Hot Set


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The perfect blending of fantasy and reality reached its zenith as we embraced, our sweaty bodies still humping angrily at each other, groping and seeking lips and crying out loud as the pleasure became unbearable.

"Yes... yes... oh god... oh my goddd," she began to whine as she threw her arms around me and squeezed tightly. I fucked her harder and harder, listening to her failed attempt at speech turn into a distorted groan. A moment later she gasped and cupped my face as I continued to rock my hips against hers. "I'm gon-- I'm gonna come! You're gonna make me come--" she whimpered.

"Do it. Come for me, baby," I blurted.

"Ngh - ngh - ngh!" she mumbled, her body beginning to shudder and rumble with a full-body orgasm, each wave of pleasure enjoined to an adorably squeaky outburst. When she was finished, she threw the twisted mess of hair out of her face, leaving a few strands still clinging to her lips, and gave me a look of exasperation before collapsing backward onto her bum and letting my cock pop free.

It wasn't until that moment that I even grew conscious of the small crowd that had gathered to watch. I wondered if Norah had been aware of them, if she had received a thrill from their collective gazes. Three of the men, apparently inspired by what they had seen, wasted no time in stepping forward, determined to be next.

"Heyyy-- that was awesome," one of them said, exhibiting a casual swagger. I wanted to laugh but I also felt my heart sink. To them, Norah was just another random partner of which I was supposed to have many, none of them any more special than the rest. However, that's clearly not what I was feeling -- and she could read it all over my face. I realized I shouldn't have let her see that, but it was too late; Norah took it as a moment to sink her hooks a little deeper, responding to the newcomer with great affection while smirking at me all the while.

I decided if she wanted to tease me, I'd just tease her back. I got up and glanced around at the women nearby -- beautiful, buxom, youthful, and excited. I smiled at her and stepped aside. She quickly piped up, wrestling my attention back to her. "Don't stray far, babe!" she laughed.

"I won't!" I replied.

I made my way dizzily to the center of the room where the most riotous scene had organically taken shape. The further toward the fringes of the action, the more reluctant and shy the participants were. At the core of the event, however, the adventure of it all reached its peak. There I found the isolated set of participants who seemed familiar with the outlandish behavior taking place, the misfits, the rebels, the most sexually liberated amongst us.

I stood there briefly, astonished by the total lack of shame those men and women portrayed as they fearlessly indulged in each other, frequently trading partners, and reeking of the odors of sex. After the heaven of Norah's embrace, I felt a power coursing through my veins, one of confidence and resolute determination. I aimed to toss myself into the tangle of bodies before me, yet unsure how to navigate the scene, almost at a loss for an opening into the fray.

I circled the edge of the crowd, listening to their grunts and cries. The moment a cock popped free it seemed to be claimed immediately; a free pair of breasts never remained unaccosted for long. The web of bodies was so tightly interwoven that at times a person could not even see whom they mounted, their partner's face often buried in the crotch of another. It was due to this phenomenon that I briefly saw my opening; a splayed pair of legs that had come free, crowned with a nest of wet, matted pubes. I rushed in and grasped her knees, claiming my position between her thighs.

I paused for a moment, unable to reason how I should proceed in getting her attention for polite permission to fuck. However, her hand flung out toward me and groped at the air until it found my arm. She blindly guided it down between her legs, beckoning to me to rub her pussy. I complied with her wishes, circling her clit with my fingers until my hand was coated in her juices. Swept up in it all, I had not even realized that the person who obscured my partner's face was yet another woman seated upon her face. I felt the hand again, grasping impatiently for my cock, and quickly attuned myself to my partner's urgency.

I plunged myself into the deep, wet hole offered to me, moaning with satisfaction as I surveyed the landscape of writhing bodies that surrounded me. I found myself soaked and creamy, clutching at the springy pair of loose, round breasts made available to me. The bodies rotated and briefly I saw a glimpse of my unknown partner's feverish face, her green eyes gazing back at me with a deep hunger. Minutes later, partners shifted again. I found myself splayed out on the floor, a woman crouched over me, then my face mashed against a smoothly-shaven pussy thrust against my lips. I pleasured her enthusiastically until she shivered and gushed in my mouth. Moments later, I felt my cock in someone's mouth, and then in another. I felt the tug of a hand, laughter, the tight pressure of a moist pussy enclosing around my shaft. I didn't know who was fucking me or who I was fucking, I only knew a constant source of pleasure and delight in an outpouring of sexual expression.

"That's it, keep going, more, give me more!" a voice said. I realized that momentous activity around me was at least in part inspired by the instruction of the director who perhaps saw this group as the centerpiece of his orgy sequence, the participants that would give him all he needed for the scene's incredible climax.

A camera soared overhead, mounted atop a device that looked something like a small crane. It floated through the air high above a room littered with bodies; a groaning carpet of flesh in constant motion, writhing together like serpents. Its round, glassy eye gazed down at the grand fit of ecstasy, slowly turning to the left and then to the right, conducting its birds-eye examination. The patchwork below, peppered with bodies of all kinds, must have seemed remarkable from that height; hot, clammy bodies flush with the color of sex, limber bodies flexing with a display of genitals, engorged, reddish cocks moving like pistons through wet masses of pubic hair, the flash of wide, pink cavities, round, rippling buttocks raised to the hard wall of even more bodies, naked breasts recoiling en masse with elastic energy.

Just as I found myself reaching my capacity for pleasure, and wondering how much more my body could withstand before an increasingly necessary release, I locked eyes with a woman nearby who appeared to have been staring me down like a bull, the small black barbell through her septum a fitting accent to her stunning face. She crawled toward me with an obvious look of determination, glancing down at my cock that had been so briefly unattended.

When she reached me, there was no question who was in control. Her arm lashed out, wrapped in a winding tattoo of a python that grew from one end to the other like a sleeve. Sending me back, she hoisted herself atop me and sunk onto my cock, widening her hips to spread apart her black thatch, then rocking them back and forth to swallow me whole. She leaned back and gave me a look that seemed angry with lust. She rode me like a personal sex toy, owning my cock like it existed solely for her benefit, clutching her breasts and pinching painfully at her pierced nipples.

I moaned incessantly, absorbed in the sight of the sticky pink expanse that enveloped my cock, smearing me with a creamy layer of whitish cum as she shuddered violently. If she had not reached a climax first, I'm sure it would have been me who succumbed moments later. However, she cried out suddenly and rose her hips until my cock sluiced free from her pussy. I remained pinned to the ground as her eyes closed and she began to gasp, frantically whipping her fingers across her swollen clit. Within seconds, I felt a warm splash and gawked at the way her body trembled and squirted. Watching a woman come that forcefully and violently was something I had never before witnessed in person.

My partner's fit of passion sent me over the edge. Grasping my cock, I pumped it furiously, finding it perfectly slick with her fragrant vaginal secretions. I exploded, spraying what seemed like a gallon of warm cum across her stomach with such force that I nearly lost consciousness, seeing her body slip briefly away in a spangle of phantom, flashing lights. When I came to my senses again, we stared in astonishment at each other, neither one expecting to have drenched the other with such a quantity of fluids.

The woman gave me a smirk and flung her legs over me, then offered me a hand up. Saying nothing, we led one another to the back of the room to one of the cleaning stations. As we stood there, quietly cleaning our bodies together, I felt a sense of peace and serenity that went deeper than any other post-coital bliss I'd felt before. The music of lovemaking grew louder and more explosive as other couples reached the limits of their passion. Somehow we had been in tune with it all, ready for the ultimate release at virtually the same time as the rest of the participants.

I wandered back into the crowd, eager to watch the final moments of lust carried out to my left and right, partners grasping fiercely at each other as their bodies quaked with orgasms, cocks reddish with friction unloading on breasts and other body parts just as mine had.

The director began to shout through his loudspeaker again as the activity died down. "Bravo! Brava!" he exclaimed, congratulating us all for our efforts. "That's a wrap!" Naked bodies rose all around me and began clapping for each other with thunderous applause. There were hugs and kisses, excited chatter between strangers who had just shared something incredible.

I found myself actively searching for Norah, desperate to share that moment of finality with the one partner I could not stop thinking of. I spotted her rushing forward, revealing the same degree of desperation for my presence. I didn't care that she probably went on to fuck some other guy, just as I had done with other women. We just laughed and thrust ourselves into each other's arms, squeezing one another tightly and finding ourselves breathless from the excitement.

The crowd continued to cheer and clap all around us. However, Norah and I just sunk into a beautiful silence, our entwined bodies rocking quietly from side to side, content to listen to the fanfare and to savor a simple moment of closeness.

The success of the event sunk deep into our minds, but the excitement of what might come next for us had only just begun to grow.


I rested my head against the back cushion of my couch and stared up at the ceiling, now and then popping a few pieces of popcorn into my mouth. My phone sat beside my thigh, the video queued up and ready to stream to the TV. The anticipation was killing me and I wondered how much longer Norah would be.

"Sorry, sorry, here I am!" she laughed, finally skipping back into the room.

She wrapped herself in a large green Celtic tapestry I had purchased from a street vendor years prior on the way to the park for a lazy afternoon with friends. The sheer fabric teased the shape of her slight curves and the volume of her breasts until she flung it open ceremoniously, revealing herself nude. I never tired of the sight of her body; her swelling chest, delicate neck and toned arms, the gentle whorl of her belly button, and the dark fur of her mons. She romped across the room, letting the tapestry sail behind her back, then threw her arms around me and cocooned us in the featherlight fabric.

"Come on... take these off..." she said, tugging at the waistband of my boxers, the only thing I had on.

I yanked them off and tossed them onto the floor beside the couch and returned to Norah as she nestled herself into my embrace.

"Mmm... I feel that..." she snickered, referring to the sensation of my cock as it slowly stiffened and grew against the gentle pressure of her back.

"Ready?" I asked, grinning happily.

"Let's do it!" she laughed. "I'm kinda nervous but excited..."

"Me too."

I clicked play and brought the video up on the TV, streaming in its entirety the porno we had been extras in, and waiting patiently for the orgy sequence of which we were a part. It wasn't long before it commenced, the subject of the main character's elaborate daydream as he pined for such an experience and imagined what it might look like.

How ironic it was that this character's fantasy had been our reality.

Norah began tensing up in my arms, her eyes glued to the screen, grinning wildly as she caught sight of the wild scene of couples fucking incessantly and indiscriminately, their bodies thumping together, groaning, crying out with pleasure. I marveled at how professional everyone looked, knowing that in reality most had never experienced anything like it before and were in the midst of having a certain degree of innocence shattered.

I wondered how each person felt about being filmed and broadcast in such a state across the internet; a woman on all fours receiving a cock while her breasts swung beneath her chest, a seated man with his upright penis before it was detailed in closeup as a woman's lips closed around it. I wondered how I might feel if or when I saw myself featured, all this time wondering if they used footage that revealed my participation, displaying my naked body, broadcasting my fierce arousal in front of the world. Who out there might recognize me, might discover what I'd done?

All of a sudden, there was Katie, writhing in David's comforting embrace, delighting in each other's body with genuine passion before she began bouncing urgently upon his massive cock. I knew that soon they would both witness their long-imagined union from a new angle, that the world would discover their taboo encounter, just as I had that day. There was Walter, as bewildered and excited as I had seen him in person, his lanky body crouched over Lisa's sensual curves, thrusting his swollen cock through a thick black bush for the first time and aghast at the sight of her playfully jerking boobs.

Norah and I watched patiently, excitedly, hoping for a glimpse of ourselves until, finally, the camera panned and there we were, clutching each other with passion, our heaving, straining bodies desperate for the pleasure provided by the other. Lighting up the screen, Norah's eyes had been glued to mine, her arms thrown about me, her breasts moving with an almost liquid motion. A closer shot framed my erection, moving like a thick piston, devoured by a seething pink hole glistening with cum. I gazed at the sight of Norah's pussy spread open on the TV, at the wide shot it returned to in order to illustrate the way she arched her back and moaned, the desperation with which I clutched her breasts and savored the firmness of her blushing nipples.

I felt Norah shiver and melt into me, I leaned in and kissed her softly, she smiled happily against my neck.

When the film ended we sat there in silence for a few moments. I could hear the weight of her breath as it disturbed the silence of the room, both of us processing the significance of what we had just seen, what everyone would see. It felt daunting and thrilling all at the same time.

"Well..." said Norah, a smile creeping back to her lips. "There's only one thing to say to that."

"What?" I asked.

"I sure hope they make a sequel!" We laughed together and she spun around to sit in my lap, her naked body bearing down upon mine.

"If they do, we'd better start practicing right away..." I joked.

"Mmm-hmm... my thoughts exactly," she replied with a grin.

I dragged the tapestry we had draped ourselves in off our bodies and flung it down to the floor, then lay back and drew her with me.

Norah cupped my face and indulged in a long, hungry kiss, then reached down and fished for my eager cock before smoothly gliding it deep within its new home.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

"We have a news flash for you! Our local Health Department has revealed a massive increase in cases of syphilis and gonorrhoea recently. A nameless source in the department revealed that they believed it was down to the filming of a large orgy as part of a porn film, where up to 50 persons of each sex experienced multiple liaisons during the shoot. The Head of the department revealed that the city was short on the necessary medications to treat the outbreak, and warned the public to take extra care when hooking up with new partners over the next 12 months."

Seriously, no protection??

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wow! Just fucking WOW!


Nudecouple60202Nudecouple60202over 1 year ago

Loved the whole concept of the story here. Would love to see a sequel where they continue their newfound freedoms with others in the same manner now that they are so open. Hubby and I love being open like the couple in the story! More please!!!

RangeExpanderRangeExpanderover 2 years ago

Lovely cinematic quality to this!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I love how you write the trepidation and thrill of group scenes. The only improvements I could suggest is spending more time describing the women's coloration (hair, skin, blemishes, -loved Katie's toenail polish, great detail), and a practical detail of giving those poor people some cushioning on that hard warehouse floor! -towels or pleather coffee tables. Their poor knees and butts! It speaks to the good descriptive writing that I could imagine such tactile sensations the characters were feeling.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I believe it would have been better if Norah and he had quit the group after they did it together. Would have been sweeter and almost romantic. 5*

Selene_NyxSelene_Nyxalmost 3 years ago

Of course! Write to me whenever you feel like it. I'd be honored. It's been too long since we exchanged letters.

CatherwoodCatherwoodalmost 3 years ago

So much fucking! But so well paced, the tension build well. I wanted to be there, wanted to fuck Norah for real. I'll have to keep an eye on the classified section of my local paper for the casting call.

SolarRaySolarRayalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Selene! How are you? Actually, I have been toying with some ideas for the next female POV. I'm always interested in picking your brain, if you're so inclined...

SolarRaySolarRayalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Thank you everyone for your feedback! So happy that you enjoyed the ride -- and your support is greatly appreciated! ❤️

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