My Brother's Best Friend Ch. 04


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The pictures were like a time capsule. And I treasured them. She took 100's. I still have her old analogue SLR. I should learn how to use it. Those personal journals and her extensive, underground goth and industrial vinyl collection set the tone for my entire youth. She was directly responsible for my turning to the goth side. I thought I had stumbled upon the worlds best kept secret when I snuck into the attic alone and started exploring old chests and boxes of Auntie's stuff when I was 9 or 10. Dad never had the heart to give away or throw out any of her things. And for that I would be eternally grateful! She was his twin sister after all. I know he still misses her.

Lastly, to complete my outfit, I had tossed on a pair of cut-off, simple, overdyed black jean shorts. Tight on the hips, ass and tummy but nice and loose around the thighs. Made for Shawn's hand to glide up there...shit...I gotta pay attention to what I'm doing!

I become completely lost in game. Laughing maniacally as I total another poor sap from the opposing side. My team is kicking ass and taking names.

"NO FUCKING PRISONERS!" I shout as Fang5 and capYurAss flank me.

"Birthday girl on a roll!" feisty1 exclaims.

"Implying she's not always on a roll." xD3usVultx, another of my team mates chimes in.

"Guys..." I groan, embarrassed.

"Someone's gonna come up on your ass Black Cat. I'm coming back almost in range. Tighten up and watch that blind spot. I'm about to... SHIT! Campers!" I hear HEX666 shout as I swing around in game and frag the asshole waiting for my team member and I.

"Fuck you, bitch ass! You're outta here!" I chuckle.

"Fuck! Thanks!" HEX666 breathes.

I glance up at the clock to check the time and see Shawn for a brief moment reflected in my monitor. I gasp and spin around in my chair.

"SHAWN!" I shout. "Geezuz you scared the shit outta me!"

He just smirks, leaning against one of the posts to my bed, those large and defined arms, folded in a relaxed, confident manner.

"Shawn? YOU got a GUY over there B.C.? That your brother's friend?" Fang5...I've confessed to her in late night private messaging, more than once, my attraction to Shawn.

"The same. I gotta go guys."

"Wait! Black Cat! What gives?" HEX666 exclaims, his voice sounds almost pouting.

"I'll be back later." and hit the escape, quitting my game, peeling my headset off.

"Geezuz Shawn...don't you knock?" I smile over at him.

"I did. A couple times. You were balls deep in that game." he smiles and comes over to me, peering over my shoulder. "You're damn good at that. Ah ok. I see. Call of Duty. Nice!"

" long were you there?" I stammer, staring at the floor.

"Long enough. My babe is a tournament champ." he nods down at me. "Hot." he grins and then kneels down and kisses me.

"I thought it was WOW?" he asks.

"Only on Saturdays. I still love it, I'm just really into FPS's right now."

"You'd give the guys a run for their money downstairs." Shawn tells me.

"PC's a lot different than console. But I play downstairs with Dad pretty often."

"I'd like to see their faces if they knew about this." he says, jerking his chin in the direction of my monitor. "Why don't you ever play with us Kitten?" Shawn's always expressed worry about my lack of IRL friends, preferring the company of Pat and Shawn and all the guys. And why I would never ask for the controller when all Pat's friends were over.

"I guess I just never wanted any of the guys to hate me." I say quietly.

"Fuck that, fuck the guys, this shit is lit. I want to watch you wipe the floor with Dale, or hell, Jonathan. Jon could stand to lose a peg or two." then he adds, "Take those bitches down." he mashes a fist into his palm, smiling.

I giggle like crazy and he stands, taking me with him and gives me one of his sensual, full body hugs that I'm getting so used to in the best way.

When he releases me he looks at the clock.

"It's 1. Aren't you hungry? God I could eat a horse!" his hair is still dripping and I play with the ends as I hold his hand.

"You're even more tan." I tell him, reaching out for his waist. He doesn't have a shirt on again and I wish he'd never wear one. "And warm."

"Come on downstairs, your mom and dad made lunch." he takes my hand and leads me.

"Hi Baby Bear." Dad smiles, reading the Sunday paper as I come in. "Shawn."

"You know you can read that on your tablet now Dad." I tell him, kissing his cheek.

"" he waves. "That's your department."

"Dad you're a machinist!" I laugh.

"True that." he grins and folds his newspaper up as Mom brings in 2 platters of delicious food.

I'm a coffee fiend. Shawn's right. I head over to the espresso machine and quickly prepare and pull 3 perfect shots of espresso for Shawn, Patrick and I and I make them into iced vanilla latte's and then bring them over to the table.

Mom sits down and smiles at me. A knowing smile. I turn 80 shades of red.

I slide Shawn and Pat's lattes over to them and they both take a big sip.

"Mmmmm." Shawn moans. "Yes. That's nice. Thanks Kitten."

"Good pull, Cat." Patrick raises his cup to me.

Mom and Dad made a huge pile of grilled lemon chicken breasts with those little potatoes I love, roasted in oil and tossed with fresh rosemary from our small garden out the side of the house. There's a spinach salad on the side and a fruit salad for desert.

"Wow." I smile. "This looks great Mom. Dad."

"Glad you're happy honey." Dad tells me.

We all talk and laugh and make light jokes as I sit between my brother and his best friend, Shawn, the man I adore. Mom is across from me and Dad is beside her. I love this. I love our little family.

Lunch is amazing. I swear Shawn eats like 6 chicken breasts. I'd ask where he puts it all but, well, it's damn obvious after what I saw this morning. Never mind a full day of surfing.

And then the doorbell rings. And a steady stream of my brother and Shawn's friends float through the door, lining up their boards in the foyer. They'll play vidya games until the next tide. Then they'll all go out and surf again. It's incredible the energy they all have.

After lunch Shawn helps me clean up and put away the dishwasher dishes. Dad announces that he and Mom are going to the grocery store and they'll be back later and not to burn the house down.

'Yes!' I think to myself. 'Off the hook with having to go with Patrick!'

I'm just finishing my latte when Shawn leans over and whispers in my ear.

"Wanna go cuddle in your room?" his eyes are all mischief.

"You don't want to play vidya with the guys?" I ask, suddenly curious about the ideas behind the way he was looking at me just now.

"I'd rather play with you." he grins, and leans in and takes a handful of my ass in both hands and gently squeezes.

I race through the kitchen, putting everything away and wiping the counters and taking Shawn's hand to lead him upstairs.

Suddenly a loud "OHHHHH SHIT!" erupts from the living room. "He's whipped now guys." and "Shawn's ditching" and "Nice knowing you buddy!" all come from the living room as they stare over at us going up the stairs.

"I am." Shawn nods agreeing, as he turns around and faces the living room full of obnoxious surfers and announces. "Completely whipped." he grins, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning into the banister going up the stairs. "And you would be too if your girlfriend was Feline Jaxton. Sorry not sorry Pat."

Pat just smiles and shakes his head and the guys rip on Shawn as he turns, takes my hand, and lets me lead the way. I don't even think he hears them as we lock eyes half way up the stairs.

Shawn gently pushes me up against the wall at the top of the landing, where no eyes can pry. He takes my hands, linking our fingers together, and brings them up above my head and presses them into the wall above me and holds me there like that. That boyishly mischievous grin, as he looks at me. Then he leans in and gives my throat one long lick. All the way from my collarbone, up to my left earlobe. Immediately my body is on fire!

"Shawn." I whisper.

"MmHmm." He's nibbling on an earlobe, still holding me pressed up against the wall. He slides a thigh between mine and I melt.

"I can't move." I tug just slightly with my hands and his tighten their grip on me. Keeping me there. I'm only too happy to be his captive.

"Mmmm Yes Kitten. You're so helpless right now aren't you? I could do all manner of delicious things to that beautiful body and you wouldn't be able to stop me." he relinquishes my ear lobe from his teeth and then slides back just slightly, so he can look at me, a fiendish grin on his lips.

I giggle nervously and nod. A flush of a different kind, colouring my cheeks.

Shawn regards me for a moment and then lets my hands down from the wall. I am almost disappointed before he takes them both in one of his and tows me into my room, shutting the door softly. Locking it.

He strides over to my bed and I have trouble keeping up as he pulls me along with him. Then he spins me around until my back is to his front, he keeps hold of both my wrists in one of his huge hands.

"You like this? Little Feline?" he whispers.

I nod vigorously.

He bites down where my throat meets my shoulder, then my shoulder itself and back again. With his other hand he possessively grips my hip and pulls me flush into him. I don't even try to struggle, I am enjoying this too much.

Then all of a sudden, he releases me.

I turn to question him and he just jerks his head to the bed.

"On the bed Kitty Cat."

I instantly obey, wondering what he's going to do next!

I kneel on my bed, unsure what to do with my myself. I feel awkward and try to just stop my hands from fidgeting by placing them both, one on each thigh, waiting.

"Yes. I like this pose. Very pretty Kitten. Try turning the palms up, lay the back of your hands on your thighs." Shawn suggests

I do. And kind of laugh. Feeling a bit silly. But liking this game.

And then Shawn is on the bed with me, towering above me, simply standing there, as I sit back on my haunches, legs apart, palms upturned on my thighs not daring to move. Straining my neck to look up at him.

He just stands there above me and watches me. I search his eyes, wondering what he's waiting for. What he's thinking.

And then he grips my shoulders and kneels down in front of me and begins more delicious biting. I start to skim my hands up Shawn's chest but he grips them and brings them back down to my thighs, palms up.

"Stay there." he growls.

I gulp and hold myself in this pose of obedience. Subservience. I am already a mess downstairs. O sweet angels in heaven help me!

Shawn nibbles, nips and bites. Everywhere. Pillaging my mouth in kisses between those bites. Kneading my breasts in the most voluptuous way. I'm lost in sensation when he takes my wrists in one of his hands and my waist in another and guides me down so that now I'm laying on my back. Immediately he pulls my hands above my head and pins them there in one of his, allowing his other hand to roam. Which it does, slipping inside my tight tank top and then inside my bralette, cupping my left breast and rolling the nipple into a hard peak. And then going to my right and just pinching it, very lightly and slightly tugging. I gasp and moan and squirm under Shawn's sweet assault. Briefly I wish for a blindfold and then quickly file that away for later.

Then he rolls me to my side and slips down in the bed behind me, gripping my hip and pulling me into him, my wrists still completely trapped in his other hand. I can feel him, pressed up against me like a steel pipe, and I slightly rotate my hips against him. I'm rewarded by a long moan from behind me and a bite on my shoulder that he holds forever.

I actually try to pull my hands free, just to see if I can. Big mistake. His hand on my wrists becomes vice like. Unmovable. Absolutely no way I am freeing myself from his grip. I begin to struggle in earnest, testing him. Wanting to feel the power of his beautiful body.

"Feline, do you want me to let you go?" his concerned tone has me glancing back at him, as best I can.

"NO!" I squeak out. "Please no." I whisper.

And that animalistic growl that I love so much as one hand tightens around my wrists and then his other hand opens my jeans in one try and slips down into my panties.

"Baby girl," Shawn chuckles then. "You're already soaking." he drags out over my exposed ear.

"Shawn!" I cry when his fingertips find the spot.

" don't want the guys to hear you do you?" then he laughs low and adds "If Pat wasn't here, I might just make sure they hear you. Hear you scream my name."

I gasp as his words find their target, right to my sex, making me squeeze my thighs tight and writhe against Shawn's hand.

"Baby..." his soft sigh. "I love how wet you get, you know that? It's amazing."

I'm trying my best to be quiet. But those incessant fingers, the way he is holding my wrists, his love bites all over my throat, shoulder and down my arm are driving me over the edge.

"Ohh. O Shawn!" I try to reach out to grip something but Shawn holds me tight.

"Kitten, you going to come?" when I nod his already deep voice lowers another octave. "Come for me." it is a command. Not a request.

I don't have a choice, even if I wanted to resist the climax his fingers were coaxing out of me, I wouldn't have been able to. I most definitely did not want to resist! God, why would I?

His steady rhythm combined with the strength of his grip on my wrists and the biting and licking sends me over the top.

I try so hard to be quiet. I come on my lovers fingers, HARD. I turn my head into my blankets to muffle my cries as I shake and tremble and moan and gyrate my hips back and forth like a mad woman. All I hear is Shawn's low chuckle and his "Yes, baby! Yes!" before my whole world gets turned upside down and I climax, all at once, into Shawn's palm.

Eventually Shawn loosens his grip on my wrists and allows me to pull free. Immediately I take one of his hands and lace my fingers with his and grip hard. The aftermath of the pleasure I just experienced still coursing through me. I tremble in his arms, moaning.

"Damn. That was good hey?" He's kissing my shoulder and my neck and melting my body into his.

I nod and finally I can breathe.

"THANK YOU!" I sigh at last and lay limp on my bed, while Shawn spoons me and caresses me, somehow finding more space between us and closing the gaps wherever he finds them.

"NO baby. Thank YOU." Shawn removes his digits from me and pets me there. Holding me, gently helping bring me back to reality. And then he pulls his hand out completely and closes my shorts back up.

I smile and sigh.

We're quiet a long time. Shawn just squeezing me to him, running his hand up and down my side, pulling my hip into him, over and over. It's the most comforting feeling. The way he possessively owns me with his hands. I feel so safe. And deeply loved.

I don't know how it happened. But I drift off into sleep.


I'm laying behind my girl. Feline Jaxton. Goddamn. How did this happen again?

She's sleeping in my arms and I can't remember a moment when I felt so peaceful. I turn her carefully, so as not to wake her.

She's on her back now so I can gaze down at her ethereal beauty. And she is a beauty! I'm fucking biased. Sure as shit. But Christ, you'd have to be a blind fool not to just even admit, this is a perfectly symmetrical face. Delicately feminine. Angelic even. Pure. Soft.

Lips, so plush and flushed pink. Always so pink, so dark sometimes they appear almost red against all that milky white flesh of hers. Full lips. Lips made for kissing. Kissing for hours. Alabaster pale skin, a beautiful contrast to those lips. Completely blemish free, she's been gifted with fantastic skin, my Feline. I never remember her going through the awkward horrible teenage acne phase that Pat and I were subjected to. God, am I ever glad that's over and done with. It's been a few years now.

I continue to gaze down at Feline. I decide to take those chopsticks out of her hair and I gently uncoil the heavy bun that sat on the crown of her head. Spreading all those midnight black spirals out around her, she looks like some kind of sprite. Or a forest dryad. Diana, the huntress.

Those cheeks, that flush so easily, even now carry the hue of post orgasmic bliss. So soft, I reach up to stroke one. She smiles slightly in her sleep. Her cheeks are like velvet.

Her little body is so classically curvaceous in the most feminine way possible. Venus de who? Clamshell pose what? Hips that won't quit with thighs so perfectly firm and just slightly plump. Just enough to give that already incredibly small waist, an even smaller appearance. That little midsection, that my hands can easily encompass between them. And have. Many times now. Good God those hips!

I wish I could get a look at those incredible breasts right now. They are a perfect palmful. No more than that. I think about her small, very light pink nipples sitting on top of her delicate, milky white mounds and it makes me want to strip her clothes off right now so I can devour her with my eyes, and my mouth.

She's perfect. I'd never been so attracted to a girl before. I couldn't get her out of my mind these last 6 years. Especially since going away to university. That's been killing me. At least when I was still in high school, I saw her every day.

Watching Feline grow up and blossom into this amazing young woman has been an exercise in mostly heart ache. But now, now that she was in my arms and mine, all joy. Nothing but.

I love her. I really love her! Getting to finally reveal everything I have felt for her for years feels like magic. Forbidden magic, that I shouldn't be allowed to wield.

She feels so right in my arms. Like she was meant only for me, and I, only for her.

I allow my thoughts to turn into all kinds of fantasies of her and I moving in together, buying our first house together, getting married, her, pregnant with my child and those perfect, soft, curvaceous hips, cradling him safely inside her body. Hips made for carrying children. And for my hands, that I'm all too willing to grip and hold and softly stroke.

I already know I can't go another semester without her. I can't leave Feline again for another whole year. I want her to come back with me at the end of August!

I have time. We have all summer. 2 whole months. I want her to say yes to moving in with me by summers end. That's my goal. Because I'm not going without her. I'm just not.

I know I will feel terrible about taking her from Chuck and Kristine. I hate to leave them all alone in this place for 9 or so months at a time. But it's only a 3 hour drive from 'Frisco to Cayucos. My babe has that sweet ride now. She could come and go whenever she wanted. Maybe, she'd want to attend college or university if she came and experienced it with Pat and I. I know she said she was finished with school, now that she's graduated, but her knowledge of computers and technology both hardware and software is incredible. She's wasting her talent here in this small town. Frisco is where it's at for tech. She'd absolutely lose her mind there. Shit, I'd never see her again!

I chuckle, quietly, to myself.

Her soft, rhythmic breathing and warm body invites me in and eventually I pull a blanket over us from the foot of her bed and drift into sleep with my love.

~ to be continued ~

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Rapierwit24601Rapierwit24601over 2 years ago

Loving it.

I know you’re a Canuck, but if Feline is American, she wouldn’t be spelling it “flavour” or “favourite”.

LV4206LV4206over 2 years agoAuthor


Superb. But please don't call it Frisco. Natives call it The City.

==========> I'm so glad you enjoy, RedMockers! Thank you for continuing the ride! I actually lived in S.F. if you can believe it. For a year. This was in the 90's. I'm Canadian, and I used to just say San Fran and everyone would laugh at me and say: The Bay or 'Frisco, girl. And all the 90s Hyphy hip hop called it 'Frisco so I just kinda went with that. It's changed I see! Because I've never heard it called The City. Let's compromise, I'll call it The Bay. ;) I'm just finishing Chapter 5 right now. Came to take a break for a bit. I'll edit and submit it sometime this weekend. Hope you keep reading. :)


Excellent - now it's a romance.

Very interested to see how you develop the story from now on.

=========>Well, our virgins aren't virgins anymore. I wasn't sure if it should stay in First Times. Also, the second chapter had no sex in it. So I didn't feel it belonged in First Times either. What do you think Anna? Keep it here? I mean, there's lots more firsts for them to discover together so I suppose this section is appropriate. Thank you so much for reading!


The best birthday present Shawn could give Feline is a baby bump. Then she'd have something of him in her womb.

==========> I actually agree, but let's not blow our load all in one go, Nonny! ;) I'm having fun writing these 2 and plan on many more chapters. Let's see where they'll go in life! I'm already thinking spin off story with Patrick at some point. :)

Frankenstein1962Frankenstein1962over 2 years ago

"You're rubbing off on me Feline." I love happy stories. Cheers, Frankie.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The best birthday present Shawn could give Feline is a baby bump. Then she'd have something of him in her womb.

AnnaValley11AnnaValley11over 2 years ago

Excellent - now it's a romance.

Very interested to see how you develop the story from now on.

RedMockersRedMockersover 2 years ago

Superb. But please don't call it Frisco. Natives call it The City.

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