Maximum Badonkadonk Ch. 15


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I guess that's what they call love.

I don't know if it is honestly because I never felt that before I saw you. You felt it too and you can't take that back after our time together. If I didn't know it before, then I really knew it when you tried to kill Bentley. Don't lie, you were gonna fuck him up cause you thought he was fucking me. Don't get mad, but after we said our goodbyes he drove me away from you and I thought I'd never see you again. Then when you tried to see me, I was ashamed because I got in Bentley's backseat and pulled my dress up to pay for the ride. It's all I knew at that time, but he couldn't do it.

Actually he busted as soon as he got his dick out, but never got near me. I started crying and didn't stop until I turned myself in.

He didn't fuck me, okay?

You probably tore this shit up!!

He didn't fuck me but kept me company probably thinking I'd do it with him at some point. Even though I did that stupid shit, I knew you were the last man I was ever gonna be with. I don't care if you don't believe me. It's just that milk bitch made me understand what I really was and I didn't want you to be a part of my shitty life.

You deserve much better than a neighborhood hoe.

At least I'm clean, right?

I wish none of that shit happened so that we could've been together for real. I wish I could have been your real woman, your girlfriend and uh, fuck it. I'd give you some nice babies too, but since I'm a hoe that shit was never gonna happen.

I want to hate Renee Kelly, but I can't hate her more than I hate myself.

Maybe she loves you too; but I don't like sneaky, fake ass disingenuous bitches like her. When you think about it, she's no better than me. Go look in her closet and I bet you find a museum full of skeletons in that bitch.

Maybe that's why she hated me so much. I want to hate her, but I can't. I need all of the space inside to hold the love I have for you.

I love you.


"Tressie and her boyfriend picked up her siblings two weeks ago. They had like, this bright idea of giving both of us a uh, happy ending. You see Vicky was getting an early parole thanks in part to Mr. Van Allen. I guess he felt guilty about tricking me into helping him get you back under his control, so he went to work probably not as hard as he would've if you were locked up. Vicky was getting out early that morning and Tressie was gonna drive her straight to my house whether she wanted to go there or not. It was supposed to be our happy ending. But God himself had other plans. She was getting ready to leave jail behind, but got into a fight with uh, some stud. I'm told Vicky trashed her ass but didn't keep her head on a swivel."

It felt like there was a rock in my throat making it hard to swallow as I continued.

"Both of them went over the railing and uhm, the stud got a broken neck probably paralyzed for life. Uhm, well you should know they said it was instantaneous. Yeah, that's what Tressie told me, but who knows, right?"

I felt my chest tighten up, eyes stinging at the corners as I stared at the abandoned row house where the love of my life used to live.

"Vicky didn't make it."

There was no response only silence as I stared down at the cracked pavement just sitting there. I'd avoided saying it for as long as I could manage and everyone seemed to follow suite behind me. I tried to hide in my bed and avoid returning to my incidental life and other's expectations of me.

Not even my mother could shake the all encompassing grief that covered me like some world sized blanket. It was my little bubble, but I couldn't shake things knowing what I missed by a single hair's width. Only Renee was able to shake me out of that stagnancy.

I had to complete my quest for vengeance; shake her to the core of her being and now I was done.

The air about me was static and stale with a life ahead devoid of color. My efforts to bring her a "Come to Jesus" moment was successful, but also a Sword of Damocles. It was the worst of pyrrhic victories that I would've traded my soul for if it meant Vicky Stone would live.

There was no way I could get into the prison to punish her paraplegic murderer, but Renee was always within arm's length. It was kind of a game pulling all the loose strings exposing her duplicitous nature for a reward.

That reward was inverted morally speaking leaving this woman raw and unsure of what would come next.

"Do you think I'm worthy of you now Renee?" I asked when her feet came into view.

There were droplets of wetness dotting the pavement the letter was presented in both of her shaking pale hands like a holy object. The numerous pages were carefully folded and stuffed back inside the frayed envelope. She just held it there waiting for me to take it.

"I think she would want you to have it."


"I want you to have it so that you can try to be a better person and mother." I hunched over folding my arms across the tops of my knees staring further down the street towards the neglected park across the street from the row houses.

Her feet backed away disappearing from my sight.

Silence followed for a good long while before I found the strength to stand up and face what was to come. My gait was ungainly as I walked down the two steps to the pavement facing the area beyond the Stone family home.

I couldn't really tell one way or the other what propelled me but found myself moving towards the end on the long block standing at the traffic light. I was more than willing to stand at that cross walk in the early morning sunlight, but red went to green all too quickly.

The personal fire that had been propelling me on this journey had come to barely ebb, barely flow.

I was more of a zombie at this point walking across the street in front of a smattering of waiting cars to the far side of the rowhouses with Tubman Estates at my back. This was the furthest I'd been facing the gated off park. I dragged a hand along the chain-link fence erected by the city.

It wasn't hard finding an opening wide enough to squeeze into almost floating by the rust covered kiddie slides and swings. I pushed through to the underbrush finding myself near the edge of the lake bordering the neighborhood. I stood there listening to the waves, then pushed on.

The sunlight was especially bright enough that I had to raise an arm to shield my eyes as I glanced across the multi-laned intersection at the beatdown rowhouses on the opposite corner.

Everything was so bright normal layers of color were stripped away becoming something rather bleak. I could smell this raw sort of odor emanating from the nearby lake just beyond an artificial wooded area and park that had been fenced off a decade earlier due to neglect and rising crime in the area.

I stopped again, this time at the gnarled tree dipping onto the path.

No one came out of the dense underbrush bordering the opposite side of the path, but I hesitated all the same. I found myself drifting towards the low hanging tree branch dipping into the path but avoided it at the last minute with a hand raised trying to block out the sunlight. I made it to the other side feeling as if I'd accomplished some herculean task.

I was standing in the middle on the path finding the reason for everything that occurred up to this point.

They were all there waiting for me.

Tressie and Mr. Gilbert, Demon, Justin, and Stacy. Mom and Gene, all dressed for the occasion making me the odd man out in my simple t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She'd placed my black suit in the kitchen closet where it remained across town. I made myself forget about it keeping busy packing up my room and belongings.

They were all standing there at the lakefront, but it felt like I couldn't move further.

Justin was holding the urn.


His arms were wrapped around it in a hug.

I glanced at his face finding it streaked with tears. Stacy was all cleaned up with a dab of makeup softening her features. Justin's suit looked nice while Tressie and Mr. Gilbert were dressed in respectful black. Demon wore a white suit with black shirt and tan loafers. I glanced down at my own disheveled appearance clutching at my shirt feeling exposed and ashamed.

"I-I'm sorry for coming here like this; really sorry about everything." I was trembling feeling as if my legs would snap in two like twigs. My teeth chattered a little as I raised a palm to my temple looking away for an instant to the waves at my immediate right.

"I was gonna wear my suit, honest. I uh, got busy with some stuff. Hey I'm sorry for being disrespectful Tressie. Uh, sorry Demetrius uhm, Demon." I was shaking so bad it felt like I might become incontinent. I was starting to huff and gasp nearly hyperventilating.

"If you can't uhm, forgive me, I-I understand." My voice was faltering as the ground seemed to get closer. My field of vision dipped sharply to the grey colored path.

"I got you bruh." Demon was there taking ahold of one arm while Gene held the other. I couldn't help myself anymore letting the dam burst with a deluge of tears.

My cries echoed off the lake as Tressie approached taking me in her arms with a deep powerful hug. I couldn't help it anymore completely unglued.

"She understands, I know." Tressie whispered in my ear getting my attention. We stared at one another before I also found Demon close similarly unglued.

"Hey man if I'm holding it together, then you gotta do the same brother." We hugged as well both sobbing hard before I managed to right myself. Mom used some tissues in a futile attempt to clean my face but settled on lovingly rubbing the back of my head.

"I'm sorry I failed mom."

"I love you son; you're my boy." They all huddled around walking with me until I encountered Justin. Stacy came closer giving me a brief side hug.

"She's here, with us mister." Justin assured just above a whisper.

"I know."

We finally managed to spread Vicky's ashes across the lake as the sun rose high in the air signaling a new unwanted phase of my life without my lady love.

At the end of it all, I composed myself enough to convince them to leave me alone there at the lake. Tressie and Mr. Gilbert were taking Vicky's siblings with them out of state for a fresh start. I don't think they believed me because Demon hung back sitting on the rocks a little bit away staring out over the lake.

I'd asked them two weeks prior not to inform Charity who was already ensconced in the life she always wanted.

I stayed there for hours eventually glancing over finding Demon still there watching.

"Come on, let's get something to eat and I'll take you home."

"I don't even know if I have a home anymore."

"Don't worry about that right now brother." He gave me a pat on the back not really needing to help me stand.

Both of us took one last lingering look out over the waves focusing on the light reflecting off the water.

It was a good day to be an angel.





Synopsis: Benediction.

THANK YOU 4 READING THIS SEASON!! I'll be looking forward to your comments. All of these characters will RETURN (In some capacity at least.)!!

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KossykolzKossykolzabout 2 years ago

This is my the best news I would get this week, Thanks mondo

mondotokenmondotokenabout 2 years agoAuthor

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Writing Binge Update!!

Releasing some of the content I've already written. Started today with three uploads, may release more in the coming weeks.

CreeperclawCreeperclawabout 2 years ago

@ Mondotoken AUTHOR'S NOTES: Writing Binge Update!!

Can't wait, most of the characters you've listed for these stories are ones who I've enjoyed their sex scenes and character types very much.

Not to be a greedy nag considering what is already in the works, but have you had time to consider the new Crack addict volume? I miss Bernadette and Marsha, for different reasons.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Are you trying to send them out in a certain order? Is that why your holding on to 2 finished series?

mondotokenmondotokenabout 2 years agoAuthor

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Writing Binge Update!!

Currently writing the epilogue chapter (May title it: Maximum Badonadonk: Epilogue) in tandem with several spin-offs. When I say I'm writing these spin-offs, I mean I'm writing stories with between two-five chapters apiece. So, I hope that explains my hiatus a little better.

List of Upcoming materials:

Maximum Badonkadonk: Epilogue

Tig Ole Bitties Chapter 04 ( Out of Six Chapter Series-IN PROGRESS)

-Rashida series (Untitled- Three Episodes Written Already)

-Phoebe Baby Mamma Series ( I'm going to delete the other story and combine that one with the 2nd part-finale)

**Untitled Story involving Main character / Andre 13.5 / Demon & a unnamed new female character who underestimates M/C drastically and pays the price on a weekend shoot that changes her life.

-The ASS formerly known as Ms. WTF?!! (3 Chapters already written)

**Untitled Bentley Story covering his corruption by Chocolate Lavender (Tentative)

*** the mother of all reverse GANGBANGS


(Also featuring Quisha, Eboni, Zoya Berhan & Dr. Miles plus some new and familiar faces.)

BTW, this covers the characters in this "universe" not the others I've created before.

**Malaya Padilla will Return


** BAD M.I.L.F UNIVERSE (Character Return-Several Chapters written a year an d a half ago.)

This has been an update, thank you for reading my work.


gydeongydeonabout 2 years ago


First off let me say you make all good valid points about Renee. Everything you wrote I had already realized about Renee. Does it make sense fuck no. The shit seem ridiculous to even fathom.

But there is always a but. Before I continue with Renee lets talk about Phoebe. In the real world Phoebe makes the most sense. The problem with that statement is we are not talking about the real world. If we were there wouldn’t be a continueing story here. The type of girl Phoebe seems to be the MC would have had to make a choice. That would only be a issue if she decided to get romantically involved with the MC, either during or after his career. She is just as jealous as any other woman. I don’t see her happy with his hedonistic life style during or after his career. Who knows how long his career will last. Not even sure Phoebe would wait. It would only be a matter of time when the right guy will appear for her. That would be the end of Phoebe and the MC. Once she removes herself from the shit show of her marriage. I think we will see a different Phoebe.

Now lets talk about a fan favorite Ms. Thunder. Although she have removed Renee out of her life. What will make her a good match for the MC. There is too many unanswered questions and questions about her. I think she have a very fragile psyche. She needs to fix a lot of things about herself to be considered relationship worthy. I don’t think too much will change while she is in the porn world. Between her and Phoebe. I see Rashida being with him during and after the MC career. If the MC is looking for a submissive I think Ms. Thunder is his girl. But we all know what comes with that. Dating a submissive is almost like dating a slave or child. The MC will have 30 plus years of programing to reprogram. I honestly don’t think the manipulation started with Renee. I think she was smart enough to capitalize on it. If Rashida is a true submissive she has been getting manipulated her whole life.

Yoli Van allen, I actually miss her crazy ass. If you take away her neglect issues. You will have Renee Kelly. Think about it. Her IQ is similar to Renee’s. She is also a chameleon will change into whatever she think is necessary. Yoli haven’t recognized her potential because of her neglect issues I think. To me she is another Renee Kelly in the making if she understood her capabilities. Good luck trying to reprogram Yoli. The MC would have a easier time with Rashida’s reprograming. Don’t forget who her biological parents are.

Now lets finish up with the MC and Renee. Like I stated at the beginning real world that’s no discussion. That’s not what we are talking about here. We are talking about The Mondotoken Universe. Until I see a woman that could take her place. It will have to be Renee Kelly. Situations can always change. Maybe there is a character that hasn’t been featured as of yet.. Like I said in a previous comment Renee have imprinted on him like a werewolf. Good luck denying that unless you are going to kill her. If the MC is looking for a happy ending next chapter Renee isn’t his girl. As I stated with each of these women. They have their own issues. Everyone in this series have manipulated someone. Renee gets the title because she is queen master Manipulator. We tend to over look what has been done to her. Go back and look at the Mr. Van Allen situation. Look at the control he have over her. In her mind she was doing what she had to do to get from under her oppressor. Once baby daddy cheated she placed herself in a bad situation with Mr. Van Allen. Poor parenting when it comes to Daisy. That’s a future post already to long..

My honest opinion the MC could end up like most porn stars. Will never be in a serious relationship due to his career choice. For a stroke story that would be fun for some. This doesn’t seem like a stroker. This is a carefully woven good plot. In order to keep the story going well you know my choice.

CreeperclawCreeperclawabout 2 years ago

@gydeon I get what your saying but I still cant quite reconcile it. The MC has a business going where he more often than not has sex with beautiful/thicc women on camera that he edits an posts online making a lot of coin. For him to be in a long-term relationship with a lady while doing this already seems like a stretch considering she'd have to be okay with him boning other girls; I see the only way that she is okay with it is if by the same freedom, she bones other guys/girls sometimes Mondo has bi girls. First off the MC doesn't like it when his confirmed gf bones dudes that aren't him, we've seen this before. Renee herself was most definitely was not cool with Jaquan having sex with other women, later on she just pretended to be cuz she'd already written him off as a partner and was making her escape. As for the MC she knew and made money off of him doing it when they were still in business together but all along she was planning to cut him out and steal the whole thing.

I get that she's into him now that she sees him as a "equal" but with people like Renee who are very narcissistic and see others only as to the extent that they can use them, the most dangerous thing in staying close to them is that moment when you become lesser in their eyes. You'd have to constantly be on your game, never let your guard down and always be the master planner; frankly that's exhausting. Some dudes can do it with ease but lets face it the MC was only able to topple Renee with help from outside sources and insight, he wouldn't be able to keep the mask on for long. We've seen what Renee is like to dudes she was fond of who failed to meet her expectations, she'll take em for everything she can and leave em broken. The MC should know her well enough to keep her at arms length if he's gonna have anything to do with her at all, personally I'd prefer not to there are so many less crazy/dangerous ladies in this series he could have a long-term thing with. Plus with her little girl being as intelligent as she is and growing up as twisted as she is, that would be another little noose around my neck I'd have to worry about only tighter. She seems to have no love for her own daddy, I ain't gonna risk trying to get Daisy on my side.

I wouldn't pair him with Charity either cuz I've seen her series and remember how cruel she was. I also remember how quick she flew off the handle when she thought that the MC was cheating on her, like she was just itching to go nuts.

If it were me I'd pick Phoebe. If not her then Rashida since she cut toxic Ms. Kelly out of her life. My third highest choice would be Yoli, I know I just ranted about being in a serious relationship with an unhinged woman but I feel like Yoli is at least a more honest kinda crazy. Also I really wanna read an anal sex scene involving her one day if she ever comes back into the storylines.

gydeongydeonabout 2 years ago

OOOPS! didn't realize it posted twice.

mondotokenmondotokenabout 2 years agoAuthor

I get paid 0.00 dollars LOL!!!

gydeongydeonabout 2 years ago


My favorite female protagonist is Renee Kelly and Malaya is a close second. Reading the excerpt have me feening for more crazy exploits from Renee. I can't wait to read more about Renee crazy sexy ass.

Now I can't wait to see how deep the entanglement spanned between Mr. Van Allen and Renee. If anyone in this universe needs a happy ending its Renee. I know how I want it to end but that's a long way off. Besides Mondo you get paid the big bucks for the story creation not me.

Although I am greedy I would love for you to drop 100k word chapters every week but I know that's not practical. I have know complaints because I know what you do take time. Just keep us posted on your progress and I will be happy with that.

gydeongydeonabout 2 years ago


My favorite female protagonist is Renee Kelly and Malaya is a close second. Reading the excerpt have me feening for more crazy exploits from Renee. I can't wait to read more about Renee crazy sexy ass.

Now I can't wait to see how deep the entanglement spanned between Mr. Van Allen and Renee. If anyone in this universe needs a happy ending its Renee. I know how I want it to end but that's a long way off. Besides Mondo you get paid the big bucks for the story creation not me.

Although I am greedy I would love for you to drop 100k word chapters every week but I know that's not practical. I have know complaints because I know what you do take time. Just keep us posted on your progress and I will be happy with that.

mondotokenmondotokenabout 2 years agoAuthor

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Writing binge continues... However I realize that I may be taking a bit longer than expected so I dropped an excerpt from one of the many stories I am writing simultaneously.


They say Renee was discovered with her hands around her grandmother’s neck on the kitchen floor while the woman offered no resistance. Thus brings to question a peculiar quality specific only to her mother’s side of the family. You see, she’s not the only one; there are others with similar peculiarities, all women of various ages. Renee despite her outward appearance is a black woman through and through with a lineage to traces back to this very small and undeveloped town in the south. After her ethnically ambiguous appearance you’d probably settle on her peculiar green slanted eyes if you were a man of any class.

-ARTHUR VAN ALLEN (Narration-Story Unspecified)

mondotokenmondotokenabout 2 years agoAuthor

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Writing binge continues; building on the MAXIMUM BADONKADONK series of characters.


gydeongydeonabout 2 years ago

@Mondotoken How is the writing binge going?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I finished all of them. Now I have nothing to read😭😭. Love the stories. Keep up the good work

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