Invasion of the Pussy-Snatchers Act 03: Sherri's Story


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Before Sherri had a chance to ask what Candace meant, the dying woman sent an image of a syringe filled with poison to her. Sherri shook her head emphatically. "No."

"Please, it's the only way," Candace pleaded with her speaking voice. Sherri could see blood in her mouth as she talked. "We're wasting time, Sherri. I'm begging you."

Sherri gritted her teeth in frustration, but she couldn't deny a dying woman her final wish. She stretched between the front seats to unlatch the door to the glove compartment and let it fall open. Sherri grabbed the small black leather case that had been stacked on top of state road maps and years worth of outdated insurance information and vehicle registries. The unused gun Sherri brought from New York fell out of the compartment to the floor as well. A lot of good that ended up being, Sherri thought. Sherri pulled the cap off the syringe using her teeth and pointed the needle at the vein on Candace's wrist that the nurse directed her to. Blood continued to pour down Candace's chest to cover her lower torso and soak through her shirt.

{How long will it take?} Candace asked in her sending. For the first time since revealing her life-threatening injury, Sherri detected fear in Candace's communication.

"Just a couple minutes," Sherri promised. Candace nodded in acceptance of her own demise.

{I'm ready} Candace sent.

{I'm not} Sherri returned.

Nonetheless, Sherri stuck the needle into Candace's arm and depressed the plunger to inject the poison into Candace's bloodstream. Candace actually winced as the needle entered her skin, it was amazing that she could still feel such miniscule pain with a bullet inside her. Sherri took the needle out after completing the injection and threw it to the floor.

"I'll stay with you to the end, don't you worry," Sherri said.

{There is one last thing I want you to do for me} Candace sent. Though she felt terribly weak, Candace mustered the energy to unbuckle her seatbelt and unzip the fly of her pants. In one motion, she pulled her pants and underwear down past her knees. Candace's large, hairy pussy glistened under the faint glow of a lonely street light on the side of the highway that shined through the car window. The blood seeping down her chest and stomach hadn't yet reached her lower body.

"What are you doing?" Sherri asked with disbelief.

{I don't want the last things I feel on this Earth to be pain and fear} Candace sent with a far off expression on her face. It looked like she was already staring Death in the face. {I need to feel the touch of a woman one last time}

"I can't," Sherri said as she looked away.

"Please, we don't have time," Candace said as she grabbed Sherri's hand and moved it to her crotch. Her voice sounded hoarse and tartly now. Sherri cringed but acquiesced to Candace's demand. Candace spread her thighs apart as Sherri hesitantly moved her fingers up and down Candace's slit while her thumb rubbed Candace's clitoris. Candace's pussy felt surprisingly moist. Sherri couldn't believe Candace could still be turned on even after seeing her lover killed in front of her and being in the midst of her own dying throes.

Candace held Sherri's wrist firmly as Sherri's fingers worked their way around Candace's pussy. {Ah, that's nice} Candace sighed as she felt a tingling of pleasure, but she still used sendings to communicate with Sherri to conserve the few breaths she had remaining. {But I need to feel you inside me}

Sherri pointed her middle and index fingers straight out and allowed Candace to take control of her wrist. Candace penetrated herself using Sherri's fingers and moved them in and out of her pussy to indicate the motion she wanted. She let go of Sherri's wrist once Sherri had the rhythm down. Candace brought her arm back behind her head and arched her back as Sherri wiggled her fingers inside Candace in just the right places Sherri would have done to herself.

Candace thanked her Queen for the Essence, the holy gift of the Hive. Pleasure slowly negated the pain in her body. The Essence heightened female pleasure to the point that Candace couldn't even feel the gunshot wound any more. Candace threw her head back and moaned as Sherri's fingers worked deeper and faster inside her. She was so focused on the bliss of Sherri's stimulation that Candace could no longer feel the life literally draining out of her or the poison that filled her veins and worked its way slowly toward her heart. The excitement Candace felt increased her heart rate enough that blood seemed to gush out of her wound more rapidly. The sticky, hot plasma descended down her stomach until it reached Sherri's fingers that were moving in and out of Candace's vagina.

"Oh God!" Sherri cried as she felt Candace's warm blood running over her hand. She began to withdraw her fingers before Candace stopped her.

"Shhh, it's okay," Candace whispered. "Don't stop now."

Candace felt close to something now. She thought it was an orgasm but wasn't sure. It might be the other thing too, the thing she didn't want to think about. Sherri's fingers seemed to be taking her there faster. It felt so near.

Sherri had closed Candace's access to Sherri's mind since injecting the poison into Candace's body. She no longer wanted to feel through their shared link the pain and fear Candace endured. As Sherri took Candace to the brink, she realized how cowardly that was. She would allow herself to feel the sensations of her sisters when they experienced pleasure, but not when they suffered pain? She finally let Candace in and they stared into each other's eyes as they shared one mind. Sherri noticed with shock that Candace couldn't even feel the pain any more, all she felt was Sherri's fingers delivering her to climax. Sherri felt Candace's love and thankfulness radiating through their bond and Sherri returned that sentiment with love and admiration for Candace's immense courage.

Candace's moans grew louder and she pushed her body down on Sherri's fingers to take them deeper. Sherri used her other hand to flick up and down furiously on Candace's clit while her fingers moved in and out of her rapidly. Candace screamed and moaned loud and long as her orgasm took her. Her moans lasted forever before slowly dying out in a whimper. At the end of it she gasped quietly and then she was gone.

One second, Sherri still felt Candace in her mind and then suddenly the link was painfully severed. That innate sense of a nearby Hivesister was simply gone, replaced by a disturbing nothingness. It felt like a part of Sherri had died along with Candace. Sherri sobbed and laid her head down on Candace's cold body, uncaring if she got any blood on her. She had never felt a loss that was this deep and raw before.

Sherri realized her fingers were still inside of Candace and she sat up to remove them. A mixture of blood and Candace's Essence clung to Sherri's fingers and dripped down to the seat cushion with a dark pinkish pallor. Sherri didn't think twice before putting her fingers to her mouth and tasting it. The bitter iron taste of Candace's blood mixed with the ultrasweet taste of her Essence for surprisingly delicious cocktail. It felt like Candace's soul was dancing on Sherri's tongue before Sherri swallowed the creamy mixture. Sherri would never forget the taste and hoped this somehow meant she would carry a tiny part of Candace with her forever.

Sherri pulled Candace's shirt back down and kissed her on the brow before she laid her body down in Sharon's lap. Sherri closed Candace's eyes and it almost looked like she was just sleeping. Strangely enough, Candace's eyes had gone back to normal even though there was no life behind them. Sherri draped Sharon's arm around Candace so that they laid together in a final embrace.

Sherri laid a hand on Sharon's cheek for a moment. She had only known the woman for a day but her loss hit just as hard as Candace's. Who knows what Sharon would have become if she had escaped her husband and joined the Hive. She had potential that could never be realized now. Sherri regretted not knowing what could have been, and knew it was all her fault. She had failed to protect them.

The rainfall had returned with a vengeance while Sherri had been in the car. It was a downpour outside. Sherri grabbed the pistol from the front seat since it had more ammunition remaining than the other gun she used. Sherri still kept Brandy's service weapon though, leaving it tucked into the waistband of her pants. Enough had gone wrong tonight, she would hate to implicate her friend in any of the crimes they had committed. Sherri pulled her jacket tightly around herself as she stepped out into the deluge. Less than ten seconds outside and she was already soaked to the bone. Though any Hivesisters nearby should have felt Candace's life being snuffed out, Sherri still sent out desperate pleas for help in all directions. Someone had to hear her and answer. But for now, Sherri had to get away from the murder scene before the authorities descended upon her. She took one last look at the corpses of her friends in the back of the car and then took off running for the nearest hill.


Captain Skern's day couldn't get much worse. The night before he had caught his wife tongue-deep in an ugly lesbo's snatch and now once again she had betrayed him. The car chase, the exchange of gunfire, the crash all seemed like a sick dream now. A car flew down the interstate next to him as he walked on the shoulder of the road, but Skern paid it no mind even as the headlights blinded him. He was intent on the car abandoned on the side of the road about one hundred feet in front of him.

Skern had woken up in a daze. His body hurt everywhere. The last thing he remembered was the car swerving before tipping over and rolling. Miraculously, the vehicle had finished rolling right side up. How long had he been passed out? Skern checked his watch but saw the face had cracked during the crash. His cell phone had survived intact and it looked like over an hour that he had blacked out. Skern put in a call to Dispatch detailing his location and asking for backup now that he had caught up with the suspects. He was sure there would be several questions about his conduct this evening, but right now that was the least of his concerns.

Skern's head hurt like hell. Based on the amount of time he had been unconscious a concussion couldn't be ruled out. He was sure one of his wrists was broken along with a couple ribs. Just another thing to make them pay for. He remembered hitting the butch in the backseat at least once but unfortunately the driver had been unharmed. Skern realized now that he had lost control and assumed a murderous rage. He had to stay calm and cool, bad things tended to happen when he became angry. Now that his rage had subsided, he felt some worry for Sharon. It had been foolish of him to jeopardize her life in such a way, even after her betrayal. It didn't make sense. She must have been kidnapped and raped by these women, there was no way she would willingly leave him for such degenerates.

Skern limped as he trotted hurriedly toward the car. His ankle didn't feel quite right, though it didn't feel broken to him. Skern held his gun out to the side, ready for action. Because of his fractured wrist, he had to use his non-shooting hand. Fortunately, he had practiced at the firing range using both hands just in case such a situation would someday arise. Skern felt adrenaline pumping through him, giving him the boost of energy he knew his exhausted body shouldn't possess. This is it. He was going to rescue his wife and murder some bitches who deserved it.

"Come out with your hands up!" Skern yelled as he pointed his gun at the back of the car. He could see someone's head in the backseat, but they were unmoving. Skern kept his gun trained on the car as he swept around the driver side. The driver was missing, and the rear door on the passenger side had been left slightly ajar. "This is your last chance! It's over!"

When no one answered, Skern warily reached for the rear door next to where the visible passenger sat. He winced and gritted his teeth in pain as he pulled the handle with his injured hand to open the door; there was no way he was taking the aim of his pistol away from the figure in the car for even a second. Skern peered inside and yelped as he jumped back in shock. Both his wife and her kidnapper were dead in the backseat. Skern pulled the blanket that covered them away and saw that Sharon had expired because of a bullet through the throat and the criminal due to a chest wound.

"Goddammit!" Skern bellowed as he slammed his fist down on the roof of the car. "You stupid bitch!" he screamed at his wife's corpse.

As much as he wanted to, he couldn't shed a tear for her. She had humiliated and emasculated him, and this is what she deserved for her disgusting behavior. He knew he would ultimately miss her though. She had been a gorgeous, docile, and submissive wife, at least until recently. Everything a man could want. Always a shame she couldn't get pregnant, though. Skern's rage now turned to the escapist who had led his wife to her demise. But as the police captain inspected the crime scene he realized with crushing certainty that it had been his own bullet that took Sharon's life.

Skern pulled a glove out of his coat pocket and slid it over his hand using his teeth. With his gloved hand, he removed a gun the same make as his service pistol from a secret holster inside his coat and fired it into the air a half dozen times before throwing it into the backseat. The serial number on the pistol had been filed off, leaving the firearm untraceable. Yet another situation that Skern never thought he would find himself in but had prepared for anyways. He heard sirens in the distance and looked off into the horizon where the sun was beginning to rise. The cloud cover had cleared just enough for the pink rays of morning sunshine to peek through. Blue and red lights cascaded over the hill to the south. They were already coming.

Skern already knew the story he would tell so well it was like it had actually happened. He had chased the suspects down and disabled their vehicle while also suffering an automobile accident. Yes, he had acted outside of procedure but this was his wife that had been abducted. Regulations no longer mattered when it was family. Rather than risk capture, the driver had killed her accomplice and captive before escaping just before Skern could arrive on the scene. Skern would make sure the forensics team didn't inspect this scene too closely and possibly turn up anything that might not corroborate his version of events.

He had already spoken with police at the station who had consulted the sign-in logs for prisoner visitors. He had a full name and address for the perpetrator and could still interrogate Sergeant Clarke who had been caught aiding the criminals. Sherri Lawson of New York City was about to feel the full weight of the NYPD and Boston Police put to bear on her. Skern was prepared to kill anyone who stood in the way of his revenge. This Sherri bitch was going to pay for what she had done to him and Sharon. Skern fantasized about the tortures he would inflict upon her before sticking a gun in her ear and putting a bullet in her brain. But before ending her life, Skern was going to make her tell everything she knew about this mysterious cabal of women he suspected were behind it all.

End Sherri's Story

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed the story. There is still more Invasion yet to come. Let me know what you thought of the stories by sending me a PM or commenting. Coming soon: Cassandra's Story.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Well done so far

This is a really good storyline there is more to come I’m hope.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Please please please write more we need more

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Response: About Long Stories

I actually wouldn't mind reading a long story. I don't see anything wrong with it. Game of Thrones, the Illiad, and the Count of Monte Cristo were long stories and people didn't complain about their length. In fact, many of the stories in the the Hall of Fame in many categories on this site are more than 10 pages. I'd rather read a long story as soon as it's done than wait for smaller stories every 2 weeks. But that's just me. I don't know the opinions of other readers in your audience.

GayTripperGayTripperover 8 years agoAuthor

Disciple, Cassandra's story has become too large and is now being split into two sections. The first has been submitted, should hopefully be posted to the site by the end of the week. I expect the second part of Cassandra's story to be out a week or two later.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Release Date?

When can we expect Cassandra's story? It's been 3 weeks since the series was last updated...don't mean to rush you or anything.

GayTripperGayTripperover 8 years agoAuthor
Response to Disciple

I can see what you mean about having an antagonist with moral complexity that can add to the story. Sometimes I like to see a villain that is just plain bad, though. Nice job of picking up that the Queen's intentions aren't entirely benevolent either.

As for your last question... well, let's see after Cassandra's story :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
An analysis and then some...

"...I've got you on kidnapping, first degree sexual assault, assault of an office of the peace. You name it. I could bring up a dozen more charges if I wanted to."

Shouldn't it be "officer" instead of "office of the peace? This seemed to be the only typo I saw in this chapter.

It was a great read regardless. I liked the addition of an antagonist as it adds suspense and livens the story, but I didn't like how you demonized the only man so far who desires to investigate and put a stop to the Hive with masculine-stereotyped traits such as being abusive and murderous. Not all males, including me, are like him. We can be decent at heart and courageous against adversity. I would've preferred a more heroic antagonist, though that's just my two cents and you of course do possess full creative authority in this series.

The addition of Captain Skern creates an interest dynamic with the Queen. Both are antivillains from my understanding so far: their end goals are more or less good (Skern wants revenge for the Hivesters on seducing his wife and wants to put a stop to them once and for all whether he knows he's trying to save the human race or not and the Queen wants a world of peace for her people) but their means of getting there are evil (Skern's crazed antics and the Queen's enslavement of women). Both are of the opposite gender and the opposite species, though what one desires to create, the other desires to destroy. One uses violence and the other uses initmacy.

It should be interesting to see how this plays out. Regardless, it seems predictable that Skern gets stopped somehow since there are hints of the Hive going international and whatnot to give room to future chapters, though this is just from my intuition.

By the way, what happened to with you including celebrities or other famous people inputted by reader comments in Chapter 2 when Cass meets the Queen?

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