

One of the best that i have ever read.

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