Dinner and a Sex Show


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As her orgasm subsided, Freya blinked and the moment was over.

Cyn had taken her hand away, Katie had turned her attention back to her girlfriend, and Alex was starting to squirm uncomfortably under her. But Freya was happy. She finally felt completely sexually satiated.

This was good. This was very good.

But as good as their first attempt at group sex had been for Freya, she knew that it could be better. Although that was for another time.

"I made lemon squares, if you guys are interested," she said to the other three people in bed with her as she slid off of her husband's cock. As they all started to gather their clothes, Katie caught Freya's eye and mouthed, 'Did it help?' to her. Freya smiled and nodded.

Alex, still a little uncomfortable being unclothed around three naked women, made a beeline for the bathroom with his clothes carefully held in front of his now-flaccid penis. Freya, a little more at ease with everyone's nudity, followed him out of the bedroom giving Cyn and Katie a few moments of privacy.

As she pulled her sports bra over her head, Katie asked Cynthia, "So...?"

Cynthia looked at her and smiled.

"Did you enjoy that?" Katie asked.

"Yes, I did! But did you enjoy it?"

Katie blushed. "Well, I had an orgasm."

"You know what I mean."

"I loved how much you enjoyed it."

"Stop skirting my question."

"Cynthia, I just want you to be happy. If you're happy, then I'm happy."

Cynthia took Katie into her arms. "Katie-bear, you are absolutely amazing. And I'm so lucky to have you."

"I'm lucky to have you," Katie said as she nestled her head into her lover's comforting bosom. Then quietly said, "Alex has a big penis."

Equally quietly, Cynthia corrected Katie, "It's a cock, honey, not a penis. And, yeah! It was fuckin' huge! Freya never told us he was packing that kind of equipment."

"I'll bet you can't wait to have that in you, huh?" Katie asked.

Cynthia just held her girlfriend a little tighter. "You are truly the best, Katie-bear."

They held each other for a few moments, then heard Freya walking down the hallway towards the kitchen.

"Come on. Let's have some dessert," Cynthia said.

"Always thinking about food."

"Not always!" She gave Katie's ass a loving pat.

As the foursome sat around the table nibbling on the lemon squares, Freya spoke up.

"So, what did everyone think? I know it was pretty awkward, but it was just our first time. We're all new to this."

"Katie and I enjoyed it," Cyn replied. Then looking at Katie, asked her, "Right?"

Without making eye contact with anyone, Katie gave a shy smile and nodded her head. "It was nice."

"It was 'nice?'" Cyn guffawed. "Shit, Katie!" Then in a terrible British accent, she said to Freya, "Thank you ever so much for inviting us over for tea and crumpets and an orgy."

"You're mean," Katie replied.

"Yeah, Cyn. Stop being mean to our little Katie," Freya chimed in.

Katie looked at her, "And I'm not little. I'm only, like, two inches shorter than you."

"Okay, settle down there, Katie," Cyn said. "Everyone loves you... Despite your diminutive stature."

Katie slapped Cynthia's arm leaving a quickly reddening handprint on her forearm.

Freya shook her head at her friends' shenanigans -- she was used to it -- then took Alex's hand. "And I know that Alex liked it."

Neither Cyn nor Katie had ever seen Alex blush, but it seemed that this was an evening of firsts.

Then Cyn said, "Freya, you're kind of the one that started this whole thing -- the reason that we're all here doing this." She reached for another lemon square. "How was it for you?"

"It was great," she answered, then laughed. "I can't wait for more!"

Freya looked around the table at her friends. Cyn was beaming, her eyes twinkling at the thought of more group sex. Katie was looking at Cynthia with what can only be described as pure, unconditional love. Freya looked at Alex and they both smiled at each other.

"Well, it seems like we're all still on board, so I say we just get right back up on the horse, so to speak." Freya looked around the table again. "What works for everyone?"

"I have Sunday off," Alex quickly offered, then realized how eager he sounded and blushed again.

Cyn gazed at him and thought of his big dick. "Sunday is fine with us." She reached for a third dessert and Katie gave her a disapproving look.

"What?" Cynthia protested. "I've been really good lately." And she took the lemon square anyway.

"Then Sunday it is," Freya confirmed. "Should we make it a bit of a date day?"

"Sure," Cyn said. "We could go out for dinner? Maybe that French place?"

"Yeah!" Freya replied. "That would be fun. It's a date."

It was a long two days for Freya, but Sunday finally rolled around. Since it was going to be a nice day, they had decided against a stuffy restaurant and instead were going to take Rio to the park and walk around a bit, then grab some takeout and have a little picnic before they gave the group sex thing another try.

Freya needed a lot of willpower, but she was able to refrain from any sort of sexual contact with Alex -- and with herself -- leading up to Sunday. She wanted to make sure that Sunday was very special. Their first experience was really more like the two couples having "parallel sex" than true group sex. The four were together and all having sex, but aside from Cyn tentatively rubbing Freya's clit near the end, there was no real sexual contact between them.

But Freya was going to change that.

Her plan was to spend the afternoon subtly teasing Alex, Cyn, and Katie until the sexual tension between them all reached such a point that when they finally got into bed Sunday evening, everyone would explode with passion.

That was her plan, at least, but best-laid plans can sometimes go awry.

"Alex, are you almost ready?" Freya called down the hallway to her husband. "They're going to be here any minute." She was edgy with anticipation for the day ahead and more than a little sexually frustrated due to her self-imposed abstinence. But it was a good edgy and Freya felt great.

"I'll be right out," Alex replied just as there was a knock on the door.

"Hey!" Cyn greeted Freya when she opened the door and gave her a warm hug. Now that they were thinking about each other as more than just best friends, Freya easily understood Katie's physical attraction to Cyn. In her arms, Freya practically melted into her soft, comforting warmth.

"Hi, Rio," Cyn said, abruptly letting go of the disappointed Freya and picking the tiny dog up. But Freya's disappointment didn't last long as Katie quickly wrapped her arms around her. Freya could feel Katie's nipple piercings press against her own rapidly tightening nipples and before she even realized what she was doing, she had given Katie a kiss. It may have been a closed-mouth kiss, but it was directly on her lips and there was no question regarding her intent.

This was not a "best friends saying hello" kiss.

Surprised, Katie looked at Freya but didn't pull away. Freya stared deeply into her friend's dark eyes and thought that she saw passion there. Freya thought that Katie was urging her forward with her gaze. And that's when the forced abstinence of the last two days blew up in Freya's face.

She held Katie tightly and kissed her again, but this time, Katie wasn't taken by surprise. She closed her eyes, tilted her head to the side, and parted her lips ever so slightly welcoming Freya as she leaned in. They only kissed for a brief moment, but even Cynthia could feel the electricity in the air.

"Should we bring any toys for Rio?" Alex asked as he walked into the room, just missing the kiss.

Cyn looked at him and matter-of-factly stated, "I don't think we're going to the park, Al."

Freya let go of Katie and shyly looked at her husband. "Could the park wait?"

"Yeah, sure," he replied, a little confused. "What's up?"

The room was silent until Katie quietly said to no one in particular, "I think Freya needs a little attention before we leave."

"Oh... Uh... Okay." Alex stuttered, but was still confused. Then asked, "Is this a 'woman thing?'"

"It sure is." Cyn took his hand. "But I think we're going to need you, too." She started leading him towards the bedroom.

Trailing behind Cyn, suddenly understood. "Oh!"

Freya mumbled a half-hearted, "Sorry," as she and Katie followed them. "I hope you don't mind."

As they approached the bed, Cyn looked down at the front of Alex's shorts, then turned to Freya. "He doesn't mind." She started to reach for the waistband of his shorts, but Alex quickly told her that he could get it.

"You know, Alex, you're awfully bashful for a guy about to engage in his second orgy," Cyn told him.

Freya stepped between them. "Leave my husband alone, you hussy," she teased as she started to undress Alex herself. "And I think, technically, an orgy is indiscriminate sex between strangers."

"Look who's suddenly an expert..." Cyn started, but trailed off as her attention was diverted to the thick cock swaying in the air next to her.

"I think this would be classified as just 'group sex,'" Freya added before she dropped to her knees in front of Alex and took over half of his dick into her mouth. After a couple of quick sucks, Freya pulled her head back and looked up at Cyn. "Wanna try?"

With wide eyes, she first looked at Katie who had quietly drifted off to one side. Katie simply smiled back at her, so Cyn eagerly answered, "Yes, please!"

"First, let's get rid of these things," Freya said as she pulled Alex's shorts all the way down. He kicked off his sneakers as Freya helped him out of his shirt. "Get on the bed," she told him, then yanked his socks off.

Alex felt a little sheepish laying on the bed, alone and completely naked, surrounded by three fully-clothed women all staring at him, but that feeling quickly dissipated when both Freya and Cyn climbed up on either side of him and started to take off their shirts and bras. Before long, he was staring at four boobs swaying above his straining erection.

He was amazed at Cyn's tits. He had always felt that Freya's were big, but they were simply dwarfed by Cyn's mammoth jugs. Almost perfectly round, they shone with the same golden glow that Cyn always had. Alex was mesmerized by the light-blue veins traversing the taut skin of her breasts all leading to her large, pink nipples. Puckered nipples just begging to be sucked. The enchantment that her giant tits had cast over him was broken when Cyn wrapped the fingers of one hand around the shaft of his dick and squeezed.

Alex let out a tiny moan. Watching through half-closed eyes, he saw his wife instructing one of her best friends on how to stroke his cock. He couldn't hear what they were saying over the pounding of his pulse in his ears, but at this point, he didn't really care. Alex glanced over at Katie who was sitting in a chair by the bed watching and casually rubbing one of her nipples through the material of her T-shirt, but otherwise looking fairly uninterested in the blowjob that was about to happen.

But Alex was very interested when he felt lips around the head of his cock. He looked down and through her thin, blonde hair, he could see his dick slowly disappearing into Cyn's mouth and he groaned deep inside his chest. Although he had dated a few girls before Freya, he never got much further than some kissing and a bit of "heavy petting." Cyn was only the second woman to ever do this to him and to Alex, it felt like his first time all over again, only now with the knowledge of just how amazing it feels to cum inside a woman's mouth. Alex could feel his cock that was trapped between her lips throb, and he helplessly groaned long and low again.

Freya knew that sound and looked at him. She shook her head slightly and gave him a stern 'don't you dare cum, yet' look. Alex closed his eyes and tried to think about absolutely anything other than being surrounded by three beautiful women while his cock was being sucked.

Thankfully, just then, Cyn pulled her head off of his dick. For what was shaping up to be his first real threesome -- having sex with his wife a couple of days ago while Cyn and Katie fooled around next to him didn't really count -- Alex did not want to disappoint his wife. And his masculine pride wouldn't let him disappoint Cyn -- or Katie, for that matter. But Cyn was still holding his throbbing cock in her tight grip and this was making it very difficult for him to restrain himself from cumming.

Alex tried to keep his thoughts occupied by focusing on something else, but his mind betrayed him and all he could think about was what the two girls hovering over his dick were talking about.

"No," Freya was saying. "You want to swirl your tongue around the head of it."

"Like this?" Cyn asked, sticking her tongue out and waving it back and forth.

"You're just licking your lips. It has to go around."

"Like this?" Cyn contorted her mouth as her tongue lolled about aimlessly.

"Around." Freya repeated. "It has to be around it. Put his dick in your mouth again and try rolling your tongue around the head."

Cyn did as instructed, much to Alex's combined delight and chagrin. He knew that there was no chance he could last as long as he -- and Freya -- wanted him to.

Freya looked expectantly at him. "Was that it?"

"Uhh.. It..." Alex started, but was cut off when Freya looked back at Cyn and told her that what she had done still wasn't right.

"Show me what you were doing," Freya told her friend. Alex watched as Freya lifted Cyn's face up to hers, leaned in and gave her the sexiest kiss that Alex had ever seen or even imagined. He heard some rhythmic mewling from Katie sitting in the corner and as much as he wanted to see what she was doing -- and he had a good idea what she was doing -- he could not tear his eyes off of what he was seeing right in front of him.

His incredible wife was French kissing this beautiful, blonde woman whose gargantuan tits were rubbing against his wife's erect nipples while his cock was being absentmindedly stroked. Alex clenched his teeth and balled his fists around handfuls of bedsheets, but it was no use. He shot load after load all over his quivering belly.

"Oh!" Cyn cried out into Freya's mouth when she felt him cum and immediately let go of him. Both girls watched his cock spurting semen all over his torso. As the final death throes of his orgasm subsided, and Alex could catch his breath, he mumbled an embarrassed "Sorry."

Cyn was disappointed, but Freya simply said, "Don't worry. Alex is a big, strong boy." She grabbed his erection. "This thing isn't going anywhere."

Freya scooted back a little from Alex and an awestruck Cyn watched as she leaned down and lapped up all of the cum from her husband's body, then sat up licking her sticky lips and smiling like the cat that got the cream. Literally.

"Come here," she said to Cyn and gave her another deep kiss made even sexier by all of the sloppy cum covering her lips, cheeks and chin. Alex watched as Freya's mouth and tongue worked against Cyn's. Freya, still holding his cock in one hand, reached her other hand out and gently played with one of Cyn's fat, rubbery nipples. He heard Cyn moan deep.

Hearing the telltale wet slurping of a woman furiously masturbating off to his side, Alex looked over at Katie. She was sitting cross legged on the chair, her eyes glued to the two girls, with one hand feverishly pumping away in the front of her shorts.

Alex's cock jerked once in Freya's hand and suddenly he felt a great deal of pain as she squeezed him with all of her strength. His head whipped around to look at her.

"You better not be cumming right now!" Freya admonished him.

"No. No." Alex panted.

Cyn watched as the head of Alex's cock turned an angry purple.

"I won't," he moaned helplessly.

Temporarily satisfied, Freya let go of his dick and turned back to Cyn. "Okay. Do it just like I showed you."

Cyn grabbed Alex's dick and sucked the head of it into her mouth. Her tits pressed against his thigh and Alex could feel the nipples pressing into his sweaty flesh as she slowly pumped him with her hand and swirled her tongue around his cockhead.

Freya looked at Alex's slack face and exclaimed, "That's it, Cyn! You're doing it!" She was excited for her friend's first blowjob experience and kept up the encouragement with comments like: "Move your hand slower" and "Perfect" and "Yes, yes."

She could tell that Alex was about to cum.

"Okay. He's gonna cum, so get ready. Pump really slow and just suck on his dick," Freya instructed. "Here it comes. Just relax and keep sucking and swallowing."

Alex virtually exploded into her mouth. Cyn tried to suck and swallow but as much of an expert as she was at eating -- both food and pussy -- between having her mouth stuffed with the huge head of Alex's cock, her body bent over at such an odd angle, and just the excitement of her first cocksucking experience all caused her to choke a little.

Freya tenderly rubbed her back. "You're doing great. He's almost done. Just relax and keep breathing through your nose."

With a final weak pulse of his cock accompanied by a small grunt, Alex had finished.

"Okay!" Freya patted her back. "You did it!"

Cyn let go of his dick with both her hand and her mouth, and sat up, smiling. "That was awesome!" She turned to look at Katie, who had just finished bringing herself to an orgasm, as asked, "Did you see that? Did you see me give him a blowjob?" Very uncharacteristically, Cyn sounded like a little girl proudly showing off an accomplishment to a parent.

Katie smiled and nodded.

Excitedly, Cyn turned back to Freya. "So, can I fuck him, now? That must be even better!"

Freya placed a hand on Alex's hot thigh. "I think he's had enough excitement for right now." She watched Cyn's face darken. "But soon," she added. "Soon. Maybe tonight."

Cyn's smile returned and she wiped her chin with the back of her hand.

"But for now," Freya continued, "Alex has already cum twice -- and Katie who isn't even in bed with us came -- but what about you and me?" Freya mock pouted then looked at Alex and Katie. "Do you guys mind if Cyn and I...?"

"No," they both answered almost simultaneously.

"Katie?" Freya asked, "Would you like to join us?"

"No. That's okay." Katie replied simply.

Freya started wriggling out of the rest of her clothes. Now completely naked, she stretched herself out on the bed next to her husband. She took his hand, spread her legs, and said, "Cyn, I hope you're not too tired to show me some of your oral skills?"

Giant tits swaying, Cyn jumped off the bed, quickly stripped out of her pants, and climbed between Freya's splayed thighs. "I am never too tired for a little cootchie chew!"

Just then, Rio barked from the other room, but before anyone could say anything, Katie immediately hopped up. "I'll take him out. Be right back," she told the three as she ran out of the room.

"She's such a doll," Cyn said as she watched her go. Then her attention went back to Freya and her dripping pussy. But before she dove in, she did happen to notice that Alex was vacantly staring at the door Katie had just run through and that his dick was beginning to stir again.

💖 💖 💖 💖 💖

I hope that you enjoyed this story. If you did, please follow me to read more!

And I absolutely LOVE seeing comments, so feel free to leave one!

Thank you so much!

Love, Frey

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FreyaGersemiFreyaGersemi16 days agoAuthor

@Anonymous, thank you!! You wrote: "I liked that it had a limited foursome element which felt plausible." I deal in realism!! If it's implausible, then it certainly couldn't be real. 😉 And I'm glad you enjoyed the "itty bitty clitty" diddle.

AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

That was pretty neat, Freya. I liked that it had a limited foursome element which felt plausible and allows you the opportunity to build it up of you so wish.

That said, the image of Cyn reaching out and fiddling with Freya's itty bitty clitty will not be forgotten!

FreyaGersemiFreyaGersemi20 days agoAuthor

@AlexFourways, Thank you!! "How will Alex cope satisfying the needs of the women in his life?!" That's the $10,000 question!!!

FreyaGersemiFreyaGersemi20 days agoAuthor

@AchtungNight, you wrote: "Katie and I were both furiously enjoying ourselves over this one. ;)" 🥰

AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago

I love stories about evolving friendships, especially ones that morph into poly groups. You might consider numbering the stories to keep chronological order, even though some are freya-alex stories and some are katie-cyn stories. I'd love alex to be less passive, both physically and in admitting out loud what he wants from his friend group. They are his friends as well.

AlexFourwaysAlexFourways21 days ago

Another 5⭐installment. How will Alex cope satisfying the needs of the women in his life?!

AchtungNightAchtungNight21 days ago
Enjoyed this story.

Hope for more soon. Katie and I were both furiously enjoying ourselves over this one. ;)

FreyaGersemiFreyaGersemi22 days agoAuthor

@ccitydude, I'm always trying to shoot for 'interesting' ways of looking at things!! 😄

pkp033pkp03322 days ago


ccitydudeccitydude22 days ago

Hey, Frey. Pretty good story. I've always like first time cock sucking stories. Men or women. The stories I've read or even the stories I've written, are told from the point of view of the first time cock sucker, if you will. In your story, however, Cyn's first experience was told from Alex's and Freya's point of view. We don't learn much about Cyn's experience except that she enjoyed it. Interesting. Well done.

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