Cockolding Dad


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"Andrew!" His Aunt Veronica exclaimed once she answered the door. Feeling his light pat on her back when she brought him into a crushing hug. "Hello, Gloria," she said politely, noticing the lack of a wedding ring on her sister-in-law's finger.

"Veronica," Gloria greeted. Wondering if she knew why her brother was gunned down.

"And who is this you brought along with you nephew?" Veronica asked, peering at Sophia.

"This is my girlfriend, Sophia," Andrew stated, introducing the two of them.

"You sure she's your girlfriend?" Veronica teased.

"Oh, I'm very much his girlfriend," Sophia retorted, draping herself against Andrew. "Aren't I, baby?" she cooed sweetly into his ear.

"Mmmhmm." Andrew hummed, noting the look in his aunt's eyes when Sophia pressed her body against his.

"Well, what are the three of you standing there for? Come on in!" Veronica stated with a warm, welcoming smile on her face gesturing them into her parents' house. "Everyone will be so happy to see the two of you. I'm sorry about what happened to Maverick..."

"He brought his death upon himself," Andrew said coldly, stopping his aunt in her tracks.

"Andrew, you can't really mean that, can you?" Veronica asked, peering back at him.

"I do. If he wasn't out cheating on Mom for the past fifteen years, none of this would have happened. If he kept to his word, Dad would still be alive. Honestly, I don't even know the man. The man that raised me really never even existed," Andrew spoke in a plain tone, seeing his mother's and Sophia's looks they levied at him.

"Andrew, I know your dad's death is hard to deal with, but you know that's not true..."

"Would you like to see all the evidence I was going to use to divorce your brother?" Gloria asked with a cocked eyebrow. "Why do you think I'm not handling Maverick's funeral? Because I wasn't going to bury the man that wasted fifteen years of my life so he could string me along."

"What's going on?" Lamont, Andrew's uncle and Maverick's eldest brother, asked, having heard the commotion. He just couldn't believe what he had just heard. Surely they weren't talking about his brother? That couldn't be; he knew Maverick loved Gloria; he just couldn't see why he would cheat on her.

"They say Maverick was cheating on Gloria for the past fifteen years," Veronica stated, not believing a word. Hearing Gloria sigh before digging into her purse.

"I didn't want to do this, but you kind of leave me no choice," Gloria grumbled as she pulled out her phone. Bringing up the video file she had Marcum send to her that she was going to use if Maverick had lied that he wasn't cheating on her or if he tried to draw out the divorce. "Does that look like me he's with?" she asked heatedly.

"Put that away, for God's sake," Veronica hissed, pushing Gloria's hand down after she had seen enough to know they spoke the truth. "Okay, I'm sorry that Mav hurt you by doing that," pointing at Gloria's phone, "but Andrew, he is still your father. No matter what he's done or did in this case, that will never change."

"I know; I am here after all. Just don't expect me to mourn for long after what he did to Mom," Andrew said sternly. "You okay?" he asked, concerned when his mother's hand went to her stomach.

"I will be," Gloria nodded, smiling sweetly at her son. "It's just my stomach hasn't settled yet."

"Are you sick?" Lamont asked with a touch of worry in his voice.

"No, not sick, just with child," Gloria said proudly. "And no, it isn't Maverick's, seeing how he had a vasectomy fifteen years ago." Seeing the look of hopefulness in their eyes that something of their brother was left behind. While she was going to tell the world that their son was Maverick's, however, that would only mean they would constantly be in her life, and she wanted no more ties to Maverick's family than they already had.

"Stupid idiot," Lamont uttered below his breath. Shaking his head at the foolishness of his brother as he turned around and ambled off to the deeper parts of his childhood home.

"Then who got you pregnant?" Veronica asked, looking accusingly at her sister-in-law.

"Sperm donor," Gloria lied, "after all, your brother has been shooting blanks for the past fifteen years without the decency to tell me he had a vasectomy."

"He really didn't tell you?" Veronica inquired, knowing that wasn't the brother she knew.

"If he had, I wouldn't have been trying so damn hard for a baby for the past two years. Do you honestly think I would have forgotten that he had one?" Gloria asked, shooting Veronica a questioning look. Hearing her sigh as Veronica hung her head.

"I can't believe he was so stupid," shaking her head, "forgive me, Gloria, you have every right to be angry with my brother, and I can understand why you wouldn't want to plan Mav's funeral. I wouldn't either if my husband was screwing around behind my back..."

"Your brother isn't a cheat," Eli, Andrew's grandfather, hissed from behind his daughter.

"I saw the video Dad; Mav was a cheater. Would you like to see it?" Veronica asked, noting how his eyes weren't on her but Sophia. She prayed he would keep that tongue in his mouth.

"What's that colored girl doing in my house?!"

"Colored girl?! You got something to..." Sophia's voice stilled when Andrew placed his hand on his shoulder and moved past her and his aunt. Noting how he stood right in his grandfather's face.

"Go on, Granddad, spout off some more bigoted shit! But know this the moment you do, that will be the last time you ever see me, we clear?!" Andrew said, defending Sophia's honor.

"Then take your nigger girlfriend..."

"We're leaving!" Andrew barked. "Have a nice life," he said, turning around, noting the shocked looks in his mother's, aunt's, and Sophia's eyes. "See you at the funeral, Aunt Veronica. Tell Grandma and the others that we're sorry we couldn't stay, but I'm not going to subject Sophia to that crap," Andrew said as he passed her. Taking Sophia in his arms, rubbing her back as they followed after his mother.

"Are you happy now! You just alienated your own grandson!" Andrew could hear his aunt's voice through the door as they walked towards their car.

"You okay? I didn't know Grandpa was like that," Andrew stated sincerely.

"I'm used to that, Andrew, but you just cut yourself off from your own grandparents?!" Sophia exclaimed; while she was so happy, he defended her like a boyfriend should; what really made her heart melt was that he chose her over them.

"I don't want that crap in my life, better off without him if he's always been like that," Andrew replied, seeing that prideful smile on his mother's lips.

"Wait!" Lamont, along with his mother and his wife and kids, nieces and nephews, came pouring out of the front door as Veronica was in a yelling match with their father. "Andrew, you three just can't leave like this. Not when we've already been dealt one tragedy."

"Yeah, well, I'm not going to dump Sophia just because Grandpa is a bigot," Andrew stated truthfully. Seeing his grandmother wince when that word left his lips.

"Andrew, honey, I know he might come off as gruff, but Eli didn't mean..."

"No, he meant every word Grandma," Andrew said, cutting her off.

"But we're still family, right?" Aubrey, Andrew's grandmother, asked, hoping that her husband's foolish mouth hadn't cost her a grandson.

"Yeah, unless anyone of you has a problem with Sophia, then no, we won't be," Andrew stated his terms, looking at every single one of them. Feeling Sophia slipping her hand into his. Returning the squeeze she softly applied to his hand when her fingers interweaved with his. Watching his grandmother walking up to them with the rest of his extended family members following behind.

"Please forgive my foolish husband; I know you don't know any of us, but we do not, do not, subscribe to Eli's views. I offer my humblest apologies for any offense he has caused you," Aubrey uttered with a bowed head.

"I've already forgotten about it," Sophia said, snuggling up to Andrew so very pleased that he stepped up like that. Plus, she didn't want to cause any more heartache for them during their time of mourning.

"I thank you for being the better person than my husband is, but I do love him, just not his view of people," Aubrey said with her head still bowed.

Looking to Andrew for his grandmother's name, feeling her gooseflesh rippling along her skin as he whispered into her ear. "Aubrey, it's fine, nothing I haven't heard before, and white people aren't the only ones that hold such views. I have plenty of cousins who're like that, just towards your race. Not that I hold the same views as they do, as it appears your family didn't take after your husband," Sophia said sweetly, smiling at Andrew's extended family.

"Gloria, dear, are you well? You look a little green," Lia, Lamont's wife, asked worryingly.

"Just had some morning sickness on the way here; nothing to worry about, Lia," Gloria said politely. Knowing the moment they put Maverick in the ground, that would probably be the last time she would see her in-laws unless Andrew had to attend some family gathering.

"Is it..." Aubrey's hopes were dashed when Gloria shook her head.

"No, not to demean your son, but Maverick sought to only have one child before he had his secret vasectomy depriving me of any more children for the past fifteen years," Gloria said bitterly. She did feel for Aubrey when she saw the disappointment in her youngest son in her eyes; she had no idea how she would act if Andrew did that to his wife, and she had to hear that her own son followed after his father. "So I had to have a sperm bank inseminate me since your son thought he could have his cake and eat it too." She just hoped no one ever called her out on her lies.

"So you don't know who the father is?" asked one of Andrew's cousins.

"No, I do not, and I don't plan on finding out either," Gloria said sternly. "All I care about now is the wellbeing of my two children and that they grow up healthy," she uttered sweetly down at her growing child.

"Well, however it happened; I'm glad you got to be a mother again. I know how you were so excited to have another. I'm just sorry that my son turned out to be a selfish man at the end," Aubrey sighed, wondering where she had gone wrong in raising him. She knew she taught him the value of marriage and what it meant to be truly married. She just never thought her own son would turn out to be that type of a man.

"So, what are the three of you going to do?" Lamont asked, his eyes running over each of them.

"Find a hotel in town and get a room until the funeral, then head back home once it's over, so Andrew and Sophia don't miss any more school than they have to," Gloria stated in a motherly tone.

"Then at least let us all, minus Eli, sit down at some restaurant and have a meal together," Aubrey uttered in hope.

"Sure, Grandma," Andrew replied once he noted his mother's nod. Sophia stepped aside when his grandmother moved up to him and wrapped him in a hug.

"Don't you be a stranger Andrew, no matter what Eli says, you and Sophia are always welcomed here," Aubrey said in a loving grandmotherly tone.

With that, saying their goodbyes, the three of them headed off towards town to find a room for the night. Arriving at a Marriot, paying for connecting rooms so they could use one bed to fuck on the other bed to sleep in while never having to step foot out in the hallway. Once they were settled, Gloria and Sophia quickly stripped out of their pants and panties, sat down on the foot of the bed, and spread their legs. Telling Andrew exactly what they wanted him to do. Andrew was in the middle of eating Sophia out while his mother rested from her orgasm when her phone went off. Blowing them a kiss when she walked into the other room, so whoever was calling her wouldn't hear Sophia's moans.


"Hey, Gloria, it's Veronica; listen, I'm sorry about what Dad said to Andrew's girlfriend. I hope he and she knows we don't think like that."

"Well, he knows that just I don't think Eli is ever going to have a relationship again with Andrew after that," Gloria stated truthfully, poking around the hotel room, seeing what all was in it while she waited for the two of them to finish.

"Yeah, I can understand that. Kind of surprised me at how Andrew got up in Dad's face like that."

"I know; I didn't see it coming either," Gloria admitted.

"Woman to woman, is what I read in the paper true? That Mav was found in a room with another woman at the time of his death?"

"You mean the whore he's been fucking for the past fifteen years when he went out on those damn trips? Yeah, that was her," Gloria said, keeping her temper in check.

"Stupid fucking idiot." Gloria heard her sister-in-law curse over the line.

"Yeah, your brother is just that," Gloria agreed.

"Was there a chance..."

"No," Gloria uttered, cutting her off.

"Sorry, I just had to ask."

"Was that all you wanted to know, Veronica?"

"No, had another reason for calling, was wondering, since you're leaving after the funeral tomorrow, that we have dinner..." Nodding in understanding when Veronica listed off a few places that could house their large group for dinner.

"Golden Coral will be just fine," Gloria stated, knowing then she could eat enough to keep her and her baby healthy without racking up a huge bill. "Yes, 7:30 will be fine. Alright, we'll see you then," she said once they had agreed on a time.


Gloria stood alone in that room once Lamont and Andrew had cleared everyone out so she could say her own goodbyes to Maverick, or that was what Lamont thought she was doing. Andrew knew better; he was just wise enough not to voice it. "You were nothing but a lying bastard! If you didn't want more kids, why didn't you just divorce me?! Instead of wasting fifteen years of my life!" Gloria hissed angrily as she loomed over his corpse. "I hope you're rotting in Hell with that whore of yours! I pray you pissed yourself when you knew you were about to die! So tell me, was it worth ruining three lives to slip your dick into that whore's cunt? Because I'll tell you something, you worthless piece of shit; it felt so fantastic in making you a cuckold!" she whispered wickedly, peering down at that shell of a body. Bending low how she wished to have done this while he was alive, yet she would just have to accept he would have to deal with it in Hell. "Do you want to know who it was that made you a cuckold? I'll tell you so you can stew in it for all eternity. It was your very own son, that's not all; I'm carrying his baby. How does it feel knowing you're a cuckold and your money is going to be spent supporting our child," Gloria uttered in a venomous tone.

"I do have to thank you, if that doctor didn't tell me what you did, then I would still be a clueless idiot and would still be thinking you actually cared about me. But we both know you didn't. No one that carries on an affair behind a spouse's back, for fifteen fucking years, could ever truly love that person if they result to that. Nonetheless, you're just another piece of trash that can't keep his dick in his pants, and trust me, Andrew is a far, far better lover to me than you ever were. He gives me orgasms that you could never think to achieve, even at your peak. You will not be remembered by me, and I highly doubt our son will give you a passing thought once he is done mourning. You will simply fade into nothingness," Gloria said in a cold, dispassionate tone before spitting on him. Lowering the lid of the casket that she had opened, seeing how it was meant to be a closed casket funeral.

Smiling at Andrew when she left that room. Sliding her arm around him as he hugged her against him. Moving away, keeping to disguise that she was nothing more than a normal mother to Andrew when in truth, she was his little sex kitten. Sitting on the other side of the chapel, away from Eli, who cast her son a sneer. She knew Andrew saw it but ignored it. Taking the high road when it was obvious Eli would rather stew in his illogical hate. Plus, if she was truthful, she doubted they would ever see them again or at least for a few years. However, her stomach chose the perfect time to act up as her hand shot to her mouth. Walking hurriedly towards the bathroom with Sophia quickly following.

"Everything okay in here?" Veronica asked, sticking her head into the women's bathroom. She and her mother noted how Gloria had rushed to the bathroom with Andrew's girlfriend following behind.

"Yeah," Gloria said weakly. "Just need a few minutes."

"Okay, you just holler if you need anything," Veronica spoke in a concerned tone before shutting the door.

The funeral got underway once Gloria and Sophia returned to their seats a few minutes later. Andrew bit his tongue when people who didn't know who his father was in his last days spouted off about how great a guy his father was and so on. He noted how his mother, too, was fighting back to keep from rebuking every single word those people had spoken. Reaching over, sliding his hand into hers, seeing how she fought to hide her smile as he did. Once the last speaker was finished, Andrew, his mother, and Sophia followed his extended family as his Grandfather, Uncle, and four of his cousins were his father's pallbearers as they carried his father's body through the funeral home and out to the awaiting hearse. Maverick Mathews was laid to rest early on that early cold January afternoon.

Once, the priest had spoken, and those few that threw flowers on top of Maverick's coffin. The three of them waited off to the side, watching it all so Andrew could say goodbye to his relatives that he might not see for many, many years. She would never deprive her son of Maverick's side of the family if her son wanted anything to do with them. She, however, would be distancing herself from them, given they were no longer a part of her family given how her only connection to them was now lying six feet under. When Andrew uttered his last goodbye, waving to them as they walked to their own car, which held their luggage given how they had already checked out of their room. Noting how Andrew tossed his suit jacket into the back seat before sliding into the driver's seat.

"Let's go home, baby," Gloria said as she sat beside him. Her fingers interweaved with his as he carefully pulled around the hearse and headed off towards their home. Knowing, now that Maverick was buried, she and Andrew could finally start their new life together. She just hoped he was ready for that. Nevertheless, that's a story for another day.

The End... for now.

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AardieAardie21 days ago

I wasn’t happy with his Mom fucking Marcum. It’s not like he had used his passes once. Plus, he wasn’t told that he was making a sex tape at the first three way and his mom was supposed to warm up with Angie and get out of the way and not be filmed at all. That family acted like friends but their priority was clearly fucking the mother and son. The amount of money in the end was pretty ridiculous. Still, I enjoyed the story and would read more.

linnearlinnear2 months ago

I forgot how good this was.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Would love to see a sequel to this or even a remake with a different ending like Maverick getting feminised and forced to be the nanny for ALL the future rugrats. I mean since he didn't want anymore and got himself secretly snipped, should only be right he be punished by helping to take care of the baby boom while wearing a sissy version of a French maid outfit or a pink tutu dress

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

would've preferred no other men touch Gloria, or Sophia so Andrew could lay sole claim to them. just personal preference.

Gadf77Gadf776 months ago

This was really nice to read. Not too long. Although I kinda would've liked to have read about his mom and Marcum while Andrew was busy with Angie.

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