Illicit Desires become too Strong

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Illicit Desires become too Strong

As I climaxed and spent my seed inside Camille, I imagined that I was sending my love directly from my heart. I know how that sounds sickly romantic, but after eight years of marriage our lovemaking had recently become very passionate and emotional. I am a little ashamed to say it had not always been like this. Let me go back two months to explain how things changed.

I confess that the stress of life had for a while distracted me from giving my wife my full attention. In hindsight, I realize there were reasons. It is easy to take things for granted when you have two lovely children and demanding jobs. With both the children now in school, some of the pressure had been relieved.

I recall the change was gradual, however it became noticeable when Camille informed me that her mother was taking the children for a sleep over on the weekend. As it had been ages since we had time for just ourselves, I thought I would do something special.

On the Saturday night I took Camille out for dinner. We enjoyed some slow dancing and stayed out quite late. That night our love making was tender and unrushed as we knew there would be no early morning demands. While this was a delightful change, it was the next day that was really significant.

After a long sleep-in and brunch of pancakes and fruit, we settled down in the living room to just watch television. Each channel was dominated by sport. This wasn't catching our attention, so almost flippantly I suggested: "How would you like to watch some porn?"

To my amazement, Camille replied with a cheeky pretense of shock: "James... really? That would be very naughty!" After being amused by my embarrassment, she relieved the situation by adding: "Maybe that is what I need to wake me out of my Sunday sluggishness. Have you anything in mind?"

We had watched porn when we first married, but I was now a little rusty on what was available. I grabbed my laptop and after a quick search found there was a wide array of fetishes. I clicked on a video that I thought was suitably vanilla and started casting to the large screen.

The first video was a simple seduction leading to sex. It was a little tame; however with Camille snuggling against me, I could feel it was making her affectionate and warm. Not only did I enjoy the cuddling, I took the opportunity to caress Camille's perfect breasts and carefully tease her erect nipples.

I recalled that when we first dated, her bikini top always looked filled as she was a large B cup. One of the benefits of motherhood was she was now definitely a firm C cup.

The end of the video prompted Camille: "If we are going to have sexual fantasies find something more edgy."

"It is hard to know what the videos are about just from their title. I don't expect there will be any real story."

Her previous comment had surprised me a little, but it always excited me when she acted naughty.

The next video was longer and followed the experience of a couple that had decided to go to a swingers' party at a luxurious ranch. Camille listened intently as they described their motivations to make this leap. They then met other couples about a pool where there were introductions.

"Some of the guys are nice and buff; the one in the blue shirt in particular," she declared and then asked: "Which of the girls do you find attractive?"

I was happy to respond as I had always liked a particular type of woman; of course similar to my wife. "The blonde and the redhead are slim with nicely shaped boobs."

The focus couple of the video then joined in some pool games, allowing us to see more flesh and introducing more intimate play and talk.

After further interviews they all met in a large playroom which was furnished with brightly colored mattresses and low soft couches. When they were all naked and playing I could feel Camille's pulse rise. I placed my hand inside her floppy track pants and before my fingers reached inside her panties, I could detect her heat and moisture. She reciprocated by holding my swollen penis.

There were couples having oral sex and copulating in every sexual position. When two women were shown together, I could feel Camille subtly grinding her pussy against my hand. This was the first time she had ever shown any interest in a lesbian relationship. I realized this might be just my imagination; however I noted it for later exploration.

I have no idea how the video finished as we were soon stripping each other's clothes off and making out on the sofa. After some brief kissing, Camille indicated that further foreplay would not be required. I was soon pounding myself inside her saturated vagina. I would normally be embarrassed to say how quickly I climaxed; however Camille's shuddering peak occurred at the same time.

We quickly grabbed our clothes and made our way to our bedroom. My erection had barely subsided so Camille insisted I lie on my back so she could mount me. Looking deeply into my eyes, she positioned my penis at the entrance to her vagina and stopped before asking: "Did you enjoy watching that couple play with others?"

I knew her piercing eyes were gauging my true thoughts, so I reasoned there was no point in lying. "It made me really horny thinking about it?" Her reaction was to lower herself to engulf my manhood as if it was a reward for answering.

"Have you had fantasies of sleeping with other women?" she enquired as she rode up.

Cautiously I answered: "Of course! Sometime it is impossible not to think about it." I was relieved that she continued to smile adoring at me as she dropped down forcefully. Being more confident I decided that honesty had to be mutual. "Have you ever dreamt of sleeping with another man?"

"Oh!" she stopped with the tip of my cock just inside her. It was clear Camille had not expected that she would also have to share her intimate secrets. "Well... I think like you. It is natural to have those thoughts." She now continued her riding.

Her answer was no surprise, but I remembered the lesbian scene. I paid close attention as I asked: "Have you ever dreamt of playing with another woman?"

Camille was already flushed from our sex, but I am sure that it was not just my imagination as she became redder in the face. She continued riding, perhaps to distract me or perhaps to give her time to consider her answer. Eventually she prevaricated by saying: "Maybe."

I was use to "Maybe's" meaning "Yes", but allowing her the chance to deny it later. I wasn't prepared for her later equivocation, so I pressed the point: "If I said you could have sex with another woman, and the opportunity presented itself, would you do it?"

"In my dreams, maybe... but we live in the real world."

I believe her true feelings were indicated by her need to ride her pussy on me as fast as she could. We were both now too busy breathing to have further discussion. I blissfully enjoyed being used and soon I shot my juices into her. This seemed to give her the necessary stimulus to also shudder and moan loudly. Once her most violent convulsions had finished, she flopped on top of me. I now held her tightly as we both panted excessively trying to recover.

Unfortunately, the need to pick up the children put a halt to any further revelations that day.


"Cami, why don't we try the step machine," my gym partner suggested.

"It is repetitive and boring," I jokingly complained. "You are a hard task master."

Monday morning, I was at my local gym. I had been going twice a week for a couple of years, but a few weeks back I had met this new woman who had inspired me to lift my effort to four mornings a week. Part of the reason for the increase in attendance was to finally restore my pre-pregnancy shape, but also I found it enormous fun being with her.

In spite of my comments suggesting reluctance, I knew that the step machine worked well for my thighs and hips. I was more than happy to follow her lead as I knew I was close to achieving a body as taught as hers. More and more I was conscious that we were both getting elicit stares from the men as we worked out together.

The only way to continue on some of these machines was to zoom out and dream of other things. I was now feeling pleased with myself. After taking a three years absence from work to have two beautiful children, I had to undergo the frustration of seeking reemployment. My qualifications and experience seemed to be irrelevant, but the worst aspect was the condescending attitude I received from recruiters.

Now after three years of hard work, I was back at my previous level in a reasonably good marketing job. It seemed that everything else in my life was falling into place.

I recalled yesterday's adventures with James. I was lucky with my marriage. He was always reliable and now our sex life was sparking like we were inquisitive teenagers again. Feeling good about my body, just made me so much more confident to be naughty with him. I had felt that I had not given him sufficient attention for so many reasons. I was now determined to make up for it.


"Good morning James."

I looked up and quickly remembering his name and said: "Oh hi Stuart. Did you have a good weekend?"

"Great, I will tell you later."

I walked into the office feeling totally refreshed and happy. I was a project manager for a company responsible for community growth. Well that was how the new marketing gurus described it.

In reality, we were a diverse development company that had sections undertaking town planning, architecture, a range of engineering specialties, construction management, property management and maintenance. We did the whole spectrum in the building life cycle, except major demolition.

I had three special projects at various stages of planning. These started from concepts, through feasibility and environmental studies, to initial design. I tended to draw on experts from different areas in the company and if necessary, outside consultants.

I had my own office located amongst the property management section. The only rationale for this was the office had been vacant; however I had developed good relations with most of the staff who invited me to their morning teas and social events. The only exception to the good relations was perhaps the section Director.

I had never had any disagreement with this Director, Simon Young; however he had been particularly cool anytime I had tried to break the ice. Our conversations were rarely more than formal greetings. I suspect he looked down on me as I did not share his title of Director. His sense of superiority was surprising as he was physically small, and while I try not to be prejudiced, he had what I would describe as a small angry man's attitude.

His focus was definitely on making the best impression on the CEO, rather than inspiring, teaching and monitoring his team. In fact I suspect he did not know the word; 'team'. His rulings were arbitrary. One woman had proudly displayed half a dozen pictures that had obviously been drawn by her young children. This resulted in a Directive that only one framed picture was permitted on each employee's desk. I had heard that he wanted to ban personal plants that a few people had placed on the shelves above their desk. It appears that he was only restrained because Camille had just brought in a large Peace Lily that sits on my coffee table.

My office has two glass internal walls to enable natural light into the remainder of the office space. This gives me good visibility over most of the property managers' desks. Also my door is only ever closed for confidential meetings so I generally know what goes on. That is why I heard what happened to Timea.

When she started three weeks ago, as I always do with new employees, I briefly introduced myself. I was immediately struck by her smile and intelligent eyes the color of dry sherry. Her lips were full and the curve at the end of her mouth indicated she readily smiled. Being so close, I couldn't fully appreciated her body without being rude, however she was certainly attractive. Unfortunately I had a meeting to attend so my welcome had to be cut short. Later I reminded myself that I should make a proper introduction, but either I was busy, or she had her head down beavering away on her work.

Of course the glass walls to my office enabled me to surreptitiously gaze upon her on the few occasions she walked past. She was always attired in modest dresses with long sleeves or in tailored suits. If anything this only accentuated her silhouette and the curves of her figure.

This was not missed by all the men and even some of the woman in the office. As she strode purposefully about, their lustful gazes appeared as though they had been hypnotized by her rhythmical sway. I really wondered why they bothered to get their hopes up when the company fraternization policy was so strict.

I deduced that Timea and Camille had the same slim and shapely figure and about the same height of 5ft 7in. The differences were that Camille had blonde hair just covered her shoulders and green eyes, while Timea's hair was dark brown and her alluring eyes changed to different shades of sherry. The length of her hair was hard to determine as she normally wore it in a French plait. While Timea's jackets were designed to disguise her best assets, her proportions seemed perfect. I noted all of this, however I knew nothing more about her.

This Monday had continued normally until midday. I had just finished a phone call when I clearly heard angry shouting. The voice was Simon Young berating some poor soul. When I looked about I recognized that Timea was in his office receiving the full blast.

Then the following words clearly resonated out of the office: "You are a complete waste of space and a hindrance to civilization. Any imbecile would have known that was not wanted. Next time do it right! You are not paid to be creative you stupid slut!"

Everyone in the office had turned to behold the lonely figure of Timea as she departed from the office with her head down. This time their staring was due to shock and sympathy, rather than lustful desire. Timea continued her measured steps to her work station where she picked up her hand bag before continuing down the corridor, out of the office. As everyone remained stunned, it was several minutes before the unprecedented quiet was disturbed by whispers.

I took a few minutes to assess the situation and consider what should be done. I suspected that no one in the section would directly confront Simon as he was their boss. Would someone report the incident to HR and risk being labelled a whistle blower? Probably not. I realized it was up to me to do something.

As I closed the door of Simon's office, he belligerently barked: "What do you want?"

I knew that being pushy would be counter-productive so I started with: "I thought I might be able to offer some advice."

"About what?"

"You may not be aware that the whole floor heard the dressing down that you gave that new girl."

"What of it? It should remind them to do as they are told. Besides, it is none of your business. Who the fuck do you think you are anyway?"

"Oh... of course the performance of your staff is not my business, but have you considered that your language was inappropriate and that it could get you into trouble."

"Me!... In trouble? It is my job to maintain standards and discipline."

"It is not your job to humiliate. I think you were excessively aggressive and it was unacceptable language to call her a stupid slut. Let me explain what I think could happen. You can ignore it and hope that none of your female staff make a formal complaint that undoubtedly could be supported by a dozen witnesses... or... you could defuse the situation by calling the girl back in and explaining that while her work was not as required, you regret that you called her inappropriate words for which you would like to apologize. If you fail to do this, I believe your use of those words will make you appear guilty of harassment before any independent inquiry.

Simon was still looking stubborn; however his silence gave me some confidence that he was at least considering the matter. Without another word, I left his office.

For most of the day I was at meetings, so it was close of business before I returned to my office. As I took the children to school in the morning, I rarely was early to work so I usually spent the next hour or more catching up with outstanding tasks. Without distractions it was often my most productive time of the day.

As a few of the last staff were leaving. I noticed that they waved to me through the glass. Looking around I could only see the top of one other head. I realized it was Timea as she stood and started walking by my office. I kept watching in case she also waved. Unexpectedly she stopped at my door and asked: "Could we talk, please?"

Trying to act perfectly natural, I responded: "Of course. Take a seat."

Once she was seated I noticed that she swallowed twice before commencing. "I know you are busy so I will be brief. I just want to thank you for what you did today. It was greatly appreciated and I am much obliged for your consideration." Her English wasn't really stilted, in fact it was her perfect enunciation that made her voice so appealing.

"Oh..." Being slightly distracted I quickly recalled the incident with Simon so that I could think of what to say. "Well I didn't do much and have been away, so I am not certain what has happened."

"Well Mr Young called me to his office and apologized for calling me offensive words. That is all really; however my work colleagues said it only occurred because you intervened."

"Well I had hoped no one heard what I said, so I suspect they have made assumptions."

"Some of them said that you threatened him."

"No! Nothing like that. I did suggest that an apology was warranted. That is all."

"Well whatever you did, it made me much happier. I was feeling quite upset and was considering resigning. That would not have been a good outcome for me. I will be more careful in future. Anyway, thank you again."

"Please drop the idea of resigning. It only makes a bully stronger. May I ask what caused his outburst?"

"He had tasked me to do an office layout for the Croydon Building for a new tenant. I had to plan the layout and include four offices, three 15 person meeting rooms and 60 work stations. I used the standard templates and specification and found there was plenty of space so I included a kitchenette area with some tables. What really seemed to get him riled up was that the drawing included pot plants, wall hangings and paintings. I hadn't realized these were not part of our standard."

"Really... pot plants and paintings?"

"I completed it well before the deadline, but he said he now couldn't show the plans to the CEO today. I will have to redraw it removing those details... plus the kitchenette. I haven't worked out how to do that without just leaving a blank space. I might just have to be less efficient with the layout of work stations and waste the space."

"Can I see these plans?"

"Of course. I won't need them now. I'll just get them."

When she returned. I thanked her and let her leave. I still had to send some emails, so it wasn't until at home after dinner that I opened them on the dining table for what I thought would be a cursory examination.

I quickly realized that the layout was very clever in maximizing window views for staff and avoiding potential for walkway congestion. The art and pot plants just added a welcoming environment to the plan. I couldn't see anything wrong with the layout and the fact that the tenant gained the benefit of a kitchenette area was just a bonus. I decided I would have another look at the detail tomorrow as now I had personal delights to pursue.
