Locker Room Dare Ch. 03


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Oh shit! "Really?"

"Yes really. I'm surprised you didn't tell us about the cheering team. I mean, it is all girls, except for you, isn't it?"

"Yeah. But, well, there wasn't much to tell. I was just helping out at practice. I sorta have a friend on the team."

"A girlfriend? Isn't that two now?" Lynn asked, with a grin.

I shrugged as I headed to the closet to hang up my coat.

"Well?" Mom asked

"Sorta." Was all I could say.

"The girls all voted for me to dress out and help with some is their tricks. So, I guess I'm actually on the team now."

"Dressing out?" Dad asked, as I slipped into my chair next to sis. "Like wearing their uniforms?"

"Yeah, but I have a shirt and wind pants instead of a skirt."

"So, you dress with the football team? That must be awkward."

"Um, actually, I, um, well, I sorta, uh, I don't actually."

"Don't what?"

"Dress with the football team."

He looked at me curiously. "So where do you dress?"

"Um. With the cheer team," I said quietly, as I scooped some food onto my plate.

"Wait! You're telling me you dress in the girls' locker room? Behind a divider or something? Right?"

"Um. Uh, no. My locker is right next to Malissa's. The team captain."

He put down his fork and stared at me. "You undress in front of the girls?"

"Daddy. I think you're missing the point." Sis said, with a giggle. "The girls are undressing in front of him!"

"Lynn. That's enough. I'm sure it's as embarrassing for him, as it is for the girls." Mom said quietly.

"I'm surprised they allow that." Dad said, shaking his head.

"Well, the coach asked the girls and they unanimously voted to have it that way. So, coach approved it."

"Jesus. My son the cheerleader. The school must think you're some kind of wuss!"

"Actually, I heard one of the football players tried to beat him up the other day and Billy put him in the hospital. Broken nose and broken balls!" Sis said, with a laugh.

"Is that true? You've been fighting too?"

"Actually, he attacked me. All I did was try to get away." I said defensively, "I didn't mean to hurt him, it was an accident!"

"One hell of an accident!" Sis said. "From what I heard it was a massive take down. Foot to the balls and a foot to the face? He never stood a chance. Teach him to mess with my little brother, the cheerleader!"

"It wasn't that way. I just wanted to get away."

"Why was he attacking you anyway?"

"Becky Williams!" Sis said, "Billy stole his girlfriend."

Dad looked at me, startled. "The same Becky you've been tutoring for the last three years?"

"Yeah. She wanted me to be more than a tutor." I said, with a shrug.

Dad shook his head. "I still don't think it's a good idea to have boys in the girl's locker rooms. Too many things can happen. What happens when the girl's parents find out about this?"

"I imagine they'll complain." I answered honestly. "But coach said she'd explain it all and take care of it. The girls want me to be part of the team, not just at practice."

We ate the rest of dinner in silence, sis occasionally kicking my foot and grinning at me, while mom looked like she had more to say. After dinner I headed to my room, to work on the history paper that was due the next day. I was typing away on the paper, when mom came in. She closed the door and sat on the edge of the bed, silently waiting. I'd been here before. This was her way of saying she wanted to talk about something important, and she wanted my full attention. I sighed and turned in my chair to face her.

"That wasn't all the principal had to tell me. Wanna talk about it?"

I looked at her, trying to guess what she meant. This was her technique for getting me to talk. Try to make me guess what she knew, and along the way spill the beans on something she didn't really know about. She'd been doing it all my life. "I dunno. Do we need to?" I asked, trying to figure out what she knew.

"Seems we do." She answered just as gently.

"Okay, you wanna start?"

"I thought maybe you would. After all, it was you who got in trouble."

Okay. Now I at least knew what I was in trouble for. "Becky?"

"Uh huh. Why?"

"Sis told me that Becky was just into me for the sex, and we kind of had an argument about it." She looked surprised, clearly, I'd guessed wrong.

"And that got you tossed out of class?"

Disaster recovery time! "Yeah, it did." She sat, waiting for me to continue. "It was just personal mom. Not a big deal."

"Seems like it was. You must have told her what Lynn said?"

"Uh huh."

"And it upset her?"

"A lot."

"And you didn't expect it to?"

"Yes and no. She was really upset, that I thought she could do that."

"You've been seeing her a long time. Just how long have you been having sex with her?"

"Just a couple weeks."

"Do her parents know?"

"Her mom does."

"Because you got caught by her?"


"I'm concerned. The principal said it was twice you've been caught in the girls' bathroom doing inappropriate things. She's not sure you being on the cheerleading team is a good thing. She suggested that I discuss appropriate places to be having sex, girlfriend or otherwise. Wanna tell me what happened?"

"Becky. We were still talking about how she felt. She pulled me into the entrance of the bathroom to kiss me. I remember what you always told sis, that you could tell how a guy feels by how they kiss, so I was trying to do the same thing, figure out if she was into me just for the sex or if she really cared. We were kissing and she pulled me into the bathroom and showed me that she hadn't worn underwear and explained that when we had sex, that, well, how it made her feel inside. I guess I just wanted to make her feel that, so I pulled it out and started to have sex with her."

Mom smiled softly. "When I was a young lady, I'd had a number of partners before your father. To me, sex always felt good. I enjoyed climaxing around a hard dick. When your father and I did it the first time, that's all it was. Sex. But after a few times, going out with him and spending time with him, it changed. It became more intimate and special. It made me feel things inside that I couldn't explain. It took a while for me to realize that what we thought was sex, had turned into making love. We'd fallen in love and didn't even realize it. Once we did, we never wanted another partner. Sex wasn't the same with other people. It didn't have that special feeling of completion deep inside. If she feels that, she's falling in love with you. The question is, do you feel the same?"

"I dunno. It's all kind of confusing. Between her and the girls on the team, and coach. I'm kinda confused."

She raised her eyebrows. "Coach?"

Uh oh. Now I blew it. "I didn't mean I was having sex with coach."

"Sounded like that was exactly what you meant."

"Um no. Just that I don't understand why coach put me on the team. I mean she caught me with Becky that first time. She could have had me suspended, but instead she made me finish and then made me mat boy."

"You better explain."

Oh lord. I was digging a deeper hole by the moment. "It was a bet I lost with Chris. I had to take Becky into the girl's locker room, and jack off in front of her. She didn't know that's what I was going to do, but when I stripped for her to take the picture, she kinda got turned on. We were just touching each other when coach caught us. She sent Becky away and then made me finish."

"So, she stood there and watched you?"

"Sorta. She, um, she pulled her shirt up and her pants down for me to look at while she stroked me with her hand."

"I see. And you didn't tell anyone?"

"No. Who'd have believed me?"

"And has she done anything else since then?"

"Just showered when I was. It was Jessica that pushed her to do more."


"Yeah. Nurse Allen. She and coach showered with me after practice one day. Jessica, I mean nurse Allen and her were making out. When she saw how hard I'd gotten, Jessica pulled her over to where I was showering and put me into coach for a moment. When coach pulled away and left, Jessica had me fuck her until we both came."

"Oh lord."

"You can't say anything mom. Really. I didn't mind and I don't want to get coach in trouble."

"But Billy, that kind of thing. It's not allowed. It actually illegal."

"Please mom. You always said these talks were private. No one would ever know what we said."

"They were, but this?"

"Please mom."

She was silent a long time. "Alright. I promise. Is there anything else I should know? Like are you having sex with other girls too?"

"A few. Allie Mason wants me to be her boyfriend too. She and I, um, I, uh..."

"You took her cherry? They called it the same thing when I was your age. I was convinced that the boy that took mine was my soulmate as well. But we both learned later, that it wasn't like that. It was just special, because it was my first time. So be gentle with her. She can be hurt very easily by you."

"Sure. It's just that, well, I kinda like her."

"As much as Becky?"

"I dunno. Maybe. It's confusing as hell."

She laughed. "Yes, it is."

"Thanks for understanding."

"I'm always here if you need something. You know we can always talk about anything you need. If you need to know something, I'll always tell you what I can."

"Well, actually. I'm a little confused about something."

"Okay. Shoot!"

"Squirting. I made both Becky and Allie do it, but I don't understand what it is exactly."

"Oh boy. That's a tough one. As long as men and women have been having sex, you'd think there would be a good explanation. Squirting is something some women do when they have a particularly strong orgasm."

"So, it's like a girl version of my semen?"

"Actually, no. The entire act of sex is to prepare a woman's vagina for sperm. Generally, a woman's vagina is too acidic to support sperm for long. By massaging it, with your dick, you're stimulating the vaginal walls to excrete a different Ph fluid. To make it more able to support sperm, as they try to make their way into the uterus. For some women this is rather thin fluid, for others it can be almost a cream. Squirting is different. It's a strong expulsion of fluids. I don't know all the technical end. I've only done it a few times. Some say it's from the vagina, others say it's from the bladder. It's not urine, but I guess there's some in it. I guess the best thing to know is that it's a good indicator of a really intense climax."

"Why have you only done it a few times?"

"Well, it takes a fairly large member inside me, and your father isn't that big. So, I only usually do that if I'm using a toy. But, you've made both of them do it?"


"You must be very good with what you have. I know it's large, but size isn't everything. Knowing how to use it is just as important."

"You know how big I am?"

"I got a pretty good look in the bathroom when you came all over your sister's friend. Not exactly how I would have handled what she did at the table, but if it had been her in the shower, it would have been ample retribution."

"Yeah. I was pretty pissed. Still don't know why she did that."

"Maybe ask her?"

"Maybe. Can I ask another question?"


"Did talking about this turn you on?"

"Why do you ask?"

"The crotch of your pants is wet." She looked down and blushed.

"So it would seem. I take it you got turned on too?"

"Sorta." I admitted, looking down at the bulge in my pants.

"I can tell." She said, with a smile.

"Do all girls, women, get wet down there when they're turned on?" She got off the bed and walked to the door. She turned her back to the door to face me. "Most women, some more than others. If they have a wet crotch, they're either turned on, or they're leaking the results of already having climaxed. When I get turned on and your dad isn't available, or interested, I'd usually go into the bathroom and use a toy to relieve myself."

"Is that what you're going to do now?"

"I was thinking about it."

"How do you do it?"

"You want to know how a woman makes herself climax?" she asked softly, looking at me curiously. "I'd have thought you already knew that, given what you're doing."

"Actually, Becky is still teaching me. I haven't seen that yet."

"If you wanted to show me what you have, I'd do the same." She looked at me for a few seconds, as I sat frozen, unsure what to do, and then, blushing, she turned and left the room without another word.

I was still sitting on the bed when she came back a minute or two later. She closed the door behind herself and walked to the bed. She set a couple things on the bed, and then turned to face me. I looked past her, at what looked like a large plastic dick, laying on my bed. She chewed her lower lip a moment and then pushed her yoga pants down. She pulled them all the way off, leaving her in her workout top and a pair of lacy panties. She pushed the panties down, showing me the dark brown curls on her mound and between her legs. I was still staring at her bare pussy, when she pulled the spandex top up, pulling it over her head. She dropped the top, with it's built in bra, onto the bed, leaving her completely naked.

She sat on the bed and leaned back, spreading her legs. She took the little thing she set on the bed and turned it on. It made a soft buzzing sound. She moved it to her pussy lips and began to rub the little chap stick sized toy up and down her flowery inner lips.

"Your turn." She said, as she teased the small device between her lips. "To get undressed."

I stood up and began to undress, pulling off my t-shirt first and then pushing down my pants. My dick pushed out hard as a rock as I pushed my pants down, not having put my underwear back on after having had sex on the way home with Allie. I stepped out of them, so I was as naked as she was, and then sat back down in my chair, wrapping my hand around my own dick.

"You are big, aren't you." She asked softly. "A woman can climax two different ways. One is stimulation to her clitoris, and the other is stimulation to her vaginal walls. There are nerves, in her vagina, that are intended to help trigger pushing, during child birth. If you stimulate those nerves, it can cause a vaginal orgasm. The clitoris is more easily stimulated. It can also cause an orgasm. The two are often different in feeling, but if done together, it can be quite powerful. Have you tried both with your friends?"

"I think so. I've used my tongue a couple times."

"That would be on her clitoris. Here, come look." Mom said, lifting and spreading her legs wide. She used the fingers of her left hand to spread her lips apart while the right hand moved the small vibrator to her now exposed clit. I knelt on the floor in front of her, looking at her spread pussy, seeing her depths move, as she became more excited. "Some women enjoy having their clit stimulated while they're being fucked by the man's dick. Those generally cause the strongest climaxes."

I was kneeling between her legs, stroking my dick. I really don't know why I did it, but I shifted to bring my engorged head only inches from her pussy. I leaned closer, bringing my dick right to the entrance to her depths, the tip of my head brushing her hot wet lips, aiming it right at her splayed open vaginal entrance. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back, almost as if she didn't want to see what I was doing. I stroked myself slowly, watching her tease herself, imagining me pushing into her, the thought, pushing my building orgasm closer and closer. She let go of her lips and reached for my hand, pulling it off my dick. She pulled my hand toward her pussy and then pressed the vibrator into my hand. "Now you do it."

I spread her lips like she had and pressed the little vibrating tube gently against her clit. "Not right on it. Move it around, up and down my lips and over my clit. Not too much all at once." She cooed softly. I followed her directions, teasing her lips and clit with the little vibrator. She began to rock her hips, moving them up and down as she moaned softly. "You're getting me so close." She whispered, as she reached for the big dick on the bed. She pulled it to her pussy and began to work it into her, slowly teasing the fat dick into her depths. She pushed it in and out of herself slowly, teasingly, while I teased her clit with the little tube.

She let go of the dildo she had stuck in her and reached between her legs to grasp my raging hardon. I watched as her pussy slowly pushed the artificial dick out of her vagina. It fell from her to the floor before she pulled me closer to her, her rocking hips rubbing her lips against my engorged head. I felt her pull me a little more, her feet reaching out and hooking her heels on my butt. She moaned softly as she dug her heels into my butt and pulled me slowly into her hot, wet confines. Her hips continued to rock as she pulled me deeper into her. I could feel her vaginal walls almost quivering, as her orgasm grew closer and closer to climax.

"Now, more on my clit. I'm almost there. Now is when you want to really stimulate it. Make me come honey. You can do it. Make me come for you."

I had my dick pushed all the way into her, her rocking hips teasing me even more. I started to slide my fat cock in and out, slowly, long deep slow strokes, while I teased the tiny vibrator around and around her clit. "I'm going to come." She panted softly, as her arms and legs began to tremble. She spread her legs wide again, allowing me to do what I wanted, with my dick inside her. I started to stroke harder, driving deep into her as my excitement grew with hers. Her hands pulled and squeezed both her rock-hard nipples as I pushed in and out of her, her hips rocking, changing the sensations on my cock with each stroke. In and out I moved, knowing I was going to come before long, unable to hold back much longer, but unwilling to pull out.

"Oh fuck, yes!" She squeaked softly, as her arms began to tremble. I could feel her pussy clenching around me, squeezing me, the sudden change in pressure urging me to drive harder into her. I started to thrust hard into her, my hand holding the vibrator still, right on top of her clit. She grabbed two handfuls of blanket, as her whole body stiffened, on my bed. "OHHHHHHH FUUUUUCK!" She squealed, surprisingly loudly. Then it happened. Her whole body jerked hard and I felt a gush of hot juices flow from her, squirting out and splattering on my pelvis. She panted as her body jerked twice more, each time pumping another shot of her juices out at me.

I was beyond thinking clearly, my brain clouded with the onset of my own climax. My body jerked hard, driving deep into her and shooting a surge of hot cum into her. I felt my dick pump not one, or two, but half a dozen shots of cum deep into my own mother's pussy.

She lay, panting, while I knelt between her legs, my dick twitching inside her. She opened her eyes and looked down at me. "That, was, unexpected." She panted. "I don't think we should tell your father about this talk, though, do you?"

"Um. No." I agreed.

"Does that answer your question on squirting?"

"I think so." I panted, as I slipped from her, my creamy white cum leaking from her and dripping to the floor next to my bed. She picked up her discarded clothing and her toys after getting up from the bed. She looked back at me and wordlessly slipped out of my room, leaving me alone, naked, with cum dripping from my how shrunken cock, wondering just exactly what my life had turned into.

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Baqfid12Baqfid1218 days ago

Love this series!

Dag4850Dag485026 days ago

Very interesting fantasy enjoyed it looking forward to reading the rest

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Yeah, fucking him is illegal lmao, since you fucked him without his consent in his sleep. Rape is illegal if you didn't know

dirtywhiteboy67dirtywhiteboy674 months ago

I loved this chapter until his mom came into his room. Parent/offspring incest is not my kink. Other forms of incest usually are. Leave his mom out of his sex life please. He can still stick it to his sister though.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Thanks for including the warning.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Good story. Well written. But Billy... quite the little tattle-tale isn't he? Couldn't have just told his father he dressed in the boy's locker room?

Coach Song: Nobody can know about this Billy. It has to be our secret.

Billy: I understand Coach.

10 minutes later: You'll never believe what I did with Coach Song!

30 mintes after that: You'll never believe what I did with Coach Song!

The next day: You'll never believe what I did with Coach Song!

He's told his friend, 3 fuck buddies, his sister, his sisters gf, the nurse, and his mother. Maybe left out of this story, but I bet the guy at the convivence store, the mailman, and school janitor were also told.

SpartacuslvSpartacuslv4 months ago

I hope this story continues I enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

A great read…. Very hot. Please continue the storyline

lassidor1lassidor14 months ago

sadly all this genre bouncing will make me lose the story

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