College Snowbunny Pt. 07


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"Rrrrr" Stacy growled

"Just take the fucking pills bitch! Shit, I'll knock that pussy up when this shit's over it that's what it takes!" Dante barked.

"Really? Yayyy!!!!" Stacy said, hugging him tighter and kissing his face over and over.

"Now take the pill and fuck off" Sierra said, now stripped to her undies. She took a pill out of her bra and gave it to Stacy.

Stacy reached down to her dripping pussy and caught a large globule of jizz that had just leaked out, and used that cum as a chaser to take the pill. Sierra was already slurping his cock before she swallowed.

Riley showed up at the judge's house in red black Bentley sporting about $2000 in lacy black lingerie over a robe from Versace. The PI's weren't able to find any info on the judge outside of an address, so she had nothing to work with other than show up, be sexy and manipulate. She could think of a hundred different ways the judge could react, and a dozen different different ways to respond to each reaction.

The brunette showed up to the location, walked to the door and rang the doorbell. She opted to just go by her instincts and figured that no matter what happened, a glimpse at her body would freeze any white man long enough for her to come up with a plan.

The judge answered the door after a few minutes. He opened the door and saw a beautiful young lady in a silk robe and immediately knew what was going on.

"How did you get my address?" the judge said.

Riley simply smirked and dropped her robe. The $800 robe slipped of her skin like butter dripping off of a hot knife. Riley's perfectly toned, irresistible body was perfectly highlighted by her silky black panties, black stitched bra, garter belt and stockings. She looked at the judge and prepared to watch him turn into a babbling incoherent idiot, as any white man would.

There was a change in the judge's inflection, tone, and word choice.

"Oh honey... You are SOOOOOooooo barking up the wrong tree" the judge said.

Riley could immediately tell what was being communicated. The judge was a gay man.

"You came all the way out here, so why don't you just come in," he said to Riley who was so shocked as to be speechless. He never gave off any gay vibes in court.

"Listen honey," the judge said in his new, organic tone. "You gals have done a hell of a job trying to give your buddy a fighting chance. Really you have. A little more subtlety wouldn't hurt, but you're doing great."

Riley sat down in the man's living room on a couch in a well-decorated room. She couldn't think of any words to say. She had never been around a white man who wasn't completely enamored with her body.

"Seriously, I don't know how you gals neutered Bret Fischer but it's a damn site to see. Again, a little too obvious and I'm pretty sure those rich Russian assholes will figure out he's a spy soon enough but impressive."

Riley finally spoke. "Are you gonna help us out, or..."

"Listen up honey, I'm gonna do as much as I can. I don't wanna see another beautiful Black man locked up any more than you do. And that's why you shouldn't go to the jury." he said.

"We took care of those" Riley said confidently.

"Oh did you? You think letting a few racist Trump trolls sniff your used panties is gonna make them vote to acquit you boy toy? You think sending a few gang bangers over to Karen's hotel room is gonna make them acquit? Not how this works honeybun. I've seen this over and over. You give those little racists on the jury a lapdance or two and you trust them when they say they'll vote to acquit. Half the time they're lying you know. The chance that all 6 white jurors vote to acquit? About the same as flipping a coin 6 times and having it land heads each time."

"So if they don't all vote to acquit it's a mistrial right? The Black jurors wouldn't vote to convict!" Riley said.

"Probably not, although it's not a guarantee. Let's say it is a mistrial. You wanna do this all again with a new jury? New whiteboy jurors to bribe, new lawyers to blackmail, gotta raise money to hire a legal team, does that sound fun to you? How long do you think your porn money will last you?" the judge asked.

Riley continued to look at the judge and didn't have an answer.

"A mistrial just benefits the side with more money which isn't you" he said calmly.

"So what do we do? Just hope you didn't fuck us up and the white jurors vote to acquit against the odds?" Riley asked.

"Take a plea deal" the judge said.

"What? You mean plea guilty??!" Riley replied.

"Look hon, if you go to jury you have about a 1 percent chance of winning and a 98% chance you have to do this again. Take the plea deal and you can see him again sooner than you think!" the judge replied.

"How long?" Riley replied.

"If you think you can get Bret Fischer to get the prosecutors agree to misdemeanor assault charge, that's about a 5 year sentence."

"Five years?!?!! I can't wait that long!" Riley replied.

"Hold on. Five years would only be the sentence. Luckily since it's a misdemeanor he'd go to state prison not federal prison. And the state prisons here are overflowing with prisoners. Prisoners who are sent for five years are out in six months due to prison overcrowding these days. Those Russian assholes that wanna put him away probably don't know that. If I were you, I would try to make that deal through Fischer, and do it now. Dante could be back to making teen moms and filling ER's with racists before your sophomore year of college."

"So anyway, that's what the judge told me." Riley explained to a small meeting of defense lawyers and some of the key women in the plot to flip the jurors.

"I can confirm what he said about the state penitentiary. If they sentence 5 years, he's out by the summer. The Russians might not know that, and if Fischer goes along with it, that's an obvious decision for us," said one of the lawyers.

"But poor Dante! We can't abandon him for six long months! He'll get lonely in there!" Erica said.

"I'm gonna be honest, I don't think that alt right guy is gonna vote to acquit just because I let him sniff my panties. And I sure as hell ain't fucking him," said Lexxy.

"No one is allowed to offer sex in return for an innocent vote. Dante would rather die than be the reason a whiteboy got laid" Riley said.

"I've heard that concern before. Plus I don't know if the white women jurors are as locked in as we think... some of them are at best 50/50." Replied Sierra.

"I'd estimate a 5% chance of acquittal on all charged, 5% chance on guilty of at least one of the big charges, 90% chance of mistrial," said one of the lawyers.

"We don't have the money to keep funding trial after trial and we have no idea how long our benefactor is gonna keep paying our bills," said Lin.

"Do you think they'd go for the plea deal?" asked Riley.

"I just sent Fischer a picture of his daughter's new 'Black Babies Only' tattoo on her womb, I think he'll do anything to get her the fuck out of this hotel room." Sierra replied.

"If the prosecution would agree to a 5-year sentence in state prison for misdemeanor charges, we should absolutely take that deal," replied on of the lawyers.

"Fischer just texted me back, he thinks he can go behind the other defense lawyer's back and convince the Russians to take the deal," Sierra said.

"Do you think Dante would want that?" asked Erica.

"Dante can't even spell his own name, it's not his onus to make complex decisions based on risk and reward. He trusts us, if we think it's what's best for him we take the deal." Lin replied.

"Sooo... we're doing this? Sending Dante to the can for a 5 year sentence?" Lexxy asked.

"He'll be out in 2 months with perfect behavior. Those state jails are overflowing. I had a client sentenced to three months who was out in a weekend last month," another lawyer replied.

"Hahaha! Ya right, good behavior, Dante? He'll be cracking white skulls and mounting the prison bitches within a few hours," replied Riley.

"Ok... probably three-to-nine months then. Most likely six," replied the same lawyer.

"Soooo... I guess we all lost our bull for six months then?" Lexxy asked with a sad inflection.

"It could be a lot worse, Lex." Riley replied.

The Russians accepted the plea bargain and Dante was sentenced to 5 years in a minimum security state prison a few hours away from the city, to be started one week from the plea.

Stacy was returned to Fischer in one piece with a negative pregnancy test proving that she had indeed been giving constant birth control in line with Fischer's agreement with Sierra. The last thing Stacy said to Dante before leaving his compound was a vow that she would some day soon bear his child and that now that most of the charges were dropped, there was no further leverage that her father could use to keep her from getting preggo.

Dante took the news with a straight face, not showing any sadness or grief when he learned that he would be separated from most sources of pussy for a few months. His harem promised to take care of all of his needs as best possible before the sentence, when he got out and in any way possible during.

"We need to do something special for him before he goes away," Lexxy said.

"The media is portraying Dante as a civil rights hero. He's a national celebrity now. I think we can tap into some of that notoriety and send him off with the biggest bang possible. Hasn't Dante always said he wanted to fuck 100 different women at the same time?" Riley asked.

"You think we could organize a 100-woman-orgy before he goes away? Yah... I think we actually might be able to pull that off. I know at least a couple dozen celebrities who have been vocal in supporting his cause." Lexxy said.

It was the last day that the defense team was all together in the war compound and everyone was getting ready to go back home. There was a knock on the door.

One of the girls answered it. There were two extremely large, well-built Black men. Between them was a thin pale white man in an expensive-looking suit, taller than most white men but still dwarfed by the Black men next to him, who looked like bodyguards.

Lexxy did a double take. The white man was Tom.

"Can I help you?" The snowbunny said, eye-fucking both of Tom's bodyguards.

"I'm here to drop off the last of the money to the lawyers," Tom replied.

"Tom? What the fuck are you doing here? Where the fuck did you get that suit? Do you have any idea what Dante will do when he sees you in his war room?" Lexxy yelled.

"I've been the one funding this whole thing. And I'd like to see him get past Daquan and Lesean" Tom said.

"Those are sure some strapping young gentlemen..." Riley said, moving towards them.

"What the fuck Tom? Where did you get the money for this?" Lexxy said.

"I just knew I had to have you Lexxy, you're the only woman I've ever loved. And I knew you wouldn't accept me unless I became worthy of you, so I did. When I first started working for you, you were making me edit 12 hours of footage a day... I found some open-source AI video editing programs to help me with my work. Then I used that extra time to learn about coding and AI myself, and used some other open source programs to make an automated video editing AI that makes better videos than most porn directors... a few tweaks later and Amazon was offering me $8 million to buy the software to use for their new Lord of the Rings show and all the other shit they're putting on Prime video." Tom replied smugly.

"So you're worth $8 million?" Lexxy asked inquisitively.

"No way. After I freed up all my time with that video editing project I launched into another project, this one uses AI to buy up cryptocurrency when they're at they're-" Tom went on, before being interrupted.

"God, shut the fuck up already. Just tell us how much you're worth from selling all your little side projects to the big tech assholes?" Riley said, rubbing her body against one of the Black bodyguards.

"You won't talk to me like that anymore, you little whore! And it's a lot more than you!" Tom said, unleashing months of repressed rage against the ravishing bully.

"Seriously, how much are you worth?" Lexxy asked in a sweet tone.

Her voice made Tom's aggression go away in an instant.

"Maybe about $50 million? I should be able to double that by the end of the year if these projects pan out the way-" Tom said before being interrupted again.

Lexxy had felt a tinge of respect and even attraction towards Tom when he snapped at Riley, but his switch to a submissive tone the instant he heard her voice brought her opinion of him back down to earth.

"Seriously, how does someone with no talent make that kind of money?" Lexxy asked, trying to beat down Tom's newly found assertiveness.

"God, Lex, don't you know anything about white boys? They don't have looks or muscles or sexual satisfaction or anything to offer women so they do shit like this. 90% of history is just baby-dicked whiteboys doing crazy shit to gain power and have something to offer women. It's the main reason this planet is such a shithole," Riley replied.

"I said shut your whore mouth! I'm the one who's been paying for this fucking trial. And I just bought a bigger, nicer suite in the same building you guys live in so don't think you're gonna be getting rid of me!" Tom snapped.

"Dante! There's a whiteboy being crazy out here!" Riley yelled. Then she whispered into the bodyguard's ear.

"Man, fuck this gig, I'll see you back at the crib. Come on, Lesean" Daquan said. Riley, Lexxy and the two black bodyguards then left the room with Riley rubbing her body against Daquan and Lesean gripping Lexxy by her phat ass.

"Hey, what the FUCK is that cuck doing here?" Dante said, appearing naked from the bedroom along with the sound of multiple girls giggling.

"Oh, fuck!" Tom said, running away and leaving the check behind.

Several hours later, Lesean and Daquan were resting in Tom's hotel room with Lexxy and Riley cuddled up to each of them, taking turns sucking their cocks after several hours of intense sex.

*glugh-glugh-glugh* "God it's been so long since I've had another Black cock beside's Dante's," Lexxy said.

"Girl you don't know shit about the world of BBC yet!" Riley replied.

"I guess in a few days we're gonna be without a main bull to fuck?" Lexxy said.

"That's right... You've never been single, have you? Just Dante and the bulls he lets us fuck when he's occupied." Riley said, catching a glob of cum drip out of her pussy and bringing it over to Lexxy's mouth for her to eat.

*slurp* "God, it's gonna be a whole new world, won't it be? I mean we'll have to go hunting for Black cock but that'll be fun, won't it be?" Lexxy said, swallowing the thick jizz with some difficulty.

"You have no idea... but in the meantime let's focus on Dante, shall we? We have 6 days until her goes to the can and we need to find the 100 sexiest bitches on the planet for his going-away present... I think we should probably get on that?" Riley replied.

"Of course. After Lesean blows another two or three loads inside my pussy that is!" Lexxy said, moving on top of the bodyguard and grinding her ass on his semi-erect chubb." Lexxy said.

"She's grown so much..." Riley thought, herself moving on top of Daquan and getting ready to slowly lower her pussy on his magnificent cock.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Racist drek.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Yooo where the new stories at???

OverLookerKingOverLookerKing7 months ago

I really liked the the first few parts but part 5 took some turns that made the story less interesting to me and less desirable to continue the story. I wish this had just remained a story about whites getting converted to BBC servitude and didnt add the violence and legal troubles.

You are clearly a good writer it just ended up not being what I was looking and hoping for in the end.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Please continue this series

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Hope there is another part coming. Like your stories so far. Pls continue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This series is so hot dude, I want to read more

PablosainzPablosainzabout 1 year ago

Wow that was great..

How about we have something on stacy

Riley and Lexxi getting pregnant by dante as it was going to be like that before he got arrested....he got to get the job done...

Should involve lexxis parent as they were some type of racists...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Part 8?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Best fucking series ever holy shit

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Where's part 8?

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