Discord Pt. 03


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Sylvia raised an eyebrow. "Are you gonna try to say it's somebody else's pussy I just ate that was absolutely overflowing with juice?"

"Not my fault my Domina hasn't let me cum in ages. Normally I'm not nearly that wet."

Sylvia fixed Violet with a wicked smile. "Good to know. I love how you taste, so I'll have to make sure to keep you denied forever so I can keep tasting you." Violet opened her mouth to say something else, probably something cheeky again, but Sylvia cut her off with another quick kiss. "Ready?" she asked.

"Yes, Domina."

This time, the first stroke felt different. It was like living a taboo dream. Like, doing Violet's thighs had felt more playful, but aiming at her pussy was serious. She'd lived her whole life feeling conditioned not to hurt other people, to repress her inner sadist, and here she was at last. Swinging a paddle to deliberately cause her lover intense pain. Sylvia stayed close to her, watching her face as it happened and aiming by feel. This time, her reaction was much different. The second she struck, Violet screwed up her eyes and clenched her teeth, trapping whatever was inside her deep down for a few seconds before deliberately untensing herself and breathing through it.

"Four?" Sylvia guessed, and Violet nodded.


"Okay, I'll go softer."

Violet quickly shook her head. "No, no need," the hurt was clear in her eyes but determination shone just as clear. "Just give me a little time between strokes, and I'll be able to take that strength."

Sylvia ran the fingers of her free hand through Violet's hair, gently tucking it behind her ear. "Such a good brave girl you are. Do you think you can handle going up to a six for me?"

Violet nodded, beaming at the praise and almost looking excited by the idea. "Yes, Domina!"

If four was "serious ouch", six out of ten on the pain scale was about as high as Violet said she could take without pushing the limits of her pain tolerance too far. As much as Sylvia loved the image of pushing Violet further, making her writhe and scream under her whip, that couldn't be a good idea for this first adventure together.

"Good," Sylvia continued petting Violet, deciding she quite liked the feeling of ownership touching her so casually intimately gave her. "But I want you to stop me when you get to a six. Don't go thinking I actually want you to keep going further, remember, I'm trying to learn here. Part of that is learning what your levels look like."

"Yes, Domina."

Spanking Violet's pussy was an experience that stayed with Sylvia her entire life. Partially, it was the action itself. Swinging the paddle, engaging her muscles to bring it up between Violet's legs felt strange -- like it was banging up against the same inhibitions in her head as swinging a punch at somebody. Strange but incredibly thrilling, the intensity of Violet's pain cascading into Sylvia and rushing through her like physical pleasure. Excitement pumped so hard through Sylvia's veins that it made her jittery, making it hard to keep the stroke strength consistent.

Strange, but it felt oh so right. Right because of Violet. Because she accepted this from Sylvia, welcomed it and encouraged it, even while her face was screwed up in pain and she fought hard to breathe through it, using every pain management technique she knew. It really made Sylvia feel accepted. Wanted, and for all of her -- sadism included.

Even with lengthy pauses between strokes, Violet couldn't take too many, especially while trying so hard to keep the same position. Sylvia let her get away with cheating a bit, like tossing her head back and slumping over, her knees alternately bending and straightening, her weight swinging from side to side as she struggled to find outlets for the agony inside her. Still, she held the general stance. Her feet never budged from their spots spread apart, and her hands stayed clasped behind her head.

Even when Violet's thighs hammered shut right after the paddle made contact with her pussy, she always opened them again herself. Sylvia never had to tell her to, Violet was always set and ready for another one, legs spread and pussy presented, inviting Sylvia to give her a fresh wave of agony on top of the ones she was already barely coping with. It blew Sylvia's mind that Violet could do that. She was so strong, so brave, so amazing, she seemed like a goddess to Sylvia, which only sent her dominant excitement soaring into the stratosphere. If Violet was a goddess and she willingly submitted to Sylvia, what did that make her? A titan?

Sylvia couldn't decide if she wanted to keep torturing her forever or end it this second so she could jump on her and finally do something about the urgent screaming in her own clit.

Violet made the choice for her. "Awwhhhh! Fuck -- okay, that's six out of ten, Domina."

The limit of her pain tolerance. Which was to say, the limits of what she could take on her own without being tied down and helped through it by her dominant. Violet was beautiful like this. Gorgeous. Her skin shone with a faint bit of sweat, her body bowed over slightly like every ounce of energy was being tapped for endurance, and her chest expanded in the forced slow breaths Violet used to manage her pain, but occasionally faltered to quick gasps before she could get it under control again.

Sylvia immediately dropped the paddle and wrapped Violet up in a very tight hug. "You're amazing."

Her face was very flushed, and the beginnings of tears sparkled from the corners of her eyes, but Violet still smiled wide. "What, that? That's nothing!" She gave a huff that was meant to sound dismissive, but turned into a low groan half way through, making Sylvia laugh. "Okay, fine, maybe a little more than nothing, but I can still take more if you change body parts and give me a little time!"

More! Tempting, but holding Violet close made Sylvia acutely aware of how wet her panties were. It was long past time to get them off. "Another time," she said, giving Violet a very firm shove backwards onto the bed. Quickly, she frisked her dress up over her head and tossed it aside to join Violet's. "Your Domina needs your mouth, right now."

Violet's eyes went wide watching Sylvia whisk her bra and underwear off, sending them to join the discarded dresses. Gently, she rubbed at her thighs and vagina, trying to convince them to sting less. Still, she couldn't help the mischievous tone. "You pushed me, Domina."


"That means I win the game, right?"

"Wait, what?"

"I stayed still, and you had to push me to get me to move. That means you gave up and I win, right?"

"It doesn't work like that--" Sylvia began, then stopped at the dramatic pouty face Violet was making. "Okay, fine, Ms. Competitive. You win. For your prize, you get to be smothered in my pussy. Happy?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Lie back." Violet obediently lay flat on the bed and let Sylvia crawl on top of her, legs straddling her head, her body mostly eclipsing her except for the eyes poking out from beneath her. "Focus on keeping your tongue on my clit and follow my rhythm."

Violet started her customary "yes Domina," but Sylvia lowered her hips and dropped her pussy onto her open mouth, cutting her off mid-word.

The image in Sylvia's mind's eye was of a gradual build. Starting slow, letting Violet do her thing to pleasure her, and slowly riding faster, all the way up to a nice orgasm. The second her clit touched Violet's tongue, that went straight out the window. Sylvia gasped, her entire pelvic floor clenched hard, and she started bucking her hips wildly against Violet's tongue. She grabbed onto Violet's hair, half to pull her even further into her pussy, half just to have something to hold onto in the middle of the storm of pleasure.

Violet seemed to like it. Her eyes poking out from under Sylvia's writhing body seemed delighted by her response, and she hummed softly, the vibrations doing fantastic things to Sylvia's clit. She snaked her arms upward and grasped Sylvia's breasts, rolling and tweaking her nipples in a way that sent wild shocks through her body directly and made her clit throb.

Sylvia's orgasm snuck up on her. One moment, she was riding sexual waves of pleasure, and the next she was mid-orgasm, seemingly without any transition. She screamed, her entire body tensing to a statue while Violet's mouth went into overdrive and all the feelings she'd built up over days and weeks finally came to a peak. The sense of power and feeling of control, the physical pleasure she'd felt and emotional excitement from hurting Violet, all the nervousness that had morphed into confidence and acceptance, it all seemed to come together inside her, throbbing out of her in one massive clit throb and vaginal clench after the next until she finally spent herself.

Slowly and languidly, she crawled back down to join Violet, who as usual looked like she couldn't be happier with how thoroughly used she was. Her hair was all over the place, pussy juice lingered on her lips, redness blossomed bright in her thighs and entire pubic region, and she'd given her Domina an unforgettable experience, and she looked over the moon by all of that.

"You're such a good girl," Sylvia said, feeling like the words weren't anywhere near enough to express what had just happened, and she hoped nuzzling close into her would do something to communicate more.

Violet seemed to understand. She hugged her back, murmuring sweet little nothings and slowly rocking her, like she was guiding her to sleep. Sylvia's eyes did feel heavy. Wrapped up in their joined warmth, blissed out on lingering post orgasm pleasure and the release of tension and hormones, her body was light and her bed felt like a cloud she could have drifted away on.

But not yet! With an effort, Sylvia forced her eyes back open. "It's your turn to cum now." The way Violet gasped and her entire being lit up was like she was five years old and Sylvia had just said they were going out for ice cream. It made Sylvia feel deliciously powerful all over again, being able to draw that out of Violet. "You're so fucking adorable! Do that again."

"Do what?"

"That expression -- oh, nevermind." Sylvia propped herself up on one arm, looking as forcefully into Violet's eyes as she could still manage. "Now, let's get one thing straight. You deserve to cum for about a million different reasons. All the amazing things you've done for me since we met, being my emotional rock, being the best submissive in the world since we started playing together, giving me that unreal good orgasm just now, you get the idea. You deserve it so much, but you know I don't let you cum just because you deserve it. No, I'm going to make you cum right now because I want to watch you cum, and for no other reason. Got it?" Violet nodded, eyes still huge and bright in small-child-with-ice-cream mode. "Good." She let the domme leave her voice a little and gently reached down to caress Violet's fledgling bush. "Not gonna lie, I will be sorry to see this go. It's so fun to play with."

"It's so distracting! I play with it all the time, it's like a reflex."

"That's the point, silly!" Sylvia laughed. "It's supposed to make it impossible for you to forget your poor, denied pussy." She grinned, wicked again. "Maybe next time, I won't let you cum until you've got it an inch long."

"Domina! That'd take months!"

"So you'd better enjoy this orgasm enough to tide you over!" Sylvia pressed down slightly harder, letting her fingers gently part Violet's labia. "Are you still tender here?"

"A little, but it's not uncomfortable at all. It kinda feels better than it would otherwise."

The wicked grin again. "You are such a masochist! So you're saying I should keep whipping your pussy?"

"Of course, that's exactly what I'm saying," Violet gave a sarcastic roll of her eyes.

Sylvia gathered Violet's wetness onto herself, spreading it around her hand all over while lightly probing her sensitive bits in ways Violet must have liked because she spread her legs wider and started making little breathy sounds. "One finger inside and stimulation on your clit at the same time, right?"

"Yes, please, Domina!"

"Like this?" Sylvia slipped her middle finger into Violet's welcoming vagina, gently easing it back and forth while softly pressing on and rubbing across her clit with her palm. She went easy, guessing Violet must be more tender than she admitted, and Violet's pleasured squirming under her light touch seemed to confirm that. "Is this good for you, or should I use my mouth?"

"This is perfect, Domina."

"Good, because I wasn't kidding. I do want to watch your face while you cum."

"Voyeur," Violet chuckled, then closed her eyes and lay her head back making gentle cooing sounds.

Sylvia didn't rush her. Knowing how sensitive and wound up Violet was, she kept her stimulation steady, so Violet could enjoy the buildup as much as possible. It was nice getting to watch the tapestry of pleasure build across her face and feel it in her body, taking it easy while the feelings she'd put off thinking about caught up with her.

She'd done it! It hadn't been a long session, and there was still tons she needed to learn and get experience doing, but whatever! That was easy, now the first part was done. It was like that feeling after finally taking the plunge into a lake and finding out that the water wasn't actually that cold. Open water full of possibilities stretched out ahead of her in every direction, welcoming her to swim out and explore.

It choked her up, just a little bit. She tried to push it down, but what the hell? Feeling like she'd never be a real dominant had been so much of her identity for years, finally putting it behind her was like putting the most negative part of herself to rest. If that wasn't justification for a bit of feels, what was?

Violet's legs suddenly snapped straight out to the sides. "I'm close, Domina! Can I cum? Please?"

"Yes you may. Cum for me, my good girl. Cum as much as you want."

It had been a while since Sylvia had done her own month long denial experiment, but she'd never forget what that first orgasm afterwards had been like. She knew Violet would be instinctively trying to keep the orgasm at bay, her body not quite believing yet that it was allowed to tip over, so she kept up reassuring her with her words, whispering the instruction to Violet to cum for her in her ear again and again until a huge burst of wetness hit her hand and Violet's body went crazy.

Her eyes stayed closed, but even as her abs flexed hard enough to do a sit up and her vagina clenched down hard enough to rip Sylvia's finger off, her face got even more peacefully blissed-out. Like everything else was separate, just there to flood as much pleasure as humanly possible through Violet for her to enjoy.

"That's it, good girl, that must feel so good for you. Let it all out. God, you're so beautiful when you cum." Just as suddenly as she'd started cumming, Violet's legs clamped shut and she cried out, frantically forcing Sylvia's hand away. Sensitive clit after orgasm, right. "Sorry! I forgot. You weren't kidding, you really do get sensitive."

"Just a bit," she panted, then peeked one eye open. "Did you mean it? About me being beautiful?"

Sylvia smiled warmly. "Of course I did. Violet, you're amazing."

"Great! So that means you'll let me cum more often?"

"Of course not! I'm still a sadistic bitch."

Violet chuckled breathlessly. "Ah well. If you weren't a sadistic bitch, getting to cum wouldn't feel that good." She wrapped an arm around Sylvia's body, softly cuddling herself in. "Do you feel different now?" she asked, and despite the vagueness Sylvia knew what she meant.

"I'm not sure. Like, I feel really happy about this. Like, really, really happy," Sylvia said, wishing words weren't so hard. "But it's like you said. I think I've always been a dominant. I just needed time to believe it."


Epilogue -- Violet

The last day before she had to fly home was different. They didn't do any touristy stuff. Instead, everything they did was totally normal and mundane. Like what a typical weekend day would be if they lived together.

They slept in late, then lounged around on the couch watching old episodes of Brooklyn 99. Sylvia insisted the episodes with the Pontiac Bandit were the best, but to Violet, Captain Holt undercover as a suburban Florida arcade worker pretending to be straight at the start of Season 4 was the absolute height of comedy. They cuddled, which led to a scene where they tried out the new cuffs they'd picked out together, which led to Violet getting a pleasantly spanked butt. Then Violet got to watch Sylvia doing her piano practice, and she and Jane had a ton of fun leaning over the couch opposite the keyboard pawing at Sylvia's hands as they flew by.

The first time they left the house was to go buy groceries for dinner. They were going to make a stir fry, so they wandered around Whole Foods, dropping anything that looked good into their basket. Sylvia got really excited when Violet dropped two cloves of garlic in, gushing about how much she loved cooking with garlic.

"Everything is better with garlic in it! Let's get a baguette, I wanna make you my garlic bread."

"Garlic bread along with a soy based stir fry main dish and rice?"

"Garlic bread to go along with the garlic in the sauce! Don't laugh, it's a real thing!"

Jane joined them again while they were chopping vegetables on the counter, sniffing curiously at the marinating chicken before deciding she was sleepy and curling up for a nap by Sylvia's feet.

Violet had already decided it was her favorite day of the trip even before Sylvia slipped away to her room, returning with a hand tucked shiftily behind her back and looking more nervous than she'd seen her in a while.

"Violet, I--um--I" she started, then bit her lip hard, fidgeted, and tried again. "Violet--um--I..." and then more lip biting. Violet put down her chopping knife, waiting patiently while Sylvia got her shit together. Violet had wondered if she should tell her how adorable she was when she got flustered like this, but worried she might stop doing it if she did. It took a few tries, but finally, Sylvia took a deep breath and put a strip of red leather in front of her. "Violet," she said, much more firmly, "I want you to be mine. Officially, I mean, even after you go home. I know long distance isn't ideal, and I can't say for sure what we'll do down the line, but there it is. I want you."

It was a nice collar. Not the fanciest she'd ever been given, it lacked the studs and engravings other collars went for, instead opting for simplicity. Comfortable feeling red leather, with a ring in the front to clip things onto and soft fur padding along the inside. So like her Domina, making a show of being mean, but still making sure she was comfortable.

Violet didn't have to think about it. She passed the collar back to Sylvia, then turned around and picked her hair up and out of the way. "Put it on me, Domina."

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MurseDMurseD5 months ago

A really great series. Very well written, excellent buildup. Even though you said this was only a three part series, I hope you find time to come back and continue it.

ThebiffThebiff8 months ago

Wonderful series. Would love to hear more from them. Will it continue to be long distance? Will Domina visit the West Coast? Will they get together forever? Fabulous writing and character development.

Psychman24Psychman249 months ago

So well written. I enjoy stories where the characters feel real and actually care about each other. Love takes many forms and its nice to vicariously experience it in this sweet story

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Would love another chapter— incredible!! Easiest 5/5 stars I’ve ever given

_robin_robinabout 1 year ago

Lovely, thoughtful romantic story. So well done. Thank you. Yeah the city isn’t great, in the airport department.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Love it please hope you write another chapter

Nightwish1977Nightwish1977about 1 year ago

I've really enjoyed the romance behind d/. Thank you.

S9808S9808about 1 year ago

Not into dom/sub thing but your story struck a chord as being just so enjoyable. it is probably a cruel thing to say but I am sure you will appreciate the irony. Nice build up, great characterisation, truly well thought out plot, nice warm feeling. I will look out for future stories which hopefully will be better proof read.

LittleSlaaveLittleSlaaveover 1 year ago

thank you for these warm feelings

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