Raging Love Ch. 05


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Bruce entered the room with a sigh, closing the door behind him. He was putting on a beautiful black designer's short with a muscle t-shirt that fit him like a second skin. He smiled brightly, glancing at his watch. It was past 11.pm and he wondered where his husband was.

"Baby!" He called, a smile popping up on his face. "My love?"

He was ready to be with his husband that night. In fact, he planned on the both of them making wild love to each other.

"My love?"

He went to the bathroom to check but Antonio was not there. He checked the balcony but he was not there. It was strange and he got really worried because his husband was supposed to be back by that time. When he had left him, he was with Ethan so...

Bruce quickly took his phone and dialed Ethan's line.

'Hey!' Ethan hollered on the other end of the line.

"Hi!" Bruce chuckled softly. "Ethan, sorry... I was asking if you were with my husband. He's not in the room yet."

Ethan was quiet for a second. 'Antonio,' He gasped. 'We were together at the bar like over an hour ago and he left for the room.'

Bruce frowned. "He left over an hour ago? But he's not reached here yet. Are you sure that you guys are still not together or maybe you know where he might have gone to?"

'No! Maybe he's at the pool. Try calling him. I'll try and look for him.'

"Okay, thanks!"

Bruce cut the call and quickly dialed his husband's line. But it didn't go through. He tried again but his number was off.

"Shit!" He swore.

He quickly rushed out of the room to go and look for his husband.


Antonio was walking slowly on the edge of the pool, feeling like the weight of the entire world had just been placed on his shoulders. He had so much anger inside of him that he felt like killing the entire world. His body was both hot and cold and his heart was pounding violently in his chest. His fists were clenched and his body shook from the anger that he felt. He had images of Travis arriving at the resort and they just wouldn't go away. He had gone to the beach to just be alone and think straight but it just didn't work. He needed a really hot shower. Maybe that was gonna help him get rid of the anger. It always helped him in some way.

Suddenly, as he was still deep in his thoughts, Antonio bumped into someone really hard, getting him out of his thoughts.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry about..." But he trailed off once he looked at the person. It was Travis.

Travis on the other hand got the shock of his life when he found Antonio looking deep into his eyes when he raised his head to apologize to the person he had bumped into. His heart nearly missed a beat and his breaths stopped for a second. He found himself frozen as he stared into Antonio's eyes, getting lost in them. Shit! How could he have not seen Antonio, he thought as he ripped his eyes away, acting like a shy virgin?

Antonio on the other hand felt like anger had just been poured into his system. He groaned angrily, slightly looking away.

"Wow!" He said harshly. "Even when I wanna be alone, I still get to see your ugly face. I wonder why you're everywhere even when I don't wanna see that ugly face of yours. Why the fuck can't you just..."

"Excuse me!" Travis was shocked. "You saw me when I arrived here this afternoon. I had a very important meeting and got unlucky when I saw you here. Otherwise, I didn't even plan on looking at your face today. But what can I do, I have far much more important things to do than following you around. So don't be so sure of yourself, Mr. Gonzalez!"

Travis was telling the truth. He had no intention of seeing Antonio and his family that day. He hadn't planned it but he loved the fact that Antonio, Bruce and Andrea's moods were ruined. He wasn't gonna give them any peace.

"I don't wanna quarrel with you!" Travis said, putting his hands together. "But the fact is that both of us are here. Why don't we just mind our own business?"

With those words, he angrily passed Antonio but the guy's hand was so quick that it caught his arm and brought him back.

"What the hell do you want now?" Travis furiously brushed Antonio's hand off. "I was about to leave you and your privacy alone. What do you still want?"

Antonio's face got stern as he got closer to the boy, raising his finger at him. "Whatever games you're trying to play, Travis, I am warning you." He groaned. "You don't wanna mess with me because you'll regret. I told you at the office yesterday that I can be a beast so don't mess with me. Why do you want to aggravate the wounds that haven't even completely healed?"

Travis laughed, raising an eyebrow. "Mr. Gonzalez, I am really tired and I don't want to talk to you." He put his hands together angrily. "I don't wanna be rude right now because I have a lot on my mind. What do you think of me?" He shook his head, getting stern. "Do you think I don't have a life too? I don't have time to be chasing you and your family for whatever fucking reason you think I'd do that. Please!"

Both of them looked at each other angrily and groaned, stamping their foot on the ground. They tried to pass each other and go separate ways but something happened, something that surprised both of them.

A piece of Travis' shirt got stuck on Antonio's expensive gold necklace. Both of them stopped and looked at each other and then looked away angrily again. Antonio was really mad. He didn't even know how a piece of Travis' shirt had gotten all the way up to his necklace.

Antonio groaned and then slowly took his necklace and tried getting Travis' shirt out. But Travis was a bit far so Antonio got a bit closer. Travis rolled his eyes angrily and did his best not to look in Antonio's eyes. He didn't want to look into his face but he was angry.

But Antonio was taking too long again. He opened his mouth to speak, raised his head but his nose brushed on Antonio's and the both of them looked at each other. Antonio wanted to look away but he found himself getting hypnotized. Suddenly, the world seemed to stop moving and everything around them disappeared. It was like they were in a world of their own, or at least, Antonio was. He finally managed to get the piece of the shirt out but he didn't even realize it. He just kept staring into those eyes, feeling a warmth that took away his anger.

Suddenly, Bruce who had just met up with Ethan came to the pool and found the two in the same position. Bruce felt like liquid electricity had just been poured into his system as his body vibrated painfully and he clenched his fists. His breaths turned into pants and he groaned angrily, furiously rushing to where the two were.

Although Ethan was shocked, he knew that trouble was gonna bloom so he rushed after Bruce.

"Such a bitch!" Bruce barked as he rushed to Antonio and Travis.

Both Antonio and Travis heard his angry voice and they came back to the real world. Antonio quickly moved away from Travis and stood at a distance, looking at his raging husband. Shit, what had just happened, he thought?

Travis on the other hand just stood still, staring at Bruce like he was a mad man or something. Deep down, he wanted to smile but he seemed stern. He could see the anger on the man's face and he just acted shocked.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing trying to seduce my husband?" He roared, standing a distance from Travis. "You're such a whore! I know the only reason why you came here was so that you could try and seduce him with your stinking body."

Travis chuckled, shaking his head. "Bruce..."

"You wanted to seduce my husband, huh?" He bellowed. "Huh?"

He groaned angrily, his fists clenched and then started running angrily towards Travis. He wasn't gonna let it go this time. He was gonna fight him to the death.

"I'll kill you!"

Ethan got scared when he saw Bruce running to Travis. He knew what was gonna happen. He started running as fast as his legs could carry him and just as Bruce was about to grip Travis, Ethan reached there quickly and wrapped an arm around Travis' shoulder, getting him out of the way.

Things happened so quick that Bruce didn't even realize how it happened. The next thing, he found himself diving into the pool with a splash. Ethan covered his mouth because he hadn't expected that. He looked at Travis and quickly let him go.

"Oh my God," Bruce gasped when he got his head out. "Oh... fuck..."

Bruce looked at Travis and felt so much hatred for him. He was really mad. It was Travis that was supposed to be in the water getting the humiliation of his life and not him. He wasn't gonna let it go. He looked at his husband and the man was just standing there, staring at him without even saying anything.

"Fuck, no!"

Bruce angrily swam to the edge of the pool and got himself out. He was dripping wet and it was a freaking cold night. He furiously got up and started rushing to Travis with his finger raised. He had had enough of him.

"Bruce, please..." Ethan stretched his hand, blocking Bruce from Travis. "...it was just an accident. Don't make a scene!"

"An accident!" Bruce scoffed, fighting his tears. "This bitch has always been trying to seduce my husband. But I am warning you!" He roared. "Stay away from my husband or else I am gonna do something that both of us won't like."

"Husband?" Travis gasped in mock astonishment. "I don't even know what you're talking about. My shirt got entangled with his..."

"Liar!" He screamed, shaking his head. "Do you think I am a fool? First you came here pretending to have a meeting and now you're trying to seduce my husband. He's mine and you won't succeed in your plans. My husband is only mine!"

"Bruce, please..." Antonio finally spoke, trying to get him away from there. But the guy withdrew his hand. "...what the hell are you talking about? You know very well that I wouldn't do anything with him. The only reason why you found us..."

"I don't wanna hear it and I don't care!" He yelled, giving his husband angry eyes. "The only thing I know is that this whore here is trying to take you away from me. I won't allow that. Don't think that I am stupid and I didn't see that."

"Bruce..." Antonio called softly.

"There's no way I am gonna lose to him." He yelled, clenching his fists. He furiously looked at his husband. "I don't even want him to come close to you. I forbid you from even talking to him."


"Each time he's around us, he always seems to have one motive. He wants you to fuck him and..."


"I am never going to allow that." He got closer to Travis, raising his fist in Travis' face. "Do you hear me? This man is only mine and only I have access to him." He yelled, surprising Travis. That was another level of anger. "I will kill you before I let you seduce him. He's mine... his body is mine, his lips and even his dick. If you think..."

"Will you shut the fuck up?" Antonio snapped, roaring like a lion.

Bruce got shocked when he heard the tone Antonio had just used on him. He quickly turned and what he saw scared him big time. Antonio's eyes were blood red... he was breathing like a monster and his fists were clenched. His body vibrated and the look he gave Bruce was scary.

"What?" Bruce gasped, feeling pain forming in his heart. "Honey, did you just..."

"Yes!" Antonio snarled. "Why the hell do you always like creating unnecessary drama?"

"What?" Bruce couldn't fight his tears. They came flowing. He couldn't believe what was happening. "What have I done? I was only trying to defend my husband and now you're shouting at me? You should be angry at him and not me!"

"You know what?" Antonio raised his hands like he was giving up. "I am done with this. You can do whatever the fuck you want to do."

With those words, he angrily turned and started leaving but... he felt a powerful grip on his shirt that stopped him. Antonio furiously looked at what was holding his shirt, a hand and then looked up to find Bruce looking at him in anger. Bruce had gripped his shirt and oh, Antonio was mad. He couldn't believe Bruce had just done that.

"What the..." He couldn't even finish his sentence. "What do you think you're doing?"

"How dare you, Antonio!" Bruce sneered, his jaws shaking. "How dare you talk to me like that in front of Travis? What was my crime, huh? Is defending what's mine a crime now? You're my husband and..."

"Let go of my shirt!" Antonio said in between clenched teeth, trying to contain his anger. "Right now."

An evil grin appeared on Travis as he watched the two fighting. He hadn't planned on causing a fight but since it had started, he had no choice but to watch happily with his arms folded.

"No!" Bruce shook his head. "You're being unfair!"

"I said get off!" Antonio pulled his shirt furiously from Bruce's grip. "What the fuck do you think of me? Do you think I am such a man whore that I can easily be seduced by anyone? Do you think I am a sex freak that can be seduced by anyone? I can't believe you think of me like that, my own husband. Wow!" He clapped angrily, surprising the guy. "What a husband you turned out to be."

"Guys, please, let's calm down and..."

"Calm down!" Antonio snapped, glancing at his friend. "I have been calm this entire time. But what the whole point of talking to someone that doesn't even trust you. It's a waste of time." He got closer to Bruce, looking into his teary eyes. "Now you listen to me, I don't give a fuck about what kind of man you think I am but please, keep it yourself. I have tolerated enough from you already. I followed you to this freaking resort to make you happy and show you that I loved you but it looks like I wasted my time."

He shook his head angrily and stormed out of there with Ethan following behind, trying to make him understand. Bruce was left alone with tears on his face, wondering what had just happened. Antonio had just shouted at him right in front of their enemy. It was really painful and Bruce cried softly.

He slowly looked in the direction of Travis and saw that mocking smile on his face. He could tell the boy was satisfied with what had happened. Bruce furiously rubbed his tears and rushed to Travis, pointing his shaky finger at him.

"Don't think that you've achieved anything by this." He warned, his voice sounding like a storm. "I will get you for this, Travis. Mark my words, you'll pay for this humiliation. If I were you, I would be scared because you've just woken a monster inside and this monster... will destroy you. I promise you this, Travis!"

He stormed out of there with more tears flooding his face.

Travis chuckled in mock. "You had made me feel the same pain in the past, Bruce. You and Andrea. You had hurt me, mocked me and later destroyed me along with Antonio." His face got stern as memories of his past filled his head. "Now wait and watch how I destroy you. I will make you feel every pain I felt years ago." He vowed.

"I swear! You'll feel every bit of it!"

An evil grin appeared on Travis' face as he walked out of there, laughing sinisterly.

What has he got planned next?


Thanks for coming to the end of the second chapter. Please, don't forget to drop your comments and rates as well guys. This just shows me that you guys are really hooked and looking forward to more and I shall give you more. That is my promise. Thank you so much once again for the love you've got for this story. I promise that the next chapter will blow you away.

The theme songs are, "The light is coming," by Ariana Grande ft Nicki Minaj, "Yummy," by Justin Bieber, "7 rings," by Ariana Grande, "Take a bow," by Rihanna and "Bodak Yellow," by Cardi B.

Chapter 6 will drop very soon.

Feel the passion...

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naughtymattynaughtymattyabout 4 years ago

Exactly anonymous guy who said no to Trav and Antonio going back together. Antonio is just the biggest asshole in the story. While Emma, Bruce and Andrea are the hypocrites.

And when Ethan reminded Antonio that 'if' Praveen cheated, Antonio did it as well with Bruce. That makes 4 hypocrites. Great one! The fucker had it coming. And that makes 4 hypocrites. Antonio is so all over the place and he deserved it, HE DOES.

Great chapter! I'm excited for what's next.

SweetwaterlordSweetwaterlordabout 4 years ago
I hope

Good chapters. Thank you, was dying for some more...sigh...please finish up this story! Haha...updating is annoying and so slow hahaha but still. Great one.

I can understand why Travis seem to be weak around Antonio whenever he do stuff like that but I hope..and this should how be in reality...I hope Travis will slowly regain and redevelop callous in his heart to no longer allow himself being weak whenever Antonio being physical and sexually harassing him...I want see Travis teach him a lesson by not to touch him again or forcing kisses n etc. Really...he's going rape him just because...sure heck hope it doesn't end up like that and I want see Travis regain control around him.

I agree with some other commenters about Travis finding someone esle...not going back to him....it's totally unfair and cruel end result even if Antonio found out whole truths...still be does not deserve him at all. Travis deserved a true and proper love not controlling freak and hypocrite bastard to think fact that so call Travis cheat on him is not okay when he think for himself to cheating on Travis is okay instead and act like Travis is a property and not that should be under him by his own demands and all rights. Fact he think Travis should loving him regardless what he done to him is. I sure heck hope that Travis having a husband already somewhere and treat him like truly Prince than what Antonio treat him.

Good chapter! Hurry up gimme chapter 6 and 7 and rest of them!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Great but

Please don't end the story with Antonio and Praveen getting back together. Make Praveen/Travis find love somewhere else. After everything he's been through he shouldn't end up with them again.

OnimOnimabout 4 years ago

Waiting for Travis to slap the crap out of this entire narcissistic family and move on...maybe find solace with Ethan, since he seems to be the only one associated with them that's not psychotic! Great chapter...awesome story!!

AKA983AKA983about 4 years ago

Ah Bruce get for his money And Antonio 😂

I trust you You Van

Till next

Love you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I agree can't wait for Antonio to find out about Sean

and looking forward to Andrea and Bruce being totally crushed

by Travis/Praveen

Like most of the world New Zealand is also under isolation PLEASE hurry with

the next chapter❤

Kiwi Fan

josranvictorjosranvictorabout 4 years ago
Cant wait Van

This is the best Easter gift......plz give me of this though the end of this chapter was the best so farrrrr hahahahaha i cant stop laughing😁😁😁😁😆😆😆😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣😚😚😚😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😉😉😉 theme song..........this is what's came for-rihanna

Needed me-rihanna

Mirror-justine Timberlake

Monster-rihanna and eminem

josranvictorjosranvictorabout 4 years ago
Actually Bruce's state is deserving sympathy hahahaha😁😁😁😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

when will he stop humiliating himself???????😆😆😆😆he wanted to grab Travis and ended up plunging himself in de pool hohohihihi yessssssssssssssssss.....how Ant INSULTED HIM INFRONT OF US HAHAHA oh Bruce dear feel it baby hahaha...how Prav laughed at him.....God how did Ethan do it,i mean turning them so fast like that hahahaha POOR BRUCE,JUST USE A DILDO COZ NOW WE HAVE THE GUYYYYYYYYYY

josranvictorjosranvictorabout 4 years ago
The getaway

Hahaha that hot Romano guy,huuummmmmmmm,hey italian communicated hihihihihi I swear those fools almost died.....Travis has shares in it hohohoho no way these are gonna shave us off......haha i thought Vanessa wud meet Celine in the park but it turned out to be Travis coming to the getaway hahaha to distort them alllllll hihihihihi am in love with this i swear Antonio almost died high so Gooooodddddd,keep seeing ur other self in mirrors as we drive u crazy with our.......high i love,Antonio

josranvictorjosranvictorabout 4 years ago
Granny has been taken....

I enjoyed Ant's face when all this happened,...hehe when he knew that Prav is the savior hahaha...how he cudnt do anything about their departure hahaha...he has to admit that we make him weakkkkk.....yesWE RULE THOSE FOOOLSSSSSS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA am so evil now hehe😆😆😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣🤣...i liked how Trav dealt with Emily at the company,God i was like plz dont insult her and yeah my prayers were had,...Travis made it. Moderate....BTW these people are foolish,,if they knew that prav was humble and wudnt be insulting them like Travis,y do they still accuse him???? FOOLISHHHHH

josranvictorjosranvictorabout 4 years ago

I was for so long waiting for this..yes for some one to stand out for Emilia..gosh fuck yeah,why not???? I mean they were all hurt including her too😑😑😑😑 but all those insults from Emma were getting on our nerves...hey what i mean is Eduardo was among our hero's today,..yes Emma had to shut,God that shit lady really cant shut up and am sure she killed Ant's father....eeehhhhh haaaa let's be ready am sure she killed him...my boy Ed thank u so much for putting that slut in her position👏👏👏👏

josranvictorjosranvictorabout 4 years ago
Starting with page 1,hahahahaha

Fuck...Antonio z going to go crazy trust me..Travis is killing the man he z lusting over him but he z so angry to notice...did u see how they fell on to the floor????? Hehehehe mmmmmmmm i swear one day Ant will decide to rape Travis...i wonder why he was happy when he looked into Travis' eyes when they were on the floor heeehehe their chemistry is undeniable though Ant is denying it....hehe we have the man now Bruce go fuck your self

josranvictorjosranvictorabout 4 years ago
STINKINGLY THE BEST AUTHOR 😁😁😁😆😆😆😗😗😗all credit to you Van

Damn,i saw the submission when i was still at work and got me all rushing to read it hihihihi,, now here am satisfied,lets go

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Can’t wait for the next chapter. Hope Travis gets his revenge and Antonio finally realises what a wasteful 6 years he spent.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
This story sucks the life out of you. Its not erotic, its just torture for the reader! It never ends on and on!

Its good to see Travis has turned the tables some! But how many more chapters of this misery can one tolerate. Revenge, Hate, all this anger, it just sucks the life out of everyone involved.

Maybe with all his power, money and influence Travis could focus on investigating the set up from Bruce and Andrea! If he could bring that out into the open quickly, and give proof to the family, all the rest of this torment would play itself out. Bruce, Andrea, and Emma would get what they deserve and have coming without destroying all of the innocent other family members. Bring it to some kind of a conclusion for all of the readers! Its like a gory horrible car crash you just can't seem to look away from!!! Just way to much darkness for me!!

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