Local MILF Belongs to Bully (Rewrite)

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A bully gets more than just a mom's piece of mind...
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Thanks to all the supportive commenters on the original upload of this story, I've decided to rewrite it with many suggestions offered. The end result is something longer and slow-burning, with many new elaborated sequences on scenes that were only lightly mentioned previously. If you enjoyed the original, with all it's emphasis on betrayal, intensity, and depravity, I think you'll love this as well. Enjoy.

Tim rubbed his cheek, and underneath his hand was a good sized bruise, thanks to Roy. He snickered, standing tall over Tim. He would've pushed him again if it weren't for a woman's voice interrupting him!-

"Excuse me! Boys! Excuse me, Sir!" She tried to speak while catching her breath, as she jogged over to the two, with her large chest swaying from side to side. "What are you doing?.. Why is my son on the ground here?" She panted out with worry and concern.

Caught off guard, Roy looked at the woman from toe to head. Below her busty cream knit sweater was a long purple skirt that tapered wide and draped beautifully. It almost looked like she wore a crinoline, but no, her hips and butt were really just that big. This cutie was Timmy's mom, eh? His eyes went from her low heeled pumps all the way up back to her eyes. Those cute narrowed mascara eyes of worry.

Tim stuttered before Roy promptly interrupted-

"Oh, hi Ma'am. Me and Tim were just playin' a lil' rough, thas' all... Tripped up a lil' bit." He said, trying to play cool. Mary stood with her arms crossed, worry still showing. Knowing something felt wrong, she slowly turned to ask her son. "Timmy. Is this true?.. You just fell?"

Timmy broke a sweat. Roy gave him 'The Look'. The one that says 'Go along with the lie, or else I'll kill you'... But Timmy had enough! Any other day, he would've gone along with the lie. But today was a day for bravery! His mom was here, and now he has to stand up for himself! He had to be a man!

"... No... No! Roy is bullying me! He's always bullied me! I'm tired of this!" Tim softly said with frustration as he got up. Mary's expression looked as if her heart broke into two. Roy simply sighed and stepped around, preparing himself for Mary's useless scolding...

Mary's expression went from sympathy to anger, turning to look at Roy. "Why, I can't believe it! You've been bullying my Timmy?!... I believe you owe my son an apology right at this instance, young man!" She stepped forward, placing her hands on her wide hips.

Roy sighed and rolled his eyes. "... Sorry Ma'am... Sorry Tim." He didn't really sound like he meant it, but to Mary, never once having to solve a conflict like this before, it was good enough... And now, she didn't know what to do next. Mary had a lot more heart than she had brains, so at this point, she continued crossing her arms, rocking from side to side, looking accomplished, thinking 'Now what?'.

"... Aight, can I go now?" He barked. Mary turned to him blankly, blinked a couple times... And eureka! She wasn't done yet, she was still filled with vengeance! "... No! You may not go now! You're gonna take me to your parents, and I'm gonna have a stern talking with them." She said with an uncharacteristic bossy tone! Roy and Timmy both looked shocked, but for differing reasons. Roy looked content with that response, which in turn made Timmy turn pale as a ghost... Why was he looking smug about a threat like that?

"Aight then, let's go!" Roy said as he began walking, and Mary followed right behind with her arms still crossed. "W-Wait! M-Mom... I don't think this is a good idea... The apology was enough, can we just go home now?" Timmy begged, and Mary's heart broke again. Her son was always so timid, and she always felt bad whenever she had to step up for him.

"What's wrong, Sweetheart? Don't worry about a thing! Once I speak with his parents, he'll never touch you again. Let me take care of this, okay?" She said with such loving care, caressing his cheek with her gentle hand...

But Timmy didn't feel relieved. He had a bad feeling in his gut that SOMETHING would happen to her. But he didn't know how to stop her. His mother was a handful sometimes, and with her this riled up over the injustice of her son, there was nothing he could say.

He looked deep into her pretty eyes, just inches away from his face.

Reluctantly, he nodded, and watched as the two walked away. As they left, he couldn't help but notice that same smug look on Roy's face that wouldn't leave.... He knew what a mean person Roy was, and he could only imagine the kind of trouble his bully could put his mother through...

"... M-Mom!" Timmy's fear uttered out one last weak attempt to stop her as they've already walked far away. Mary simply turned and gave Timmy a reassuring wave, and a smile. She was always so confident. Timmy couldn't help but slump his shoulders, and just sit and wait for whatever was to happen... He walked home, with a dreadful feeling in his stomach that he just could not get rid of.

His home was quiet. Without his mom to make him food, he quietly cooked himself a box of Mac N' Cheese. As he sat at the table and ate, his mind couldn't help but wonder what could possibly be going on... How long would it take until Mom comes back home? It already felt like a 15 minute walk, and another 20 minutes cleaning up and cooking... Would her plan really work? How far away is Roy's home even? What if he hurts her?! How would he get help if he doesn't even know his address?!

"Urgh!" He grunted out loud.

His own mother would be the cause of his anxiety attacks... He couldn't even finish his food, his mind was too cluttered! No matter what he did, play a game, listen to music, go on the computer, he was filled to the brim with sickening worry!

Then he looked at the clock. It was 7 PM... It's been over 3 hours since Mom left! Where could she be?! Timmy tossed and turned on his bed, coming up with horrid ideas of what could be happening right now at this very moment.

In the midst of Timmy's doom spiral, he contemplated the same premise but in different scenarios: What would Timmy do if his mom were gone? He didn't like imagining it too long, and knocked on wood many times that night, but it was a serious consideration. Mom was his everything. If she was gone... Then, there'd really be nothing left for him in life, would there? No reassurance, no companionship, no love and care-

And just like that, his doorbell rang!- Timmy was saved from the torment of his mind by his 5'9 Guardian Angel. He ran towards the door, and opened it as fast as he could, and there stood his mother. She looked fine, and she was gently smiling as usual. The fact she was safe is all that mattered to Timmy! "Mom!"

Leaning over to speak with Timmy's height, Mary tucked her hair behind her ear. "Hi Sweetie! I told you, I talked with his parents, and it's all taken care of now. Roy won't bully you anymore! See? That wasn't so hard now, was it?" She cheerfully sang whilst stroking Timmy's hair, before picking his shirt clean of a few lint pills.

"Really? Did his parents get pissed?.. How do I know he won't get even more mad and take it out on me?" Timmy's lingering mind wasn't put to rest just yet, but Mary would be there, as always, to soothe him. "... He- could get kicked off the football team if he doesn't stop. Even his parents said they'd take this up with the school if they had to! So relax, Hun. He won't even dare to show his face, now that he's scared of YOU." She tailed with a cute snort laugh.

This helped- but Timmy would always find ways to find more holes in any reassurance. He didn't like the sound of the hesitation in her voice at first. It didn't quite sit right with him, like there was more to the answer than she was letting on... But Timmy was so worry-ridden that he was happy to just throw the thoughts away.

"I'm... Sorry you had to do that... Go there and tell him to stop... I should just do it myself." Timmy didn't know how else to express his guilt. He put it as bluntly as he could, and Mary would soften the blow. "... Sweetheart, you don't think I've ever had bullies before? I've dealt with it- I even still have to deal with them as an adult now!"

"Yeah that boss of yours sounds like a real bully too, every time you mention him..."

"Yes... Even Mr. Owens is a bit of a bully. Some people are just like that, y'know? There's always gonna be-..." Mary grimaced and waved her hands, almost trying to cast a spell to say-

"... Assholes?"

Dropping her head, Mary deflated a laugh and let out all the tension in her shoulders. "Yes. I was gonna say 'nincompoops'. Or... 'ruffians'- but yes! There's always gonna be- Assholes!" She quietly spoke with a giggle at the foul word.

"I get it. I understand how hard it is to not have someone to help you stand up. And I'm never letting someone bully you like that again, okay? Not in a million years. Come here-" With arms wide open, Mary took him in and gently held Timmy's head against her soft and warm chest.

"Thanks, mom." Was rightfully met with "I love you, Honey."

No words- Both the hug and silence felt it went on for a little too long. Tim could hear Mary trying to break the ice, before she would utter out "... You eat dinner yet?"

"Yeah, yeah I just made one of those Mac n' Cheese boxes, I'm full for the night."

"Ah, good! Good... Mommy's getting a little tired tonight, so I think I'm just gonna hit the bed already..." She raised herself up and walked down the hallway without looking back. Timmy traced her stride quickly, but almost clumsily pacing over to the bathroom.

She would take quite the long shower that night.

The electronic death bell screamed, as the students sleepily picked up their stuff and entered the hallway. Timmy would follow, going to 3rd Period, before running into a familiar face as he opened the courtyard door - Roy's face.

Timmy looked up at him. Too embarrassed to say anything, he began to walk again right when crossed arms Roy said: "Goin' to gym now, lil' bro?". Tim froze, and simply didn't know how to respond. He couldn't pick up on any hint of sarcasm or teasing in Roy's voice. And apparently, according to mom, he wouldn't bully him any longer... He bit, and replied back meekly "Yes." Clenching his backpack straps.

Roy just looked at Tim and thought long and hard. The longer he looked, Tim would hunch over. Turning around to escape, Roy didn't stop him this time, and merely said "Aight. Make sure you stretch. Peace." before uncrossing his arms, and merging with the crowd of ordinary students.

Timmy just stood there looking back... He left him alone! It was true, Roy would leave Timmy alone now! Timmy didn't have to dread the feeling of defending himself at School everyday - He could live a normal life! He sent a 1 second long prayer from his heart to his mother.

The following week was blissful, this was all Timmy wanted. A cozy world with just him and his mother. Every day, he'd wake up and eat a fulfilling breakfast-

"Eat! You gotta make sure you're eating, Hun. If you miss any meal of the day you'll never gain muscle. Don't want that now, do ya?"

"Okay okay... But can we have something tastier like pancakes?.."

"You want pancakes tomorrow?"

"Yes pleeeeeease~"

"Alright! I'll pick some mix up after work~"

The two would get in their Honda, turn on the heat to warm them of November air, and drive to School-

"Oh jeez, your jeans- Those holes are getting worse, it's gonna look like hobo pants soon! Why don't we get you some new pants already? You never wanna change those."

"I'm just used to it! It's fine, I don't really care."

"Y'know, girls in School aren't gonna think it looks good~"

"Mooooom, I know, I know~"

Mary would pull up to the front of the School, and unbuckle her belt to lean over and give a big hug-

"Alright, bye! Love you, Honey! Have a good day at School! Don't forget to eat okay? Even if you need a little snack, go to the front office, they always have bars and stuff!"

"Okay, okay! Bye I love you too, mom!~"

Timmy would make it through all 6 periods without getting picked on from another student once. He was happy, could pay attention, and chatted with friends up until the end of the day where his mother would come back to School to pick him up.

All was well between Mary and Timmy, however, great things never last. Especially for Timmy... If he were previously guilty about his mother stepping in to talk with his bully, he would soon be waterboarded with endless guilt for the rest of his life, as he'd learn that there's a price for everything.

And even if the price were paid, Timmy would still learn the worst outcome. He'd learn how it feels to lose Everything.

A week had now passed since the incident with Roy. Timmy and Mary both at home during their day off watched Willy Wonka and Christmas film replays on TV, snuggling under a blanket on their loveseat with hot cocoas in hand.

The small size of the couch meant Mary would rest on her hip and elbow with her legs up on the couch, and due to her size, Timmy would be pressed up against Mary's butt and feet. It was okay to him, it warmed him up quicker.

Tim felt strange about it, but sometimes he'd take a second to admire that his mother was really a beautiful woman. It was just something out of respect. Her gray mohair sweater, her stretchy black yoga pants, even her little white ankle socks she was wearing; His heart just warmed up.

His pretty mother would get a notification on her phone, stealing her attention away from the film for quite a while. She slowly set aside her blanket and put her mug on the coffee table, getting up whilst still looking at her phone.

She didn't have any one particular expression that Tim could read from... "... Sorry, Honey. I actually just realized I had something lined up with a friend! You can finish my hot cocoa if you want, I gotta get ready real quick." She moved to her room.

Oh well... His mother wasn't usually late to getting ready for things like this... But also, now that he thought about it, his mother never actually hung out with friends too often... Good for her! He'd stay put whilst she got ready, and before he knew it, Mary came out with a huge gray pea coat on, giving her a big boxy silhouette.

"When do you think you'll come back home?" Mary looked up from putting her pumps on, almost confused. "Huh?.. Uh, you know, I'm not sure actually. I imagine, probably 11?- It's girls night out!" Timmy just nodded, but Mary felt she had to back this up with another comment.

"... But we're a bunch of oooooooold old old ladies, so nothing crazy! Probably won't be out too long by midnight or anything~" She spoke as she got her keys. "Okay, no problem."

"Alright, Sweetie... Bye. Love you!.." She almost, hesitated at the front door it seemed, despite not looking back at Timmy. "Bye! Love you too."... Click, the door shut, the lock tumbled, and everything but the TV.

As the elevator soared in the skies, Timmy got up from his side. The sky outside was getting pretty dark, and now Timmy was left alone to his own devices... It had been a while, and while nothing in particular gave Timmy the idea, he'd slowly get up and open the hole of his underwear and pajamas so that he could pull his penis out.

Walking over to his room and getting on his pc, he wasn't looking for anything in particular. Just something good. He entered in a nasty site for the URL, and started scrolling through pages, hovering over the thumbnail of any video that piqued his interest. That was, before something else would pique his interest.

A light shined beside him. It was his phone. Taking his hand off the mouse and checking the notification, he'd read "Unknown Number. 1 Video Attachment..."

He expected to get a text back from mom. Who could this be? Left alone in night time silence, the atmosphere broke a cold sweat inside Timmy's skin. His heartbeat increased once he typed in his passcode, and once again, as he opened the message, and even once more as he pressed play on the video with no thumbnail.

Fullscreen, then black.

The video was dark, but a faint light shined through. Timmy could only hear the sound of movement. This played for only 3 seconds, then ended just like that... The cryptic video left him in an uneasy horror... He slowly got off his PC chair, and onto the bed so he could have a wall to his back. What was happening here? Immediately, the doom spiral kicked in again- Did Mom get hurt?! Is this a video sent from some attacker that found his number through mom's phone?! Timmy panicked inside in absolute silence and stillness, until miraculously, another message was sent to him! Another video attachment as well... Timmy gulped and trembled as he slowly pressed play on the video...

His heart stopped, and he almost dropped his phone... The dim light made out a shape finally... It was a woman's butt! A chubby brunette woman was flat face down on a bed. And a man... A black man was... No... Hold it steady. It felt like a thousand knives stabbing him over and over, but Timmy couldn't lie to himself anymore. His eyes popped out of his head with building tears. He knew exactly what this was... This was Roy fucking his Mothers butt!

Mary softly whimpered in a muffled tone, as the black man's large hand held her big butt cheeks and spread them apart, to get a better look at his... Well, freakishly huge dick slowly pushing inside her.

"Ohhhhhh~ Ohhhhh god~" Mary moaned into a pillow she held up to her face. She sounded so ashamed and humiliated.

Timmy couldn't watch it, but he couldn't look away either... This was his Mother! The sole support of his life. The love of his life... And here she was being fucked by his vile bully!

How did this happen?! What could've happened just between now and when she left?! Is this consensual?! Is this rape?! Mom wouldn't do this kind of thing, there's just no way... It makes no sense!

But the video didn't end... Timmy didn't know what to do. He couldn't just leave his phone, he had to see how this ends... He needed answers! So he kept watching as the black bully slowly fucked his mother. "Shiiiiiit, you got a THICK ass~" He groaned with an amused, sadistic tone.

Mary didn't respond with anything but her cute quiet moans. "Oooh, ohhh my- g-god..."

And the video ended once again... Timmy was left in silence. It was almost too much to bear. What should he do?!... Should he call the police? But what could they do in this situation?! He didn't know where mom was... What if... This wasn't rape? Timmy couldn't even imagine Mary having sex with a man, let alone his bully!.. No. No! This made no sense!

Suddenly, a text message was sent this time! It read:

[Yo mommas 🍑🍑 gotta ride this dick 🍆 if she want me to stop fuckin wit u 🗣️🗣️🗣️. She agreed 😈😈😈]

Timmy was baffled, and terrified... His mother agreed to have sex with Roy so he'd stop bullying him?.. The guilt, anger, and sadness boiled inside... Why, Mom?! Why?! You don't have to do this! He cried and wept as he curled himself into a ball on his bed.

This was all his fault... If he just stepped up for himself earlier... Stopped the bullying early on... None of this would've happened... Now Tim had to sit here, as his mom was taking Roy's cock in her... He couldn't even bear to think about it! He just continued to sob uncontrollably. The messages kept coming nonetheless...

[U see dat 💦💦💦 im fuckin the shit out yo moms 🤤🤤]

[I bet u wanna watch dis 😈😈😈]

And another video was attached... Timmy didn't want to see it, but at the same time, he knew he had to. If he didn't, he wouldn't know if his mom was no longer unhurt. He wiped his tears and slowly took his phone... The video showed much of the same from before, Mary's voluptuous butt as her pussy was being pounded by a big black dick. It was a little rougher and faster than before. Roy seemed to be pacing himself, doing deeper thrusts now. The camera angle seemed to suggest Roy was laying atop of Mary's backside, pushing her prone body deeper into his bed. Mary's moans were also a little more clear, despite her face being buried deeper into the pillow.
