Recurring Collisions


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A 250-dollar hot, wet kiss from her was definitely worth it. I smiled dumbly in satisfaction when she separated. She winked quickly before she went back to line up her shot again.

She bent over and this time, I stood still at my place against the couch to admire her wagging ass in her figure-hugging dress.

Rick came close to me, sipping at his drink. "Your girlfriend's got balls."

"That she does, Rick. You have no idea."

He looked supremely confused at my comment. She took her shot, and pocketed her first ball.

"Yay!" She jumped up and down, and I chuckled at her enthusiasm.

Even more people started to trickle into the game room, starting to get tired of dancing for hours. Jesse and Ashley came to stand next to me.

"What's going on?"

"Suzie is playing pool with Rick. There's about 550 on the table."



"Can she play?"

"I don't think so." I took a sip of my whiskey.

He stared at me in bewilderment, and I shrugged in response.

She lined up another shot, pocketing it too.

I clapped. "Good job, Suz!"

"Thank you, darling! You are a very good teacher!" She bent to take another shot, and pocketed two this time, one going deftly behind a solid of Rick's to get it.

I was starting to get the gist, and sipped calmly at my drink.

Rick went over to his wife at one point, and started chatting with her.

I approached Suzie so she wouldn't be bored by Rick's sudden inattention. She pocketed another ball then downed the rest of her drink.

"Another drink?" I asked casually.

She stood close in front of me, and leaned on her pool cue, playfully as she chalked it.

"Ooh! Yes! I'm kind of in the mood for, like, a mule though. Can I have vodka if I've been having whiskey all night?"

"You can do whatever you want, darling--apparently." My eyes traveled over the dwindling stripes.

She giggled.

"But I can make you an Irish mule, if you want, with that yummy scotch Jess bought."

"Sold!" She went back to lining up the next shot.

I glanced at Rick to see him standing with crossed arms and a sour face.

I chuckled as I squeezed limes for her drink in the kitchen. I'm sure Mr. Junior Partner can afford a teeny tiny little bet.

I came back to see her make an impossible shot from one side of the table to the other end.

"Here you go."

She sipped at it and hummed appreciatively. "Yum."

I gulped. If I thought I wanted her before, I was sorely mistaken. Now I wanted to haul her onto the velvet table then fuck her with my fingers in front of all these people until her arousal stained the soft green surface.

She must've seen something in my eyes because she raised an eyebrow, mischievously.

She handed back her drink so I held it dutifully, sipping at it too.

She finally pocketed the 8-ball and hugged me.

She took the money back out, and offered the $46 to him.

"We'd owe you a bit, but better a bird in the hand, right?"

He pursed his lips, and looked down at her hand. "Keep it. That was a hell of a run."

"Thank you!" She slipped the money back in my pocket.

"Where did you learn to play like that?" Jesse asked.

"Oh! My dad's been a member of APA for a long time and won a few championships. He taught me."

I nodded in appreciation.

Rick glowered at me.

"Dude! I didn't know! You're the one that assumed. And you know what they say about people who assume..." I gripped Suzie to my side.

"They get hustled at pool?" She giggled.


There were a few chuckles around the room.

"All right. All y'all get out of my house. I've gotta clean up all the mess you made." Jesse called out.

Everyone congratulated Suzie on her excellent billiard skills, and (I assumed privately) on taking Prick Rick down a notch.

It was almost one when the last few people trickled out. While I tried to drag Suzie into bed, she wouldn't have it. She insisted on helping clean up everything with Jesse and Ashley.

"That was the best thing I've ever seen Suz! We've always wanted to punch that douche in the face but never had a valid reason to. He was pompous but never exactly evil."

"Hm. I could kind of tell."

"How though?" I finally asked.

"Oh, darling, you did pretty well keeping your cool, but I could tell you were almost at your limit."

I nodded in agreement.

"Alleviating him of 300 dollars is definitely a lovely feeling! Cheers!" Jesse raised a jug of rum and trickled the last few drops down his mouth.

"Why was Prick Rick even here then?" I held the trash bag open for him, and he dumped the now-empty jug in it.

"Oh, he heard there was a party through the grapevine and couldn't help but invite himself, I guess."

I hummed in response then went to go toss the trash in the dumpster.

"Thank you for hosting, Jesse! That was fun!"

"You're welcome dear! I'm happy we could finish the weekend with a bang. What time are you guys leaving tomorrow? Could we convince you to stay one more day?" Jesse clasped his hands together and targeted Suzie with his puppy dog eyes.

I could tell she almost broke but shook her head.

"I can't, Jess. I'm sorry."

"Aw, okay. Well, good night, both of you. I love you both so much. We can make plans later to go to dinner or something."

"Sounds great."

"But only after! After you've had your first date!" He clapped in delight and twirled around, making me roll my eyes at his exuberance

We all hugged goodnight.

I collapsed on the bed in exhaustion. I heard her heels thump on the floor as if from far away.

I rubbed at my eyes. Geez, it was almost three AM.

She crawled up and straddled me, resting her center on my pelvis. Her dress rode up to give me a full view of her black lace panties. I sat up on my elbows as my blood rushed in my veins. My tiredness fluttered away immediately.

"You were so sexy today, hustling that douche." I sat up then caressed her soft thighs.

"Why?" She started to unbutton my shirt.

"What do you mean 'why?' Because you schooled him. You're so very talented. Also, you were bending over in front of me."


"Maybe you could teach me."

"I'd love to give you private classes."


She took my clothes off, leaving my chest bare.

I laid down and luxuriated in the touch of her soft hands. She grazed my nipples then circled my bellybutton.

She was mapping my body with the pads of her fingers, and it felt wonderful.

I took handfuls of her thighs and squeezed, pulling her up my body.

"Oh, geez. Mor--I--it doesn't hurt you?"

"I would enjoy it so much, darling. It's fun, I promise."

She shuffled up my body until her wet panties were hovering over my face.

I ran my palm back and forth over her center, and she started to follow it in response.

Taking both hands, I held the material to rip it cleanly down the middle and expose her pussy. She gasped in response then bit her lip to quiet herself.

I pulled at her, desperate to taste her again.

My tongue met her cleft, and I licked her firmly.

"Oh, fuck." She was already breathless.

She gripped the headboard, and clenched her center and ass in violent arousal as I focused on her clit. It became harder and larger with my attention.

I could live off her high pitched whimpers and gasps. As much as I loved laughing with her and listening to the crazy thoughts in her head, this was quickly becoming a firm favorite. The wild unraveling of her mind as she gave in to the pleasure.

Eventually she became impatient with my slow worship, and gripped my head beneath her, letting out needy whimpers.

I could feel her hips begin to shake with her self-restraint as she tried not to hump my face. I so wished she would. I closed my mouth over her clit and sucked softly, humming my enjoyment loudly.

Her hips bucked. "Shit--sorry. I--god, that's good."

I hummed in powerful waves, slowly sucking harder and harder. When I felt she couldn't take it anymore I added friction with my tongue to her clit.

"Ohh! Yes! Please! Wanna come--"

I pressed her ass into my face harshly then moved my mouth around her in slow circles as I sucked..

Her hips vibrated in her orgasm, and she didn't have strength enough to float over me anymore, dropping heavily onto my face.

"Sorry, Mor!" She vaulted off me without letting me bring her down properly.

I followed her to mouth at her chest, pulling the hem down and laving her nipple. She jumped extra hard in her aftershocks and her hips were still going.

"Better than porn." She slurred.

I frowned. "I should hope so." I said quietly, and she chuckled hoarsely.

"No, I meant it was better than I imagined."

"Oh, cool." I was feeling pretty smug then and was starting to think some more filthy thoughts about her. I was getting massively addicted to making her come and I worried for future me, when I needed to work or meet with someone other than her. How was I supposed to focus on anything other than her heat and silky arousal from now on? I was doomed to float in a self-inflicted fields of Asphodel where I would just live in constant arousal and would just wait for her to free my soul.

"Pull strings and I'll wink at you. I'm your puppet." I quoted quietly while I pushed her dress up.

"Is that a song?"

"Yeah." I took a second to put it on my phone. "I thought it was fitting because you're officially in control. You're my puppeteer, and I welcome the strings."

"You're so dramatic."

"Yeah, Maybe." I smiled lopsidedly down at her.

"You ripped my panties."

"Yikes. Yeah. I did, huh? It seemed--expedient at the time."

She chuckled.

"Take it out of the $300 I made today."

"That you made? I was the one that did all the work."

"But I put the capital down."

"Fine, fifty-fifty, minus eighty-five for the lingerie you ruined."

"Eighty-five dollars! For that tiny strip of lace?"

"They were French."

"Jesus, Suz."

"If you liked them, you should see my Kiki black bodysuit. That one was 400."

"Oh god." I thumped my head down onto the matress next to her face. "With my advance, could we just go shopping for more of your fancy underwear? We can stock up for the year maybe."

She giggled. "Sure, when you get it."

"I got it." I leaned up to look in her eyes.


"Yeah, I got the email during the party. Sully sent over a PDF of the contract and the details. It's practically a done deal. I just have to sign."

"Mor! You should have told us!"

"Yeah, but I wanted to get you in bed faster. We can tell Jess tomorrow."

She laughed and pulled me down to lie on her, hugging me fiercely. "Are you happy?"

"My heart's going to explode."

She spluttered out a tiny laugh. "That doesn't sound comfortable."

"It's not."

She raised an eyebrow.

"I'm fucking terrified. Of everything."

She breathed deeply then kissed me.

"Okay. That helps. That's much better."

She smiled so warm. Her dimples deep in her cheeks. Staring in my eyes like if she knew everything that was churning in my crazy brain.

"You're going to be okay." She said firmly.

"Okay." I laid on her chest, and let her heartbeat calm my erratic heart down.

I woke up the next morning clutched to her, and she was snoring, clutching me just as fiercely back in her sleep.

I smiled. Geez. She was perfect. I was still worried I was dreaming and would wake up dissappointed that it was all in my head.

In the months that followed, it turned out "making up for lost time" was never-ending. We eventually found a groove that allowed us to continue living our lives but also attacking each other and making love as much as possible.

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JS60007JS6000710 months ago

I love how you brought them together. They are hot hot hot. My only criticism is the year bit. 1 month or 6 weeks would be better. A year is too long. However it's only a small bit that stands out against the rest of a beautiful erotic story.

ComingUpSmellingLikeRosesComingUpSmellingLikeRoses11 months ago

Good job on this one! I especially liked when Suzie came on to her, finally! ;)

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

No joke, this (and by this I mean not just this amazing supernovae of a chapter, but the whole series) might be the greatest work on this site. 6/5 Stars.

You’ve got unbelievable talent for character. They’re ***real*** — Anna Karenina is the only other work of fiction I’ve come across with such convincing characters.

For the love of god, please keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This series tops Piper and Lena! lolll I love the little details, the harsh sniffs lol the tub hand-kissing (aww), the "I've always been yours" teardrop, Mor's little insecurity freakouts, Jesse's high-pitched "no" lol looking forward to the next!! Hope it includes a bit more peek into Suzie's internal monologue that eventually made her take the plunge.

proseinagardenproseinagarden11 months agoAuthor

@revan13! I respect you so much for your KOTOR reference. *sigh* brings back such nice memories of the PC game. thanks for your comment

revan13revan1311 months ago

I love this collection so much, i cant say how many times i reread them. I love these so much! <3

MigbirdMigbird11 months ago

Escalating relationship is understatement and first line: “… my best friend/crush/landlord became more than comfortable with me…” — seriously. You continue to develop/explore two uniquely interesting characters and their romantic relationship, and this piece is so rich, poignant, wonderfully erotic. OK, way more than wonderful, but cannot put sex aside because in well crafted erotic fiction sex tells the story without which … “Want anything else?” Your fiction is so well crafted/so creative in part because you are enjoying this as much as we are. By the way, the billiard scene with Rick — spot on and revealing. Love what you are doing.

toesucker1toesucker111 months ago

"Better than porn." Such a great chapter.

The slow leadup with Suz teasing Mor was just melting my brain.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

How can you not fall in love with these two?? Another great installment. Thanks!

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