Friend Borrows My Wife Pt. 02


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Sitting on the bed, I began to think logically, although the headache ... slightly aggravated the procedure.

"My wife cheated on me, this is a fact, but also no less real fact that I cheated on her. After all, I could not admit the situation with Olga, but I not only admitted it, but also fucked her several times, moreover ... enjoying it very much. When exactly, my wife cheated on me, I could not know, perhaps tonight, under the influence of alcohol, because we drank together. Although ... she could have changed even before that, but these are my guesses ... And I, in turn, fucked Olga soberly, the rest, after the club, was already a logical continuation. On this trip, there was a double-sided betrayal, both are to blame and this is a fact! It was necessary initially not to agree to this venture, but now it's too late to think about it, we have what we have. All the same - I am very angry and the reason that I did not start a fight, only in my connection with Olga, accusing my wife of treason and making her extreme is not a way out of this situation. But what to do next ... I love her and this is a fact, I do not want to disagree with her, she is a very dear person for me! Perhaps what happened will entail further changes in our sex life, because we fantasized about threesome sex, but in reality I did not think about it, and if I did, then I definitely ... did not want someone as a third from acquaintances, and even more so from a friend. Not everyone will understand this way of life and it should not be advertised, and I am not ready yet to share my wife with someone else.

One thing I know for sure - further meetings of my wife and Dmitry, I do not wish and even fear that after returning to the city, they will meet behind my back. Diman has always been a ladies' man and I do not exclude the possibility that he could fool my Vika ... it was not enough to fall in love with myself! Resolved! Upon my return to the city, I will reduce their communication to a minimum!

I sat and thought, then periodically walked up and down the room, completely oblivious to how time flew by.

- Andrey, are you sleeping or what? - Olya knocked on the door.

"I dozed off, but I'm already awake," I lied.

- Let's go to our kitchen, the guys are already up! - Opening the door, Olya looked into my room.

"I'll be right there," I replied.

- Okay, - said Olya and left.

"So! I'll have to talk to my wife as soon as the performance ends and decide how we should proceed! " - I firmly decided and, having laid out things in a more cultured way, went to the others.

- Hello everyone! - I said, going into the kitchen.

- Healthy! - answered Diman, he had a face, still the same.

- Hi, - said Vika.

- Here you go! Great herbal tea, great hangover cure! - Olga brought the tray.

The wife was sitting next to her fiancé, leaning slightly on him, still continuing to play the play. At some point, we met her eyes and this is not just a glance, each of us realized that he knew about the betrayal, Vika somehow changed in her face and slightly moved away from Dima.

- Guys, don't take me to the airport, stay here, rest! The weather is not so hot today, but you will find something to do! - said Olya.

- We will definitely do it! - objected Dima.

- We still have time to rest! - I said and looked at my friend, he caught my eye.

- Of course we will, - Vika joined in for the company.

- Dima, then close the house with your keys! - said Olya.

"Of course," he replied.

- We still have an hour to get to the airport. Guys, just don't wait for boarding the plane, it won't be convenient for me. - said Olga.

"We'll see," her brother replied.

The hour flew by quickly, chatting about everything, moving away from yesterday's fun. After such a trip to the club - I will not want to repeat it for a long time!

Since we were drinking yesterday, no one started driving, we ordered Taxi. It arrived very quickly, just as our whole company managed to get together. In the dripping rain, we got into the car and drove to the airport. Having done the necessary things at the airport, we sat in a cafe, there, it would seem, nothing could surprise me, but then ... Vika went to the toilet, and Diman went to get a portion of caffeine to our whole company. We were left alone.

- Thank you, it's so cool that you came with them! - said Olga.

"I was glad to unwind from work and relax in such a company and with such a wonderful girl like you," I said. Maybe compliments from my side were unnecessary, at the moment, but I wanted to deliver something pleasant to Olya.

- Come back sometime! - said Olya.

- Will there be excursions again? - I laughed and continued - You prepared everything so well, you know how to tell beautifully!

- Well, to be honest ... it was time to get ready, and Dima could not refuse, - said Olya.

- Not understood? What to refuse? - I immediately cheered up.

- Yes, nothing! Do not pay attention! - Olya tried to drive off.

- Olya, what's going on?! I asked, more seriously.

- Damn ... blabbed ... - Olya began.

- About what? I asked.

- Okay, just don't tell Dima, okay?! - continued Olya.

- Of course! - I said, but I was not sure that I would not break this word.

- In short ... Dima, called me a week before the holidays, said that he has a fiance, that he wants to introduce us. But a girl, rather shy, they say ... even if you come together, I'll just get to know you, I've never seen you, "Olya said.

- So? - I couldn't wait to hear what's next, until the guys returned.

- He asked me to make excursions, ride around the city, and be sure to take them to that place, to the destroyed Temple, where is the tradition, well, do you remember? ... The water park and the cinema are the same, his idea. The club, however, came out spontaneously and was already at my suggestion. Well, and in the house they should be settled in my bedroom, where there is a large common bed, to give her various advice in terms of sex! At first I unlocked, but Dimka persuaded, and what's difficult, besides, I really liked Vika! And as for me, she is quite liberated, I don't know where he got the idea that she is squeezed in terms of sex. - finished Olya.

My fist did not clench voluntarily, it is good that my hand was under the table and Olya did not see it. "Well, that's it, piz ... I'll kill you!" I thought to my, already definitely, a former friend.

Then Dimka came and did not let us finish, Olya changed the topic of the conversation. What a desire to pounce on him ... right now, but I held back! After all, he invented everything, invented it on purpose! And what for - to fuck my wife?! A minute later, Vika came up, we finished our coffee, escorted Olya to the waiting room and began to say goodbye.

- Come on brother, see you! - Olga hugged her brother.

- Nice to meet you! - hugged Vika and Olya. Olya added, - Do not delay the marriage and with a lyalka! I will come to your wedding without fail!

* Yeah, wedding, right now! Another 5 minutes and the farce is over! * - I thought.

- Of course! - answered the wife, with a smile on her face.

"Bon voyage," I wished Olga and hugged her.

In the final phase of the performance, the couple kissed in front of Olga!

We left the airport, what a desire it was - to pounce on this villain, right here, in the midst of people!

- Thanks guys! Help me out! - said the joyful Dimka.

- And what about the wedding now?! Olya wants to come! - Vika pounced on him!

- Let's solve the problem, think of something! - answered Dimka and waved his hand at a passing car.

- Go alone! We will follow, we need to talk! - I said to Diman, who was already sitting in the front seat.

- Okay, do you remember the address? - Dmitry asked.

- Yes! - I answered.

We were left standing together, the next taxi came up, I caught him. We sat down in silence, I told the taxi driver the place, the address of Olga's house, and asked - Is there a quiet place nearby, a park or a cafe where you can talk peacefully?

- Yes, the park is not far away, but the weather is not very good, - answered the taxi driver.

- It doesn't matter, let's go! - I said and handed him the money.

We drove in silence, looking out the windows, on different sides of the car, each of us already knew what the conversation would be about. The taxi driver dropped us off in the park, the rain was over, but everything was wet and rather disgusting, the park was almost empty, just an ideal place for a conversation with eye to eye. Passing another shop, I turned towards it, pulling my wife along with me, we sat for a minute in silence, without a word.

- Yes, we went to rest, - I began.

My wife turned in my direction and just looked at me.

- Listen, I'll tell you straight, as it is ... - I began - You are my wife, I love you, but we need to discuss what happened and how we should be next.

"Okay," his wife replied calmly.

- Things are such ... it turned out that I cheated on you with Olga, I confess to you honestly, looking into your eyes, - I began. Of course, I could lie or start a conversation differently, but now I was definitely sure that my wife cheated on me and in order for us to keep our marriage, if possible, then we must be - frank with each other.

- I know that, I heard you, after the club, in the bedroom ... - Vika replied relatively calmly.

- I, too, heard something. But I want to know for sure, I think you yourself know what about, - I said, looking my wife in the eyes.

- Yes, me and Dima ... we ... well, you know, we slept, - the wife began, her eyes filled with tears.

"I don't want to know the details ... it is enough for me to know what you have already said," I replied to my wife.

- He ... he, from the second day ... began to pester me more intensely, and then ... I don't know how it happened. Will you leave me? - the wife cried, drooping her head.

I was silent, my wife looked at me in fright, tears ran from her eyes.

- What will happen to us now? - asked Vika.

- Do you love me? - asked I, taking her hand.

- I love it very much, and what happened will not change it, - replied the wife.

- If it happened spontaneously, on a drunken head, I probably would have forgiven Diman ... But Olga, at the airport, let it slip to me, - I said.

- About what? - the wife looked at me with a questioning look.

- The story is ... Dimka thought of everything on purpose, the whole trip. He called Olga about a week ago, said that he wanted to introduce her to his bride, along with me, and began to persuade about the May holidays. Then he began to weave that the bride is very constrained in terms of sex, asked to place you in Olga's bedroom, and in every possible way tease you on a sexual topic. An excursion to the place where you first kissed ... seriously, his idea, like a water park with a movie. She seemed to be rejecting at first, but he, in her words, persuaded. - I said.

- They ... I myself! - exploded my wife, continuing - I have no words, he came up with everything to fuck me?!

- Yes, he planned everything in advance! I said, clenching my hand into a fist.

- But why?! I don't understand, you're friends! How could he do that?! - the wife was indignant.

- I myself do not understand, he either thought you just ... to fuck ... or to fall in love with himself and destroy our family, - I continued.

- Sick idiot! - Vika could not stop.

- Now, listen to me seriously! - Taking his wife by the hand, I said.

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After sustaining a short pause, I began ...

- Just don't interrupt me ... Vika, I propose to forget everything that happened on this trip and never remember it! But I have two absolute conditions. First - Dimana, will no longer be in our life, never will, and if I find out that you will at least communicate - I will kill you ... Second - if, someday, we decide to diversify our sex life, it will be with my approval and with my participation ... I am a man, I am a husband and it will be as I say or get divorced, I told you everything, decide for yourself! - I finished my speech and looked at my wife's tear-stained face.

- You know, if what happened between me and this brute ... would have been spontaneous, I would have communicated with him, after that ... But having learned the truth that everything was planned by him ... I don't even want to see him more, never ... - said Vika and added - I love you and agree to your terms.

We were sitting hugging each other on the bench, and it started to rain again.

"I don't want to go to this house," said the wife.

- Let's go, we'll pick up things and go to any hotel, tomorrow morning, we'll go home, - I decided.

- Well, just promise me ... keep yourself in control, I don't want you to kill each other ... or rather I don't care about him, but still ... - looking at me, my wife said.

- I understand, I cannot promise, but I will try! - I answered, knowing in front that I would hardly keep my words.

We caught a taxi and drove home.

- We go directly to the second floor, for your things, then to me, "I said.

- Good, - answered Vika.

- For a long time, where have you been? - Diman met us in the hallway.

- We're leaving! - I answered sharply, adding - We will talk with you, alone!

- Uh ... what happened? - dragged us to the second floor, Dimka.

"Pack your things," I said to my wife.

Sharply turning around, I hit Diman walking from behind, right in the jaw, with his right hand. He, not expecting a blow, fell to the floor with a decent crash.

- Andrei! - shouted the wife.

- Pack your things, quickly! I shouted at her, then turned to my former friend.

- If you touch my wife even once, I will kill you! Do you understand, nit?! - I yelled, hanging over the body of Dimka, sprawled at the door of their room.

- So, yes ... - he replied, wiping the blood from his lip.

- Come on, - shouted the wife hitting things in her bag, maybe she forgot something, but it was more important for her ... to leave quickly.

We went to the first floor, to my room, Diman remained sitting on the floor.

- Well, you are a creature! - practically, already from the first floor, my wife shouted.

Quickly stuffing our things into our bags, we didn't really button them up and headed for the exit. I didn't want to start a fight in front of my wife, but let these events go on the brakes - I wasn't going to, I would have caught him later, in our city! But, it was not so ... Dimka stood by the ladder and waited for us.

- You fucked my sister! - Dmitry began.

- I know about it! - Vika reacted.

- You cheated on each other! And because of this you will break our friendship?! - looking at me, said Dimka.

- Yes! So that I don't see you again! Bitch! - I yelled back!

- Well! - he shouted, then laughed and blurted out - Traded a friend for this slut?!

- What you said?! - I threw the bags, my wife grabbed me, wallpaper with her hands.

- Shut up brute! Shut up! - shouted my wife, at him.

- You know how she moaned under me, what she got up to, this same real bl ... t! - Dimka blurted out. This was the last straw!

- Get away! - I pushed my wife away and rushed into battle.

With a running start, I swung my right hand, my opponent expected this, putting a block, but he could not imagine an instant hook from the left, coming straight to his head, and then, from the right hand, into his ear. The answer was not long in coming, so that I got hit in the eyebrow, then we grabbed each other by the breasts and started rolling on the floor, exchanging blows.

- Stop it! Are you crazy?! - sobbing and screaming, Vika ran around us, and when Diman was on top, she tried to hit him with her small fists and pull him off me, clinging to his shoulders.

- Andrey, that's enough! - my wife did not calm down.

At some point, Dimka missed a good blow from the right, to the left temporal part, he lost his orientation for a moment, having paid for it with a second blow, his grip weakened, I stuck my leg between us, and threw him off myself. He flew into the kitchen and landed in the kitchen cabinet, his attempt to get up was interrupted by my kick, right in his chest.

- Enough! Enough! I beg you, you will kill him!! - the wife grabbed me, covering the lying Diman.

- Forget about us! Come closer to my wife for a kilometer, I will kill you! - I said in the affirmative, grabbing a knife from the kitchen table!

- No no! - the wife sobbed!

- You understood me?! - I stepped towards my former friend! The answer was visible in his eyes, he was seriously scared, trying to crawl back and hiding behind his hands.

- I got it, got it!! You won't see me again! He replied, spitting out a couple of knocked out teeth.

I mechanically wiped the handle of the knife with a rag, without knowing why, and threw it somewhere into the hall.

- If you have even a drop of conscience left in you, you will not report to the police! - I said, took the bags in one hand, in the other - the hand of my wife.

On the way to the nearest hotel, my wife was crying, she was shaken, she was seriously scared, so she ... she never saw me.

"You almost killed him, but what if he says? She asked.

- Everything will be fine, but I could not do otherwise, I defended your honor. - I answered.

"The honor ... which I have lost," his wife replied with a sob.

- Stop it, everything is fine! - I parked and hugged Vika.

We sat there for a while, then put ourselves in order, my wife had to conjure over me, with the help of a first-aid kit, from the car. Having rented a hotel room, we spent the rest of the day on the bed, lying in an embrace. We were together, that was the main thing and nothing else, we didn't need it.

The next day, we returned home, at first we tried not to remember the events that had taken place, pretended that nothing had happened. For a couple of months, we even visited a family sexologist, but then we decided that this was unnecessary. Dmitry - I never saw him again, only four months later, I found out that he had sold his part of the business and left somewhere.

We didn't talk about what happened, but we both knew that it would affect our sex life in the future.

P.S. This is not an end of the story an it will be great if other authors will tell true about this days in holidays and also will develop story.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Even if husband he will never betray his wife ge has control over himself ,wife's are sex freaks they never have control over themselves they are sluts their excuses were drunk it just happened all sorts of crap

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Yea I stopped. The English was so bad I could figure out what was happening. Very confusing. I have no idea who is who, who is with who, and who had sex with who other than the MC? Had sex with Olga.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Couldn't finish it.

tralan69ertralan69erover 1 year ago


The translation did NOT do your story justice!

Don't be discouraged by this and please write another, or at least make this story readable.

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Even in Russian cuck shit is cuck shit

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nearly impossible to read.

Story line has some potential.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

There are moments where the Russian translation falls short, but it is interesting despite this — the slightly different attitude towards sex, calling your sick a “fighter”, mixups in pronouns definitely needs a human touch. The hangover descriptions are as interesting as I would expect from a Russian text. The hero is a real person — not perfect, he falls, but is not a hypocrite, and forgives his wife, who is a feisty, passionate woman. Well done, keep writing, just get an editor.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Excellent story

Very hot, even translated. So, well done. Write more

alexmaksialexmaksialmost 3 years agoAuthor

I also wonder where bullet vibrator has gone and also where they went in aqua park with Victoria :) maybe someone will finish the story :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

What I want to know is, what happened to the bullet vibrator that the husband found the empty box for, and how was it used? I would also have been nice to know what kind of sex advice Olga gave toViak?

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