Jill's World Ch. 03


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Julie interjected. "I don't really think I need that." She laughed, but it was a weak, uncertain laugh. "But, yeah, if you want company Carrie, of course I will go with you."

"Can I go too?" Courtney asked. "To keep an eye on Julie while she keeps an eye on Carrie." She giggled.

And then, we finished eating. I had a few more ounces of slime than yesterday when I measured it out. But, I didn't drink it this time, Jill had me pour it into an empty ice cube tray and put it in the freezer. She told me if I stayed, I'd be filling it repeatedly.

I cleaned all the dishes as they retired to shower and dress. Then she took me into her bedroom alone as Sue did whatever Sue did, Julie did homework and Courtney went home. When we were alone, Jill had me lie on the bed. She climbed next to me and surprised the hell out of me when she started kissing me.

For the next fifteen minutes, we made out and felt each other up. We didn't cum, neither of us, just kissed and fondled. It was very exciting.

Finally, she broke away and kissed my lips one last time.

"I needed that... just in case I don't see you again." Jill smiled at me. I frowned.

"Hey, it's your decision Carrie, not mine." She looked at me seriously. "I'm going to say a few things you already know. Things you should consider tonight and tomorrow."

"I'm not Darla. I'm not weak. I'm not malicious. And I prefer women to men. I will humiliate you because you get off on it and it is entertaining. I will not endanger your life or your reputation. You are a prize Carrie. I value you. I hope you know that."

"You will have orgasms. Denial is enjoyable. It helps you focus. But without occasional release, it is just cruel and I'm not cruel unless I need to be."

"You will work hard. Not just on being a subby slut. You will learn a great deal of truly useful things. You will learn to cook, to clean, to sew, to press clothes. And, you will learn a great deal about your passion. That's a really nice carrot I have on my stick to attract you."

I smiled.

"Your answer is yes right now, I know it is. But I won't take it right now. Think on it. You will have to do what I say, when I say, with who I say, where I say. You will be spanked, painfully if needed to make a lesson point. Hopefully, you will keep that to a minimum. You have your freedom back to do whatever your heart desires. Consider it all, the good and the bad."

"Remember Candace?" Jill asked.

I looked at her blankly. She giggled.

"Victoria's Secret?" She asked.

"Oh, yeah. What about her?" I asked.

"She wants to see you really badly." Jill laughed. "It's amazing the impression you leave on my friends who have met you."

I looked at her puzzled.

Jill just rolled her eyes. "She wants to see you on your knees."

"Oh." I answered, chewing my lip. "And you want that?"

Jill laughed. "What I want changes all the time kitten. But, yeah, you will get your tongue in a lot of different pussies. You will get cocks in your mouth and ass. So, think about that as well. And think about Julie and where you want that to go. Because if you are here calling me Mistress tomorrow, Julie cannot be first until I release you."

I frowned.

"I know. That's the tough one. You two are approaching a very special place in your relationship. Being my submissive could ruin that opportunity. So, consider that. I'm not a soft heart, I won't just let you go because you decide you are in love with Julie. We can make a calendar of when your service ends, but if I commit my resources to you, I expect you to commit your time to me."

"I already said you will be released before college begins. I won't do the long-distance relationship thing. I will always be your friend, your mentor, but I have no interest in trying to own a toy that shows up at their convenience."

I bit my lip. "I... want to."

She put her finger to my lip. "Shh. No, I won't have an answer tonight Carrie. Tomorrow. Now, you may have three questions. Don't waste them."

I crinkled my nose in thought.

"Would you be willing to do thirty days? And we could agree again every thirty days to go forward or end?"

Jill laughed. "No, I'm not a landlord who goes month to month. Minimum until summer, maximum until next fall when you go to school. We can come to an agreement on that now if you like. I want until Fall, what end date would you like and why?"

I shrugged. "I guess it depends on what job I have this summer. If I came and worked for you full time, Fall would be good. I could even come back every summer and..."

Jill laughed. "No, you could not. Not impossible, but very unlikely, a conversation for another time. So, we agree, if you call me Mistress tomorrow, it is until you go to college next Fall."

I frowned. I did agree to it though... I guess.

"Julie... when will ... I mean, I want to date her at some point." I babbled.

"Is there a question in there? I know that." Jill laughed softly.

"Will you let me date Julie?" I asked.

"Yes. I will let you date just about anyone you want to date. As long as you put my wishes before your relationship during our time together." Jill smiled. "I told you that already, you wasted that question."

I frowned again. Jill giggled.

I thought carefully. Then I looked at her and grinned. "If I agree to ... submit... will you make love with me the last night before I go to school?"

Jill laughed really hard, it was so nice to see her really laugh like that. I couldn't help myself, I laughed too.

"You are such a needy slut." Jill laughed. "I will think about it and give you an answer tomorrow. The answer is conditional, I know that. If you are dating Julie in the Fall, then definitely not without her agreement. If our relationship is at a point where you may come back to being my submissive in the summer or after college, definitely not."

She stopped and kissed me again. "You really are a special girl Carrie Fitch. You will do great things with your life. No matter what happens, I feel very privileged to have met you. I will never forget you."

I smiled with a tear in my eyes. "I could never forget you either Jill."

Jill wiped a tear and tasted it, moaning intentionally loudly. "Okay slutball, go get dressed before I change my mind about giving you a choice." She smiled and squeezed my hand.

She left me alone for a moment and I remembered my clothes were in the other room. I gathered myself and went to the bathroom and cleaned my juicy pussy with a wash cloth before exiting the bedroom for what might have been the last time.

It was all up to me. And though it should have been an easy decision, it wasn't. I sighed and went out to dress. Julie was there, dressed and doing her homework. I smiled at her and pulled my clothes on. We hugged and kissed Jill and Sue goodbye. "See you tom.." I stopped and caught myself.

Sue giggled. "I hope so slutball."

And Julie and I left, closing the door ... a shudder went through my body. I was free.

"So..." Julie giggled as we walked to my car. "still thinking it over?"

I smiled. "Kind of."

Julie grabbed my hand and held it before I could put the car in reverse. "You know, this is ... I mean... a pretty crazy life."

I looked at her and smiled. "Yes, it is Jules."

I backed out and headed to take Julie home. We were very quiet for a while.

"So..." Julie broke the silence. "Regardless, can I spend the night Friday?"

I laughed. "Anytime you want Julie, you know that. What about Chad?"

"Who?" Julie laughed. "Don't be a bitch Carrie. I'm still not sure."

I frowned a little but quickly forced a smile.

"So self-centered." Julie laughed softly. "If you want to date me, you have to make it about me sometimes Care Bear, I'm a girl too you know."

I laughed. "I'd always make it about you Jules."

"Oh, please slut." Julie laughed.

I laughed as we pulled up on her house.

"Call me if you need me." Julie smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

"I will. Want a ride to school tomorrow?" I asked.

"Definitely." Julie answered. And she got out and I watched her walk in the door.

I drove home with a myriad of thoughts running through my head.

Inside, Dad and Kelly were watching tv. I gave my Dad a kiss, hoping he couldn't smell the pussy on my breath. Then, I gave Kelly a kiss too, just to be nice.

"Anything fun happen today Carrie?" Kelly asked. She had this almost smirk on her lips, like she knew something. But she was just guessing really, and I knew that.

"Same day, different old shi..."

"Carrie!" My dad interrupted. "language please."

I laughed, we all three laughed.

"I learned to make shrimp limon." I smiled.

"Good, you can start making dinner once a week." Kelly grinned at me.

"I do it off recipes." I frowned. "I just follow directions well I suppose."

Oh God, of all the ways to say it! I blushed.

"Well I have homework to do, I best get to it. Goodnight."

And they bid me goodnight. Kelly had a weird smile, like a smirk. Yeah, she must have smelled the pussy on my breath. Damn. I hoped she didn't say anything to my Dad, I don't think he needs to know everything.

I went upstairs and climbed in bed. I did some homework, but I wasn't very focused.

Decisions... decisions... decisions...

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DiaperboyMiDiaperboyMiover 3 years ago
I'm addicted.

Ok....I never dreamed I would stick with this but is just sooooo damn good.

LupusDeiLupusDeialmost 6 years ago
I am right?

Stupid Candance couldn't keep her mouth shut during pillow talk. Or is she on the mission from the shop onwards? Jill could easily set it all up.

Jill, such a beautiful trap to extract formal consent from Carrie. She never release her, not for a moment. But she needs Carrie to think she consented to whatever Jill is planning for her, and it is indeed a hard limit to use her in public as planned. We may or may not find out what Jill's goals are, even more probably not unless the target is Carrie's daddy from the beginning.

lovercat2942lovercat2942about 6 years ago
Carrie, please consider *every* aspect of Jill's offer before making your decision

Carrie's decision seems to be an easy one, but I am glad Jill asked her to ponder it overnight. The one part Jill threw into the mix that I am shaky about is that if Carrie were to come back, she would have strange men fucking her ass and mouth. I don't think that is what Carrie wants or needs. This makes her decision a less easy one to make.

The prolonged sex session among Jill, Sue, and Carrie was a pleasure for this reader; however, I wonder how much of it was just a strong enticement for Carrie to stay.

Carrie's decision needs to be well thought out, but Carrie, despite her strengths, has a deficiency of relenting to others to please them rather than acting in her own best interests, so I am afraid that Carrie will discount the negative aspects of Jill's offer and agree to stay. Yes, I think Jill is a better person for Carrie to have to deal with than Rebecca or even Courtney, but to me Jill seems to be a bit too much on the domineering side for Carrie's good.

Courtney, again, find a rock to crawl under and crawl under it. You are useless.

Of course I look forward to Carrie's decision and even more to her reasoning behind the decision....I hope she talks to Julie about it before making it.

Oh, and one small detail: Carrie and Karen. Of course it is going to end up with some wild sex between the two. To me this is obvious. However, I am not writing the story and thus could be dead wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
My favorite characters

I almost said my favorite story, but that would be a lie. I love Carrie and Julie, Sue and Jill. I hate Farin, Darla, Courtney and Rebecca. They are users. Courtney is totally selfish. Darla and Farin setup Carrie for their personal gain. Rebecca is just evil. All in all a great read, but I’m rooting forCarrie and Julie first and foremost with Jill and Sue a close second option.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I can't wait for the next installment, this is my favorite Literotica story of all time. Love the characters, especially Carrie, and the humiliation/sex scenes always hit the right tone. Love it, please don't stop.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
love it

a great chapter! looking forward to the next. i love the humiliation especially the dinner scenes. keep it up please. I have been following your stories for a few years now and although the wait between chapters can be painful, it is worth it. thanks for sharing

subkinksubkinkover 6 years ago
Please do read my Feedback - Happily Surprised... But Missing Fun in School...

I have send you my feedback as Happily Surprised... But Missing Fun in School...

please read it.

cant wait for your next chapter, m sure Carrie is going to submit Jill just cant wait to see how or what will happen after that.

subkinksubkinkover 6 years ago
Happily Surprised.... But Missing School Activity...


I am totally surprised but Happy with this new twist. Just sometimes we miss the fun occurs in school.

If you decided to allow it make Courtney do it under Julie's supervision.

P.S. Please read your Feedback, I have sent you. Love you. You are the Best.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
lol what?!

I'm sorry, I know non-consent not being my thing I shouldn't be reading this at all, but this story is bullshit. It wasn't bullshit when it was Darla doing things to Carrie because there was zero pretense that what was going on was cruel and not ok, but now Jill's doing it and where supposed to act like it's a gesture of love? She apologized on behalf of Darla for all the things she did, but the first night she has Carrie she has her suck off strange men with no mask to protect her identity, and beats her to a catatonic state? What the fuck is the message of story? That if you get wet it gives people the right to do it to you even if it's something that traumatizes you and damages your self respect? Subs may get off on humiliation, but there's safewords for a reason. You don't understand BDSM if Jill's opinions are your own. Jill and Darla are not mistresses they're fucking rapists, they should have never fucking come near Carrie and the only thing Jill can do to compensate Carrie is to shoot Darla and then stick the gun in her own mouth

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I love how you wrote about how Jill really cares for Carrie. I enjoy everything that Jill did to Carie more than the antagonist character Darla, for Jill truly cares about Carrie. I’m excited to know why Kelly has a smirk on her face, but i do hope that she is not going to know Carrie’s secrets. That will make it so much more exciting haha, but thats my desire as a reader. I’m so looking forward to your next chapter.

iceblockiceblockover 6 years ago
Thank You

I must admit I had to brush over large portions of this, too consensual, lol. If only You chose the blackmail angle! Nah, only kidding. It's very clear how much work You put into this and I don't think anyone could truly tell You how grateful we are to see such quality content that is provided for free. I know there is a certain part of You PantherGirl that wants Carrie back at the mercy of Rebecca, yes we know how mean You can be to Your characters, and I must admit despite being in the minority I too would love to see Carrie submitting to a Girl she hates simply because She can't control Herself, lol. Still I'm certain there are many twists and turns to come, You have a wonderful and wicked imagination, thank You so much for taking us on this ride with You.

artty67artty67over 6 years ago
So enjoyable as usual

I love your writing while Darla's games was the best story I have read on here, I like the way this is going. Every time you bring out a new chapter it's nice to reread your early work.

Meeting Kelsey is a story you really need to continue, I love her struggling with her emotions.

Well done and thank you it must take a lot of work to write in such detail, while I prefer her being used by Darla and enjoy her spanking and forced anal, hopefully if you carry on the idea of being made to servicing men should be something she hates.

nightshade99nightshade99over 6 years ago

I think your narration has matured from Darla's game.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Filler chapter.

Not that i didn't enjoy it, i did but it somehow felt less exciting and more of a way to brute force the series back on the right track.

I'm sure you'll end it on a high note though, just please don't wait 4 years to do so. And please give us some updates in your bio if you're gonna go afk for a few months.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Love it

So happy your are back. I love the the direction this is going in. Now that it is revealed that Carrie needs the humiliation on some level I can't wait to see what you have in store for her in school and other public situations. Thanks!

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