IA: Will Gabby Succumb?


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Approaching the village chief's residence, the architecture underwent a shift, revealing more substantial structures. Sturdy homes adorned with ornate carvings and intricate runes hinted at the hierarchy within the Goblin community. Villagers, still unaccustomed to a fully clothed human female walking among them, occasionally cast glances our way.

Amidst this serene scene, I couldn't help but notice the pony girls and their Goblin handlers moving about. Naked human females, bridled and harnessed, toiled in the fields, or pulled carts laden with goods. Occasionally, we would encounter a Goblins racing away, atop a pony girl. We both observed the scene from a distance. While I struggled to conceal my disapproval, Gorsk seemed indifferent to the spectacle - for him it was their way of life.

The road ahead came to a temporary standstill, and a wave of anger and helplessness surged within me as I witnessed the scene unfolding. Several Wargs, sleek and powerful, expertly herded a group of pony girls. With nips and growls, the Wargs ensured the human females stayed in line, obedient and subjugated.

The sight of my fellow humans reduced to such a degrading state brought a searing rage to my core. My heart ached, not just in sympathy but in fury at the injustice of it all. The interplay of light and shadow now seemed to amplify the stark contrast between the serene surroundings and the harsh reality these pony girls faced.

In that moment, the road became more than just a physical barrier. It was a boundary between two worlds -- one of subjugation and the other of fleeting freedom. My steps forward became more determined, fueled by a resolve to challenge the very system that allowed such cruelty. As we approached the village chief's home, my emotions, a turbulent mix of anger and determination, set the stage what laid ahead.

Gorsk halted in front of the village chief's imposing dwelling--a structure made of sturdy timber and adorned with intricate carvings. The wooden door, etched with runes, hinted at the chief's status. He looked at me, his scruffy face momentarily serious, and warned, "Remember, the chief is no ordinary Goblin. Be respectful, and make sure your abilities leave a lasting impression. It might be the key to gaining his favor."

Upon entering the chief's dwelling, the ambiance underwent a transformation. Positioned on an elevated wooden platform, the chief sat in a high chair exuding authority, encircled by a makeshift council of elders--comprising both male and female Goblins. Their faces, illuminated by flickering torches, displayed a blend of anticipation and skepticism.

Gorsk nudged me forward, signaling for me but I was not sure what he wanted me to do.

Before I could ask, the Chief spoke, "Gorsk, is this the human female you spoke to us about? I do not like the fact that she is not harnessed and bridled. This is not our way."

Gorsk bowed to the council. "This is Gabby. She is no ordinary human female. She has special abilities," he said, nudging me again.

This time I understood. Taking cue, I extended my hand, conjuring a mesmerizing display of light with my nanobots. Patterns danced in the air, captivating the chief and the council. A subtle gasp escaped the onlookers as they witnessed the magical display of lights.

"Is she some kind of a demoness? What kind of black magic is this?" the chief inquired, a little trepidation evident in his words.

"I am not a demoness, Chief. I have special abilities," I responded before Gorsk could. Stepping forward, I picked up a small knife from the table, noting the wary glances darting around the group.

With a swift motion, I summoned my nanobots to sharpen the knife beyond their technology's scope. Presenting the tool to the chief and the council, I said, "A token of goodwill. This is now sharper than anything you currently possess. Perhaps it can aid your craftsmen and provide a glimpse of what I can bring to your village."

The chief examined the tool with a mix of surprise and appreciation. He tried it on the meat in front of him, and it sliced through the meat like a hot knife through butter. The council exchanged glances, and the room became charged with curiosity and awe. Gorsk's earlier warnings seemed to have found their mark, and a shift in perception among the village elders became apparent.

A rapid-fire conversation erupted in the swift cadence of the goblin tongue among the council. Gorsk and I stood there, surrounded by a cascade of incomprehensible words. A faint smile had crept onto Gorsk's lips, and, to maintain the facade of not understanding their language, I subtly nudged him and asked, "What are they discussing?"

Gorsk silenced me with a hushed, "Patience, RED, patience," his words hissing through the air. Though I didn't miss the pointed use of the word "RED," I chose to ignore it. Thanks to the translation module in my neural array, I knew precisely what they were discussing.

As time passed, their conversation escalated into a heated argument.

One faction expressed wariness toward me and my abilities, wanting nothing to do with my presence. On the other hand, some believed I could prove useful if handled correctly. To my dismay, the discussion took a dark turn, with suggestions of harnessing my power through enslavement. Fuming, I bristled inside at the mere mention of such a degrading path in their deliberations.

Finally, the Chief brought his hand down with a thump, silencing everyone in the room. He shot a glance at Gorsk and briskly inquired in Goblin, "Is she dangerous?" Without waiting for Gorsk's response, he switched to the common tongue, presumably for my benefit. "Gabby, it appears you've stirred quite a commotion among our elders. What is it that you seek?"

Both Gorsk and I began speaking simultaneously -- Gorsk in Goblin and myself in the common tongue. Gorsk conveyed to the Chief that he had me under control despite the potential danger I posed. I paused in the middle of my sentence, allowing Gorsk to conclude his response before continuing. "Chief, all I seek is safe passage for a few of my acquaintances. In return, I offer my assistance with something you might require."

The Chief nodded, mulling over our responses, and said, "Gabby, as the current chief of Gromm village, I give you my word for safe passage for your acquaintances." Turning to Gorsk, he added, "Gorsk, while Gabby is in the village, make sure she is well taken care of."

Still addressing Gorsk, he switched to Goblin tongue and added, "And Gorsk, I trust you will keep her under control. When you travel to Thornridge, bring her along. Assess her capabilities as a pony girl - you can take her to Thornridge training stables - it's the best we have in this area. I am keen on understanding her potential in that role. Ensure she remains unaware of the actual purpose; I suspect she may not receive it well."

I was taken aback by the chief's words. Determined to maintain the charade that I couldn't comprehend their language, I veiled my face with a neutral expression. 'Assess my potential as a pony girl?' These Goblins had peculiar requests.

Now, Gorsk's second condition made sense. He wanted me as his pony girl, albeit just for a trip to the city, or so he claimed. Given his track record of deception, trust was a scarce commodity when dealing with him. However, my mission to find the dilithium crystals necessitated cooperation with these Goblins.

With a feigned smile, I addressed the chief, "Chief, I have one more request."

The chief arched an eyebrow inquisitively as I continued, "I wish to see the place where you keep the magical crystals."

The chief appeared momentarily taken aback by my unexpected request. His eyes flicked toward Gorsk, a silent question lingering in their depths. Swiftly recovering his poise, the chief prepared to respond.

"All in good time, Gabby. We will help you, won't we, Chief?" Gorsk's question echoed more as a statement, a subtle reminder of the intricate dynamics at play. The chief, responding with a mere nod, appeared to yield to the tacit agreement.

"Impatience doesn't suit you," he chided, casting a mildly disapproving look my way. Turning his attention back to the Chief, Gorsk added, "I've told her time and again, Chief, patience is a virtue." His chuckle suggested a hint of amusement, seemingly reveling in the opportunity to jest at my expense.

The chief, sporting a faint smile, mumbled to himself in the Goblin tongue, "That virtue would come in handy when she is harnessed, and tied to a post." His ominous words carried a subtle air of amusement, leaving me to ponder if there was more to the chief's statement than met the eye.

Despite my frustration with the response, I maintained my composure. Turning to face Gorsk, I offered a smile. "Of course, Gorsk. However, I'm on a tight timeline, so I would appreciate it if we could get to it sooner rather than later."

This time, the Chief spoke up, appearing to contemplate something before making a decision. "Gabby, we'll help you get to the Magic Crystals. Gorsk, can you accompany Gabby to Thornridge? Take her to see our contact at the training stables. She should be able to assist."

Gorsk nodded in agreement. "Of course, Chief. I've already discussed that with Gabby." He turned to me, asking, "Didn't we?"

I nodded, still contemplating his second condition and my peculiar reaction.

I noticed that the Goblin council soon engaged in a spirited discussion in their native language, and the atmosphere in the chief's dwelling became charged with conflicting viewpoints.

Some elders, adhering strictly to traditional values, regarded the idea of inviting me to join them for dinner with skepticism. To them, humans were akin to livestock, and the concept of sharing a meal with one was met with resistance. Others, perhaps swayed by curiosity or a hint of openness, entertained the notion of extending an invitation.

A palpable tension hung in the air as the elders exchanged glances, their varied expressions revealing the internal struggle between tradition and a potential shift in perspective.

Gorsk, catching wind of the debate, maintained a neutral stance, observing the unfolding discourse with a watchful eye.

Finally, the Chief chimed in, addressing Gorsk in the common tongue, "If that is all, Gorsk, we would like to get back to our dinner. See to it that Gabby is well fed." With that, they resumed eating. Gorsk nodded and started out the door, indicating for me to follow him.

The term 'well-fed' resonated deeply; it reflected the only interaction these Goblins had with humans, treating them as domesticated animals. And animals needs 'feeding.' I sighed as I walked out of the Chief's house behind Gorsk.

On our way, I asked Gorsk, "Now what? Should we let them know about the Chief's decision? I can go alone in case you have something else to take care of in the village. Also, I am famished. Do you have anything to eat?"

Gorsk continued his brisk pace, and as we walked, he mentioned, "Yes, once we get back home, I will feed you. And I would not let you go alone outside the village or even within the village. It's not safe."

The emphasis on the word 'feed' annoyed me. I shook my head, wondering if it was a language quirk or if my translation module was having trouble. Deciding to confront him, I questioned, "What do you mean when you say you would 'feed me'? I am perfectly capable of eating on my own and taking care of myself," I huffed.

Gorsk came to an abrupt stop, and I nearly bumped into him. He appeared frustrated as he spoke, "I know you can feed yourself. Look, we're accustomed to providing sustenance for our animals, and it's challenging for me to remember that you're not one of them. I acknowledge your abilities, and you probably can take care of yourself. However..." Shaking his head he urged "just let it go".

His explanation somewhat made sense, and I indicated to him to continue walking.

After arriving at his home, he gestured for me to wait outside as he went in.

It would have been a bit challenging for me to navigate through his home anyway. In contrast to the Chief's grand residence, I noticed that most houses in the village had lower clearances. Entering them would require me to bend down considerably or perhaps even crawl. Like an animal? I chuckled at my somewhat ironic joke, providing me with a moment of levity.

Sitting on a nearby log, I waited for Gorsk and took the opportunity to reflect. I pulled up the latest reports from the neural array, and they still painted a grim picture. The reports detailed the aftermath of the incident where Gorsk had helped me climax. That event had temporarily increased the nanobots' strength by a factor of two. However, since then, their power had been depleting at an accelerated rate. Apparently, a significant amount of power was being used, but the neural array couldn't pinpoint the cause.

I looked around, noticing the rustic surroundings of the Goblin village. The quaint houses, crafted from timber and thatch, formed a picturesque scene. The dirt paths meandered between the structures, and the village seemed to pulsate with its unique rhythm.

Considering the lack of modern amenities, I pondered where to go for my basic human need. I had to pee. Spotting a secluded area behind one of the huts, I decided to navigate the uneven terrain and find some semblance of privacy. Adjusting to the village's primitive facilities would be another challenge on this unexpected journey.

As I ventured towards the chosen spot, I couldn't help but marvel at the simplicity of life in this primitive setting. It was a stark contrast to the advanced world I came from, highlighting the vast differences in culture, technology, and daily existence. Little did I know that adapting to such nuances would become a constant theme in my quest to navigate this strange land.

In the unfamiliar surroundings, a sense of vulnerability lingered as I hastily finished my business and rose to my feet.

My actions were abruptly halted by a faint sound, and I whirled around to find Gorsk standing there, staring at me. Quickly adjusting my appearance, smoothing down my dress, I felt a surge of embarrassment at the realization of being observed in such a private moment.

"Why... What?" I stammered, feeling a mix of annoyance and discomfort. "Are you a pervert? Couldn't you wait?"

Gorsk replied nonchalantly, "You said you were in a rush. Besides, what's the big deal? All my fillies do their business in the open."

Regaining my composure, I chastised him, "Well, I am not your filly, am I?"

He met my gaze with an evil grin on his gruff face, saying, "No, not yet anyway."

Despite my desire to retaliate, I held back the urge to lash out at the arrogant remark. It wasn't the right time.

Rolling my eyes, I said, "Let's go then."

Gorsk whistled, and I observed Goren pulling up in a larger cart capable of carrying about four humans, with three pony girls harnessed to it. Following closely behind was the original cart we used to enter the village, drawn by the same two pony girls.

Raising an eyebrow, I questioned Gorsk, "What are you doing? There's no need to burden those poor girls," I remarked.

He tsked dismissively, "That's their purpose in life. Don't worry your little head over it. We need to get them all to village as quickly as possible."

Having learned from experience that arguing with Gorsk when he had made up his mind was futile, I resigned myself to the situation. After all, I wouldn't be of any help to these poor women until I completed my mission. I made a mental note to speak with GC later to ensure their eventual freedom.

I looked sternly at Gorsk "Fine, but let's take Isabella's baby with us. I am not sure she would want to come back to the village."

Gorsk face turned sour. "Now? It's getting dark. I'm not sure if it's such a good idea to carry her foal with us."

My face grew red in anger "Now!" I growled, taking a few steps towards him as he backed away. I reached him and hoisted him into the air, locking eyes with him. Surprisingly, he showed no fear. He calmly reminded me, "Remember our initial agreement? You cannot harm me. A promise is a promise."

Frustrated, I released my grip, letting him drop to the ground.

He got up awkwardly and instructed Goren to bring Isabella's baby. Goren returned in a few minutes, carrying the cutest baby I had ever seen. The little one had delicate features, innocent eyes, and a playful demeanor that immediately tugged at my heartstrings.

I yearned to cradle and comfort the baby, extending my hands to Goren. He hesitated, seeking Gorsk's approval. With a nod from Gorsk, Goren carefully passed the baby into my arms. I gently rocked the little one, whispering soothing words. The baby responded with a joyful smile and giggled as I playfully tickled.

On our journey, it remained unsettling to witness human females pulling the cart I occupied, the baby cradled in the nook of my arm. Nevertheless, that was the current reality.

We eventually reached the clearing where we had left the group earlier, Goren following behind with the other pony cart.

As we approached, Isabella rushed towards us. She almost snatched her baby from my arms, and a smile naturally formed on my face. Witnessing the reunion, my eyes welled with happy tears. Isabella kissed her baby, cradling and speaking soothing words while holding it close to her bosom. The baby, sensing its mother, started babbling joyfully.


Ari gently squeezed my hand, a small tear rolling down her rosy cheeks. In a gentle tone, she uttered, "You did the right thing, Gabby."

To be continued...

Dear Readers,

What are you thoughts on this chapter? Will her agreement with Gorsk come to haunt Gabby? Share your thoughts in the comments. I really value your feedback!

Thank you so much


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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy3 months ago

Ok traveling and holding on to the agreements ….. why not all the goblins and the wargs violently attacking gabby and enslaving her? …. Agreement!? Really ….. getting drugged and manipulated is something happening in RL too, but this was a nice surprise the fruits toxicity and abusing her senseless state of horniness to press some charges, great ….. blackmail par excellence like a submissive is videographed while a torture and sexual abuse and blackmailed with it. …. A little pressure might change your thoughts at heart and then submitting becomes much more happiness 😈

The most important deal is about the duchess and her baby plus anj to return peacefully home, hopefully this will be a safe way

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rose362436rose3624364 months agoAuthor

Unfortunately no. It was rejected again :(

AviciaAvicia4 months ago

Any luck with the rejected chapter?

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Gabby's owner should find out that she is not completely broken and send her back for training while at the same time getting Ari to keep her end of deal and become a temporary pony who is tricked and sent to the same training as Gabby went through and then after training both Gabby & Ari realize they are happy and content as ponies and are happy to be owned.

rose362436rose3624365 months agoAuthor

@ArturHawkwing - you are right. I had submitted to two chapters but one of them got rejected. I have resubmitted it with changes requested. Hopefully it will be approved soon.

Do let me know your thoughts on the chapters so far.

ArturHawkwingArturHawkwing5 months ago

awesome story. Is there a chapter before this that is missing? I read Gabby gets a pet and this is next and there seems to be something missing in-between. This is series is amazing. keep it up.

rose362436rose3624365 months agoAuthor

Thank you so much for your feedback.

Ari will get her chance too :)

FloorlickerFloorlicker5 months ago

I love this story! Hopefully we can see more of Ari's reactions to Gabby, it's so hot that she gets aroused

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Story keeps drawing you in. Nicely done.

I think this should be in the sci fi section. It’s a much better fit there

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