Hot Hen's Milk & a Cold Day in Hell


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"Myles, I've been dismissive of you, and I have my reasons, not good reasons, but reasons that I've chosen to live by, at least until now. I know you are sharper than I ever admitted out loud. Myles, do you all of this potential prestige to my name hinges on?"

I smirked, "Publishing. Publishing your research in prestigious academic journals."

The professor nodded in approval. "Yep. Publishing. I will have to publish the procedures of my experiments so that they can be analyzed and duplicated by other research labs. Without the specific procedures, my papers will not be passed out of peer review. My research will be rejected."

I gave a small nod of my head in understanding. "Tough titties," was all I said.

"My hens tell me that you've been spiking the pink lichen into lots of your cooking, not just the soup. Is that true?"

"I have," I confirmed, not sure where this was leading.

"So, I have been eating this ingredient even though I mostly avoided your soup, is this also true?"

I dipped my head once to indicate that it was true.

"Myles, I've got something to show you." She stood and walked into her bedroom, indicating that I was to follow and see what she was going to show me. To my shocked surprise, she pulled off her sweater, her wool shirt and undershirt and tossed them into the corner. She sat on the bed and dropped her pants, then shed her underwear. I was too stunned to do anything.

"Good, you're still here. I was afraid I'd send you running and screaming into one hell of a cold night." She was broad in the hips, overloaded on top, on the short side but not particularly obese, just very round on top and on the bottom with some feminine definition in the middle for a middle-aged woman. "Myles, come close, I have to show you something that no one else has seen."

Lying on her back, she swept her hands across her lower belly, bringing them together forming a triangle over her tangle of curly blond hairs. She spread her legs and parted her hands, holding her slit open to reveal her inner secrets. "Take a close look, and tell me what you see."

I peered between her legs, focusing in the low light to take a good look before I spoke. She didn't wait long before she answered her own question, "What do you think of my clitoris?"

I stared for a moment, not sure if I was looking at a female clit or someone's thumb sticking out between her inner labia as if trying to hitch a ride. "That's a monster twat," I answered in slow words. I was still uncertain of what was unfolding in Dr. Fukadavich's private quarters.

"Isn't she?" she said as she held her clit between her thumb and forefinger. "You'd think that with a monster girl like this lurking in the shadows of my crotch, I'd always be all-a-dither trying to satisfy this big girl's appetite. But that's never been the case for me, Myles." Dr. Fukadavich's voice seemed to break a little as she started to tell me some intimate information. "I've long wondered why I was equipped with a huge clit and presumably the capacity for huge sexual pleasure, only to have never felt anything down there. Never anything that I'd call sexual interest. It's as if when nature put me together, I was a joke, a mockery of the sexual female anatomy - huge clitoris and zero sexuality."

I was stunned by this late night show and tell. I was confused and had no idea why Dr. Fukadavich was sharing so much with me - of all people. "Myles, I'm telling you this because I've been living all of my life in a gray world where every other female and male I've observed rushes off to enjoy sex as I sit on the sidelines unable to make that basic human pleasure my own."

Her voice was subdued and it looked to me that the emotional toll for her to say these things was beginning to make her eyes water. "In contrast to physical pleasures that I see constantly touted all around me, my life is a deep, empty void. I've filled my void with the only source of gratification that I've ever found; I have devoted my life to pursuing academic degrees and fighting for high academic standing at the university. I have come to resent the male sex, for the patriarchy in academia and if I am honest, I have loathed men for denying me the tantalizing orgasmic experience that I have always wondered about. I felt justified in lashing out at every male I encountered. I identified with my hate and distrust of men."

I didn't know what to say. I said, "That makes sense." I wished I hadn't said anything, but she was pouring out her secret shame and anguish to me. I guess I felt I needed to acknowledge her formerly well hidden human side, even if she was a bitch.

"Myles, that's been my personal dark struggle for as long as I can remember. It has been a burden that I have resigned myself to enduring as best I can. That's what I thought, up until this week." She stopped talking and began to stroke her clitty-boner with a couple of fingers, closing her eyes and breathing shallow. "Up until this week, my monster clitoris was just a useless appendage, but things have changed." She went back to toying with pink parts that were poking far above her watery pussy lips. She was acting like it was becoming a struggle for her to speak, "Myles, this week, my fat pink lady here has awakened. Every day I am aware of my female parts, I've been craving sex for the first time in my life. What I'm feeling right now is new and wonderful. It is unlike me to jump to conclusions, but your spiking my meals with pink lichen has cured me of my asexual void. I think I've become what they call 'horny.'"

"Professor, are you complaining or bragging?" I asked, hoping my smart ass character would make me look like I was in charge. I didn't want to be at her mercy.

"Neither. I'm begging. For the first time in my life, I feel the need to be fucked. Myles, I tried to explain my behavior as a way of an apology since I know I've been a bitch. It's time for me to live up to my nickname, Fucka-da-Bitch. I need you to fuck this bitch. I want your cock in my virgin pussy. If your cooking has cured me and made me into a wet-pussy bitch to be fucked, it could do the same for others. You could become a wealthy man with your recipe to cure asexual women." I got a flagrant display of her giant clit poking out over her wet pussy. "Please drop your trousers and climb up here and take me. Show me how you fuck a woman, because that's what I'm needing real bad right now."

I'd performed a mercy fuck once before; my partner loved it and I was glad for her. This was different. But in my book, still a mercy fuck. I dropped my pants, took off my layers of shirts and hung them on a chair. She watched me undress and furiously worked over her long and fat circus lady, bathing her pulsing monster pinkness with sex fluids dredged from her vagina.

I rolled her over and unhooked her bra, releasing the mountain range to tumble down under the effects of gravity. I lifted her heavy hangers, testing their feel in my hands and marveling at their mass and the energy it must take to walk while balancing such a load. I rolled her on her back again, pushing one of her pendulous breasts to my mouth. I sucked her nipple, partly for foreplay and partly to see if she was lactating. Her red plugs hardened in my mouth as I treated her to lots of strong tongue lashings and some gumming that stirred her into what seemed like a panic. Poor old bird, this was the first time she had to deal with these alien and powerful sensations. She didn't know how to react to her body's emergency fire signals. I sucked each mammoth mammary but got no milk from her baggy bosoms.

"Oooh, ooooh, wow, oooh," she moaned. "Your tit sucking is making my clit all buzzy. Fuck me, I'm out of control. This is all so new. I'm going to pieces and I need to feel a man inside me beating against my giant clitoris."

Pushing her onto all fours, I spread her legs from behind and reached around to feel the boobs sway in my hands like gongs hung in a temple dedicated to the worship of large women. Spreading my open fingers across her rotund ass, I braced against her, reaching around and under to get my bearings by laying my fingers on that monster twat. Her slippery clit was easy to find. Touching it tenderly, I pointed my dick in the neighborhood of that enormous twat.

With my left hand I gave her butt a sharp spank, followed by a quick stinging slap with my right. She lurched forward and bellowed like a cow in heat. I pulled her back toward me, spreading her soft target open with my fingers as I pushed into her. Again, she bellowed and fell forward. I spanked her ass hard with my left and right. "Lean back into me like I like it, bitch." I grabbed her hanging tits and made her come back and rest on her haunches. I was in control; I was the man and I had just gotten away with calling the bitch a bitch. I was ready to fuck da bitch. I was going to show her how she needed to be fucked.

Helen crouched doggy style with my cock wading into her moist vulva. I administered another spank, leaving a red handprint. She was whimpering in anticipation, and I let her twist in the wind as she could feel my prick poised to enter where no man had gone before. With a hearty toss of my javelin, I slammed into her begging quim. She screamed as my shaft wedged her apart, driving into her virgin depths. I stopped and held my penis inside, allowing her to adjust to her first taste of manmeat. She was quiet except for her heavy breathing. I could feel her sex muscles involuntarily tightening around my penetrating pole, then releasing in a spasm and then another contraction. She was primed.

I reached under her and gripped her udders with a cruel pinch, signaling she was about to be pounded. I arched my pelvis and came rushing back into her sappy void. This time I didn't stop and hold myself inside but repeated my pelvic thrusts like a piston in a high-performance engine pumping into her chamber. In I went with a ferocious fuck, sliding back out of her purring pussy and quickly diving back into her, letting her feel the slap of a man's nutsack against her fresh and frilly flesh. I snuck my hand under her to up the ante and stimulate her clit with circling fingers as I crushed her cervix with hammering blows from my penetrating penis.

Dr. Fukadavich whooped and shook a staccato scream out of her lungs. Her legs went rubbery, and she fell face-first into her pillow. It sounded like my prick had punctured a blimp and caused a leak, she was hissing and moaning as her air escaped from her body's first manmade orgasm. I listened to her deflate as she had the novel experience of an orgasm rattling around her core and slowly ebbing into resting bitch bliss. For good (and cruel to be kind) measure, I reached between her thighs, sticking my thumb up her wet hole and wrapping my fingers around her impressive protruding clitoris, finger fucking the University Bitch into a submissive sex-craved, lonely large woman.

She started slow for a minute and then was hit by a second wave of hot lava flushing through her guts and sizzling her blood. She rocked and barked as I toyed with her cliterection. "Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! No more, no more. Please, it's too much," finishing with an anguished series of ahs. Her thighs snapped shut as she convulsed and twisted out of my reach. She was spent and breathing hard as she chilled into a post-climax state of rapture.

I went over and picked up my digital voice recorder out of my pants pocket and turned it on, hiding it from Helen's sight. We had a little pillow talk, covering how much she enjoyed her first time and my significant role in discovering a powerful female aphrodisiac that worked wonders for her. She told me how my recipe had transformed and improved her life and that I was to be credited with this discovery and promised I would reap a share of any financial rewards that came from this research.

She dozed off and I crawled off her bed, dressed and held my collar to my throat as I stepped into the howling wind. I scurried over to check on the hens. They were both in bed, but not asleep.

"Myles!" shouted Hailey as I shut the door behind me. "Myles, where were you? It was past time for your breastfeeding, and we went over to find you, but you were gone. We didn't know where to look for you. We were afraid that you were out in this terrible storm for some unknown reason. We were worried about you. It is truly one cold night in hell -- so where have you been?"

"Do you remember the other day when Dr. Fukadavich was berating me for signing for a partial delivery of supplies?" Hailey and Skottie nodded. "I had had all that I could take from the bitch, and I said something rash to her hard-assed face?"

"I remember you told her, 'Fuck you,' and then left," Skottie recalled.

I continued, "Do you remember what she said to me as I was walking away?"

The two ladies thought for a moment before Hailey asked, "I think she said, 'In your dreams. It'll be a cold night in hell when you get a chance to poke your penis up inside of me.'"

"Right, or something close to that. So, what kind of night do we have going on right now?" I asked with a hint of smugness.

Skottie looked at Hailey, Hailey looked at Skottie as if they were reading each other's thoughts and not wanting to be the first to guess the implication of my question in answer to their first question 'where have you been tonight?'"

"No -- way," said Skottie as her jaw dropped to her chest. "What the fuck are you saying Myles? It's a cold night in hell right now and you took advantage of Helen after she dared you to poke her pussy with your prick on a cold night in hell?"

Hailey threw her hands over her mouth in shock. "Myles? Myles have you been over fucking Dr. Fucka-da-bitch tonight? Is that why we couldn't find you?"

"Bingo!" I answered in an understated voice.

Skottie and Hailey spoke in unison, "No. Fucking. Way."

"I am The Man. I've just transformed your bitchy advisor by bedding her. I just gave her hell in bed. Thanks to my recipe, she'll now be known as Helen Bed. Doctor Helen 'Bed' Fucka-Da-Bitch. Your hard-ass professor just needed to be ridden hard and put away wet. She's a changed woman thanks to my recipe, some oxytocin and her first time being fucked by a man."

I mentioned to the two hens that I now possess a recording of Dr. Fukadavich promising that I would benefit from a twenty-five percent share of any commercial success from my recipes to induce lactation and enhance the female libido. "She will take all the academic accolades, though she will share second author honors with her favorite barnyard hens."

Skottie, radiating a pleased and excited look, asked, "When we're all famous scientists for having helped women all over the world feed their babies and have enough milk still inside to feed their boyfriends and husbands. And when we share a Nobel Prize for unleashing onto the world an insatiable breed of wet and wild milk-spurting female sex maniacs; the reporters will ask us, 'What led you to make this discovery?' what are we going to tell them?"

Hailey thought for a minute and then suggested, "Our story will start like this; 'It was a dark and stormy night...,' it was hell living so close to the arctic circle where milk was so expensive that we were inspired to find a cheaper milk supply. Necessity is the mother's milk of invention."

"That's not exactly true, Hailey," I countered. "Our story needs to be engaging. Sex sells. Like everything, it's all about sex. I'd tell our story like this - Once upon a time, there were two hens walking along the Canadian tundra when they saw furry little tundra creatures snacking lady-like on pink lichen. The hens asked the furry critters, 'Why are you girls snacking on this lichen?' The furry girl critters told the hens their snacking was 'secret lady magic' that made them happy, productive and frisky. When the hens asked what kind of magic made them happy, productive and frisky, the little furry critters giggled and said, 'You'll have to try the magic yourself and see what happens.' The hens were curious and wanted to see what would happen to them - if only they could eat the dry, tough icky magic vegetable."

"The hens knew a poor galley boy and asked him to help make the magic lichen edible. The galley boy was really a wizard prince in disguise and he prepared the magic lichen and fed it to the hens and also secretly fed some to the wicked witch who ruled the tundra.

The magic worked! The hens were turned into very happy and frisky milk cows. The wicked witch of the tundra was thawed from her frigid and cruel ways and turned into a warm, voluptuous lady with a pet pink monster who wrote academic papers on magic lichen and began to happily take many lovers."

Skottie and Hailey listened with beaming faces as I spoke of their research in terms of a fairy tale. "Is that the end?" asked Skottie. "You forgot to use the magic words of a real fairy tale ending. I'm disappointed."

"Right. Yes I did. I was hoping you'd say the magic words at the end. Didn't I once tell you one warm afternoon when you misplaced your panties, that if a maiden could be found who fit those lost dainties, and if she said the magic words, she'd get to make it with prince charming?"

"Yes! Yes you did say that!" Skottie burst out to finish the fairy tale by saying the magic words; "And they all lived happily ever after!"

"I love it!" exclaimed Hailey.

"Myles, you're a wonderful wizard prince of a man. May I buy you a drink?" asked Hailey as she lifted her night shirt and offered her filled breast.

Before I could accept Hailey's offer, Skottie repeated, "I love it more! Do I get prince charming now?"

Skottie insisted, "The last milk run of the night is on me. I believe I am owed the full, super deluxe Prince Charming treatment as the girl who fits into her missing panties and has said the magic words. Save the last dance for me, wizard prince charming Myles." Skottie bared her breast, leaking a little milk.

Looking at the digital clock, Skottie announced, "Oh my, it's time for your 2 o'clock feeding. We got four enchanted pumpkins for our Prince Charming to deal with after the ball. I'll leave you two to drink a warm milk toast to the marriage of sex and science."

Skottie bundled warmly and went to the door, preparing to go out into the freezing wind whipped out from a frozen-over hell. "I'm going to go to the prince's quarters and make a love nest in the corner for a milking hen and her wizard prince. Come find me Myles," Skottie coaxed, "and enjoy your piece of heaven from a pair of warm milky goblets on this cold night in hell - it's the perfect time for hot hen's milk."


Just in case you're wondering; They all lived happily ever after. --SandyMarl

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Fabulous, awesome, stupendous. I’ve run out of superlatives.

I wish could give more than five stars.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Well written with great descriptions and vivid detail

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Love it, but i think you need to make the next book or chapters to follow it through (pun intended)..

barcomberbarcomberalmost 3 years ago

Lovely load of sexy nonsense.

Ravey19Ravey19almost 3 years ago

Alliterations abound. Great fantasy story. Any plans for a sequel.

29wordsforsnow29wordsforsnowalmost 3 years ago

Thank you for this academic expedition tour into the cool wilderness of the sparsely populated North which showed off its off-mainstream exotic beauty. Not only worth ***** but a Medal of Scientific Honors for promoting the "observe, analyze, hypothesize" axiom of any serious science. I did like the hands-on approach in their field and lab studies.

milkman1969milkman1969almost 3 years ago

I loved all of the alliteration. Your use of different descriptions is delightful. Brilliant!

muskyboymuskyboyalmost 3 years ago

Good story concept, Was kinda waiting for the blue lichen for the male voles..... A little over enthusiastic on the flowery prose, had to put a little effort into getting thru it.

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